Episode 5 predictions

I think it is going to be a long trailer about next season and Reuben is going to come back when they find some sort of fountain of youth. #Reubs if you cry everytime


  • Nah. what's gonna happen is:
    If you still have Ellegaard, then she'll create a new Command Block, and respawn Reuben.
    Dunno xD

  • Reviving Reuben will just ruin their name. Like how they revived Kenny. (Even though I liked Kenny, it's still bullshit.)

  • I hope they revive Reuben I liked him

  • Revive Reuben and another adventure is the best things that Telltale can do now.
    R.I.P. Reuben (unnecesary death)

  • I've seen tv series reviving even more dead looking characters.

    Reviving Reuben will just ruin their name. Like how they revived Kenny. (Even though I liked Kenny, it's still bullshit.)

  • I really hope they don't revive him. It would cheapen it for me. I also think that Soren might become a bad guy (at least if you told the world about the order) since he wasn't there at the party, and he did abandon you and your friends to die. I hope I'm wrong, but It's the feeling I'm getting.

    Also, since one episode (unless it's really long) probably won't be enough to tell a satisfying new story, we'll most likely be facing a cliff-hanger/advertisement for season 2 ending.

  • I have that feeling too

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I really hope they don't revive him. It would cheapen it for me. I also think that Soren might become a bad guy (at least if you told the wo

  • I have that feeling too, but I really hope I am wrong. I liked Soren :/

    I would rather find out he retreated back to the End in shame instead.

    AdamGoodtme posted: »

    I really hope they don't revive him. It would cheapen it for me. I also think that Soren might become a bad guy (at least if you told the wo

  • Obviously, they will leave a cliffhanging ending like in every game, so there will be a possibility that in the future they can re-open the project and tell more about the adventures of the new order of the stone. But I don't think they are planning a season 2 very soon, there are a plenty of people that didn't like the game

  • My prediction is since the Ender Dragon is still alive (the command block effect looks more like /tp and not /kill), the New Order of the Stone is going hunt it. I could be wrong though, been awhile since I played the original minecraft.

  • I do have a theory that we can't be fighting any humans or a minecraft human, why? We'll see below

    When Ivor offers us any weapon let's say you craft a hoe, and you are battling a human with that how and you are blocking each other's weapons, you will probably block on tepee wrong side of the hoe just making it look stupid so the next epiosde or possibly season can't be plot driven by human so this theory can rule out that Soren will become evil

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