Mincraft Story Mode Season Pass Disk Issue [2/2/2016: Telltale resolves issues for 360 users]



  • I cant believe there has been no update on here from TTG, truly shocking customer service!
    Any indication of EVEN if this is actually being looked at would be good!

  • I have emailed Watchdog who run a programme in the UK on the BBC on behalf of consumers who are not receiving the service they should. If anyone else wishes to do so as well the impact could be a lot greater and something may actually happen!!

  • XBOX 360 Story Mode Disc - Epsiode 4

    Downloaded the other episodes OK but still no joy on Episode 4

    Any progress Tell Tale Games??

  • I am sure that selling a disc that is supposed to have five episodes, but in fact only allows access to one breaches the sale of goods act. I will be contacting trading standards as you are misrepresenting your product. As this has been rushed through for the Christmas market, it is doubly unscrupulous as children looking forward to playing this are being very disappointed. Well done tell tale on ensuring you alienate the people who pay for you overpriced games.

  • edited December 2015

    If you have multiple profiles on the Xbox 360 a workaround posted on previous page and confirmed by myself. My son downloaded and played episode 4 yesterday. Good luck.

    comment here

    If you only have one profile on the 360 you may be able to create another free live account to use the workaround.

    AndyGC posted: »

    XBOX 360 Story Mode Disc - Epsiode 4 Downloaded the other episodes OK but still no joy on Episode 4 Any progress Tell Tale Games??

  • edited December 2015

    Just to let you know, the issue with nor being able to download was solved by Microsoft Support

  • I have raised tickets for the same issue on PS3. 24 hours now and counting, only an automatic replay. They could at the very least put out some kind of message to say they are working on the problem and are very sorry. Same here that this was a game for a kid. (He purchased it with some vouchers he got). I think its the same story for many platforms here on the disk. Irate parents everywhere, and not a peep from telltale support. They only response is about X-Box, and the fixes are not the same as play station. Telltale need to publicly acknowledge the problem, apologies, state they are working on a fix. This silence is terrible. Seems its been days without any action.

    I have the same issue here as everyone else, season pass for ps4 with just episode 1, all the other purchased and coming soon. If it was jus

  • If you are irate about this issue, by all means contact the press should something satisfactory not be done (i see may have stated they will do so). As potentially the issue could be in the interface between sony/microsoft and telltale, then I would advise contacting the relevant company. Should the problem be with telltale, and sony / microsoft receive sufficient complaints, telltale will find it much harder to get a license to release future products via those platforms. As those 2 companies control the gaming industry, annoy them at your peril. Telltale - Please please please COMMUNICATE with your customers.

  • edited December 2015

    Xbox 360 users

    This is my reply to FunkyKong who figured out this workaround which may be a little easier to understand.

    Confirmed to Work on Xbox 360

    Thank you good sir or ma'am! This worked perfectly for me (the second go around). I thought I would try and be smart and save episodes 2 and 3 on the built in 4GB flash so I wouldn't lose them and it failed. I then used a 8GB USB to back them up and removed the USB drive from the Xbox the second go and it worked like a charm. If any of the episode content is seen by the Xbox it will not allow episode 4 to download. I turned out I didn't even need the content saved on the USB since it all re-downloaded (just be sure to choose episode 4 as your first download).

    To reiterate:

    *Backup episode 2 & 3 on removable USB (turned out not to be necessary for me) *Deleted all Minecraft Story Mode content except son's save * Powered off console and unplugged (not sure if necessary) * Restarted and signed in another profile (mine in this case which was an adults) * Inserted disc and downloaded episode 4 FIRST * Hit the b button and started episode 3's download before 4's completed * Hit the b button and started episode 2's download before 4's completed

    If you only have one profile on the 360 you may be able to create another free live account to use the workaround.


  • I have that problem on the PS3. Deleted files, cold reboot, installed, updated, and nothing. Tried more than once. All I got from Telltale was the automated reply on the 26th. Not a peep since then.

    JKT2009 posted: »

    Thread: PS3 Story Mode Season Pass Has anyone had the problem where it says that seasons 2-4 are unavailable to download when using the

  • I would advise everyone to leave a review (on amazon for example). I did and it will hurt Telltale's sales of the glorified coaster as well as prevent others going through the same problem.

  • Thread: Is this sorted yet episode 4

    Okay so I know telltale was looking into why people was being asked to pay for episode 4 with a season disc, wis this now fixed because it still is asking me, I have a child year old desperate to play this episode, am I doing something wrong, or will I just have to end up paying.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I am not a Telltale staff member but some people have reported that its now working, i am unable to check myself as i don't have a Xbox so try following some of the steps that other users have taken or keep an eye on this support article for further updates.

