If You Had To Choose
It seems that Telltale are hell bent on killing off every Forester character we have come to care about (or at least some of us). So I got to thinking about how and when the remaining Foresters are going to die. Then I came up with this evil little scenario, which goes as follows:
As you know Gared finally found the North Grove and discovered that blood magic is used to control the weird dead army....well I assume they're dead you can never really tell with Telltale. So in this scenario we can use this undead army to take back Ironrath and avenge the deaths of our fallen family and comrades, but Elsera is losing her grip on them. So to regain the control needed, two sacrifices are needed! So the question is which two Foresters would you choose to sacrifice?
1) Rodrik/Asher
2) Ryon
3) Talia
4) Gared
I'd kill the undead guys and keep everyone alive, but if I had to choose I think I'd sacrifice Gared and Talia and leave Rodrik and Ryon rule Ironrath..
Interesting choice. I also congratulate you on being the only one brave enough out of all the people who have viewed this thread to actually comment haha.
I'd sacrifice Ryon and Gared...but hopefully it won't come down to that.
Ryon and that dead guy on the horse.
lol thanks.
Yeah hopefully it won't come down to that, but this is Telltale spinning a yarn in a GOT world. I like to think this way at least we are trying to prepare ourselves for whatever evilly cruel situation Telltale can think of.
Hahah if your talking about the actual dead guy on the horse, then sorry but he's not an option; but I suppose he could joint the ranks of the undead army. If however you're implying that Asher/Rodrik are practically dead anyway, then yeah that's acceptable.
Save Asher and Ryon
Ryon and Talia , they are really useless . I don't care what happen with those two to be honest
they are just kids and they can't help us in a war with Whitehills but to be honest Talia found the traitor so i will think twice ...
Nah Ryon and Talia remain my choices , Gared more useful and I WILL NEVER EVER SACRIFICE Asher for this NEVER EVER, i hope he won't die in this season...
I would sacrifice Gared and Talia. Ryon should be saved because he's just the youngest, and Rosher should be save, because if he isn't, it would either fall to Ryon to lead House Forrester, or it would just dissolve completely.
I'd leave the creepy witch to her evil magic and leave.
An heir and a spare, I guess I can see the wisdom in that.
Exactly, Asher will need someone who can actually help protect him in his weaken state. What's Talia going to do bite them and whine until their ears bleed.
Really? you'd save Ryon because he's the youngest? Not because you think he might have potential to be a leader in his own right, with the right training?
Yeah he might, but I'd feel pretty shitty letting a little kid get killed.
True, but the way I see it he's probably going to end up dead anyway, or used as someone else's puppet.
Gared isn't actually a Forrester. Or if you see him as one, he doesn't have Forrester blood.
Ryon and Talia so I can fucking demolish Ludd with my Asher Grin.
Hahaha I'd love to see Ludd's face when Asher turns up stronger than ever wearing the fucking Asher Grin =p.
See the thing is, if I'd left Gared out, no doubt at least one person would have said "you forgot Gared". That and the fact that Gared is a likeble character and including him make choosing more difficult in my opinion.
I'm putting my money on Rodrik surviving, which means that he hopefully will have a heir with Elaena or some other woman.
So i would sacrifice Ryon and Gared. Gared is not a Forrester so he is a obvious choice for me.
And when it comes to Ryon i take Roose Boltons words of wisdom to heart, a child lord is the death of a house.
Hah, evil. I would sacrifice Ryon and Gared.
I can never bring myself to sacrifice Rodrik and Talia.
they re probably gonna get better and better with every season (ala sansa , bran and arya) so it will be probably a tougher choice
with beskha being with him i think he s gonna end up an asher clone lol
ryon and talia
Nah he's a coward. Remember the hide and seek game ? almost started to cry for a game haha
In my opinion that's a good choice, they're more of a liability to be honest.
I can understand wanting to save Rodrik, but why Talia and not say Ryon?
Well hopefully Elaena actually survives long enough to actually bring the baby/babies into the world. Of course we would also have to hope that Rodrik survives long enough to be able to marry her before the birth, otherwise it will be his bastard(s) she'll give birth to. It would be ironic though wouldn't it, like father like son. Also what if it is a girl(s) that she has? Surely it would be more prudent to save Ryon, just in case everyone else dies.
I think favoritism and attachment form play a huge part in my decision. I know that Ryon is Rodrik's/Asher's heir, but Talia is the one I spent the whole game with. I think if the choice happens, I would not hesitate to save Talia.
If we get to spend more time with Ryon in Season 2, then I might change my mind.
If they choose not to kill her off in season 2, then they had better make her more useful and less whiney this time.
As i said a child lord is the death of a house, so if Rodrik dies it's game over in my opinion.
Yes that certainly seems to be true most of the time. Which is why I am curious as to why you chose to save Talia?
I wouldn't sacrifice anyone. Blood magic is pure evil. What's the point of fighting if THIS is the shit you're reduced to. Killing your relatives just to keep a bunch of undead "alive"? Just not worth it. Didn't do it before, won't do it now. It changes you. And anyone participating in blood magic is bat-shit crazy.
Gared is not a Forrester and i have grown attached to Talia. But all this hangs on that Rodrik survives, if he dies talia would most likely be forced to marry someone and he would rule. Plus the Forrester name would die out.
So Rodrik must secure the line,nothing else matters.
@aManWhoLovesTelltale. I wasn't asking about the morality of resorting to such an act. In fact it is not even important that it is blood magic. The aim of this thread is to make people think, really think about the characters and what those characters mean to them. If you could only have two of those characters survive, which characters do you truly care about enough that you would sacrifice the other two, to ensure that they survived?
I'd sacrifice Elsera and Josera. They're Forresters aswell no?
Everyone is a coward according to you, lol. Ryon is actually pretty brave... remember when Ludd was threatening to cut his throat and he yells "I'm not afraid of you!" Ryon is very brave for a boy in that situation.
Ryon and Talia. Don't like them and Gared/Rodrik I have more invested in as characters.
Sacrifice Ryon and Gared first. Ryon is a useless brat. Gared is a deserter. Neither of them deserve to live.
Then kill Rodrick for insurance if he is somehow still alive. Not so sure with Asher, since he is kinda amusing... but he'd be next choice.
Point is... why stop at two?
Talia lives. She is nifty. She can be the Duchess of House Forrester or somethin. Contributing to my grand plan that all the remaining houses of the North should be ruled by women. Maybe she could go fetch Bran from the far north if she really needs a husband. I have it on good authority that paraplegics still have... y'know... working parts. Plus she is used to working with a cripple, amirite? Get a free Hodor into the bargain.
Pffft. You been playing too much Dragon Age. They were wrong there too. Blood Magic isn't inherently bad. It is what you do with it that matters.
That's a cop out and you know it. It would be easy to say Elsera and Josera because we have only just met them and have not become attached. This is also the reason I didn't add them to the list. It has nothing to do with having Forester blood, Gared doesn't have Forester blood and I put him on the list.