The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • It's like some comedy sketch come to life...

    Deltino posted: »

    enter link description here Has anyone seen this Trump advertisement I don't know how anyone saw this and decided 'yep it's good, put

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    You could be mistaken for believing the Onion was behind this.

    At the same time, there's certain brilliance to it. It frames Trump's rhetoric in easily-digestible, decisive way, uses Simple English and tells the populist base exactly what they want to hear.

    It's like some comedy sketch come to life...

  • Ummm, wait, what?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Some protestors in Ferguson fight the cops and loot stores : "Muh private property is under attack by thugs! Call in the national guard!"

  • I watched it and laughed.

    Then I realized it wasn't satire and started crying.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    You could be mistaken for believing the Onion was behind this. At the same time, there's certain brilliance to it. It frames Trump's rhe

  • Is the running 10 kilometers every day part of this serious..? If so, that just seems extremely excessive. Unless someone is training for competition, I honestly don't see the merit in distance training.. let alone the merit of running 10 kilometers every single day (which the vast majority of people would not be able to do). All in all it just seems like a really weird workout to follow, with everything else out there that someone could be doing.

    Your are 100% correct this work out is slightly insane at a really high level most will struggle to reach but written for a show and Gary seems excited so I didn't want to put this down to much as something positive for him to go for plus everyday doing this is just plain crazy but you know I'm all for people doing their best and getting fit.

    Just out of pure curiosity, do you mean one hundred push ups in a row without stopping? If so, I'm impressed. I attempted reaching that number this past summer, but I couldn't get there. Definitely a little goal of mine, though.

    I do a different work out daily depends gym, football, gaa or boxing I mix it up so I don't get bored

    One day a week I work out at home and do the press ups

    I do 100 no stopping and then 4 sets of 50 push ups

    5 sets of 25 on a table or chair where you push down and push up in a sitting position i cant remember the name of it

    10 minute plank

    110 sit ups

    7km run around my city

    Home work out ^

    Honestly I wish I could say a short cut but just patience, setting realistic targets, make it hard enough where you're excited for the challenge and feel great when you achieve it but not to hard where it's impossible or you will just demotivate yourself.

    I got there because when i first started I started on just 20 push ups alone then got really obsessive about it and did my work out everyday for a month added different things as well as I knew my body was always adapting. Every week or weeks add 10 more on but took me months to get to that level it's very hard but you put the work in anyone can

    Honestly any can do it just put the work in but it's a lot of work and really hard not fun at all XD

    but if you're determined enough I have no doubts you will reach a hundred keep at it and never give up it takes months to reach a hundred don't put to much pressure on yourself and keep me updated please :)

    enter link description here

    Belan posted: »

    Is the running 10 kilometers every day part of this serious..? If so, that just seems extremely excessive. Unless someone is training for co

  • edited January 2016

    Your are 100% correct this work out is slightly insane at a really high level most will struggle to reach but written for a show and Gary seems excited so I didn't want to put this down to much as something positive for him to go for plus everyday doing this is just plain crazy but you know I'm all for people doing their best and getting fit.

    Yeah, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to diminish someone's desire/ interest in being fit. If he really is a beginner though, I have no idea how he would manage this workout (especially the running). And if he isn't a beginner, I'm assuming he's probably doing things that are more worthwhile. By itself I suppose it would be an interesting challenge or test if there were more specifics added to it, such as a timetable, sets, ect, but as far as a long term plan goes.. I would personally go a different route. I guess that's just my own opinion, though.

    I do 100 no stopping and then 4 sets of 50 push ups

    That's insane. I gotta admit, I'm pretty jealous of that ability.

    5 sets of 25 on a table or chair where you push down and push up in a sitting position i cant remember the name of it. 10 minute plank.110 sit ups

    Alright, this I can manage lol. I think the most I have ever held a plank for was a little more than seven minutes, though I may have broke it off before I needed to. Typically I don't hold one for as long as I can (because after a point I really feel like it sort of becomes a matter of willpower and pain tolerance), and instead just break them into sets mixed in with other ab work, if I do them at all.

    but if you're determined enough I have no doubts you will reach a hundred keep at it and never give up it takes months to reach a hundred don't put to much pressure on yourself and keep me updated please :)

    Thanks, I guess I'll let you know if I ever reach it. I actually do workout with some regularity, so I definitely don't think the goal is too far off. I'm mainly focused on other things at this point in time though instead of specifically focusing on increasing my push up count, but I would be quite happy knowing that I can do one hundred. I actually haven't tested myself in awhile, so I'll probably see what I can do after I get back from work tomorrow morning. Without even testing myself though, I'm guessing that I would fall somewhere between 60 and 70.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Is the running 10 kilometers every day part of this serious..? If so, that just seems extremely excessive. Unless someone is training for co

  • I forgot to pick that one up, I was kinda interested in it.

    I might be done with all my games around november, I spent 190 bucks on games this year.

    I just beat Octodad: Deadliest Catch after getting on sale during the Steam Holiday sale. The game's a little short, but it's extremely hilarious.

  • Man, I'm in Ft. Lauderdale right now and I'm dreading coming back to NY. I'm not built for anything below 42F.

    Where I currently am, it's like 27 degrees Fahrenheit (about -2 degrees Celsius), and this has been the coldest day so far. What's worse is that on Christmas, it was like 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit, that's not normal.

  • The next HowToBasic.