    Lelenollie posted: »

    Thread: Is this sorted yet episode 4 Okay so I know telltale was looking into why people was being asked to pay for episode 4 with a s

  • According to the support article update, it is now working for people that have the digital version of the season pass but not for people that have the disc, which does not help when you have bought the disc for a child's Christmas present.

    I will be giving negative feedback on Amazon, because the price is a rip off for what you actually get - it takes no time at all to complete and is a waste of money. This is the 1st game I've bought from Telltale Games, and I will not be buying anymore.

  • Thread: I have problems with downloading episode 2 on Ps4!!!!!

    I can't seem to get the episode 2: Assembly Required onto my ps4 game I played the episode 1 and that was fine but when I went to episode 2 it said "Episode 2 Coming Soon" Then I went to the "Episode" Thing on the start page and it said for episode 1 "Purchased and installed" But then I went to Episode 2 and that said "Purchased Coming Soon" Has anyone else had this problem and can anyone else help me????? I bought the game on Amazon US but I live in AsiaThanks!!!

  • The same thing with me on xbox 360 i have season pass disc and says it costs 4.99 ttg plz fix that soon

  • Okay so i have the 360 edition, but mine problem is different. Every time i try to download the other episodes, it tell me network is unavailable and something about my xbox live account. i am logged in to my account, and my interent is working so i dunno what i am suppose to do. I deleted the save file and power cycled my console to no avail. Can anyone help?

  • So I think I got this working with the Xbox one season disc. It seems like the other episodes might be age restricted. My 7 year old son has been playing the first episode and I couldn't download the other ones for him until I bumped his account up to age 13 restrictions on the console.

  • Looking at the disc again it's labeled as Everyone 10+. I'd bet that if I set him at age 10 restrictions on Xbox one it would work as well.

    JaricM posted: »

    So I think I got this working with the Xbox one season disc. It seems like the other episodes might be age restricted. My 7 year old son has

  • My dad got so mad, he just gave in and bought episode 4 for 4.99, so ya, we got really mad waiting ten days to get the episode.

  • It sounds like an issue with your Microsoft account I had a similar issue a while back I would suggest contacting Xbox support and they should resolve the issue

    Okay so i have the 360 edition, but mine problem is different. Every time i try to download the other episodes, it tell me network is unavai

  • Thread: Xbox 360 season pass not working

    Hi can anybody help my son got the disc for his Xbox 360 for Christmas it downloaded episodes 1-3 fine but now wants him to pay for episode 4 ! And he cannot play it he gets to the choose your character screen he chooses who he wants to be and then it doesn't load and takes him back to the choose your character screen again !! I have one unhappy boy !

  • At last got it downloading on 360 all eppisodes but following a full deletion of all content and saved games and update 

    Tried with just content but still wanted to charge

    Once removed I started up game again and downloaded 4, then 3, then 2

    A lot of messing about but now my son has to postcode from the start again ,but at least he has all eppisodes

    OcAMD posted: »

    Xbox 360 users This is my reply to FunkyKong who figured out this workaround which may be a little easier to understand. Confirmed to

  • We are now on the 3rd January and still no explanation, it's a disgrace

    I feel for your little man, because it is upsetting to see a child unhappy. I am a little surprised that these dimwits are not even offering an explanation. Well not what I'd call a decent one as a company. Bloody cowboys innit

  • This is appalling! My 6 year old girl is crying her heart out because we can't download it!! Absolute joke!! Telltale should refund everyone

  • edited January 2016

    Okay. JaricM is spot on. The issue is to do with the age rating settings associated with your xbox accounts. If you go into your profile and change this to over 12 content, restart console, insert story mode disc and start game the episodes will show as available to download. This worked for me.

    V12ock posted: »

    This is appalling! My 6 year old girl is crying her heart out because we can't download it!! Absolute joke!! Telltale should refund everyone

  • edited January 2016

    The thread says the issue is fixed but nor for me. PS4. Disk purchased from local store (Target). Wont let my 10 year old kid go past Episode 1. Other Episodes say "coming soon" in the Episode menu. Not an age thing for him... its an E10 game and his account shows that he turned 10 last April. Can someone from TellTale PLEASE help with this issue. This was a Christmas Present!!!

    UPDATE 1-4-16: This morning Episodes are suddenly working. I did nothing, it just started working. When you go to Episodes it says the Episode was purchased but not downloaded (used to say "coming soon"). Just clicked right through, downloaded, and he is playing right now!

  • I can't even load episode one on Xbox 360 ?!
    Bought the disc today and it doesn't do anything once I've pressed A to load episode 1

  • Try switching off all age restrictions, restart console and restart game.

    MattJayDrew posted: »

    The thread says the issue is fixed but nor for me. PS4. Disk purchased from local store (Target). Wont let my 10 year old kid go past Episod

  • (I am only a volunteer Moderator who is a fan. I am not Telltale staff.)

