Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • It's not your fault

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Well shit...Whenever I come here I somehow start shit and whenever I leave shit goes down....

  • edited January 2016

    Yes it is Bruh...Saltlicks are bad luck..... Goes off into corner and reads a Rhyiona magazine

    Eryka posted: »

    It's not your fault

  • But... I like saltlicks...

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Yes it is Bruh...Saltlicks are bad luck..... Goes off into corner and reads a Rhyiona magazine

  • Really funny.

    (I was actually laughing out loud when they told me (and I'm still laughing))

    funny story, actually...

  • Did anyone notice some people in the forums (Not always this one) get banned entirely? It was SheriffMaybe and Wolfenus. But aside from that, how's everybody's morning/day been?

  • Enough of the banned members talk. I'm flagging anything to do with that so end the discussion now.

  • ends

    Green613 posted: »

    Enough of the banned members talk. I'm flagging anything to do with that so end the discussion now.

  • There are really a lot of fanfictions and fanart (it was frequently done by our members here) and I'm sad that you probably won't find everything. See, this thread doesn't only include of fanfics, there's a lot of talk, good morning posts etc. But there are so many puns, jokes, pick-up lines, stories, headcanons, comics done in the past about Rhyiona! I can only suggest you if you really wanna find those gems to keep looking. Go through pages while scrolling fast and you'll find what you're looking for. If you were here from the beginning you would have known how difficult it was to keep Rhyiona related posts here.

    Soooo..... first post on this forum. Huh. Didn't expect this to be in a shipping thread of all things, but here we go....anyway, here's the

  • couldn't you - even though it would still be some work - every user in this thread in one big comment and ask them to find all the fanfictions they wrote or posted here and send them to you? the people who wrote it can send them without a problem, and the people who posted them can probably find them really quick via browser-history. just an idea.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't think there is, to be honest. See, we had a project where we'd gather all the fanfics posted here and just place them in FF.net o

  • talks about banned members

    HA! now what? what will you do? huh? what's your power? what are you gonna do? turn me to stone? as if you could do such a thing! YOU! You are nothing but a giant, ridicolous joke! Nothing but a laughing matte-

    enter image description here


    Green613 posted: »

    Enough of the banned members talk. I'm flagging anything to do with that so end the discussion now.

  • PSA: This is me the one and only. I thought I'd drop in and say the I am going to leave but hey maybe not forever. I love all you you unique and beautiful peoples. You all just do you it's the best that way. Just everybody take it easy out there...... Catcha later alligators!

  • wait, just wait a sec here. what exactly is going on? why are you leaving? why are you going out all of a sudden? damn, I respect that you need some time for yourself, that you need to meet new people, but we had a relationship! we deserve to know what's going on! ;_;

    Morphias posted: »

    PSA: This is me the one and only. I thought I'd drop in and say the I am going to leave but hey maybe not forever. I love all you you unique

  • It's nothing to worry about. But don't worry bro I will probably-ish be back.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    wait, just wait a sec here. what exactly is going on? why are you leaving? why are you going out all of a sudden? damn, I respect that you n

  • This thread is just... sigh

    enter image description here

  • enter image description here

    Oh wow... this... I haven't been here in ... AGES
    So many people that I have no idea who they are...


    enter image description here

    For those who are new I made this a LOOONGG time ago, when the Rhyiona kingdom, S.S. Rhyiona and many more thrived...

    Rhyiona is LOVE. Rhyiona is LIFE.

    Julie OUT.

  • Shamelessly promotes her deviantart > http://darktamaradeea.deviantart.com/gallery/

    You can find some fanart made by me (obviously) there ^^

    Julie OUT.

    Soooo..... first post on this forum. Huh. Didn't expect this to be in a shipping thread of all things, but here we go....anyway, here's the

  • sup julie

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Oh wow... this... I haven't been here in ... AGES So many people that I have no idea who they are... WELLL THROWBACK SATURDAY IT IS MA O

  • Not much fam.. what about you? X3

    Green613 posted: »

    sup julie

  • I'm doin good :B

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Not much fam.. what about you? X3

  • JULIE!

    enter image description here

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Oh wow... this... I haven't been here in ... AGES So many people that I have no idea who they are... WELLL THROWBACK SATURDAY IT IS MA O

  • edited January 2016

    I came here looking for fanfics and got some good recommendations. I also said I'd write some myself. Time to deliver, I suppose.
    Just an short 800 word snippet for now. More snippets will follow, and once I have 3000 words or so I'll consolidate it into a first chapter to post on fanfiction.net and archiveofourown.org.



    Rhys really wasn't having a good day.

    Making his way through the dead and abandonend Atlas facility with Vasquez – no, better make that Wallethead – right at his back, waiting for the moment he didn't need him anymore, that had been bad enough already. Then the seemingly dead facility turned out to be not so dead after all, and now he was dodging automated turrets and hovering security robots.

    Well, at least Wallethead had been replaced with Fiona. Who was significantly less likely to shoot him in the back. Hopefully.

    It was a bit late to have second thoughts now. He'd already chosen to trust her over Jack. Though if he'd known the nature of her "plan" in advance, perhaps he'd have decided differently.

