I'm an emotional wreck. Thanks Telltale

I'm not ashamed to admit I cried my eyes out at the end :( I knew something bad was gonna happen, just why of all of the characters was it Reuben? Like this made me cry way more than the ending of Season 2 of the Walking Dead, and that one got to me hard. This has just turned me into an emotional wreck. Did it have a similar effect on anyone else?

Edit: Also for added reference go to 1:28:27 to see my reaction, I cry like a goddamn baby, I'm sorry if it seems a little over reactive, it's just I had a great little bond with that damn pig :(



  • more than the ending of Season 2 of the Walking Dead

    You mean, you cried at the end of Season 2 more than Season 1.

  • No. Nothing beats the emotional ending of season 1, that's why i mentioned Season 2 instead :P

    AronDracula posted: »

    more than the ending of Season 2 of the Walking Dead You mean, you cried at the end of Season 2 more than Season 1.

  • edited January 2016

    Yep. I fucking cried. I cried at the end of both season 1/2 of The Walking Dead, Tales from The Borderlands (The intro to episode 5), and The Wolf Among Us (Vivian's speech) and now Minecraft Story Mode. Man I cried a lot in recent Telltale games which is funny considering I'm not too emotionally attached to other games and media in general.

  • It's there attention to characters and relationships. It makes you feel for the people you interact with. Lee/Clementine, Clementine/Kenny/Jane, Rhys/Loaderbot and now Jesse/Rueben :(

    Yep. I fucking cried. I cried at the end of both season 1/2 of The Walking Dead, Tales from The Borderlands (The intro to episode 5), and Th

  • My words... Damn freaking emotional Vault stuff!

    Gonna be back after drying my tears. I mean it.

  • edited January 2016

    this was the best episode of MCSM I've played(dare I say the best telltales episode they have ever made) it starts out with just chaos, then the long dragged out travel to the far lands, then more chaos with the witch, then confusion to chaos, then to brain twisters, then comes the horrible truth from Soren, then the buildup for the final battle, then THE final battle, then the tension comes on strong, then what makes pro football player cry which is ruebens death. then the happy ending that will lead on to the 5th episode.

    this episode made my emotions barf.

  • I cried on the inside. I'm an emotionless rock... Poor, innocent Rueben...

  • I think what made it worse was the fact that Reuben was a pig. An animal. It's usually much sadder when an animal dies. Especially if it's cute or lovely. Or both, like Reuben. :C

  • Telltales feeds off of your tears. they probably have seen this thread and are like.

    enter image description here

  • He wasn't as powerful as lee, but it was still pretty sad, but seriously telltale can even make the kiddos cry

  • Now they're going to kill all future fan favourites off ;-; well... they already do that :x

    Enigma12 posted: »

    Telltales feeds off of your tears. they probably have seen this thread and are like.

  • i mean i was upset sure but i would be upset if it was anyone if it were someone like lukas who i really like i might of shed a tear but reuben is one of those characters which just wasn't given enough screen time sorry but no emotion

  • "Nothing beats the emotional ending of season 1" +1
    The Walking Dead S1 Emotions overheated but minecraft for me isn't bring any think aside for fun, the story is nice, the caracter are well written, the voice cast is very good but is lack the "emotion", is just facial expression, the landscape, the graphics overall isn't enough as I can see only pixels... the only think that I feel is math, doing geometry and how it will look if there was in a four dimension univers think how a tesseract will look upon their faces and believe me that I am a emotional wreck, I cry even though an evil character but dear to me dies.

  • It was a heart breaking for sure and I think Telltale are quite proud of making people upset. I think it's part of their mission statement or something.

  • edited January 2016

    Reuben was a hero. :(

    Every thing I do for here on out, I do for Reuben.

  • Telltale's secret requirement for new writers is:

    • Ability to make people cry.
    DoubleJump posted: »

    It was a heart breaking for sure and I think Telltale are quite proud of making people upset. I think it's part of their mission statement or something.

  • edited January 2016

    The only character that I adored in the whole game, and they had to kill him off.

    God damn Telltale, Why? WHY?! WHYYYYYY?!?!?!!

    enter image description here

    On a serious note, I've been wanting to like this game. I've been trying really hard to do so, but the unlikable and bland characters, the lack of humor, the rushed story and the faulted logic just completely ruined the experience for me. Reuben's death was the final straw.

    I'm not usually one to complain, but I can't wait for this series to end so we can move on to Season Three of The Walking Dead.

  • Im excited for S3 too. But im hoping S3 will be the end of TWD. I don't want a S4 or up for TWD. I want S3 to end the series. I want telltale to make other series, or a S2 for telltales other series.

    The only character that I adored in the whole game, and they had to kill him off. God damn Telltale, Why? WHY?! WHYYYYYY?!?!?!! On

  • I can agree with that for the first episode, but for the rest? I really enjoyed them. Maybe not perfect, but then what is in life?

    The only character that I adored in the whole game, and they had to kill him off. God damn Telltale, Why? WHY?! WHYYYYYY?!?!?!! On

  • Now THAT would be a fun job. In this age of apathy, it'd at least be a fun challenge. :P

    DoubleJump posted: »

    It was a heart breaking for sure and I think Telltale are quite proud of making people upset. I think it's part of their mission statement or something.

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