Episode 4 choices + opinions

edited December 2015 in Minecraft: Story Mode

Oh man. What an ending! But...REUBEN!!!! WHY TELLTALE?! Except the fact Reuben died, it was a good ending. :)
I don't have time to write a review, but man it was such a good episode! Loved it a lot!

My choices:

  • I let Lukas go find his friends.
  • I went back to warn everyone.
  • I built an diamond axe
  • I picked new armor
  • I let Gabriel tell the truth

And that wraps up the main story. And now to wait for the final episode. (Won't be the same without my Reuben!)


  • Brilliant! LOVED the hell out of it and I fucking cried. A minecraft game made me fucking cry! What the fuck, Telltale. I can't actually find anything wrong with the episode really. I guess the maze was a little tedious (I liked it...). That's it!

    enter image description here

  • This was a really good episode, I hope I get to keep my potion of leaping.

    enter image description here

  • I let Lukas go: His decision

    I didnt take the cake:

    Crafted a sword

    Chose new armour

    Made them tell the truth

  • enter image description here

    Kinda expected that the hoe will be least popular choice, but not THAT unpopular. :D

    Btw, I heard that Lukas can be part of the new Order too. Is that true?

  • You can convince him to stay with the group, and he will help in the fight against the Wither Storm, but he's not on stage with the rest of you.

    Pipas posted: »

    Kinda expected that the hoe will be least popular choice, but not THAT unpopular. Btw, I heard that Lukas can be part of the new Order too. Is that true?

  • Only 1.2% of people chose to make a diamond shovel.

  • The shovel is less. 1.2% chose it.

    Pipas posted: »

    Kinda expected that the hoe will be least popular choice, but not THAT unpopular. Btw, I heard that Lukas can be part of the new Order too. Is that true?

  • Ah, okay. He helped me at the end with Ocelots, I even said I couldn't do it without him. Was worried I messed up, I'd like to have him up there. :P

    You can convince him to stay with the group, and he will help in the fight against the Wither Storm, but he's not on stage with the rest of you.

  • Right, forgot about the showel. :D

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    The shovel is less. 1.2% chose it.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Here are my choices

    enter image description here

    I thought this was a good episode but it was sad when Reuben died :(

  • edited December 2015


    Now for the real review:
    That was a brilliant episode, the best so far, and that ending, DUDE, i literally cried (even having the spoiler from it.). I give it a 10/10. Man, what was most nostalgic on this Episode was THAT freaking lever i made on Episode ONE that i used later. Seriously, Telltale cared about a LEVER! And i'm glad that Petra didn't die, phew. And the battle versus the Command Block (Which somehow turned to be a final boss xD) was really epic. Now what most frustates me is... you know what? one who is guilty for doing Reuben die... sniff... uhmm sorry, the one who really was the villain that KILLED MY PIG is SOREN that made Ivor has that crazy plan about the Wither Storm, then Petra gave her a Wither Skull, then Axel/Jesse robbed that Fancy Potion, and a lot of other events occur later. Seriously, Ivor seemed to be the villain, but now we know that Soren was who made all this confusion, that coward! >:(

    My Choices (and My Brothers's)

    1. I insisted to Lukas go with us.
    2. My brother tried to take the cake (We really wanted to see how a Witch is on Minecraft: Story Mode because we would basically have an impression of how the Villager would look like on it.
    3. I crafted a Diamond Sword.
    4. I stayed with my old armor (I honored Ellegard's name)
    5. I let Gabriel tell the truth.

    R.I.P Reuben the Pig - Killed by Telltale Games

    1. I let Lukas go (I thought he'd hate me if I didn't)
    2. I snook into the hut and took the cake (we were hungry)
    3. I crafted a Diamond Shovel (I know, I know)
    4. I took new armour (specifically, dragon's-bane)
    5. I kept the truth a secret (which goes against everything I'd been working up to, but I saw those cheering crowds and... I just couldn't...)
    1. I let Lukas go
    2. I hurried back and warn everyone. atleast we got potatoes
    3. I crafted a Diamond Sword
    4. I took new armor (blue and white one, the one that nothing can penetrate)
    5. I kept the truth a secret

    Also, when Jesse said 'the most important thing is', i didnt choose 'we saved the world', i chose 'Reuben'. Simply Reuben. The crowd cheered for Reuben, and i felt happy because of that, after that depressing moment of course.

    Best episode to date, the episode explains plotholes like order of the stone. awesome battle scenes, telltale went deep with this episode.

  • [1] I let Lukas go.
    [2] I hurried back to warn everyone.
    [3] I crafted a Diamond Pickaxe
    [4] I took new armour (Star Shield)
    [5] I let Gabriel tell the truth.

    1. I let Lukas go after his friends
    2. I got the cake and am glad I did!
    3. I crafted a diamond sword bcoz it looks buff
    4. Took new armor, the purple onee
    5. I let Gabriel tell the truth xp
  • Let Lukas save his friends, Hurried back to warn everyone, diamond shove because it's cool, kept Magnus's armor, let Gabriel tell the truth.

    I am still not over a certain character's death and I never will, I cried like a baby. This episode was just... incredible, a rollercoaster of emotions and it totally felt like a season finale, I can't wait to play episode 5!

  • My extra choices:

    enter image description here

  • I built the flying machine, in honour of that girl who I killed back then.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    My extra choices:

  • I was actually surprised by that. I mean, it was the clear choice next to the Hoe (which I'll be using next playthrough).

    RhysAndLee posted: »

    Only 1.2% of people chose to make a diamond shovel.

  • Horsing Around: Took Petra.

    In Sickness and in Health: Petra stayed behind.

    Friendship Never Dies: Let Lukas go after his friends.

    Trouble Brewin': Heeded Ivor's advice.

    An A-Maze-Ing Display of Aptitude: Looked for another way around.

    Enchantment?: Shovel.

    Enchantment!: Honoured Magnus by keeping his armour.

    If You Build it.....: Rocket Mine cart.

    You Can't Handle the Truth!: Told the world the secret of The Order.

  • edited December 2015

  • You and 2.3% of players left on bad terms with Lukas
    You and 58.7% of players snuck inside the witch's hut
    You and 71% of players crafted a diamond sword
    You and 56.8% of players allowed Gabriel to tell the truth about the Order

    Cool,right ?

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