Not exactly sure where to post this, either in one of those links above or here, so I'll just post this here otherwise. I finally dug up all my old choice branches and scene ideas I had for TWD S2 (I'm doing a Alternate S2 story I've got back into recently, currently about half way into A House Divided, it's in walkthrough format). I typed out a HUB/Scene that I thought would be worth sharing (doesn't seem necessary to be its own thread so that's why it's just in a comment). Might make some changes to it since I feel I made some errors. Anyway here's a scene of after you find Nick/Pete with the group on the road.
The first night after everyone left the cabin, it's been hours later since they've found Nick/Pete's body. They've discovered a nice spot to set up camp for the night. They are out in the woods, by some rocks, and tiny ruins. Around the fire, Carlos/Rebecca sits by it to keep warm. Alvin takes watch by the ruins, Luke looks out by the woods, Nick sits against a tree, Sarah is reading her book in the RV. Clementine sits against a rock by herself, backpack on the side, relaxing and thinking.
A) Chirsta, where are you? (Clem mutters to herself, wondering)
I miss you, Mom and Dad. (Clem thinks about her parents, wishing she can be with them back home with her babysitter, Sandra. Being a kid again.)
C) Lee, if only you were with me. (Clem thinks of Lee, wishing he'd be next to her. Along with Duck, and the others from the Motor Inn.)
D) ... (Clem sits only, thinking in her head)
She looks around the camp zone, thinking she might as well to get do something other than feeling like shit. Clementine stands up and you now can take control of Clem and interact with the setting.
-----------------------------------------------HUB------------------------------- CAMPSITE (RUINS BY ABANDONED RV, DEEP IN THE WOODS)
Bushes {Where you start}
-Look (Clem looks out, hearing owls, hoping no walker may creep up.)
Campfire {middle of the map, where Carlos/Rebecca are at}
-Warm Up (Clem attends to the fire and warms up)
Dead Corpses {Against the ruined brick wall next to Alvin}
-Look (Smells the awful stench, comments that Luke/Carlos/Alvin killed them when they came here)
Trailer {On the right end of the hub}
-Look at Window (Clem peaks through the window that reveals the trailer illuminated by a lantern with Sarah's head peaking out.)
-Enter Door (Clem knocks on the door, Sarah says come in, Clem enters the trailer---- LEADS TO NEXT HUB)
Rebecca/Carlos {Next to Campfire}
-Look (She looks at the talking to each other)
-Talk: Rebecca/Carlos talks about Carver being after them, can't run forever. They notice her, Rebecca will say hello to Clem/Carlos will either not say anything(distrust) or asks if she needs something (trustful)
A) So... do you trust me? (Clem is curious, they both think of an answer. Rebecca isn't too sure but says Clem is rather a slippery one. Carlos will either say that Clem has been acceptable so far, or he'll say she'll need to prove to him still, Clem will either be glad/dismissive/disappointed).
Why do you guys not talk to me about Carver? (Clem crosses her arms, suspicious. Rebecca attempts to speak, but Carlos says it's a concern for themselves not her, Clem says it is since she's with them now. Carlos says what's between his group and Carver, only is part of their group. Clem sighs "Fine... Whatever.")
C) Nevermind. (Temporary until dialogue is cleared. Clem walks away.)
Clem walks away after conversation and the two return to their focus on the fire.
Nick (Against a tree, north of campfire)
-Look (Clem observes Nick who's holding his rifle, looking down. Clem looks at him with a sympathetic look)
-Talk: Clem says hello to him and Nick asks what's up.
A)How are you holding up? (Nick says "Like a walking piece of shit. I just can't believe he's gone." Clem says he'll be okay eventually. Nick looks to the side, wishing the walkers took him instead of Pete. Clem looks sad.)
B)I noticed the ducks in that cabin. (Nick asks what about them, Clem says she had a friend called Duck, he was a good friend. She lost him long ago, his dad broke down when he and his wife died. Nick surprised and feels bad about that, he sympathesizes, saying sorry for her friend. Clem thanks him. Sorry about his Uncle too.)
