Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Lol what did you go though???

    That's enough WTF for one day... ;-;

  • Good thing I will forget it soon enough...

    Listens to Busy Earnin'...

    Sorry, my brain stopped working for a while... you were saying...?

    And it's not even 9am either

  • Welp. Now I want to listen to more songs from Jungle. They're all so chill

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good thing I will forget it soon enough... Listens to Busy Earnin'... Sorry, my brain stopped working for a while... you were saying...?

  • Wolf's GIF ;_;

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Lol what did you go though???

  • Yeah, I'm gonna listen all the songs from Jungle. But for now, I'm gonna listen all the Borderlands songs :}

    Kiss the Sky plays next...

    Keep fighting till the end, and past the end you will be strong... Um... whoops xd

    Welp. Now I want to listen to more songs from Jungle. They're all so chill

  • Lol If the Night's Watch could see that......

    It's ok buddy ~pats Shadow on the back~

    Wolf's GIF ;_;

  • Ok this is quite what I had in mind, when I first started this thing. It was suppose to be a happy fluffy Christmas story. I am going to make a part two and have it up on Christmas Eve. I hope you enjoy it

    Rhys stares though the window, at the various items in the store, hoping that one of this would be the gift. Yet as luck would have it, not one would do. "DAMMIT, why does this have to be so hard" Rhys thought to himself both worried and angry. Rhys looks to his right where Vaughn was standing and shakes his head. Vaughn, he knew was starting to get impatient having waited two hours for him to pick a gift out for Fiona.

    "Rhys, there is a ONE HUNDRED stores here, how have you not found one item for Fiona yet for Christmas, and by God you have better have spend this much time on my gift, for making me wait this damn long."

    " Ha-ha, sorry buddy, but its got to be perfect for her. I am in love with her." Rhys tried to give Vaughan a half hearted grin but couldn't quite do it. Yeah love is funny, had Vaughn, Sasha, even Athena and Janey's gift pick out in less then a minute, but when it came to Fiona nothing seemed quite good enough.

    " And yet you haven't told her, or anyone else for that matter, but me" Vaughn looked at Rhys with disappointment, and Rhys knew he had every right to be. Vaughn had been doing his damnest to get him to tell her, but the apprehension of being rejected was more overpowering then any fear he has ever felt.

    "I know, buddy. I don't know how to tell her. Without sounding like a jackass." It wasn't quite a lie but its been the excuse he had been using since he told Vaughn. They began walking past more of the shops, without much success.

    "Rhys, you're my best frined and my bro, but if you don't tell her you'll spend the rest of your life regreting it. Living with a bunch of what ifs and quite possibly jealousy when some one does tell her. The worst thing she can say to you is she just sees you as a friend, yeah it will suck, but at least you'll know." Vaughn sighed then spoke one last word of encourgement with a grin "Whenever your ready, I'll help you in what ever way I can."

    "Thanks Vaughn, your right, I'll try to tell her at the party at August and Sasha's place, on Christmas Eve."
    Then maybe a Christmas mircle would happen, and the answer would be yes. Vaughn stopped at a kiosks to get some food. While Rhys drifted around the shop windows looking for the gift. As if a wall had been placed in front of him Rhys suddenly stopped, Staring at an item in the window. He had found it.

    A week had gone by and the air was starting to chill. By morning the ground would be covered in snow. Christmas Eve had came, the feared day was upon him. Rhys talked to Vaughn everyday about it. Yet, he was still unsure of himself. Terror had won out over love and stunk it's ugly fangs deep in Rhys's heart. Rhys decided to call the whole thing off.

    " I can't do it Vaughn, just I can't. The plan isn't going to work. I can't take her rejecting me. I just won't go, you can tell them I'm sick, or something." The panic was overwelming. He started breaking out in a cold sweat and and shaking.

    "Rhys calm down, everything will be fine, just have some faith in yourself. You're great guy and you care for her, things will work out fine, trust me." The same words Vaughn has repeated to him everyday over the week. Yet, they did little comfort. So much could go wrong.

