I did care but I got bored of this game after the finale. The finale was really messed, it could have been better but the developers decided to end Max's story right now
They shouldn't use timetravel again. I actually would've liked LiS more, If it didn't had this "Feature". They could've made a very literal And Personal story without that timetravel. Because that would give the Choices meaningfull impact. And LiS wouldn't feel like a "Butterfly Effect" ripp-Off.(i mean the Movie)
Soooooooo if a new character got Max's powers then you want the 2nd series? ok but if that happen would you want to be another highschool story or maybe a character who is older and more mature
I did care but I got bored of this game after the finale. The finale was really messed, it could have been better but the developers decided to end Max's story right now
For me it wasn't the choices or endings, but that god awful dragged out dream sequence that ruined the finale for me. Up until then I had been invested in the story, but because they put that in there and the fact it went on for so long, it just took me right out of the game I'd of rather of seen Max and Chloe trying to make it to the lighthouse or them attempting to convince people to leave the town than what we got with that confusing dream.
In your original post you said that this game became "bad and overrated". In this comment chain, you told us that you enjoyed the other 4 episodes.
How can a game become basically worthless after one bad episode? You still got a lot of enjoyment from other 4 episodes, and I assume that you had feels of joy, sadness and all that throughout.
In your original post you said that this game became "bad and overrated". In this comment chain, you told us that you enjoyed the other 4 ep… moreisodes.
How can a game become basically worthless after one bad episode? You still got a lot of enjoyment from other 4 episodes, and I assume that you had feels of joy, sadness and all that throughout.
Firstly, I'm not sure how this relates to the discussion we were having.
Secondly, there isn't much action in TT games too. These kind of games are not created for the breathtaking action sequences or anything like that. They're story driven, and the story is what matters the most, atleast most of the time. As a matter of fact, I found that LiS had even more action, so to say, than recent TT titles. There was certainly more walking around, rewinding, puzzle doing and all that.
Thirdly, does a game need violence to be good now? Also, define how you want to see violence. In action, guns-blazing and blood-dripping? Because if not, LiS had quite a lot violence, be it physical or psychological violence. Think about all the abuse Kate had to go through, the whole Dark room stuff throughout the game, the part in Ep. 5 where you're being literally drugged and forced to pose for some sick pervert's photos.
I don't get why the people didn't leave town, they must have seen the massive hurricane heading towards the town, what makes them think hiding in small houses and a diner will save them?
For me it wasn't the choices or endings, but that god awful dragged out dream sequence that ruined the finale for me. Up until then I had be… moreen invested in the story, but because they put that in there and the fact it went on for so long, it just took me right out of the game I'd of rather of seen Max and Chloe trying to make it to the lighthouse or them attempting to convince people to leave the town than what we got with that confusing dream.
This. I liked LiS for it's literal Storytelling And the themes it uses (like bullying And such.) But since the bully theme got Pretty much thrown away After EP. 2, the Storytelling was the Last thing, that interested me. But Then Dontnod decided to turn into a David Cage And put a Dreamsequence in it, wich was Handled badly. First they stole from P.T, Then they put us into the beginning of the Game (again!) And Then they turned LiS into a Stealth Game. These scenes Are the Complete opposite of LiS's Storytelling. It's a really downer for me. But At least EP. 1,3 And 4 Are still good.
For me it wasn't the choices or endings, but that god awful dragged out dream sequence that ruined the finale for me. Up until then I had be… moreen invested in the story, but because they put that in there and the fact it went on for so long, it just took me right out of the game I'd of rather of seen Max and Chloe trying to make it to the lighthouse or them attempting to convince people to leave the town than what we got with that confusing dream.
Well, I haven't updated this with the great news of awards/nominations and general news in a while. So let's just fucking do that.
