Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Rick your adorable. Lol

    RickSanchez posted: »

    Yeeah, SUCK IT RHYSHA lolol

  • edited January 2016


    Would anyone be interested in trying to do a Rhyiona event in any game sometime this week(BL2, TPS, BL1, L4D, L4D2, TF2, CSGO, GMod, Gotham Imposters, and any others you can think of). Just respond and hopefully we can get at least something small going by the weekend.

  • I can't :(

    RRBRRR Would anyone be interested in trying to do a Rhyiona event in any game sometime this week(BL2, TPS, BL1, L4D, L4D2, TF2, CSGO, GMo

  • edited January 2016

    Well, it's what TTG originally intended. Also, I'm basically a multi-shipper if I even am considered one as long as I support some shipping. So basically I wouldn't mind as much as others of the thread. But literally the moment I started Tales from Episode 1 when LB was dragging Rhys to Fiona; I instantly thought they were like a pissed off couple or hell even husband and wife.

    RickSanchez posted: »

    Another Youtuber has finally taken on TFTBL. A prayer for Jacksepticeye, may he not be dragged into the unwanted factory settings romance that is Rhysha. (butprobablywilltbh)

  • Maybe a TF2 thing for me

    RRBRRR Would anyone be interested in trying to do a Rhyiona event in any game sometime this week(BL2, TPS, BL1, L4D, L4D2, TF2, CSGO, GMo

  • <3

    Sauce and also thank you @GrowlingPeanut

  • Hey! Great idea. But not today for me, tomorrow perhaps.

    RRBRRR Would anyone be interested in trying to do a Rhyiona event in any game sometime this week(BL2, TPS, BL1, L4D, L4D2, TF2, CSGO, GMo

  • Haven't been here for ages, gonna say hi and go sleep. Hm...My lewd Dictionary...Ha! Got one!

    Rhys stands near Vasquez and dicks.

    Dicks his own grave!

  • Hi everyone! I am so glad I am not alone in shipping Rhys and Fiona. I need some help. It's been a week since I finished the game... Yet here I am,... I hunger or more, but the worst is, I AM STILL ATTACHED SO BAD!!!! It's starting to affect my life currently. Please help me by controlling my feelings. This all happened because of my curiosity to Rhys' and Fiona's apparent disappearance. I hope TTG have started developing a sequel already... With both Rhys and Fiona again...

  • Nice! Welcome to Rhyiona! Did you happen to get into that super swood 1% saying they liked Fiona? :]

    Hi everyone! I am so glad I am not alone in shipping Rhys and Fiona. I need some help. It's been a week since I finished the game... Yet her

  • Found some drawings c:


  • it's too soon for this. maybe on season 2 something like this happen

    Sauce and also thank you @GrowlingPeanut

  • Says the meh one XP

    GrumpyDof posted: »

    You're a meh character i guess.

  • edited January 2016

    Is anyone out there?

  • enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Found some drawings c: Source

  • enter image description here

    Zeratuel posted: »

    Is anyone out there?

  • Hi guys! Is it really THAT quiet here? I hope Rhysha topic won't be more active than ours!

  • Umm.... Howdy?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Holy shit! CHEF!

  • Maybe we just have nothing to say.

    I have nothing to say.

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Hi guys! Is it really THAT quiet here? I hope Rhysha topic won't be more active than ours!

  • Where have you been? You haven't been online since christmas.

    Umm.... Howdy?

  • How can we make this topic more active, then? There has to be a way!

    Eryka posted: »

    Maybe we just have nothing to say. I have nothing to say.

  • Have more active people

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    How can we make this topic more active, then? There has to be a way!

  • Come here, people! I...I...ummm....have a cookies? does it still work these days?

    Eryka posted: »

    Have more active people

  • You need some candies, and a pedo-van ;)

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Come here, people! I...I...ummm....have a cookies? does it still work these days?

