The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited January 2016

    Dude, I have not the slightest. I feel pretty bad for the guy this all happened to. Also, Good God, is the fellow ok? The way the thread ended makes me think he's gonna go kill himself, and the suggestions by the people replying didn't help. I need closure to this story, damn it!

    Markd4547 posted: »

    One of the worst things I could ever imagine happening this is messed up (so

  • I'm realizing why I stopped playing MGS after Sons of Liberty. Listening to Raiden and Rose conversate is nauseating. Raiden does suck as a character but geez. I'm hoping I finish this quick so I can get to snake eater or peace walker, whichever is next.

  • Update: After a long time of stress and sleepless nights, the dispute with Konami I filed was a success! They took down the claim on the video and it is officially monetized! I knew I could best those little fuckers. Great feeling it was. Thanks to everyone who supported me during my offense on Konami. Here, have some art cutest Konami girl ever, Heather Mason for the occasion of Konami's douchebaggery failing. (And ask me if you want the Sauce with the images)

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    To Konami:

    enter image description here

  • I´d rather say that Konami should stop chasing the dragon.

  • Good this mean my plan is finally working, muhahahahahha

    papai46 posted: »

    God, the cringe made me feel pain.

  • Can't wait to see the finished project!

    I put my video game project on hold for the meantime, since I wanted to create at least a single short animated film for this year. So yeah, it's gonna be a fight scene with Clementine and another character from the TWD cast.

  • Congrats! (I read about it during my hiatus) Shows Bitchynomi they can't run everybody like they think. And yeah, Heather is a great character.

    BTW you mentioned before something about Team Dream in the earlier posts. I remember seeing that name from Lehfeels (who I lost contact with) and I kinda did some work for them through him (I drew that Minecraft fan series banner). So you're both in the same group?

    Update: After a long time of stress and sleepless nights, the dispute with Konami I filed was a success! They took down the claim on the vid

  • edited January 2016


  • It's actually just flirting 101.

    he's not trying to f*ck her, right?

    there's a fine line between complimenting a woman, and trying to rape her or some shit.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here He got fined for this thoughts?

  • Congrats! (I read about it during my hiatus) Shows Bitchynomi they can't run everybody like they think.

    Thanks! I intend to like Konami know that they are indeed bags of dicks!

    And yeah, Heather is a great character.

    What else can you expect from the offspring of God and Alessa? XD

    BTW you mentioned before something about Team Dream in the earlier posts. I remember seeing that name from Lehfeels (who I lost contact with) and I kinda did some work for them through him (I drew that Minecraft fan series banner). So you're both in the same group?

    Were in the same group. Not anymore. There was a falling out between a certain member and I who didn't understand what an opinion was, nor did they have any understanding of human emotions.

    Congrats! (I read about it during my hiatus) Shows Bitchynomi they can't run everybody like they think. And yeah, Heather is a great charact


    Great episode though, Y'all should watch it.

  • You took a risk, and you won. Celebrate! :)

    Update: After a long time of stress and sleepless nights, the dispute with Konami I filed was a success! They took down the claim on the vid

  • Lol, celebrate? Screw that, I'm gonna work. XD

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    You took a risk, and you won. Celebrate!

  • Well I was supposed to be giving them a new logo (which I forgot what the design was) so if they don't have a new one already I'd like to finish that up for them. Think you could show me the way to them?

    Congrats! (I read about it during my hiatus) Shows Bitchynomi they can't run everybody like they think. Thanks! I intend to like Kon

  • Now I´m gonna have a cigarette before I go to sleep, good night!

  • Sadly, I cannot. That Alex guy cut off all of my ties to the group and I haven't heard from any of them for a while. So sorry, maybe if you add him on Skype you could get a hold of them. I still have one of the members in my contact list, just talk to them and they will likely direct you.

    His name: Ps3gamer095/UrbanBoat095

    Well I was supposed to be giving them a new logo (which I forgot what the design was) so if they don't have a new one already I'd like to finish that up for them. Think you could show me the way to them?

  • edited January 2016

    Thanks I'll contact him when I have the chance (currently working on a story today).

    Sadly, I cannot. That Alex guy cut off all of my ties to the group and I haven't heard from any of them for a while. So sorry, maybe if you

  • God damn, that's straight fucked up. I wouldn't be mad if he ended up killing them.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    One of the worst things I could ever imagine happening this is messed up (so

  • Lucky, Sean Penn got to meet El Chapo.