    Two of Vallory's thugs had been unwise enough to barr their way. One of them was now sporting a broken neck – Fiona's handiwork. Rhys idly wondered if she did things like that often... probably not, he decided. Fiona didn't really seem like the casually murderous type. She was just... very Pandoran.


    The second thug had fared little better. Shot by those ceiling mounted turret guns. The same guns which were now blocking his and Fiona's path.

    "Aw, shit!" Fiona hissed from behind the computer console she was using for cover.

    "Are you okay?"


    Briefly leaning out from the doorframe he was hiding in, Rhys surveyed the room. So far, so good. "We can get up to the lobby from back here."

    "And get shot by those turrets? " Fiona objected. "No. And we need Gortys first."

    "You didn't get it?" Come to think of it, he could see her from where he was cowering and she obviously didn't have the strange metal sphere with her. Huh. Probably should have taken note of that sooner.

    "Focus, Rhys. We need Gortys back, or this whole thing is shot." Actually, it was much worse than that. Gortys would not be the only one to get shot if this went awry. "Damnit, I don't think I can get past those turrets."

    Taking another look out from behind his cover, a crazy idea was starting to form in Rhys' mind. Crazy, but if it's stupid, but works...

    "Got it all planned out." Rhys said, trying to sound confident and not at all like he was proposing something that had perhaps a 1 in 100 chance of succeeding. "You throw your hat at exactly the right time so that the turrets shoot each other and blow up."

    Judging by the expression on Fiona's face, she remained unconvinced.

    "We don't have much time." Rhys went on. "Who knows how long Vasquez will keep Sasha and Vaughn around?"

    "B... but I like my hat." Fiona responded, one hand possessively gripping the item on her head. That... had not at all sounded like the hard-bitten Pandoran hustler he knew her to be. Huh.

    "Well, you can buy a new one. You'll be rich!"

    "Fair point."

    Fiona's hat whirled through the air, like a very unshapely frisbee. Her aim and timing had been perfect, the two ceiling mounted turrets locked-on and opened fire at exactly the right time to take each other out, though not before shredding the unfortunate hat between them. Rhys had to admit even he was impressed.

    Then Fiona opened her mouth and ruined it all.

    "Touchgoal! Or... shit. I dunno. I'm happy!" Quickly running over to where Gortys had rolled, she picked up the metal sphere, looking quite pleased with herself.

    "Touch... Touchgoal?" It was a pity Rhys had never mastered that dreaded secret technique known as the raised eyebrow of ultimate scepticism. He could have used it to devastating effect here.

    "Shut up!" she replied, poking his chest with her finger. "Here. Take this." She pushed Gortys into his hands. "I'll..."

    That's when it all went wrong.

    The sharp whine the turret gun made as it suddenly reactivated and locked onto them was all the warning they got. Rhys had just enough time to drop Gortys and dive for cover. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Fiona doing the same a split second later. She'd been standing with her back to the turret gun.

    The ringing staccato of metal on concrete signaled at least a dozen bullets or more impacting with the ground. Then something in the already damaged turret gun's internals exploded, and the withering gunfire finally ceased.

    "Whoa! Whoa, that was way too close for comfort." Rhys had become depressingly accustomed to being shot at over the course of the last few days, but he would never enjoy it.

    He picked himself up from the floor. “Fiona? You okay? Come on, we need to get Gortys and...”

    He abruptly fell silent as he noticed his companions unmoving form lying on the ground.

    Fiona was quite evidently not okay.

  • I've tried looking for my own stuff and I can't find it so... I doubt it'd be possible that easily.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    couldn't you - even though it would still be some work - every user in this thread in one big comment and ask them to find all the fanfictio

  • These last few days have been horrible, jfc

    I'm finally feeling a bit better though, how is everyone?

  • What happened sweety?

    I'm fine.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    These last few days have been horrible, jfc I'm finally feeling a bit better though, how is everyone?

  • edited January 2016

    Been sick. That shit hurts.

    That's good to hear!

    Eryka posted: »

    What happened sweety? I'm fine.

  • Which shit? Your shit? My shit? Wolfanus' shit? My cats' shit?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Been sick. That shit hurts. That's good to hear!

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    Which shit? Your shit? My shit? Wolfanus' shit? My cats' shit?

  • I need a clear answer.

  • Viewed by 3.1M users

    resim upload

  • Rhyiona not just love and life anymore.(yes I just wanted to repost this)

    enter image description here

  • You're a meh character i guess.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Oh wow... this... I haven't been here in ... AGES So many people that I have no idea who they are... WELLL THROWBACK SATURDAY IT IS MA O

  • SUP SUCKAS. This is Hellie coming back from the dead. On a side note, I found this:

    This was my favorite book as a kid.

  • Loving this so far, feeling VERY concerned for Fiona right now, ahhh. :/ Very well done! : ) Thank you for sharing

    I came here looking for fanfics and got some good recommendations. I also said I'd write some myself. Time to deliver, I suppose. Just an s

  • Yeeah, SUCK IT RHYSHA lolol

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Rhyiona not just love and life anymore.(yes I just wanted to repost this)

  • Another Youtuber has finally taken on TFTBL. A prayer for Jacksepticeye, may he not be dragged into the unwanted factory settings romance that is Rhysha. (butprobablywilltbh)

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