The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • The entire internet including me and the crowd were with you there. Hoping WWE doesn't screw up with booking AJ, he said in an interview he'll be with the company for a couple of years.

    Flipped my shit. lol

  • Its been bothering me for a whole how do you actually pronounce Michonne? Some say its Mi-shown and then others say its Me-shawn, So that's been bothering me for a long time and its all I can think about right now

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    "Mi-shown" is the correct pronunciation.

    Its been bothering me for a whole how do you actually pronounce Michonne? Some say its Mi-shown and then others say its Me-shawn, So that's been bothering me for a long time and its all I can think about right now

  • Ok, Thank you so much! Finally I can get that off my mind and not worry about how a pronounce it xD

    OzzyUK posted: »

    "Mi-shown" is the correct pronunciation.

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Are you FUCKING kidding me with this guy? He's gone from funny to having to the IQ of a braindead duck with fucking down syndrome. Good fucking god.

  • Are you FUCKING kidding me with this guy? He's gone from funny to having to the IQ of a braindead duck with fucking down syndrome. Good fucking god.

    I love how lot's of people actually act like he's going to win: like him or not- he's not going to win even if he does get the Republican Nomination- then Hillary or Bernie will stump him even though in Hillary's case I'm not sure what difference her beating Trump would make...

    Are you FUCKING kidding me with this guy? He's gone from funny to having to the IQ of a braindead duck with fucking down syndrome. Good fucking god.

  • I sincerely hope Hillary doesn't win. At this point, Trump is a better option than Hillary, I'm sad to admit. I really hope to god Bernie wins.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Are you FUCKING kidding me with this guy? He's gone from funny to having to the IQ of a braindead duck with fucking down syndrome. Good fuck

  • That's why i said it wouldn't make a difference if Hillary beat Trump, both would suck but I personally hate her WAY more than I do Trump. I don't think Bernie's that good either, but he's better than Trump or Hillary

    I sincerely hope Hillary doesn't win. At this point, Trump is a better option than Hillary, I'm sad to admit. I really hope to god Bernie wins.

  • Damn skippy.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    That's why i said it wouldn't make a difference if Hillary beat Trump, both would suck but I personally hate her WAY more than I do Trump. I don't think Bernie's that good either, but he's better than Trump or Hillary

  • Changed my bio because I have to remember that for my senior quote.

  • How long will that be?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Changed my bio because I have to remember that for my senior quote.

  • Probably until February since I have to submit the sheet by then.

    How long will that be?

  • Trump for president!

    Bernie Sanders is a communist.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    That's why i said it wouldn't make a difference if Hillary beat Trump, both would suck but I personally hate her WAY more than I do Trump. I don't think Bernie's that good either, but he's better than Trump or Hillary

  • I'm not really a Bernie supporter but both are easily better than Hillary :)

    (I will admit, it concerns me that Trump and Hillary are the front runners with Bernie catching up on Hillary, what is this country anymore!?)

    Trump for president! Bernie Sanders is a communist.

  • The guy's a fucking loon.

    Are you FUCKING kidding me with this guy? He's gone from funny to having to the IQ of a braindead duck with fucking down syndrome. Good fucking god.

  • Who isn't better than Hillary? She's a lying two - faced politician who looks the other way when her husband sexually assaults women.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I'm not really a Bernie supporter but both are easily better than Hillary (I will admit, it concerns me that Trump and Hillary are the front runners with Bernie catching up on Hillary, what is this country anymore!?)

  • Who isn't better than Hillary? She's a lying two - faced politician who looks the other way when her husband sexually assaults women.

    That's it? That's ALL you're going to say? Lol, I've said a lot more than that.

    Who isn't better than Hillary? She's a lying two - faced politician who looks the other way when her husband sexually assaults women.

  • Loon is an understatement.

    The guy's a fucking loon.

  • Psychotic loon.

    Loon is an understatement.

  • Little bit more.

    Psychotic loon.

  • Psychotic loon with followers.

    Little bit more.

  • Almost there.

    Psychotic loon with followers.

  • Eh, close enough for me.

    Almost there.

  • Ooh, sorry, we were looking for "Psychotic loony asshole with disgusting low life followers"

    Eh, close enough for me.

  • Do I get half points?

    Ooh, sorry, we were looking for "Psychotic loony asshole with disgusting low life followers"

  • She's also a murderer and the human embodiment of scum , but now i'm curious. What are your best insults for her?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Who isn't better than Hillary? She's a lying two - faced politician who looks the other way when her husband sexually assaults women. That's it? That's ALL you're going to say? Lol, I've said a lot more than that.

  • I wouldn't say I have "best" insults but you kinda need to put them all together since none of them individually represent her fairly enough.

    She's also a murderer and the human embodiment of scum , but now i'm curious. What are your best insults for her?

  • Yep. Now you're going to the showcase showdown!

    Do I get half points?

  • So does 'Evil , lying , two - faced murderer who is the embodiment of human scum and looks the other way when her husband sexually assaults women and then 'disposes' of them when they come forward' work?

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I wouldn't say I have "best" insults but you kinda need to put them all together since none of them individually represent her fairly enough.

  • That's a good way to put it :)

    You may enjoy this lol:

    So does 'Evil , lying , two - faced murderer who is the embodiment of human scum and looks the other way when her husband sexually assaults women and then 'disposes' of them when they come forward' work?

  • So's document manager is fucking around with me. I try to use two horizontal lines to indicate a change of POV in my story, but the doc manager doesn't save the change. Tried everything except use my other laptop (could just be my new laptop's display), so I may have to consider publishing my stories somewhere else. Anyone know any good fanfiction sites?

  • Archive of our own, or better known as AO3.

    So's document manager is fucking around with me. I try to use two horizontal lines to indicate a change of POV in my story, b

  • like already said go to ao3. you'll have to wait a few days to get your account official or w/e but it's worth it (:

    So's document manager is fucking around with me. I try to use two horizontal lines to indicate a change of POV in my story, b

  • Googling "Medieval Memes" was an absolutely fantastic idea.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited January 2016

    Bernie's a communist? I didn't know he wants the workers to seize the means of production and create a stateless, moneyless society.

    Good for him!

    Seriously though, Bernie's a liberal.

    Trump for president! Bernie Sanders is a communist.

  • It's distressing, but not surprising. Trump is doing well for a lot of the same reasons that Bernie is becoming popular. People are sick of the status quo. They're sick of Obama's 'golden-middle' liberal platform and I daresay they're getting sick of capitalism in its current form.

    Trump attacks the current policies from the protectionist right-wing and Bernie attacks from the social-democratic left wing.

    Are you FUCKING kidding me with this guy? He's gone from funny to having to the IQ of a braindead duck with fucking down syndrome. Good fucking god.

  • Good point.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It's distressing, but not surprising. Trump is doing well for a lot of the same reasons that Bernie is becoming popular. People are sick o

  • It's kind of sad that

    US way out left = I think everyone should be able to go to college and see a doctor and that banks should be regulated

    and US way out right = bat@#$% zenophobia

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    It's distressing, but not surprising. Trump is doing well for a lot of the same reasons that Bernie is becoming popular. People are sick o

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