C)Can I try your hat?. (Nick asks what for, Clem is just curious and thinks it looks cool, he hands her his and she trades her hat to him. They try their hats and Clem giggles about Nick with her hat on, Nick gets a little annoyed but laughs it off, they trade each other's hats back. Nick tells her to enjoy the headlice, Clem says 'ew', Nick laughs and says he got back at her.)
D) Nevermind. (Back out/Temporary till all dialogue finished)
Clem turns around and says see ya. Nick says yep and goes back to looking at his rifle.
Alvin {by the ruined brick walls}
-Look (Alvin mutters that there's no sign of anything out there, that's good.)
-Talk (Clem says hi to him, he turns and says hello to her kindly.)
A)Sorry for any trouble I caused (Clem apologizes, Alvin says it's okay, she just did what she had to if you didn't rat him out if you confronted him, or Alvin will say apology accepted and tells her to behave and not pull that shit again if she ratted on him/blackmailed/got lippy with him. Clem is understanding.
B)How long do you think till the baby comes? (Alvin's uncertain about it, says it could be any time. Bec's been pregant for a while so it's going to happen soon he bets.)
C)Back in the cabin, I noticed something. (Only available if you mentioned George by asking Carver's name! Clem is supsicious of his reaction to hearing George, Alvin stutters and tries to dismiss it. Alvin says that's kinda personal, can't tell her that. Clem curious. Alvin tells her to shoo she's in his space. She walks away. Instantly finishes diagloue tree)
D) Nevermind. (Back out/ Temporary till all dialogue's been finished.)
Alvin tells her to play along with Sarah, she's in the broken down RV. He looks back to the woods.
Luke {Next to the RV, looking out to the woods}
-Talk (Clem says hi, Luke turns to say hi. Clem asks about the lookout, Luke says so far it's all good. Asks if she needed anything.)
A)I never said thanks from earlier. (Clem says with a appreciative smile, talking about when he first found her. Luke says it was no big deal, he just saw her in danger and just had to save the day.)
B)I wonder if I'll ever see Christa again. (Clem concerned, Luke says she may still be close so Clem shouldn't be doubting already since it's only been a short while. Luke says they'll find her, reassuring her, Clem smiles gently from the comfort.)
C)Do you think Carver will be able to find us?. (Clem is concerned, nervous. Says stopping here may give him a chance to find us. Luke agrees but they need to rest still, will move on as soon as they get up. Before sunrise.)
D)Nah, nevermind. (Back out/Temporary till all dialogue finished)
Luke says he needs to get back to watch duty, Clem nods understandibly and Luke turns to the woods.
-------------------------------RV (Inside)
After entering the trailer, you will enter a second part of the HUB. It's a small RV, with the driver's end at the front, a table on the side where Sarah is sitting and reading her book, a sink on the opposite end, some beds at the end and a bathroom door near it. As you enter, if you`re friends with Sarah, she will say hello and Clem will wave, if not Sarah will just read her book.
Driver's seat. {Front of the RV}
-Check (Clem will sit down on the seat, testing out the steering wheel, commenting she'd like drive something like this if she gets the chance. Mischieviously smiles about it. Sarah says Clem might crash as soon as she drives, Clem makes an awkward look/stutters and agrees that'd be likely. Clem gets off the seat)
Sink {Opposite to the table}
-Check (Clem looks at the dishes and sees cockroaches, looks in disgust.)
Beds {beside the sink on the far end}
-Check (Clem looks at the beds, comments how they're the only things that look in good condition)
Bathroom Door {Opposite of the beds}
-Check (Clem peaks through the door, sees a hole through the wall by the toilet, Clem decides to close the door just to be safe)
Cupboards {Above the sink}
-Check (Clem opens the cupboards and finds a can of tuna, Clem picks it up and it's added to your inventory, you can choose to have it for yourself later on or to save it for another member later on)
Sarah {At the table}
-Talk (Clem sees some papers on the table next to Sarah, she ass how things are with Sarah. Sarah can be shy if you're not her friend, or relaxed if you're her friend. Sarah will explain she found some papers to draw with, asks if Clem likes to join. Clem thinks and decides to draw for old times sake.She sits by the table with Sarah, opposite to each other. Both draws pictures together, Clem still does her old doodles, but as she looks, she's surprised as she learns Sarah is an artist, making animal pictures with great detail.
