Truth or Believe - No Pork-chop Edition

If Reuben didn't die on episode 4, would we get as much people telling Gabriel to hide the Truth about the Order of the Stone or no?

I get the feeling that the whole thing about Reuben dying triggered some sort of instinctual "Man... I can't deal with any more drama anymore Gabriel, just leave it"

But to anyone who kept the Truth of the order a secret, how much of you would have either picked to tell the Truth of the Order, or Let Gabriel choose for you. (If you do nothing Gabriel tells everyone about what the Order did)


  • Nah. If Reuben were to live I would still tell Gabriel to let them believe.

  • I still see the order(excluding Soren) as heroes so I thought I would let them have their legend

    I don't think Reuben's death would've affected my desicion

  • Id still tell them to keep it a secret, just because it isnt true doesnt mean people dont need to think it is.

  • They wasted the server's ONLY CHANCE to obtain a legitimate dragon egg, so of course I'm going to tell them to tell the truth no matter what.

  • why did he had to die why!!!!!!

  • It's the truth obviously,this whole storm started because the members of the order lying to everyone.

  • I told the truth, because it was the right thing to do I guess. I don't think anything would of changed my mind.

  • Told the truth coz Ivor wouldn't be a jerk and mad and its just better to come clean before the people find out for themselves and hate the order even more..

  • I let Gabriel tell the truth, since it looked like he wanted to tell it, Ivor wouldn't like Gabriel keeping the lie, and i think this was the right thing to do.

  • R.I.P.

  • Good Call, He would have told the Truth anyways if you didn't pick anything when the timer ran out!

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    I let Gabriel tell the truth, since it looked like he wanted to tell it, Ivor wouldn't like Gabriel keeping the lie, and i think this was the right thing to do.

  • It's like fucking Santa don't tell me he ain't real or I'll stab a shitbird.

  • He ain't real m8.

    darkfoxTM posted: »

    It's like fucking Santa don't tell me he ain't real or I'll stab a shitbird.

  • I to,d the truth but I said I had the order to help me because I only see Soren as a fraud

  • I wasn't paying attention much because my mind was just "Whats going on?!" after Reuben died. But when i finally got over it, i went back into the game and made Gabriel tell them the truth, i think is the right thing to do.

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