Bacon from Ice!
An awesome parody of the penultimate and final episode of Telltale's GoT, which one do you like better?
Episode 5: A Nest of Bacon
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Episode 6: The Bacon Dragon
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This is amazing!!!!
I loved watching these, they were so hilarious.
Indeed, its the best Telltale parody I've come across in quite a while. I really wish whoever made them also abridged the first three episodes as well.
I was too afraid to take a sip of my fucking coke
Coke? These parodies reminded you of Coca Cola?
No, not like that
But I didn't dare to take a sip of my drink while watching, because I was afraid to spit it out all over my computer.
Dat "Traitor confirmed" scene
It was what many fans probably wanted: for the Maester to be the traitor under his own misguided intent of forging peace with the Whitehills.
But the way the scene was executed - wow, that was hilarious.
Yep, reminded me of good ol' Kenny confirmed days.
Kenny confirmed
I laughed way too hard when the Skyrim main theme started playing during the fight with Harys.