
edited December 2015 in Minecraft: Story Mode

Which one was your favorite, I picked the purple one it was unique and was different from the others


  • Blue and yellow bc blue is my fav color ya know.

  • I picked the purple one because I LOVEEE purple, it also looked cute and fabulous!! <33

  • I went with Magnus/Ellegards, to remember thier sacrifice.

  • edited December 2015

    I went with the snazzy redstone armor.

  • edited December 2015

    I prefer the one with honor, the one i was already with, from Ellegard, because she must be remembered and i love Redstone just as i like Ellegard.

  • I went with the Shield of Infinity armor (the blue and yellow one) because it reminded me of Smokescreen from Transformers Prime, who was my favorite character in the show.

  • uuuuh stayed with Magnus' armor because I gotta keep the respect going?

    Y'all taking cool new shiny armor over the person who died for you.

  • edited December 2015

    I went with the Shield of Infinity, thinking there might have been an opportunity to lend Elleguard's armor to Olivia. I was disappointed that the option wasn't there, but in the end I think Elle will be remembered either way. I should hope so, considering the role she played in all of this.

  • edited December 2015

    I chose the dead ender's armour it's sorta looks like Gabriel's armour and with my ultimate diamond sword, I have become the warrior of the order of the stone group, to be honest i have made Petra the leader but Gabriel does show leadership so I still am a bit of the leader too in my group

    Also I chose Magnus' armour but I like to think that his armour has new been buried with him

  • I went with the Star Shield.

  • I kept Ellegaard's armor to honor her memory. And I think it suits my Jesse. :P

  • I went with dragon's-bane because it goes with the enchanted shovel, which was my weapon.

    Otherwise I would've stayed with Ellegaard's.

  • Me, too

    I went with the Star Shield.

  • Same. Will never take that armor off! He died to give me his.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    uuuuh stayed with Magnus' armor because I gotta keep the respect going? Y'all taking cool new shiny armor over the person who died for you.

  • I know I should be honoring Ellegaard by wearing her armor, but I just couldn't resist those awesome looking armor that is calling to me...And I consider it as a more personal development for Jesse to let go of the Order's shadow and become his own hero.

    I chose Star Shield. It looks sooo beautiful...

  • I had to go with a new armor. The old one was a lie.

  • I cant remember which one I picked by name it was one of the bluer ones..

  • The purple armor, mostly cuz it's my fave color. :3

  • I had to stick with Magnus' armor. Respect yo.

  • I kept Ellegaard's armor to honor her memory.

  • Wasn't it the ender defender or is that one differrent

    I chose the dead ender's armour it's sorta looks like Gabriel's armour and with my ultimate diamond sword, I have become the warrior of the

  • Kept Magnus' armor.

  • I went with the yellow armor. Because yellow is my favorite colour, and it reminded me of Hyperion xD

  • I just realised the golden Goliath (the yellow one) would be the butter Goliath in sky's eyes

  • edited April 2016

    Chose the Ender Defender. It fits my enchanted sword.

  • On my Male Jesse route, I choose the Ender Defender (The cyan one) Because it's simple and fits with my enchanted diamond sword XD

    While on my Female Jesse route, I kept Ellegaard's armor even the story is all a lie. :)

  • I went with sword breaker

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