  • Well, I did mention the reasons why I wasn't going to be online from around Christmas onward, with Exams and my Real Life being in a bad state.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Where have you been? You haven't been online since christmas.

  • or ice cream! Come on, pedo-van? ;P

    Eryka posted: »

    You need some candies, and a pedo-van

  • edited January 2016

    Here's an idea: just talk about Rhyiona, throw around ideas, and get something going instead complaining about a slow thread.

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    or ice cream! Come on, pedo-van? ;P

  • Or maybe that's the reason why this place seems to be slowing down. People aren't really all to that bothered about Rhyiona no more, and because "we're not allowed to talk about anything but Rhyiona" people have moved onto other sites to talk and chat.

    Here's an idea: just talk about Rhyiona, throw around ideas, and get something going instead complaining about a slow thread.

  • I didn't see them, it's glad to see you around tho c:

    Well, I did mention the reasons why I wasn't going to be online from around Christmas onward, with Exams and my Real Life being in a bad state.

  • Me too. It feels forever since I've been on here.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I didn't see them, it's glad to see you around tho c:

  • have a cookies

    enter image description here

    PannaMoxxi posted: »

    Come here, people! I...I...ummm....have a cookies? does it still work these days?

  • A little speech from your President.

    First, welcome back @HandsomeChef. Glad your life is back in order to the point where you can post here again. I knew you weren't gone because you didn't want to be here anymore like someone said. Anyway...

    People aren't really all to that bothered about Rhyiona no more, and because "we're not allowed to talk about anything but Rhyiona" people have moved onto other sites to talk and chat.

    Not entirely true. You've been gone Handsome, so I don't expect you to be caught up wth the thread or to ever read the past posts. Despite the "how about you talk here with off-topic posts," people have still been doing that. Not to a huge extent as it was before but it still goes on. Infact, more people were turned off by the amount of off-topic posts there was before the 'rule' was set in place, myself included.

    For why it's been inactive, there are two ideas I'm going throw out here. One, life is a thing. It does not focus on solely this thread or forum, at least I know my doesn't. I won't speak for tbe behalf of others, but I've been focused on school, writing, and YouTube.

    Another conclusion I've come to is that Tales is over. The entire Tales section has slowed down in traffic ever since its ended. While Tales is my #1 game of all time and I would go on and on about it, not everyone does that. They'll move onto other games and such.

    That's all I have to say.

  • I knew you weren't gone because you didn't want to be here anymore like someone said. Anyway...

    Well, Apart from school and RL situations I found myself in during November/December. Whoever said I didn't want to be on here anymore is in actual fact true. Not because I hate or dislike you guys or anything, I honestly believe I got on with everyone on the thread quite well before my departure. It was really because I didn't want to ship Rhyiona anymore, now I really don't want to go into complete detail why I don't anymore. But I honestly feel that will lead to complications between with all those who currently do inside the thread and a weakened trust between them, which I don't want to lose. And if you read my leaving post correctly, I did say I had no clue whether I shipped Rhyiona or not.

    Not entirely true. You've been gone Handsome, so I don't expect you to be caught up wth the thread or to ever read the past posts.

    Well, I have been gone, but that solely doesn't mean I'm not caught up with the thread. Outside the thread I would say I'm still friends with a large amount of members, like OfficialSheriffMaybe, SirScrubbington, RockMySocks (which I apologise for what happened on steam if she/he ever reads this and please try to add me again on steam) RhyionsIsLife etc, so its most probable I hear stuff about whats been going on here once in a while, like (I believe) Wolfenus and Official getting banned. But that also doesn't mean I check the thread and the posts once a while; either when I thought about returning back, or when I'm online talking to Rhyiona in PM (Which I tend not to any longer, realising that Mods and such can essentially 'see' on what you are saying/doing). Also, please refer to me as "Chef"

    Infact, more people were turned off by the amount of off-topic posts there was before the 'rule' was set in place, myself included.