    "What if it doesn't Vaughn. She is everything I want in this life." His voice was starting to crack under the stress of his panic. The weight of his fear drowning him in his panic.

    " Rhys, I promise you, IT WILL BE FINE. Get ready and if you're not there, I'll have August and Loader Bot drag you here. See ya in an hour, I'll get there early and get Fiona away from everyone, so you can talk to her when you're ready." With that last word Vaughn hung up.

    Rhys just stood there, his eyes fixed on the wall in front of him. His mind racing from thoughts from joy and rejection. Slowly his fear turned to anger, towards Vaughn for forcing him to do this, Fiona for being prefect in everything he thinks of her in his mind, but mostly at himself for his cowardice. He grabbed the first thing he could find and threw it towards the wall with all his might.

    "DAMMIT" the loud sound of shaddered glass hitting the wall and falling to the floor echoed his voice. Left with little choice, Rhys took a hot shower, shaved, and got dressed. His anger was fueling his courage, He wanted to tell her his every feeling for her. How when, he would stare into her bright green eyes, he would become lost in their radiance. How he would do anything in his power just for the sight of her smile.

    Rhys knew he had to do it. He was tired of living in fear and admiring her in secret, all because he was a coward. He walked over to the freezer and took out a bottle of whiskey, and took a long hit. The feeling of the whiskey burning down put him in a state of focus and serenity. He then grabbed the gifts and walked out of the door, his confidence unchecked, and the way he felt right now, nothing was going to stop him.

  • but... but...

    That's enough WTF for one day... ;-;

  • What was the gift though... you never told. And it means - the sequel, please :)

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Ok this is quite what I had in mind, when I first started this thing. It was suppose to be a happy fluffy Christmas story. I am going to mak

  • No butts, Wolf... .^.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but... but...

  • I wish others knew that the Borderlands version of Christmas is called Mercenary Day

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Ok this is quite what I had in mind, when I first started this thing. It was suppose to be a happy fluffy Christmas story. I am going to mak

  • Okay.....I'd planned to stay away from here until finals are over, but....


    So I had to show up, at least for this.

    It's awesome to see how much you've improved even since writing your first little fic! Seriously!

    Vaughn is a true bro:

    Get ready and if you're not there, I'll have August and Loader Bot drag you

    Also, lol at Rhys and his liquid confidence. Don't let that whiskey get you into anything you'll regret, Rhysie...

    Bravo at another wonderful fic, Kenny! I'm looking forward to Part Two!!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Ok this is quite what I had in mind, when I first started this thing. It was suppose to be a happy fluffy Christmas story. I am going to mak

  • Aww, cut him some slack, bruh. We can substitute it easily enough in our heads.

    I wish others knew that the Borderlands version of Christmas is called Mercenary Day

  • Yeah, I know. I didn't mean to ruin it or anything if that's what some may have gotten out of that.

    Aww, cut him some slack, bruh. We can substitute it easily enough in our heads.

  • It will be in part two.....I did that on purpose, saving it to the end.

    Mawula posted: »

    What was the gift though... you never told. And it means - the sequel, please

  • I'm aware, just was doing it as a pure Christmas thing that's all.

    I wish others knew that the Borderlands version of Christmas is called Mercenary Day

  • edited December 2015

    Yeah was bored over the last two nights so I spent quite a bit of time on it and got it finished this morning. Well thanks told you I was going to double me effort on it.


    Okay.....I'd planned to stay away from here until finals are over, but.... YOU POSTED THE CHRISTMAS THING. So I had to show up, at lea

  • stay away

    I hope that doesn't include the rp?

    Okay.....I'd planned to stay away from here until finals are over, but.... YOU POSTED THE CHRISTMAS THING. So I had to show up, at lea

  • Now I need to get my ass in gear and finish mine!

    You did an awesome job with it! I'm glad you doubled the effort! :)

    THANK YOU. First one's at 1 this afternoon. -deep breath- Need to keep studying cramming...