A)Wow, you're pretty good. (Clem compliments her, Sarah thanks her. Something she was always proud of.)
B)It looks like crap. (Clem is jealous, Sarah asks what she means, Sarah thinks she does okay.)
C)How'd you do that? (Clem is curious, Sarah says her mom taught her how to draw as a little girl)
D)... (Clem looks in surprise, resumes drawing)
Sarah says she used to always draw with her mother, as she grew up she got better as she followed her mom's footsteps. She missed doing this sort of thing, just a chance to relax, Clem knows the feeling. Sarah continues saying how whenever she got her art project returned after getting a mark, she'd put it on the hallway wall, called it "Sarah's Art Wall of Fame", they'd keep doing that until... Sarah stops with a sad look. Clem asks about what happened to her mother. Sarah tries to talk about it but feels too uncomfortable.
A) It's okay, take your time. (Clem says sincerely)
B)I'm sorry, you don't need to tell me. (Clem says sincerely)
C)What happened? (Clem asks, curious)
D)... (Clem raises an eyebrow, curious and concerned)
Sarah explains her mom died when she was 10, it was because a man who had mugged them and shot her and her dad tried everything he could but she died anyway. Clem feels awful about it, says she lost both of hers long ago. Sarah says she's sorry about her loss. Clem looks down, quiet.
A)Sorry about yours too. (Clem says sincerely, Sarah wipes her tears and says thanks.)
B)Things happens. (Clem says dismissively, Sarah says "Yeah. Even the bad things, sadly.")
C)Me too. (Clem says with a glum look)
D)... (Clem still looking down, kinda sad)
Both hears Carlos coming in, telling them it's time to sleep. Both girls gets up and walks to the beds until Carlos notices the gun in Sarah's backpack laying by the table. He takes it out and yells at Sarah about what she's doing with one, approaching her as she turns to him nervously. Sarah says she wanted to know how to protect herself. Carlos angrily lectures her, telling her she cannot use these things, causing her to cry. Clem looks, unsure what to do.
Defend Sarah: Clem will speak up, defending Sarah. She explains Sarah needs to how to protect herself, asks what if Carlos isn't around for her. The two argues about HOW survival measures should be taken. Clem tells him her friend, Lee taught her how to survive, it was because of him she's alive. Carlos says he clearly was a bad influence if he taught her to butt into family matters. Clem looks at him furious. Luke walks in, telling him to lay off. Carlos explains the commotion and about Clem interfering, Luke tells him to cool it off. Says it's been enough of a day, and yelling might draw unneeded attention as he and Carlos looks at the girls' direction. Sarah will make a shy smile to Clem, who kindly smiles back.
Stay out of it: Carlos will continue to lecture her, making her feel bad with Clem keeping quiet and shy. Luke will walk in, telling him to lay off. Carlos explains the commotion, Luke tells him to cool it off. Says it's been enough of a day, and yelling might draw unneeded attention as he and Carlos looks at the girls' direction. Sarah will look at Clem with a sad look, Clem looks with a rather guilty look.
Luke tells everyone should just get some rest, it's been a long day so it's time to get some rest. Moments later, Sarah (lower bed) and Clem (top bed)lays on the beds to sleep, Rebecca sleeps on the third bed at the end, Alvin sleeps on the floor while snoring, Nick and Luke sleeps while sitting up, and Carlos sleeps on the table where Sarah sat. Clem is sweating, having a nightmare. In her dream remembers waiting at the train with Ben and Chuck, hearing a gunshot from the forest, (determinately, another) and would soon see Kenny and Lee walking out from the forest to them, young Clem looks in sadness knowing her friends are dead, looking at Lee talking to Ben/Chuck with no voices heard, with Kenny walking to the main part of the train, all silence as she knows what happened. Clem just looks down, feeling awful." Current Clem mumbles in her sleep. "Why... why did it have to... be that way?"
