When Your Lord Escapes Ironrath, Will The Whitehills Hunt Him Down?

When The Battle Of IronWrath Is Over, The WhiteHills Are Going To Go Looking For Rodrik/Asher's Body. If Ludd/Gryff Don't Find Your Lord, Lord Whitehill Will Definitely Send A Search Party Into The Grove To Look For Lord Forrester. This Way Lord Whitehill Will Have Proof For Ramsay That House Forrester Lost.


  • I believe that everyone (including House Forrester) will assume that the Lord is dead.

  • Which makes it easier for the remaining Forresters to bid their time, rebuild their strength and strike back. :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I believe that everyone (including House Forrester) will assume that the Lord is dead.

  • A good point but I don't see how they're gonna go about doing that.

    Which makes it easier for the remaining Forresters to bid their time, rebuild their strength and strike back.

  • I think with rebuilding it'll be mainly lord Glenmore they will look to for aid first and maybe contact Malcolm in essos to have daenerys help out with the rebuild. In all maybe we must see what happens in next season of tv show and can maybe guess from that where main in game tv show characters are to help the forresters.

  • We have Malcolm with Daenerys, Gared at the North Grove, Lord Forrester (so the bloodline can continue) and Talia and the Sentinel/Traitor/Gwyn, Beskha and Ryon (we really depend on this little guy) -- Mira is there too, but she's determinant.

    Now, I'm hoping we'll have Ryon as an adult or in an older age, and we'd have to rebuild everything so the new Forresters can born. Malcolm is the last Branfield, so he should be thinking of making that bloodline live (that sounded weird).

    I just thought of something. The Forresters could go to the North Grove, live their lives there, and they could harvest the ironwood trees over there. The Forresters still have a chance! Malcolm makes an alliance with the Daenerys as the Branfields did, Ryon makes sure the bloodline lives, and Gared keeps protecting the Grove. Well, I think I'll stop here.

  • edited December 2015

    The remaining Forresters will retreat to the North Grove.There they will be safe while the rest of Westeros being destroyed by White Walkers.Until finally Daenerys coming to save the day and everyone live happily ever after.

  • edited December 2015

    and everyone live happily ever after.

    enter link description here

  • Daenerys help ! the white walkers invaded westros

    Daenerys : kill every Lord and leader in Westros , and everything will be solved !

    Herodriver posted: »

    The remaining Forresters will retreat to the North Grove.There they will be safe while the rest of Westeros being destroyed by White Walkers.Until finally Daenerys coming to save the day and everyone live happily ever after.

  • I had Gared return to Ironrath, not stay in the north grove.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    We have Malcolm with Daenerys, Gared at the North Grove, Lord Forrester (so the bloodline can continue) and Talia and the Sentinel/Traitor/G

  • Then he'll change his mind and go back to the Grove.

    For real, Gared could find Lord Forrester and the others and bring them to the Grove, or something... Season 2 could have sooo many possibilities for each character.

    Yaya1314 posted: »

    I had Gared return to Ironrath, not stay in the north grove.

  • At the end of Episode 6, Ironrath can be shown in flames at the title screen. A burned corpse could be mistook for Asher/Rodrik.

  • They could form a new alliance with another House possibly, I feel like this is where Malcolm comes in with Daenarys' aid and perhaps even Mira might manage to convince Circe/Margaery/Tom's Boss/Sera if she marries to aid her if she escapes Morgryn.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    A good point but I don't see how they're gonna go about doing that.

  • I don't know why any House would accept an alliance with House Forrester unless the Forresters have something to offer. They literally have no power or influence left.

    prink34320 posted: »

    They could form a new alliance with another House possibly, I feel like this is where Malcolm comes in with Daenarys' aid and perhaps even Mira might manage to convince Circe/Margaery/Tom's Boss/Sera if she marries to aid her if she escapes Morgryn.

  • Although they still have Ironwood Trees and there's the North Grove, Marriages could also be influential.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't know why any House would accept an alliance with House Forrester unless the Forresters have something to offer. They literally have no power or influence left.

  • But they don't have the Ironwood. Either the Whitehills or Lord Morgryn have control of Ironrath and the Ironwood. And a marriage would only be influential if the Forresters had any power left.

    prink34320 posted: »

    Although they still have Ironwood Trees and there's the North Grove, Marriages could also be influential.

  • Maybe not an alliance, but aid? The Forrester have allies in the past. Maybe Rodrik/Asher can invoke past debts or oaths that the family own to the Forresters? Yes, the Forresters have no power or influence yet, but they might still be able to call upon the aid of other houses who owe them. And since the North regard honor in such a high regard, it is likely they will repay their debts.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't know why any House would accept an alliance with House Forrester unless the Forresters have something to offer. They literally have no power or influence left.

  • Might be just me but I can't see people aiding them with such a low chance of winning.

    Maybe not an alliance, but aid? The Forrester have allies in the past. Maybe Rodrik/Asher can invoke past debts or oaths that the family own

  • I was thinking more in line with taking them in as guest, nurse Rodrik/Asher wounds and maybe provide some money, but not helping them with fighting.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Might be just me but I can't see people aiding them with such a low chance of winning.

  • I can see that happening but not how it'll help long-term.

    I was thinking more in line with taking them in as guest, nurse Rodrik/Asher wounds and maybe provide some money, but not helping them with fighting.

  • They could still promise Ironwood after taking back House Forrester, it would make sense if another House declined of Ironwood would agree to aid them. Also, whose to say Elaena or Gwyn can't convince others to aid in their battle.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    But they don't have the Ironwood. Either the Whitehills or Lord Morgryn have control of Ironrath and the Ironwood. And a marriage would only be influential if the Forresters had any power left.

  • Ryon, yes proabably but Rodrik/Asher? Nah they'll assume he's dead

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