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Yeah was bored over the last two nights so I spent quite a bit of time on it and got it finished this morning. Well thanks told you I was going to double me effort on it. Also, GOOD LUCK ON THOSE FINALS DARLING.

  • Nope! I'll be all done with finals by then! :D

    But....my sister will be coming home and I might be busy with holiday stuff... I will do my best to be there for the RP, even if I have to hear my mother nagging me to "PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY."

    Mawula posted: »

    stay away I hope that doesn't include the rp?

  • Finals first sweetheart, even if I got to wait to read yours. You got this I know you do. :)

    Now I need to get my ass in gear and finish mine! You did an awesome job with it! I'm glad you doubled the effort! THANK YOU. First one's at 1 this afternoon. -deep breath- Need to keep studying cramming...

  • dont add an extra t thx

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    No butts, Wolf... .^.

  • Too late. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    fucking fuckity fuck fuckers in a fuckwagon - ABigBadWolf 2k15

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    dont add an extra t thx

  • Ah, the advantages of being old :) noone tells me that. And for the rp I will probably stay awake till 3am again.

    Nope! I'll be all done with finals by then! But....my sister will be coming home and I might be busy with holiday stuff... I will do my best to be there for the RP, even if I have to hear my mother nagging me to "PUT YOUR PHONE AWAY."

  • YEAH FOR US OLD PEOPLE ~highs fives~

    Mawula posted: »

    Ah, the advantages of being old noone tells me that. And for the rp I will probably stay awake till 3am again.

  • high five

    Kennybadger posted: »

    YEAH FOR US OLD PEOPLE ~highs fives~

  • Gortys is a precious little robot that needs to be protected at all costs.

    RickSanchez posted: »

    I loved this even though it was sad to read. Gortys is just too precious and innocent for the harsh realities of the world. </3

  • ;~; THAT GIF

    You monster, how dare you smile?! Thanks, glad you liked it...monster.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Seriously though..I feel so bad for smiling through this, nice job ;_;

  • Yo. Waves Not having the best day at the moment. Seems like a bunch of issues keep piling up. I hope you'll all doing better, cause you guys deserve to smile. :)

  • edited December 2015

    I'm sorry, your having a bad time. I know this isn't helpful, but when you have a bad day you just get to feel better when the good ones come up.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Yo. Waves Not having the best day at the moment. Seems like a bunch of issues keep piling up. I hope you'll all doing better, cause you guys deserve to smile.


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Too late. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ fucking fuckity fuck fuckers in a fuckwagon - ABigBadWolf 2k15

  • Hope everything turns out okay in the end, Kristi!

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Yo. Waves Not having the best day at the moment. Seems like a bunch of issues keep piling up. I hope you'll all doing better, cause you guys deserve to smile.

  • Because it's very funny :D

    Especially with the "fuckers in a fuckwagon" x3

    And why did you even say that in the first place? xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • you remember that but you don't remember the context?

    why ;-;

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Because it's very funny Especially with the "fuckers in a fuckwagon" x3 And why did you even say that in the first place? xD

  • you remember that but you don't remember the context?

    The... what? Did I miss anything?

    why ;-;

    Sometimes, my memory is good and sometimes, it is just fucked up, okay? ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    you remember that but you don't remember the context? why ;-;

  • those were some dark days

    pretend it never happened

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    you remember that but you don't remember the context? The... what? Did I miss anything? why ;-; Sometimes, my memory is good and sometimes, it is just fucked up, okay? ;-;

  • those were some dark days

    You remind me this:

    These are dark days, I fear. - Maester Ortengryn 2k15

    rip ;-;

    pretend it never happened

    Too bad I can't just pretend that it never happen LMAO

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    those were some dark days pretend it never happened

  • but why

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    those were some dark days You remind me this: These are dark days, I fear. - Maester Ortengryn 2k15 rip ;-; pretend it never happened Too bad I can't just pretend that it never happen LMAO

  • ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but why

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