I actually created this short cartoon back in 2009, but I had to re-upload it to YouTube this year. I tried a filter on it, but when I remo… moreved it, the video became out of sync. Since you can't re-upload videos to YouTube, I decided to post it again on my newer channel.
The Cupcake Topper
On a side note, I'm back! I thought back about this place and I'm pretty sure I'm going to start posting a lot more now a days.Gonna be harder with school going on, but what can you do?
Ah, one of the reasons I love GTA Online. I decided to use the Vita but words are a bit blurry so I typed out what they said below. I got more comic strip ideas that I'll share in the future.
Heh. Did you ever make something and then years later forget that you made it?
I was looking up Theodore Dudebrough (from Telltale Texas Hold'em) on Google Image Search, and came across a Lego mockup that I made, but completely forgot about.
I'd still love to see Lego sets of Telltale's original characters (especially now that there are so many more characters to choose from).
Woah! I listened to the Cosmic Latte with Odysseus track (I like Pink Floyd so the title beckoned to me ) and it was great! Nice work! Some of it was almost like a "psychedelic jazz", and I've definitely heard both parts of that, but never before together! My rating: Groovy/10.
Woah! I listened to the Cosmic Latte with Odysseus track (I like Pink Floyd so the title beckoned to me ) and it was great! Nice work! Some … moreof it was almost like a "psychedelic jazz", and I've definitely heard both parts of that, but never before together! My rating: Groovy/10.
So I'm proud to say I finally finished my new GTA story! Here's the cover to it. :33
I'll be posting a chapter or two each day to allow those who wants to read to catch up. (PS: This is the first book of my three part series I'm doing. I won't be doing the second for a long while though since I have the comic project to worry about next). BTW It contains violence and gore, strong language, and a little nudity (I don't get TOO descriptive on that). So it's a mature read. You've been warned. o_o
Well here's the link in case there are those who are interested.
I think this thread is interesting , so why not post some pictures of a project I made for one of my class
It's a kind of wolf I guess, made out of tulle (kind of net like fabric, usualy used to make tutu)
I think this thread is interesting , so why not post some pictures of a project I made for one of my class
It's a kind of wolf I guess, made out of tulle (kind of net like fabric, usualy used to make tutu)
I'm working on a RWBY Abridged series currently, and a set of fan art revolving around Nintendo. Both of which I'm pretty proud of currently. I'm working my ass off on both of them. Although I can't link the abridged series since it isn't done, I can link the opening credits sequence, since I'm finished with that.
I think this thread is interesting , so why not post some pictures of a project I made for one of my class
It's a kind of wolf I guess, made out of tulle (kind of net like fabric, usualy used to make tutu)
Made this back in January, soon after I posted my previous Undertale pic with Undyne and Alphys. Anyway! Had an idea about "what if Sans was a gangster from the 1940's?"
Not sure if this is the right thread, but I modified Tekken 6 on the PSP to have HD textures, and experience no lag whatsoever. But the game freezes whenever the specific texture is loaded in a scene though this is a one-time thing after awhile.
Not exactly sure where to post this, either in one of those links above or here, so I'll just post this here otherwise. I finally dug up all my old choice branches and scene ideas I had for TWD S2 (I'm doing a Alternate S2 story I've got back into recently, currently about half way into A House Divided, it's in walkthrough format). I typed out a HUB/Scene that I thought would be worth sharing (doesn't seem necessary to be its own thread so that's why it's just in a comment). Might make some changes to it since I feel I made some errors. Anyway here's a scene of after you find Nick/Pete with the group on the road.
