Life Is Strange - True Colors Out Now, Bonus Episode "Wavelengths" September 30th



  • Limited Edition came today.

    I love it.

  • When he called Warren 'Reddit', I died.

    Just going to leave this here. enter link description here

  • What this guy said.

    Same I'm also excited for Wolf Among Us 2. Oh wait neither exist

  • I just think that changing up the photo to how you fit and make it real when time-traveling sounds interesting.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • @MetallicaRules is right, before the finale, I used to like this game a lot as well, the finale is the big reason why this game became overrated. Like he said, if you choose to sacrifice Chloe, the choices from the previous episodes will be erased (For example: If Kate dies, she still lives; if Pompidou dies, he still lives; if you make David kill Jefferson, he still lives, arrested etc.) and if you choose to sacrifice Arcadia Bay, all the determinant characters you saved will still die, EVERYONE dies for just one person to be with ya. Besides, after you beat the whole game, would you ever plan on replaying the ENTIRE game?

    armis37 posted: »

    To be honest Metallica, most of your appearances I see on youtube, IGN, TT forums or anywhere else consist of hating on LiS and telling to n

  • "Following on from Monday’s Collage we of course wanted to celebrate tomorrow’s European release of the Limited Edition in similar fashion!"

    Link to Original Post

  • In case you haven't seen them, here are some links to some concept art for LIS (they also contain the artists' other works):.

    enter image description here

  • edited January 2016

    Today marks the anniversary of when Life is Strange first premiered. Wowser.
    Link to creator

    And a little extra made in Tumblr. Happy birthday, Life is Strange.

  • I love Sakimichan's art.

    Today marks the anniversary of when Life is Strange first premiered. Wowser. Link to creator And a little extra made in Tumblr. Happy birthday, Life is Strange.

  • This is amazing!

    This is how the save Chloe ending should have been.

  • Wow, that was really good! Wish the save Chloe ending would have been longer.

    This is amazing! This is how the save Chloe ending should have been.

  • edited January 2016

    This game has one flaw that's pretty serious, she got time travel powers to learn the important lesson that she shouldn't change the past.

    enter image description here

  • I have to say, that this was very well Done! But i would still Be disappointed, Because the Important peoples Seem to survive the Tornado, which makes the end decision completely obsolet.

    This is amazing! This is how the save Chloe ending should have been.

  • Really, the only people who perhaps should have survived the 'save Chloe' ending are those who you had the chance to save during the game. So Kate, Frank, Pompidou, the homeless woman, Victoria, Jefferson, Alyssa, Evan, the truckdriver and the fisherman (although technically those that happened after the Warren selfie don't count, because they're from a separate aborted reality, but they possibly could have worked around that). That way your previous actions would have mattered a little more.

    This is amazing! This is how the save Chloe ending should have been.

  • Damn, that's awesome!

    Can't imagine how long this took to make.

    "To celebrate our amazing community and the launch of the Limited Edition in North America tomorrow, we created a series of collages entirely out of fan-art and cosplay photos - thanks to everyone who contributed!" Link to original post.

  • Woah...

    I... I don't have words to describe this....

    It's just.... hot damn.

    I love this!

    This is amazing! This is how the save Chloe ending should have been.

  • edited January 2016

    I know, right? That's exactly what I thought.

    Damn, that's awesome! Can't imagine how long this took to make.

  • That ending did feel rushed to me. The fact that she had to have Chloe die from the point she changed time doesn't make sense considering that she changed the timeline before that event happened.

    JawaEater posted: »

    This game has one flaw that's pretty serious, she got time travel powers to learn the important lesson that she shouldn't change the past.

  • Why did she get the powers if she wasn't supposed use them? It looked like they where going toward the direction that she got them to stop the storm, which would of made sense. And the story line with Nathan was obviously changed.

  • Much better ending.

    This is amazing! This is how the save Chloe ending should have been.

  • Way better ending.

    This is amazing! This is how the save Chloe ending should have been.

  • Actually, if you watch several interviews the devs did. They confirmed that if anything they added stuff to the game and not remove them. I think they talked about Nathan and the endings in their interview with Greg Miller. Definitely something to check out if you want more info from the actual source instead of rumors.

    JawaEater posted: »

    Why did she get the powers if she wasn't supposed use them? It looked like they where going toward the direction that she got them to stop the storm, which would of made sense. And the story line with Nathan was obviously changed.

  • That's interesting, it doesn't feel that way at all.

    Actually, if you watch several interviews the devs did. They confirmed that if anything they added stuff to the game and not remove them. I

  • I think that idea rests on the false assumption that she got the 'powers' for a reason. That they were gifted to her somehow by some benevolent force in order to save the world or something. The truth is, that was apparently never the case. Her ability shouldn't have manifested. It was an aberration and effectively a curse, perhaps born out of her desperation to save someone who she didn't realise wasn't meant to be saved, thus changing a fixed point in time. So the whole game is her not realising she's unintentionally making things worse and then paying the consequences. Given there's no explanation where her powers came from, there's no reason to assume they had a purpose at all. Or if you want to go the other way, rather than being a positive gift to help her, the powers were actually more like a temptation from the 'devil', which while seeming to be a good thing, would ultimately destroy everything.

    In a sense, she got the powers in order to teach the player that important lesson, not her.

    JawaEater posted: »

    This game has one flaw that's pretty serious, she got time travel powers to learn the important lesson that she shouldn't change the past.