* Em… morema Blackery Did A Playthrough of Life Is Strange
* Hannah Telle Did a Interview With Blackwell Podcast(That fan initiative doe)
* Eurogamer Ranked Life Is Strange In Their Top 5 Games of 2015 (Out of fucking 50 games)
* Push Square List Life Is Strange as Their #5 Game of The Year
* Greg Miller Thought Life Is Strange Was Fantastic
* Square Enix Is Hosting a Sweepstakes For a Life Is Strange Vinyl Record
* A Mobile Media Kit Is In The Works (Reddit love)
* Kotaku List Life Is Strange as One of The Best Games of 2015
* People Starting Getting Chloe Price Tattoo (Does look cool)
* DONTNOD and Square Enix Ship Pricefield
* EGM Has Life Is Strange as #5 Game of The Year
* Digital Spy Has Life Is Strange as Their Top Five Game of The Year
* PCGamesN Has Life Is Strange as On… [view original content]
Another song by Koethe. ^-^
And recently found out it's been edited into the "Sacrifice Arcadia Bay" ending. Calling it the TRUE ending.
Anyone else planning on picking up the limited edition of LiS on Jan 19th? I am souly for the art book designed to look like Max's journal and the directors commentary
Anyone else planning on picking up the limited edition of LiS on Jan 19th? I am souly for the art book designed to look like Max's journal and the directors commentary
Anyone else planning on picking up the limited edition of LiS on Jan 19th? I am souly for the art book designed to look like Max's journal and the directors commentary
Anyone else planning on picking up the limited edition of LiS on Jan 19th? I am souly for the art book designed to look like Max's journal and the directors commentary
Anyone else planning on picking up the limited edition of LiS on Jan 19th? I am souly for the art book designed to look like Max's journal and the directors commentary
Having fun? Enjoy the story and the gameplay.
I did care but I got bored of this game after the finale. The finale was really messed, it could have been better but the developers decided to end Max's story right now
And you didn't do that at all? From what you commented, didn't you say you got bored after the finale, not before?
They shouldn't use timetravel again. I actually would've liked LiS more, If it didn't had this "Feature". They could've made a very literal And Personal story without that timetravel. Because that would give the Choices meaningfull impact. And LiS wouldn't feel like a "Butterfly Effect" ripp-Off.(i mean the Movie)
Ok you disliked the finale but there are still the other 4 episodes that make the game what it is...
Yes and I didn't when the finale came out
Like @IronWoodLover said, there still are 4 episodes that, I assume, you enjoyed.
I did
So does one episode, that's, let's say, bad, make all the others you enjoyed worthless?
For me it wasn't the choices or endings, but that god awful dragged out dream sequence that ruined the finale for me. Up until then I had been invested in the story, but because they put that in there and the fact it went on for so long, it just took me right out of the game
I'd of rather of seen Max and Chloe trying to make it to the lighthouse or them attempting to convince people to leave the town than what we got with that confusing dream.
I don't understand
In your original post you said that this game became "bad and overrated". In this comment chain, you told us that you enjoyed the other 4 episodes.
How can a game become basically worthless after one bad episode? You still got a lot of enjoyment from other 4 episodes, and I assume that you had feels of joy, sadness and all that throughout.
In Life is Strange, you just listen and watch a story, there is no action or violence.
Firstly, I'm not sure how this relates to the discussion we were having.
Secondly, there isn't much action in TT games too. These kind of games are not created for the breathtaking action sequences or anything like that. They're story driven, and the story is what matters the most, atleast most of the time. As a matter of fact, I found that LiS had even more action, so to say, than recent TT titles. There was certainly more walking around, rewinding, puzzle doing and all that.
Thirdly, does a game need violence to be good now? Also, define how you want to see violence. In action, guns-blazing and blood-dripping? Because if not, LiS had quite a lot violence, be it physical or psychological violence. Think about all the abuse Kate had to go through, the whole Dark room stuff throughout the game, the part in Ep. 5 where you're being literally drugged and forced to pose for some sick pervert's photos.
What? Huh. I thought there was plenty of action throughout the game.
I don't get why the people didn't leave town, they must have seen the massive hurricane heading towards the town, what makes them think hiding in small houses and a diner will save them?