CHAPTER 4: NIGHT'S REST //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
----------------By the Abandoned RV in the Woods
The first night after everyone left the cabin, it's been hours later since they've found Nick/Pete's body. They've discovered a nice spot to set up camp for the night. They are out in the woods, by some rocks, and tiny ruins. Around the fire, Carlos/Rebecca sits by it to keep warm. Alvin takes watch by the ruins, Luke looks out by the woods, Nick sits against a tree, Sarah is reading her book in the RV. Clementine sits against a rock by herself, backpack on the side, relaxing and thinking.
A) Chirsta, where are you? (Clem mutters to herself, wondering)
C) Lee, if only you were with me. (Clem thinks of Lee, wishing he'd be next to her. Along with Duck, and the others from the Motor Inn.)
D) ... (Clem sits only, thinking in her head)
She looks around the camp zone, thinking she might as well to get do something other than feeling like shit. Clementine stands up and you now can take control of Clem and interact with the setting.
-----------------------------------------------HUB------------------------------- CAMPSITE (RUINS BY ABANDONED RV, DEEP IN THE WOODS)
Bushes {Where you start}
-Look (Clem looks out, hearing owls, hoping no walker may creep up.)
Campfire {middle of the map, where Carlos/Rebecca are at}
-Warm Up (Clem attends to the fire and warms up)
Dead Corpses {Against the ruined brick wall next to Alvin}
-Look (Smells the awful stench, comments that Luke/Carlos/Alvin killed them when they came here)
Trailer {On the right end of the hub}
-Look at Window (Clem peaks through the window that reveals the trailer illuminated by a lantern with Sarah's head peaking out.)
-Enter Door (Clem knocks on the door, Sarah says come in, Clem enters the trailer---- LEADS TO NEXT HUB)
Rebecca/Carlos {Next to Campfire}
-Look (She looks at the talking to each other)
-Talk: Rebecca/Carlos talks about Carver being after them, can't run forever. They notice her, Rebecca will say hello to Clem/Carlos will either not say anything(distrust) or asks if she needs something (trustful)
A) So... do you trust me? (Clem is curious, they both think of an answer. Rebecca isn't too sure but says Clem is rather a slippery one. Carlos will either say that Clem has been acceptable so far, or he'll say she'll need to prove to him still, Clem will either be glad/dismissive/disappointed).
C) Nevermind. (Temporary until dialogue is cleared. Clem walks away.)
Clem walks away after conversation and the two return to their focus on the fire.
Nick (Against a tree, north of campfire)
-Look (Clem observes Nick who's holding his rifle, looking down. Clem looks at him with a sympathetic look)
-Talk: Clem says hello to him and Nick asks what's up.
A)How are you holding up? (Nick says "Like a walking piece of shit. I just can't believe he's gone." Clem says he'll be okay eventually. Nick looks to the side, wishing the walkers took him instead of Pete. Clem looks sad.)
B)I noticed the ducks in that cabin. (Nick asks what about them, Clem says she had a friend called Duck, he was a good friend. She lost him long ago, his dad broke down when he and his wife died. Nick surprised and feels bad about that, he sympathesizes, saying sorry for her friend. Clem thanks him. Sorry about his Uncle too.)
C)Can I try your hat?. (Nick asks what for, Clem is just curious and thinks it looks cool, he hands her his and she trades her hat to him. They try their hats and Clem giggles about Nick with her hat on, Nick gets a little annoyed but laughs it off, they trade each other's hats back. Nick tells her to enjoy the headlice, Clem says 'ew', Nick laughs and says he got back at her.)
D) Nevermind. (Back out/Temporary till all dialogue finished)
Clem turns around and says see ya. Nick says yep and goes back to looking at his rifle.
Alvin {by the ruined brick walls}
-Look (Alvin mutters that there's no sign of anything out there, that's good.)
-Talk (Clem says hi to him, he turns and says hello to her kindly.)