  • Very sad. I'm reading the Witcher series slower and slower, but no matter how much I bide my time I won't be able to make it to 2017 on 4 books! Seriously, how long does it take to translate a story? They aren't even that long!

  • I'm a terrible person. I laughed reading through all of it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    One of the worst things I could ever imagine happening this is messed up (so

  • Derfouq!? Truly fucked up.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    One of the worst things I could ever imagine happening this is messed up (so

  • It depends on the language. For instance, French or Dutch to English is comparitively easier than Polish to English due to lingual similarities between the languages.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Very sad. I'm reading the Witcher series slower and slower, but no matter how much I bide my time I won't be able to make it to 2017 on 4 books! Seriously, how long does it take to translate a story? They aren't even that long!

  • I have a feeling it's fake.

    I'd probably off my dad in a fit of rage.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    One of the worst things I could ever imagine happening this is messed up (so

  • edited January 2016

    What happened between you and Konami?

    Update: After a long time of stress and sleepless nights, the dispute with Konami I filed was a success! They took down the claim on the vid

  • Even at that I wouldn't assume it would take that long to produce through already trained translators. I suspect it has more to do with a business plan, and if it does then screw them for getting in the way of my fictional journey!

    Though I could be completely wrong and it actually does take that long, idk.

    It depends on the language. For instance, French or Dutch to English is comparitively easier than Polish to English due to lingual similarities between the languages.

  • enter image description here

    So close. Oh well, they'll eventually hook up... in the episode before one of them kicks the bucket.

    And Penny really does seem to be screwed, which sucks. And then there's Mercury and Ruby, with Ruby not having Crescent Rose. I did not expect this Volume to get dark so quickly. '-'

  • Anybody know any good ds or 3ds games that are similar to persona? I'm trying to figure out some games to buy besides Mario and Zelda games. I could go for a good rpg. Maybe one with romantic elements or social links like persona. :P

  • They said before the second half was released that this series was going to get a lot less kid friendly and a whole lot more dark, but I didn't expect it to go down that way.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    So close. Oh well, they'll eventually hook up... in the episode before one of them kicks the bucket. And Penny really does seem to be scr

  • Long story. Basically, Konami was being a hot bag of dicks and filed a copyright claim on my video for visuals, a video which by the way, is a compilation of VISUALS. Anywho, they filed a claim for visuals (Which they don't even own since Team Silent were the people that put all the effort into SH2 and konami did nothing), so I filed a dispute saying it was bullshit. And I got my video monetized again.

    What happened between you and Konami?

  • Konami is on a hotstreak right now. Finding ways to piss people off, one by one. I wonder what else they've got under their sleeve. Buncha dick heads...

    Glad it got settled. Can I see the video if you don't mind?

    Long story. Basically, Konami was being a hot bag of dicks and filed a copyright claim on my video for visuals, a video which by the way, is

  • Are you sure? I've been told my videos are cancerous, wouldn't want you to catch a disease. XD

    Here it is. Warning, the quality is garbage because I put no effort into it. XD

    Konami is on a hotstreak right now. Finding ways to piss people off, one by one. I wonder what else they've got under their sleeve. Buncha dick heads... Glad it got settled. Can I see the video if you don't mind?

  • Or, it could be a combination of these factors thereof.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Even at that I wouldn't assume it would take that long to produce through already trained translators. I suspect it has more to do with a bu

  • How come's there's no sound?

    Are you sure? I've been told my videos are cancerous, wouldn't want you to catch a disease. XD Here it is. Warning, the quality is garbage because I put no effort into it. XD

  • There isn't? I mean, it was a livestream, so it was bound to have errors. But I had no idea the sound wasn't there. Shit!

    How come's there's no sound?

  • RIP David Bowie :(

  • First Scott Weiland, then Lemmy, now Bowie. Holy shit it's been a tough few months for rock fans everywhere, R.I.P. David Bowie.

    RIP David Bowie

  • Hey, i watched your videos and now i'm in the hospital with stage three cancer. Thanks to you this is my last week alive.

    There isn't? I mean, it was a livestream, so it was bound to have errors. But I had no idea the sound wasn't there. Shit!


    RIP David Bowie

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