Petra X Jesse/Jessie Thread

Welcome to the Petra X Jesse/Jessie Thread!

Hey guys! So some of you may not have shipped Rhysha or Rhyiona, in that case skip this chunk. But if you have, let's not start up wars on either this thread or Lukas X Jesse thread because your fellow shippers have chosen a different one for MC:SM. To all Rhyshas that went with other ships, I wish you all luck, my brothers and sisters. For all Rhyionas choosing other ships, good luck to you, my brothers and sisters in laws. But, if you came here to ship Jetra(?), without further adieu, the actual thread! :D

I would start up with some fancy shmancy gifs to introduce the ship, but instead I must provide evidence by screenshots. So if anyone can supply gifs, it would be greatly appreciated. This may or may not turn out to be our official homegrounds, so it can be held as a placeholder until further notice. Anyways, the glory!

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Admiring sights
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"Whatever we do, we do it together."
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Petra will remember that
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Nuff said.

So, who's with me??!



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