A)Sorry for any trouble I caused (Clem apologizes, Alvin says it's okay, she just did what she had to if you didn't rat him out if you confronted him, or Alvin will say apology accepted and tells her to behave and not pull that shit again if she ratted on him/blackmailed/got lippy with him. Clem is understanding.
B)How long do you think till the baby comes? (Alvin's uncertain about it, says it could be any time. Bec's been pregant for a while so it's going to happen soon he bets.)
C)Back in the cabin, I noticed something. (Only available if you mentioned George by asking Carver's name! Clem is supsicious of his reaction to hearing George, Alvin stutters and tries to dismiss it. Alvin says that's kinda personal, can't tell her that. Clem curious. Alvin tells her to shoo she's in his space. She walks away. Instantly finishes diagloue tree)
D) Nevermind. (Back out/ Temporary till all dialogue's been finished.)
Alvin tells her to play along with Sarah, she's in the broken down RV. He looks back to the woods.
Luke {Next to the RV, looking out to the woods}
-Talk (Clem says hi, Luke turns to say hi. Clem asks about the lookout, Luke says so far it's all good. Asks if she needed anything.)
A)I never said thanks from earlier. (Clem says with a appreciative smile, talking about when he first found her. Luke says it was no big deal, he just saw her in danger and just had to save the day.)
B)I wonder if I'll ever see Christa again. (Clem concerned, Luke says she may still be close so Clem shouldn't be doubting already since it's only been a short while. Luke says they'll find her, reassuring her, Clem smiles gently from the comfort.)
C)Do you think Carver will be able to find us?. (Clem is concerned, nervous. Says stopping here may give him a chance to find us. Luke agrees but they need to rest still, will move on as soon as they get up. Before sunrise.)
D)Nah, nevermind. (Back out/Temporary till all dialogue finished)
Luke says he needs to get back to watch duty, Clem nods understandibly and Luke turns to the woods.
-------------------------------RV (Inside)
After entering the trailer, you will enter a second part of the HUB. It's a small RV, with the driver's end at the front, a table on the side where Sarah is sitting and reading her book, a sink on the opposite end, some beds at the end and a bathroom door near it. As you enter, if you`re friends with Sarah, she will say hello and Clem will wave, if not Sarah will just read her book.
Driver's seat. {Front of the RV}
-Check (Clem will sit down on the seat, testing out the steering wheel, commenting she'd like drive something like this if she gets the chance. Mischieviously smiles about it. Sarah says Clem might crash as soon as she drives, Clem makes an awkward look/stutters and agrees that'd be likely. Clem gets off the seat)
Sink {Opposite to the table}
-Check (Clem looks at the dishes and sees cockroaches, looks in disgust.)
Beds {beside the sink on the far end}
-Check (Clem looks at the beds, comments how they're the only things that look in good condition)
Bathroom Door {Opposite of the beds}
-Check (Clem peaks through the door, sees a hole through the wall by the toilet, Clem decides to close the door just to be safe)
Cupboards {Above the sink}
-Check (Clem opens the cupboards and finds a can of tuna, Clem picks it up and it's added to your inventory, you can choose to have it for yourself later on or to save it for another member later on)
Sarah {At the table}
-Talk (Clem sees some papers on the table next to Sarah, she ass how things are with Sarah. Sarah can be shy if you're not her friend, or relaxed if you're her friend. Sarah will explain she found some papers to draw with, asks if Clem likes to join. Clem thinks and decides to draw for old times sake.She sits by the table with Sarah, opposite to each other. Both draws pictures together, Clem still does her old doodles, but as she looks, she's surprised as she learns Sarah is an artist, making animal pictures with great detail.
A)Wow, you're pretty good. (Clem compliments her, Sarah thanks her. Something she was always proud of.)
B)It looks like crap. (Clem is jealous, Sarah asks what she means, Sarah thinks she does okay.)
