BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 1 is easy then I am gonna play Episode 2 assembly required!!!!!!! #MinecraftStoryMode
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Episode 1 is easy then I am gonna play Episode 2 assembly required!!!!!!! #MinecraftStoryMode
Umm, okay then. Have fun.
Don't be an asshole guys. If he loves the game, he loves the game.
Well it is his opinion
Glad you're enjoying it! It gets better as it goes!
Remember people the first forum guideline is respect. There's no need to be rude.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game, have fun with it.
Glad your enjoying it! I am as well.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the game! I hope you enjoy Episodes 2 and 3 and you should know that Episode 4 is coming very soon.
OK seriously? I have no problem if someone likes this game even though I don't, but again seriously? Best game ever? I mean you got to be kidding. I can name hundreds of other games that are way better
Hard for people to remember when they likely never read them in the first place :P
That's ur opinion though, many other people think that this game is the best ever, including me!
I just can't comprehend logically how someone can think that unless they have either A: Never played a video game or B: haven't played many. I get it if someone likes the game I mean I guess I see the appeal, but calling it the best game ever is just crazy. Even calling it the best telltale game would be a big stretch
People so used to hashtags that they forget this is a forum.
Oh yes the greatest game to ever grace any system since mario......................... K
Awesome! It's nice to see you love the game, and maybe soon you can check out some of Telltale's other games!
Well that's not fair. I've played a ton of video games and I consider Silent Hill 2 to be the best game ever, which is an extremely unpopular opinion in some communities. Assuming he has played a bunch of other games, He has every right to call this game his favorite game and/or best game ever.
Due to the first forum guideline being respect, I tell you with the utmost respect that my opinion greatly differs from yours, and that I could name a great amount of electonric entertainment media more worthy of the title 'BEST GAME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
Didn't the mod literally just say not to be rude?
Is called being stupid. :P
I could find another gif if you want?
Not you everyone being rude lol:)
Some kids don't have acces to an Xbox one and a ps4 to buy fallout or battlefront, cough me cough cough just keep that in mind
I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's the best game ever but the best telltale game ever, it scrapes the roof of the title
thank you Gabriel_Warrior see you next time!!!! #BestGuyEver
Gabriel_Warrior will remember that
Cya too new pal
i say its best tt cause i only played it so far.
? Jesse1986 will remember this
excited to see what is in the portal for episode 6 why we have to prove we are not a bot every post though
i hope we get season 2 and 3 im excited to see hoe episode 6 will turn out what happens to lukas cause does not show him in ep 7 but still sad about the whole ruben thing
sorry about not saving you gabriel but i knew petra longer #bestbroever
Don't revive threads that no one has commented on for months
Find Jesus.
You do realize this thread was abandoned in December right?
Could you put a little less exclamation points in there?
Lol, I was gonna swim out of the tractor beam like Jesse always does, but the plot ended up bribing me to get sucked into the wither storm