Coal Boy Tom
Who is this kid working for? And who are these people "willing" to help her? I took it as him having some kind of lord or organisation he work for, which was willing to help the small house in the north. But this never gets revealed as far as I know. What is the idea here? Who is he talking of?
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It is pretty weird that Tom mentions allies in the beginning of the game, yet we never get any new allies introduced through him.
As far as the people he is working for. Most speculators believe that he works for Olenna Tyrell, because of some sound clip in the games files that were never used.
That sure is a interesting theory.
But I did expect her to get in touch with either Stark loyalists or someone that is not keen on Cersei. If Queen Targaryen in Meereen can get problems with Sons of Harpy and such groups, im pretty sure there is similar groups in Kings Landing who is not royal, noble or out in the open, but also aiming to remove a false bastard on the throne or similar. But yeah, it was a bit weird. Perhaps as you say It is Olenna or was if it got cut. A bit strange sin Margaery did not feel so obliged to help but then Olenna seems to keep her out of the loop on purpose. She do say she lacks wit in directly in the tv show even if I find her more...on the offense and clever in the show than in the game
I love these tie in to the tv show. That, as far as I heard, it is canon to the tv show. I presume Walking Dead is canon to the comic aswell with Glenn and all. But that is a derailer.
Ppl said he was working for Olenna, because of some unused voice files !!!
I think his owner was Tyrion !
I'm more inclined to believe Varys.
If you look at it, it's rather interesting that the last son of a near-dead House crosses the Narrow Sea to retrieve an exiled Forrester at a time when the mercenary companies are all hired out by Daenerys Targaryen. Malcolm ends up staying with her, and Varys ends up shipping Tyrion off to Ilyrio who wants him to meet with Daenerys. While Varys' actions set the tone for Aegon V's reclamation of the Targaryen dynasty and the Iron Throne, Varys would still see Daenerys as a valuable asset to that cause and would want her to be as well-off as possible so she can help.
A Targaryen army armed with ironwood shields would be rather useful, no?
I'd love if they'd use Olenna. We see the Olenna - Cersei rivalry in Season 5 and it would've been a great thing to explore in the second Season of the game. But ofc, TellTale decided to screw up Mira's plot by killing her off or making her a slave because in the game of thrones you die or you lose and become a slave, forever.
Just imagine a choice in the end of the first season where you have to chose between:
Like that choice back in Episode 1 that foreshadowed this.
Here's the cut audio for those who haven't heard it.
Interesting. TO bad Mira didn ot get much help
But, Aegon V? Someone I missed out on? Or is this the mythical Jon Snow resurrected?
That would been awesome, to bad we got this
"Die or become a new Sansa Stark".
So far he only exists in the books
So who is this Aegon V? A lost Targaryen? Another sibling? Twin of Khaleesi? Someone they hid elsewhere while Varys took the others to Essos?
I must admit this has irked me from the beginning. I mean he turns up and tells us that he knows people who would be willing to help us and yet we are never given the option to ask him just who these people are or why they would help us.
I'm just wondering how this would be revealed to us (if at all) considering that Tom has been made determinant.
Essentially, you know the baby that The Mountain That Rides, that is to say Ser Gregor Clegane, bashed against a wall during the Sack of King's Landing in Robert's Rebellion? The child of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen? Yeah that baby was actually someone else's kid and was swapped with the Targaryen baby, who was then whisked away across the oceans. Varys knows about him -- probably was responsible for his safety, can't remember -- and has been setting up Westeros to be weak enough for Aegon V to reclaim the Iron Throne and reinstate the Targaryen dynasty.
But as was said before, Aegon V has not appeared in the show. It seems probable that the show won't even bring him in -- IIRC, they even said they won't -- which is stupid because Maester Aemon said that 'the dragon has three heads' (in the books that is). You have Daenerys, Aegon, and the evidence indicates Jon Snow as the third Targaryen child.
I'm very critical of the show and I choose to headcanon the Telltale game as applying to the books, regardless of what the devs say or what anyone else says.
Yeah it will be a hard nut to crack!
I almost hope Tom replaces Mira as the one in Kings Landing. He seems to have a powerful lord or boss and as he said "no one notices the little folks" pretty much! It is atleast, as far as I think! Not anyone loyal to the Lannisters and the Throne.
Oh damn.
This is going deeper than I thought. Varys is probably the most dangerous or the one who caused the most mess of all. With three Dragons (Dani, Jon and Aegon) it is up for another civilwar if they cannot keep it together. I mean, if they all lay claim to the throne. I am not really sure Dani, Jon and Aegon will just sit idle by. They all been raised in other places. Jon is a Stark at heart. Danearys has love for her slave-people, Essos and got her dragons. Who knows how Aegon been raised or what he experienced.
It almost feels as if this all is a great conspiracy. Eddard Stark tucks Jon away in the north, far far away. He even swears the black to not be able to be part of the game...but now, now he is dead and will return, free of the Watch Schackles. I must say it feels really weird if they do not add in one of those plot essential characters. I have a gut feeling that the three Targaryen will be the ice and fire that drives away the White Walkers. They probably will need all the houses along the same line to do it aswell and plenty of Valyrian steel, dragon glass and magic to do so. Fitingly! The little lord Bran is up there learning something supernatural. And if Aegon and Dani both gathers their own Essos armies there will be a lot of swords to aim at the White Walkers.
Sorry! I got bit derailed. I also wonder if Stannis is really dead in the tv-show. I know he is alive in the books as far as I know. I should really read the books!
I think it´s the Deadpool approach "the answer to the first question is shut up".
Judging from the show perspective I guess either he´s a sparrow or was working for the spider (Varys). The second will have more sense, and it will explain why he´s working with or for someone but they can´t truly offer any help. Regardless I think is irrelevant, may be and idea that was later scratch and never addressed again.
Well scrapping something sure but if you say A and then dont give B and C makes it just look cut short out of nowhere.
I am not sure he is working for that crazy Sparrow guy, would they steal?
Can you steal when everything belongs to the gods? I mean, moral compasses are not the stronger force of religion wackos despite what they preach. And is not like the sparrows are Christians, for what we know in the show they could easily take others people possessions if they believe that person got those possessions on sinful ways.
Not saying it´s what I believe, just the possibilities I consider are the most likely. Whatever the case, I doubt coal tom will have any weight in season 2.