C)How'd you do that? (Clem is curious, Sarah says her mom taught her how to draw as a little girl)
D)... (Clem looks in surprise, resumes drawing)
Sarah says she used to always draw with her mother, as she grew up she got better as she followed her mom's footsteps. She missed doing this sort of thing, just a chance to relax, Clem knows the feeling. Sarah continues saying how whenever she got her art project returned after getting a mark, she'd put it on the hallway wall, called it "Sarah's Art Wall of Fame", they'd keep doing that until... Sarah stops with a sad look. Clem asks about what happened to her mother. Sarah tries to talk about it but feels too uncomfortable.
A) It's okay, take your time. (Clem says sincerely)
B)I'm sorry, you don't need to tell me. (Clem says sincerely)
C)What happened? (Clem asks, curious)
D)... (Clem raises an eyebrow, curious and concerned)
Sarah explains her mom died when she was 10, it was because a man who had mugged them and shot her and her dad tried everything he could but she died anyway. Clem feels awful about it, says she lost both of hers long ago. Sarah says she's sorry about her loss. Clem looks down, quiet.
A)Sorry about yours too. (Clem says sincerely, Sarah wipes her tears and says thanks.)
B)Things happens. (Clem says dismissively, Sarah says "Yeah. Even the bad things, sadly.")
C)Me too. (Clem says with a glum look)
D)... (Clem still looking down, kinda sad)
Both hears Carlos coming in, telling them it's time to sleep. Both girls gets up and walks to the beds until Carlos notices the gun in Sarah's backpack laying by the table. He takes it out and yells at Sarah about what she's doing with one, approaching her as she turns to him nervously. Sarah says she wanted to know how to protect herself. Carlos angrily lectures her, telling her she cannot use these things, causing her to cry. Clem looks, unsure what to do.
-------------------------------------------------[MAJOR CHOICE]---------------------------------------------------
Did you defend Sarah from Carlos' lecture?
Defend Sarah: Clem will speak up, defending Sarah. She explains Sarah needs to how to protect herself, asks what if Carlos isn't around for her. The two argues about HOW survival measures should be taken. Clem tells him her friend, Lee taught her how to survive, it was because of him she's alive. Carlos says he clearly was a bad influence if he taught her to butt into family matters. Clem looks at him furious. Luke walks in, telling him to lay off. Carlos explains the commotion and about Clem interfering, Luke tells him to cool it off. Says it's been enough of a day, and yelling might draw unneeded attention as he and Carlos looks at the girls' direction. Sarah will make a shy smile to Clem, who kindly smiles back.
Stay out of it: Carlos will continue to lecture her, making her feel bad with Clem keeping quiet and shy. Luke will walk in, telling him to lay off. Carlos explains the commotion, Luke tells him to cool it off. Says it's been enough of a day, and yelling might draw unneeded attention as he and Carlos looks at the girls' direction. Sarah will look at Clem with a sad look, Clem looks with a rather guilty look.
------------------------------------------------[MAJOR CHOICE END]------------------------------------------------
Luke tells everyone should just get some rest, it's been a long day so it's time to get some rest. Moments later, Sarah (lower bed) and Clem (top bed)lays on the beds to sleep, Rebecca sleeps on the third bed at the end, Alvin sleeps on the floor while snoring, Nick and Luke sleeps while sitting up, and Carlos sleeps on the table where Sarah sat. Clem is sweating, having a nightmare. In her dream remembers waiting at the train with Ben and Chuck, hearing a gunshot from the forest, (determinately, another) and would soon see Kenny and Lee walking out from the forest to them, young Clem looks in sadness knowing her friends are dead, looking at Lee talking to Ben/Chuck with no voices heard, with Kenny walking to the main part of the train, all silence as she knows what happened. Clem just looks down, feeling awful." Current Clem mumbles in her sleep. "Why... why did it have to... be that way?"
Old Photoshop but I guess I'll share it here
So I drew another RWBY thing.
(1) Importing the model ; (2) Setting up the lights, applying spec. and bump maps.
(3) Final [Rendered in 4k resolution]
Mileena from Mortal Kombat X
Alisa from Tekken
I hope everyone would take their time to read my short story: The Swimming Pool
That was actually amazing. You should make more like this.