    Irregardless of the game's E10 rating, I think restrictions on downloading content of any rating can still be placed on child accounts, even if the rating is age appropriate. Again, I am only a fan like you and not a staff member, but I think this default restriction on child accounts downloading items is placed on there by the console makers (Sony/Microsoft) and not Telltale. I've noticed that consoles will sometimes place age restrictions on accounts being able to download content until the account holder is either 13 or 18 years old; I assume to prevent younger users from spending money or downloading unwanted content without parental supervision.

    MattJayDrew posted: »

    The thread says the issue is fixed but nor for me. PS4. Disk purchased from local store (Target). Wont let my 10 year old kid go past Episod

  • Their customer support department is terrible. I have reported the problem to sony (not the problem with the game - the poor customer support for a product sold with a sony playstation logo). I will do the same with mojang as Minecraft is their IP, and again, the service reflects on them. What is frustrating is that telltale do nothing by way of interacting with their customers. Most people are reasonable about bugs. Less so when their are kids involved, as you are getting nagged (to be fair my son has been pretty good about it but still). If they come up with some BS about it being the winter vacation, they need to have pointed out to them that an international brand in this industry needs to provide around the clock support. Half the world does not celebrate these vacations.

    Elconde posted: »

    I have that problem on the PS3. Deleted files, cold reboot, installed, updated, and nothing. Tried more than once. All I got from Telltale was the automated reply on the 26th. Not a peep since then.

  • What a rip off. We bought the season disc and still cannot download. The one game my kids wanted for christmas and they can't even play it. I have called telltale and emailed them with no response. Worst customer service ever!! This will be first and last game from telltale!!

  • For who make TTG Account with age -10, and now has reached age +10... I think Deleting your old account then make new one maybe solved your problem. OR you can disable age restriction then do power cycling then reinsert your season pass. Hope it helps

    (Btw if my english wrong/ bad, sorry)

    mglass101 posted: »

    What a rip off. We bought the season disc and still cannot download. The one game my kids wanted for christmas and they can't even play it.

  • xbox360 Season pass disc . Finally got it to work after reading previous post but a little differently using following steps.

    1. Backup game SAVE to USB (Actually copied game save, episode 2 and 3 to 2GB USB disk, but episode 2 and 3 were not needed)
      (if you have multiple game saves under different profile, you might have to log in and out for each profile to copy corresponding game save. I have only one profile and I didn't have any issue copying it)
    2. delete everything (including game save, update, episode 2 and 3)
    3. start the game. It will download update and create new game save.
    4. download episodes (I downloaded episode 4, 3 and 2 in order. I downloaded ep 4 first thinking i could copy back ep 2 and 3 from USB disk just in case)
    5. exit the game and copy back the game save from USB disk. It will ask to overwrite the game save and say yes.
    6. start the game again. All episodes downloaded and previous game save is still alive.

    It seems that game save with profile name is causing the problem. When I deleted all episode and update from HDD and tried to download the episode, all episode were asking to pay $4.99 each, even episode 2 and 3 that I previously downloaded. When I deleted game save, then it worked. I didn't have to change gamer profile to download.

    In short.
    1. backup game saves to usb. 2 delete everything. 3 download 4 copy back game save from usb to hdd and overwrite it.

    Hope it helps.

    gerry862 posted: »

    At last got it downloading on 360 all eppisodes but following a full deletion of all content and saved games and update Tried with just

  • Xbox support resolved this problem for me (via a online chat). The solution was relatively simple : Step 1 remove all family profiles from your xbox console including your own, Step 2 Reinstate the profiles you have removed, Step 3 Insert the season pass disc and start the game. When I did this the episode 2 button was no longer greyed out & I could download. Was then able to download episodes 3 & 4 without a problem.

  • Still cannot download episode 4 on xbox 360. Had no issues with episodes 1-3 however not with episode 4. Am requested to purchase and at the same time it warns me that if I own the pass I will be charged again!!!!

  • You ruined Christmas for my 11 year old son who enjoy your game by not fix in number for our part 4 of this game and now I'm going to ruin your Christmas by taking you to court in Oklahoma I will be filing it this week if I don't receive a fixed immediately

  • You ruined Christmas for my 11 year old son who enjoys your Minecraft game story mode part 4 is not fixed has not been fixed there has been no attempt to fix it apparently for the Xbox 360 so what I'm going to do is I'm going to run your Christmas by filing in the courts here in Oklahoma this week and I'm going to take you into court and I promise you running a little boys Christmas that's just the start of it

  • edited January 2016

    Hey everyone i got a response regarding the download issue. Here's something to try until they fix the issues.

This discussion has been closed.