What I mean is you can't die in this game. You can't shoot a gun, you can't kill anyone directly etc. Just walking, talking and rewinding time
Now, this is just cute, and sad.
I think that's a little exaggerative.
But you think it's pointless full stop, so you think it's not fun to anyone?
Not my problem if others like it or not.
This. I liked LiS for it's literal Storytelling And the themes it uses (like bullying And such.) But since the bully theme got Pretty much thrown away After EP. 2, the Storytelling was the Last thing, that interested me. But Then Dontnod decided to turn into a David Cage And put a Dreamsequence in it, wich was Handled badly. First they stole from P.T, Then they put us into the beginning of the Game (again!) And Then they turned LiS into a Stealth Game. These scenes Are the Complete opposite of LiS's Storytelling. It's a really downer for me. But At least EP. 1,3 And 4 Are still good.
Well, I haven't updated this with the great news of awards/nominations and general news in a while. So let's just fucking do that.
Emma Blackery Did A Playthrough of Life Is Strange
Hannah Telle Did a Interview With Blackwell Podcast(That fan initiative doe)
Eurogamer Ranked Life Is Strange In Their Top 5 Games of 2015 (Out of fucking 50 games)
Push Square List Life Is Strange as Their #5 Game of The Year
Greg Miller Thought Life Is Strange Was Fantastic
Square Enix Is Hosting a Sweepstakes For a Life Is Strange Vinyl Record
A Mobile Media Kit Is In The Works (Reddit love)
Kotaku List Life Is Strange as One of The Best Games of 2015
People Starting Getting Chloe Price Tattoo (Does look cool)
DONTNOD and Square Enix Ship Pricefield
EGM Has Life Is Strange as #5 Game of The Year
Digital Spy Has Life Is Strange as Their Top Five Game of The Year
PCGamesN Has Life Is Strange as One of The Best Games of 2015
Life is Strange Polygon's #7 Game of the Year For 2015
Life Is Strange Is One of The Best Video Game Stories
Life Is Strange has won/nominated for a shit ton of awards. So I will just list some of them below for now.
The Following is just some of them.
Life Is Strange Wins Game Informer's Best Adventure Game of 2015
Source: Game Informer Best of 2015 Awards
Life Is Strange Wins Best Downloadable Game
Source: Best Downloadable Game
Life Is Strange Wins VGChartz Best Adventure Game of 2015
Source: Best Adventure Game
Life Is Strange Wins Game Revolution Best New IP
Source: Game Revolution Best of 2015
Life Is Strange Wins PlayStation Universe Best Musical Soundtrack
Source: PlayStation Universe Awards
This is incredible. Thanks, @NotSoConcerned, for doing this
LiS deserves every award it gets.
Another song by Koethe. ^-^
And recently found out it's been edited into the "Sacrifice Arcadia Bay" ending. Calling it the TRUE ending.
I think it is fair to say I've become kinda obsessed with this game. I'm gonna do a post for just the nominations next along with any news.
The "Sacrifice Arcadia Bay" ending was too short compared to "Sacrifice Chloe" ending.
Anyone else planning on picking up the limited edition of LiS on Jan 19th? I am souly for the art book designed to look like Max's journal and the directors commentary
This needed way more sins.
I preordered it and its on its way already.
I pre-ordered it for the music and art book. And when it arrives, I'll be playing through the whole adventure once more.
Not me.
I can't wait for mine to come.
Just a reminder, the limited edition of Life is Strange will be released this Tuesday. Which is 24 hours away.
And the music maker Koethe who made those songs inspired by the game is available in Spotify, iTunes and Google Play.announcement
And also, there is one detail in episode 5 that I don't think has been mentioned, but I haven't realized it until recently. Depending if Victoria believed you're warning or didn't believe/did not warn Victoria.
Just going to leave this here.
enter link description here
The part about the ending.
Excited for Life Is Strange 2.
This was actually funny while poking at the holes in the game aswell
I find it funny how the comments recommending they do this usually have a reply that asks why.