Am I the only one who still ships Mira with Morgryn?
Since Morgryn was a total dick, he was the one who tried to kill us and wanted Ironrath, most of the ppl stopped shipping them. But for me, despite Morgryn's intentions I still like him for some odd reason, I chose Mira marries Morgryn in my game and I still wanted him and Mira together, even though they will undergo some terrible marriage later.
Okay not exactly marrying Morygryn for that reason, I also thought about Tom working for others (he admitted it when I tried to provoke him in ep 3), he gets killed so that 1 problem gets taken care of. But you know what I mean, I still ship Mira X Morgryn for the most part and chose to marry.
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I'm sure there still are those who ship it. I don't but I won't judge you for shipping it.
yup but I won't judge
That would be necrophilia in my playthrough...
Whoever still ships them cant like Mira very much.
He roped me in too. Ahh! I was actually happy to see that guy.
I held out hope until he walked into the cell, thought he might help me escape...
Yeah, he said he came to talk so I didnt attack him, but then he started talking about getting married and Im just here like
Enjoy watching mira being used as a baby maker then
Until he gets tired of her and has her killed anyway.
The only reason anyone would ship Mira with that gross creep is because they hate Mira. Honestly, maybe it's a bit over-the-top how Morgryn was suddenly a villain, but damn if they didn't make him as slimy and creepy as possible. Mira deserves better, and death is WAY better than Morgryn.
I dont know what looked sadder: seeing her head chopped off or watching her slink off behind Morgryn with her spirit totally broken.
Die spitting in his face and shouting IRON FROM ICE is lot better. For me at least.
Yes, I think you are. You felt OK with killing Tom because he was serving someone else by helping you survive?
I agree with everyone here that Mira deserves way better, even if that meant death. I actually ship Podrick and Mira, but I would rather have Lyman and Mira to that slimy creep.
I did want to tell him that he can't be sure that Rodrik will lose, and in that case I will sing Morgryn's praises to Rodrik (and also his slime). But TellTale had other ideas.
or haven't played ep6 yet.
When did Podrick get into the act? Lol
Whoever thinks Mira X Morgryn is a good idea thinks Joffrey & Sansa make a good couple. And whoever thinks THAT hasnt been paying attention.
lol what? but anyways, about tom serving someone, we dont exactly know if hes doing it to helping us or being a threat to us, we cant simply tell by appearances and think that they r friends. like the traitor in rodrik's story (bad example), hes been serving left and right and turns out hes the traitor and is the cause of ironrath's fall. and also jefferson from lis, who is an innocent teacher, then boom, turns out to be a psychopathic photographer who drugs girls as subjects. tom could also be one of them but its just not revealed yet, once hes killed, this problem (possible) will be gone at least, better to play safe. :-P
Or Mira could kill him in his sleep.
Lol! He didn't unfortunately, it's just that he seems like a more loyal and stronger version of Lyman. He needed to get out of King's Landing, so I think in another universe, he and Mira should escape together.
Well he did risk his own neck for us multiple times, but at this moment whoever he's serving wants us alive. The mere fact that he's serving another is no reason to lie and get him executed, is it?
well in that case i think this explains more of why i would choose to marry lol, do whatever it takes to survive as mira, even if means sacrificing others, thats what the person wants anyway, they wanted her alive, and if tom's gone, that person would hopefully understand :P
that would also explain why a coal boy would help us, a servant with low status is the least to loose for the person whom he's been working for
Yes, Mira would be alive but for what? To be a prisoner and have Morgryn's children while he steals everything from her family? Because the Forresters will be getting none of that Ironwood.
Killing an abusive and manipulative man is very different from killing the father of your childen. Say if Elissa hated Gregor, would it be easier or more difficult to kill him after he fathered her children?
If you think that's worth living, you go ahead, but like Ned Stark I wouldn't trade my honour for a few more years of nothingness.
Mira would have the chance to overcome this hardship by striking back at Morgryn one day, she could so easily cut his throat in his sleep and escape from this prison life. Besides, dying with honor means nothing to KL, you gain pride but then what? Another forrester is gone, there are fewer allies, its risky to use pride as a source of alliance
Stockholm much?
She already said she would try to slit his throat in his sleep and he said she would never get the chance. Knowing his own wife hates his guts, he would probably keep his distance, except for when he needs her.
Fuck Morgryn, one of the three reason I kept Mira alive was in hope that she slits that POS in his sleep.
yeah, like i would actually buy that, he's bluffing only to scare Mira, i dont believe him
Wrong. Joffrey and Sansa was crap because Joffrey was just a spoiled little brat... Ramsey and Sansa however, now that's a beautiful couple if I do say so myself.
I think Mira & Morgryn works, because of opportunistic possibilities on the horizon (my Mira has been a devious bitch, she's just getting some karma back).
I doubt he would bluff with his own miserable life on the line. Pllus he seems very quick with his fists. I can see him physically wearing her down to make her compliant. Mira is a strong girl but that kind of treatment would break anyone.
To second KCohere, that stunt will become so much more difficult if she were to have his children.
Dying with your honour and integrity may mean nothing to King's Landing but it means a load of stuff to others. A reason why many mountain clans and Norther houses join Stannis on his long, cold and difficult march to Winterfell is because they're helping (what they believe to be) Ned's daughter.
To me, that's worth more than living an empty shell of a life and hoping to get a slim chance in killing someone and escaping.
I still like it in some way. I get it, it´s messed up, it should be, and I know it is. But I am morbidly curious to see what comes out of their relationship if TellTale chooses to go on with the plot of them -In Season 2- actually getting married. ...And I actually want to see what would happen if they were to have children. I really hope they let you decide instead of just telling you she ran away (I mean, letting you go on with the marriage or just escaping, killing him, attempting to kill him, all that interesting stuff, because this was actually a pretty damn important choice to have at the end of her story arc). I just keep thinking of all the places they could go with this...
Cough...And they did seem to have chemistry before he was confirmed absolutely not trustworthy. Just saying.
I definitely think there should be more than one scene in season 2 where Morgryn shows up with a silent, submissive (and visibly pregnant) Mira if the player opted for the Marry Morgryn scenario. Yes, it's dark as hell, but it's still "rewarding" the player for his/her decision in a very twisted way.
"Like" is NOT the right word to use with Morgryn at all, but I'm intrigued by him as a GoT villain, and I really want to see more of this guy.
The Whitehills certainly ain't gonna just roll over and give Morgryn Ironrath even with Mira especially if Ludd is still breathing. This could be possible if a Whitehill is playable.
I'd rather see Ludd/Gryff executed by Ramsay for defective Ironwood products than being offed by Morgryn but it would still be interesting if it goes that way.
Some are hoping Mira will find a way to escape like Sansa did or be rescued but I'm not counting on it.
Morgryn is a cunning little reptile. My guess is that he'll (correctly) predict Ludd/Gryff will mismanage the Ironwood forests, just as Mira might have warned him (determinant dialogue), and a displeased Roose Bolton will send Torrhen in to execute his father/brother so he can assume command of Ironrath. Morgryn could then try to make an ally out of Torrhen, or plot to get him out of the way.
Hello Darkness, my old friend!
You're not the only one! I really love Mira and Morgryn so I didn't kill my Mira.. I think she has got great potential for becoming Darth Mirius 
"I still wanted him and Mira together, even though they will undergo some terrible marriage later"
You're either a troll or deranged.