    I think I have found my favorite channel in all of youtube. Look at this quality content. enter link description here

  • This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I absolutely hate making opinionated videos on youtube. Because the internet doesn't know what the word OPINION means, and people never read the description, which will give them a better explaination, so I get cancerous comments like these:

    enter image description here

  • edited January 2016

    this makes no sense i guess these people have no life and make comments to try and make themselves feel better dont like the videos dot watch them simple as that i have no idea what paragraph 3 has to do with anything at all just made me confused

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I absolutely hate making opinionated videos on youtube. Because the internet doesn't know what the word O

  • i was playing fallout 4 the part where you have to build a teleport to get into the institute worst part of the game as i had to keep going bacwards and forwards to places to get parts to build them then i had to build a single grid of power finally done it but took 3 hours to get everything and there wasnt really much help from that brotehrhood girl she kept on doing a repair animation on one of the pieces so i couldnt move it and kept sayig stuff i already knew at least it was worth it to progress

  • Yeah. Man, I long for the day where everyone learns the word opinion, and nobody is stupid any longer. What an awesome day that would be

    this makes no sense i guess these people have no life and make comments to try and make themselves feel better dont like the videos dot watch them simple as that i have no idea what paragraph 3 has to do with anything at all just made me confused

  • Isn't this guy on this forum?

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I absolutely hate making opinionated videos on youtube. Because the internet doesn't know what the word O

  • Not sure, and quite frankly, I don't care either. I want absolutely nothing to do with his immature ass.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Isn't this guy on this forum?

  • You didn't hear about the takeover of that Wildlife Refuge? Don't worry, they're freedom loving patriots. Fox News told me so!

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Ummm, wait, what?

  • Probably...hopefully just a coincidence, I don't remember @AWESOMEO being like that, at all.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Isn't this guy on this forum?

  • edited January 2016

    Yeah he is, but this is probably a troll account (Hopefully) since he's usually chill *

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Isn't this guy on this forum?

  • That's a very angry and disturbed person their life is so miserable they want to make others feel their pain with these irevelant unnessecary nasty outbursts in a desperate attempt to not always feel like the saddest and most insignificant person in the room

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I absolutely hate making opinionated videos on youtube. Because the internet doesn't know what the word O

  • Yeah, another person from the forums commented on my other video with the same kind of shit, only this time they're implying I only do YouTube for the views and my opinion is actually my desperate cry for attention and controversy. Like... what the fucking fuck is up with people? If their lives are miserable like that, they should never take it out on another human being.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That's a very angry and disturbed person their life is so miserable they want to make others feel their pain with these irevelant unnessecar

  • No, where is it?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    You didn't hear about the takeover of that Wildlife Refuge? Don't worry, they're freedom loving patriots. Fox News told me so!

  • I just learned that Seamus left The Creatures, this makes me sad.

    What makes me mad is the toxic fanbase saying the interns are cancer that are killing the Creatures and their golden days are gone. Toxic.

  • "That Mexico will pay for"


    Deltino posted: »

    enter link description here Has anyone seen this Trump advertisement I don't know how anyone saw this and decided 'yep it's good, put

  • What in the fuck?

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I absolutely hate making opinionated videos on youtube. Because the internet doesn't know what the word O

  • I guess that's what getting a small loan of a million dollars does to your head :P

    The worst part is knowing that there are people who believe in him :/

    Deltino posted: »

    enter link description here Has anyone seen this Trump advertisement I don't know how anyone saw this and decided 'yep it's good, put

  • So Tyga dm'd a 14 year old girl and now she's crying over it like she's lost a leg, welcome to 2016.

    enter link description here

  • Life is fun, huh?

    What in the fuck?

  • What the actual fuck. Is all i have to say

    So Tyga dm'd a 14 year old girl and now she's crying over it like she's lost a leg, welcome to 2016. enter link description here

  • edited January 2016

    Can't stop listening to this song / album - WE WERE UNBREAKABLE!

    enter link description here

  • is why I absolutely hate making opinionated videos on youtube.

    Which video is it?

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I absolutely hate making opinionated videos on youtube. Because the internet doesn't know what the word O

  • It was a Top 5 video that I had to take down late yesterday because I realized that all of my edits never rendered. So it was a completely raw video with all of my screw ups in it, when I had worked 3 hours editing things in. It was a video about the Top 5 games that I honestly found to be the worst of 2015, and I had clearly stated it was all opinion, but I guess a butthurt fanboy took it personally.

    is why I absolutely hate making opinionated videos on youtube. Which video is it?

  • I laughed at this once it finished. How can something like this be a genuine political argument? Or have the standards fallen that low?

    Deltino posted: »

    enter link description here Has anyone seen this Trump advertisement I don't know how anyone saw this and decided 'yep it's good, put

  • Salt123's Movie of the Day.....Today: The Hateful Eight

    enter image description here

    and a scene of the day

    enter link description here

  • Thank you. The Creatures' fanbase is full of entitled pricks.

    I just learned that Seamus left The Creatures, this makes me sad. What makes me mad is the toxic fanbase saying the interns are cancer that are killing the Creatures and their golden days are gone. Toxic.

  • Ireland - alcohol, corruption, rain anyone those


  • God I hate riding in the same car as my dad.....

  • United States - Abysmal.


  • Was Daniel Drunk when he posted this?

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is why I absolutely hate making opinionated videos on youtube. Because the internet doesn't know what the word O

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