    I don't know about that, but wasn't the "off-topic" rule set inplace before I left? I can remember fondly of Green losing his rag about it and saying that If it doesn't immediately stop, he was going to close down the entire thread, Which in my honest opinion is pretty arrogant of him to say. But, I do see where He was coming from with it, Off-topic was a pretty big problem, but honestly I believe thats what kept this thread alive and roaring. We, or you guys, didn't get 1700+ pages of comments without a bit of Non-Rhyiona material. I would probably estimate that 40% of this entire thread contains non-Rhyiona material. Which to be fair, probably everyone is guilty of doing.

    For why it's been inactive, there are two ideas I'm going throw out here. One, life is a thing. It does not focus on solely this thread or forum, at least I know my doesn't. I won't speak for tbe behalf of others, but I've been focused on school, writing, and YouTube.

    Another conclusion I've come to is that Tales is over. The entire Tales section has slowed down in traffic ever since its ended. While Tales is my #1 game of all time and I would go on and on about it, not everyone does that. They'll move onto other games and such.

    I would agree with those reasons. But I feel as if the 'crack-down' on Off-topic posts is what gradually slowed down the amount of posts and (If my mind wasn't so shite currently) I could probably name a handful of people who have moved predominantly elsewhere to chat because of it. I'm not saying Green should lift the rule on Off-topic posts, but I really feel his harshness was unjust. I mean, kill me for my opinion you guys. But It felt like he was never on here, or really had any interaction with the group for long periods of time, now I know he has a 'life' like everyone does, and I'm not going to judge him for that. But you can see where I'm coming from when I get irritated at Green suddenly showing up on the forum and essentially throwing his pram out of the crib and blackmailing everyone with shutting down the thread because we're 'not always talking about Rhyiona'. Now, I could rant all-day. But Like what I said at the beginning, I would like to maintain my relations with the group for as long as possible, So I'll finish my post here.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    A little speech from your President. First, welcome back @HandsomeChef. Glad your life is back in order to the point where you can post h

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited January 2016

    I'm the only one who doesn't feel guilty.

    *and I'm the biggest problem

    I knew you weren't gone because you didn't want to be here anymore like someone said. Anyway... Well, Apart from school and RL situa

  • But It felt like he was never on here, or really had any interaction with the group for long periods of time, now I know he has a 'life' like everyone does, and I'm not going to judge him for that. But you can see where I'm coming from when I get irritated at Green suddenly showing up on the forum and essentially throwing his pram out of the crib and blackmailing everyone with shutting down the thread because we're 'not always talking about Rhyiona'. Now, I could rant all-day. But Like what I said at the beginning, I would like to maintain my relations with the group for as long as possible, So I'll finish my post here.

    I've argued this so many times and it's starting to get lackluster every time I have to deal with it. Sorry to be blunt, but if you don't like the rules you can leave, no one's stopping you. My thread, my rules. End of story.

    I knew you weren't gone because you didn't want to be here anymore like someone said. Anyway... Well, Apart from school and RL situa

  • My thread, my rules. End of story.

    A pretty cocky thing to say there. And really people have no choice with the matter of the rules, if they don't comply with your 'rules' they get the thread shutdown, so it ruins it for everyone whether they did anything wrong or not.

    Green613 posted: »

    But It felt like he was never on here, or really had any interaction with the group for long periods of time, now I know he has a 'life' lik

  • A pretty cocky thing to say there.

    It might be cocky, but it's true. And I can't tell you how many times I've let people slide past the rules.

    My thread, my rules. End of story. A pretty cocky thing to say there. And really people have no choice with the matter of the rules,

  • or when I'm online talking to Rhyiona in PM (Which I tend not to any longer, realising that Mods and such can essentially 'see' on what you are saying/doing).

    Actually, as far as I'm aware, mods can't see PMs.

    I knew you weren't gone because you didn't want to be here anymore like someone said. Anyway... Well, Apart from school and RL situa

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