Which characters would you like to have a Spin Off OR A DLC
just like what telltale did with 400 days AND michonne for TWD, which characters in minecraft story mode would you like to have a mini-sode or a dlc for?
my choice would be PETRA she's the most that I want to know about more. she lives alone, she likes to go on adventure and collect stuff, ASHLEY JOHNSON!, and I really liked her the most and went with her whenever I got the chance. I hope we get a mini-sode like MICHONNE OR a DLC starring her in her past adventures and why she prefer to work alone etc....
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I like Petra too but I doubt there will be a DLC
I dont want any more content for this game
HA ... I mean.. I welcome all opinions.
I feel that if there is a demand for it, it will happen
Hm, it would be cool for some DLC, but I don't think we need some for this particular series. The story has to be deep to get some sort of extra backstory, which isn't featured much in the game (in my opinion.) Then again, we could get some Order of the Stone dlc, but... I don't know. I think the series is good enough, it doesn't need DLC for me. [granted I probably will buy it if there is some...]
I don't think there's gonna be a DLC, but I would like one about Ivor. In my opinion, he's the most interesting out of all of them.
Petra sounds good
Eh. I think just one season and no DLC is perfect. The game is pretty good, don't get me wrong, but it's not worthy of any more than 5 episodes.
Definitely Ivor.
The old order?
If there will be season two, i would like a new story, no DLCs.
I gotta say, I loved Ivor more than some of the order members.. at least he is not phony and honest. he just went too far to prove his point
yeah, she's the best. we need more cameo's with her!!
this game really surprised me.. I was one of the people who said NO about this idea and was salty, lol. but its light hearted and an easy thing to get into. my only issue is the price tho, I don't think this should be priced the same as TWD or TWAU. yet again, its mojang and you gotta make that money from fans. its cool tho, but I waited for a sale tho...... as far as a DLC, I really want a petra and us adventure. or maybe as a cool feature we can choose whoever from our friends in the game to go on an adventure, thus it will have replayability.. i'd like that dlc
I don't think I like them that much ... lol. I like magnus, elleegard and Ivor. the rest were not my fav.. I find our group more interesting in that regard.
maybe they can do the same with 400 days, but with each character in the game? we can play AS them.. maybe explore some personal adventures? that'd be awesome
I HIGHLY think there will be.
I think that a 400 Days-esque DLC would work for The old Order of The Stone.
to be honest I don't care much about them... only maybe magnus? and Ivor... or maybe creat a whole new characters that may be featured in season 2 of MSM (if there ever will be one), but i'd assume they'd have a bigger role to fill than the 400 days characters did on TWD S2 LOL ...
Well, i would like to play their adventures, but as they proved in Episode 4, they are false heroes, fakers, not legends.
Yeah I think the same too, especially when the builder (forgot his name) just ran off and left us fight alone, I was like REALLY? I definitely don't want to play as him.. lol