Aw! Thanks, I feared no one would ever comment since it's a one-shot.
I've always had a soft spot for amateur animations. I guess since I've kind seen how hard and long it is just to make simple and short clips.
Bringing this back!
You have me looking for subliminal messages in the squiggles!
I haven't found anything conclusive yet, but a lot of "almosts"....
Finished my recent (and first) fanart for Undertale yesterday to show my adoration of Undyne and Alphys being so amazing together.
Alright, I already showed this to the toxic Skype group (Most of them are, anyway), But I thought you guys might like it too..
On a side note, I'm back! I thought back about this place and I'm pretty sure I'm going to start posting a lot more now a days.Gonna be harder with school going on, but what can you do?
Ah, one of the reasons I love GTA Online.
I decided to use the Vita but words are a bit blurry so I typed out what they said below. I got more comic strip ideas that I'll share in the future. 
Panel 1
Typical GTA Guy:F U PASSIVE MODE P*$$1!
Kate: (thought bubble) Seriously?
Panel 2
Typical GTA Guy: Huh?!
Heh. Did you ever make something and then years later forget that you made it?
I was looking up Theodore Dudebrough (from Telltale Texas Hold'em) on Google Image Search, and came across a Lego mockup that I made, but completely forgot about.
I'd still love to see Lego sets of Telltale's original characters (especially now that there are so many more characters to choose from).
A simple sketch of my characters John, who is as Werewolf and his wife Nancy. (She is human) XD
The Mothers of Mogschk
This is my band. We mostly do experimental and comedy songs.
Woah! I listened to the Cosmic Latte with Odysseus track (I like Pink Floyd so the title beckoned to me
) and it was great! Nice work! Some of it was almost like a "psychedelic jazz", and I've definitely heard both parts of that, but never before together! My rating: Groovy/10.
You have been deemed a Child of Mogschk.
So I'm proud to say I finally finished my new GTA story! Here's the cover to it. :33
I'll be posting a chapter or two each day to allow those who wants to read to catch up. (PS: This is the first book of my three part series I'm doing. I won't be doing the second for a long while though since I have the comic project to worry about next). BTW It contains violence and gore, strong language, and a little nudity (I don't get TOO descriptive on that). So it's a mature read. You've been warned. o_o
Well here's the link in case there are those who are interested.
Killer Kate Rising
I think this thread is interesting , so why not post some pictures of a project I made for one of my class
It's a kind of wolf I guess, made out of tulle (kind of net like fabric, usualy used to make tutu)

That thing is either awesome, or my worst nightmare!
Haha! thanks a lot!
I tried to give it a little of a unsettling feels
Who's this supposed to be?
You should do Joel.
I edited a picture of Cool Cat. It's pretty cool.
Holy shit I actually thought this was a legit dog, I was about to say what the fuck is wrong with your dog lol.
XD, thanks i'm really glad to hear that it looks kind of realistic ahah. Too bad the pictures are not that clear
I'm working on a RWBY Abridged series currently, and a set of fan art revolving around Nintendo. Both of which I'm pretty proud of currently. I'm working my ass off on both of them. Although I can't link the abridged series since it isn't done, I can link the opening credits sequence, since I'm finished with that.
enter link description here
As for the art, I'll just post one picture because I don't want to flood the thread or anything.
And that's about it, just thought I'd share for no reason.
That looks awesome!
I tried to draw Michonne :T
Post your Playboy nude posing session. That's creative work, i think...
Thank you!
That's a very awesome art style! I love it!
Made this back in January, soon after I posted my previous Undertale pic with Undyne and Alphys. Anyway! Had an idea about "what if Sans was a gangster from the 1940's?"
This is the result.
Not sure if this is the right thread, but I modified Tekken 6 on the PSP to have HD textures, and experience no lag whatsoever. But the game freezes whenever the specific texture is loaded in a scene though this is a one-time thing after awhile.