  • edited January 2016

    I'm not 100% certain but I have a theory that her powers were given to her so she could get a better understanding of the other people in her life. I mean the developers have said before that they purposely intended for the characters to seem stereotypical in the first episode (eg. Victoria being the Queen Bee) but for them to later on develop into much more complex individuals (this could reflect how Max originally has a fairly blunt perspective on the people she dislikes, but by use of time travel she begins to understand them better/feel more sympathetic towards them). This is further evidenced by how Max has still changed the future even after letting Chloe die because she knows the truth/story behind her peers. This includes Victoria, Nathan and Jefferson, as well as anybody you can talk to, reverse time, and say something related to the conversation erased (eg. Taylor, Dana, and some other classmates).

    However this doesn't really explain the universe giving her the 'Focus' ability (and when she uses it that's when shit really starts to hit the fan) so I guess the universe fucked up in that sense.

    JawaEater posted: »

    This game has one flaw that's pretty serious, she got time travel powers to learn the important lesson that she shouldn't change the past.

  • Well there was unused audio for episode 5 where Jefferson told Max he would have to "deal with Nathan", plus it doesn't explain why Nathan apparently knew about the storm.

    Actually, if you watch several interviews the devs did. They confirmed that if anything they added stuff to the game and not remove them. I

  • I wish they gave a reason for why she got them, it seemed like they where making it up as they went along(maybe they weren't but it felt that way) It wouldn't of been so bad if they didn't include the storm and visions making it seem like they where building up to something.

    I think that idea rests on the false assumption that she got the 'powers' for a reason. That they were gifted to her somehow by some benevol

  • There's so much lore that isn't explained or isn't payed off. It reminds me of Lost.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well there was unused audio for episode 5 where Jefferson told Max he would have to "deal with Nathan", plus it doesn't explain why Nathan apparently knew about the storm.

  • edited February 2016

    Worst part is it'll never be explained, as Dontond is moving on to Vampyr and a LIS, successor which has nothing to do with LIS S1. A game I finished recently ended on a cliffhanger, with several unanswered questions, but the chances of it getting a direct sequel are fairly high, I think.

    JawaEater posted: »

    There's so much lore that isn't explained or isn't payed off. It reminds me of Lost.

  • edited February 2016

    Once again another update for the masses. Just like before there is a ton and this will include news and some awards that LIS has been given. This will be in no particular order by the way.

    Life Is Strange has won/nominated for a shit ton of awards. So I will just list some of them below for now.

    The Following is just some of them

    Life Is Strange Wins Most Surprising Game of 2015

    enter image description here

    Source: Most Surprising Game

    Life Is Strange Wins Best Adventure In Game Stars Best Of 2015

    enter image description here

    Source: GameStars 2015 Reader's Choice Awards

    Life Is Strange Wins Game Of The Year in AG Awards 2015

    enter image description here

    Source: AG Awards 2015

    Life Is Strange Wins Best Action Adventure in AG Awards 2015

    enter image description here

    Source: AG Awards 2015

    Life Is Strange Wins Gamersky Best Interactive Game

    enter image description here

    Source: Best Interactive Game

    Life Is Strange Wins Best New IP in NZGamer 2015 Game of the Year Awards

    enter image description here

    Source: NZGamer 2015 Game of the Year Awards

    Life Is Strange Wins Most Surprising Game in NZGamer 2015 Game of the Year Awards

    enter image description here

    Source: NZGamer 2015 Game of the Year Awards

    Life Is Strange Wins SIX Awards In Game Informer's 2015 GOTY Awards

    enter image description here

    • Best Story
    • Best Soundtrack
    • Best Character
    • Most Shocking Moment
    • Most Heartbreaking Game
    • Adventure Game of The Year

    Source: 2015 Adventure Game Of The Year Awards

  • GCN made one video with this game. It's better than Dartigan's. Enjoy

    enter link description here

  • Excellent , I love GCN.

    AronDracula posted: »

    GCN made one video with this game. It's better than Dartigan's. Enjoy enter link description here

  • This game was nice but the ending really hurt it for me, Chloe having to die was what everyone predicted and they didn't even put a cool twist on it.

  • Hehe, he really nails the sins as being humorous nitpicks, unlike Dartigan.

    AronDracula posted: »

    GCN made one video with this game. It's better than Dartigan's. Enjoy enter link description here

  • Did anyone else feel like Max and Chloe's romantic relationship was kind of out of the blue? I mean , at least we had a little build up with Warren , but with Chloe it was pretty much that one dare kiss , and then everyone is shipping them in the comments and they have that The Notebook moment in the last episode if you choose to leave Chloe.

    It felt very forced.

  • I dunno. I mean, a lot of folks speculated that it would happen ever since Ep. 1, and then there was the faux-propose Chloe texts if you tried to shoot Frank in Ep. 2.

    In my perspective, by the time Ep. 3 came out while many people were hoping for them to end up being more than best friends as the series continued to progress, Chloe's double dare for Max to kiss her was like DONTNOD's way of saying "There you go, you have the option".

    Did anyone else feel like Max and Chloe's romantic relationship was kind of out of the blue? I mean , at least we had a little build up with

  • edited February 2016

    Edit: Oops wrong button. My bad.

    Did anyone else feel like Max and Chloe's romantic relationship was kind of out of the blue? I mean , at least we had a little build up with

  • I feel like the choices have had less of an impact then it should have had. For example, saving Alyssa( I don't if I spelled it right) 5 times should have been more rewarding. Not telling Victoria about the dark room should have had her appear in Episode 5. I was hoping that not beating up Nathan would have a positive impact but it didn't matter.

  • How did it get the Best Story, Best Soundtrack, Best Character, and Adventure Game of The Year? Honestly I think that Witcher 3 or Tales from the Borderlands deserves those awards. I do like LiS though.

    Once again another update for the masses. Just like before there is a ton and this will include news and some awards that LIS has been given

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