This game is just.....bland



  • Unique idea? Lost me there, not going to read the rest of it

    At least it's a unique idea. Tons of games pass off an overused shitty idea as a sorry excuse for a video game these days. FNaF, Call of Dut

  • And before anyone comments, i know Dave Fennoy and others are great VA's, it seems like they didn't ( want to) put much effort in to this

  • [removed]

    Kellogs posted: »

    Unique idea? Lost me there, not going to read the rest of it

  • Look at all the hypocrisy in this one comment.

    Kellogs posted: »

    Then don't respond at all?

  • My only real complaint would be when lip sync goes LiS or gets cut off

  • Was 2 threads really needed?

  • I don't know about you man, but I'd take a less smelly turd stinking up the bathroom any day

    Kellogs posted: »

    Hey look this turd smells better than the %90 percent of the turds

  • edited December 2015

    He just doesn't understand how the idea possesses originality.

    ...How it wouldn't is beyond me, but haters gonna hate, I guess.

  • I agree.

    Tohabath posted: »

    He just doesn't understand how the idea possesses originality. ...How it wouldn't is beyond me, but haters gonna hate, I guess.

  • I Agree With You ClemyClooAndBabyboo He Is Being A Jerk Because He Thinks The Game Sucks Even Though It Does Take On A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Experience From any Other Game

  • Yep, also, all of those capital letters at the beginning of each word aren't necessary. Not to be a jerk or anything, I'm just a bit of a grammar Nazi.

    I Agree With You ClemyClooAndBabyboo He Is Being A Jerk Because He Thinks The Game Sucks Even Though It Does Take On A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Experience From any Other Game

  • Hey guys! Let's please try to keep discussion civil. As long as discussion is kept civil, people are allowed to criticize things they don't like as part of the fun of forums is reading other people's opinions.

  • edited December 2015

    Characters voices are cut before the conversation is finished, yes it happens very often

    Epiosde 2 bug maybe may happen rarely during other episodes which you can live through.

    QTE's are boring

    So you don't like it when you get a cool new scene instead of a red screen saying you died, there are a lot of game overs

    Janky animations

    Janky? Whaaaaat?

    Mediocre voice acting

    No it is good

    Male has female grunts

    You pick up on some weird stuff, no one has brought that up before

    Choices and consequences don't matter

    Yes they do a lot in episode 2 and epiosde 4,this game is targeted to younger kids who want quicker releases they can't put too much quality in

    Kellogs posted: »

    Thread: Mess of a "game" * Character's voices are cut before the conversation is even finished, yes it happens very often * QTE's ar

  • Okay you are just harrassing me now. Reported

    Look at all the hypocrisy in this one comment.

  • edited December 2015

    That's...not harassment. He's pointing out your inconsistencies. Like I said, people are getting a little annoyed of your constant negative threads that you're still posting from what I've seen.

    Kellogs posted: »

    Okay you are just harrassing me now. Reported

  • ^ This.

    That's...not harassment. He's pointing out your inconsistencies. Like I said, people are getting a little annoyed of your constant negative threads that you're still posting from what I've seen.

  • Harassment is not what I've been doing. I've replied to 2 of your comments. And both of them were purely only snarky remarks from me. As @shellturtleguy said, I'm merely pointing out your inconsistencies. You've constantly been negative from what I've seen, and I don't very much like it. Now if I'm offending you or upsetting you in anyway purely from my 2 comments, Then I greatly apologize, as it's not my intention, and I'm positive that you really don't deserve it. But I do have a right to comment, and if I want to point out your inconsistencies like the douchebag I am, I will.

    Kellogs posted: »

    Okay you are just harrassing me now. Reported

  • So you don't like it when you get a cool new scene instead of a red screen saying you died, there are a lot of game overs

    No there aren't alot of game overs. It's surprising how much of QTE you can fail before you get a game over

    Janky? Whaaaaat?

    Yes they are janky.

    No it is good

    That's your opinion

    You pick up on some weird stuff, no one has brought that up before

    It happens when you go with Axel, IRC most people went with olivia

    Yes they do a lot in episode 2 and epiosde 4,this game is targeted to younger kids who want quicker releases they can't put too much quality in

    For a game with simple animations, textures i'd expect them matter a lot more

  • lol you can say any insult and just say, "it's just an inconsistency" or "BROBRO DUDE ITS A PRANK BRO"

    Harassment is not what I've been doing. I've replied to 2 of your comments. And both of them were purely only snarky remarks from me. As @sh

  • this game kinda looks a little dull in some parts and I don't own it, but from what I've seen on YouTube, some crazy shit was going down. idk. I don't follow the game that well. it looks okay.

    criticizing it has no point though. it's like criticizing a joke movie like batman and robin and criticizing it because it's not like the first batman. it's pointless. we know this game is for younger audiences and we know TTG probably doesn't take it as serious as they do in their other games. a pig is one of the main characters for crying out loud. but if you personally don't like it, no problem, but at least write a description telling TTG how YOU think they should improve this game. kinda too late now with the last episode. and sometimes I write some negative stuff about certain characters or games on here, but I'll keep that to a minimum for now on.

  • No, that's... that's not how it works. Further more I made this comment a few months ago. I really, really don't think... you know, I'm not gonna bother with it.

    lol you can say any insult and just say, "it's just an inconsistency" or "BROBRO DUDE ITS A PRANK BRO"

  • Yes, the story is a bit bland, Olivia and Axel are always negative, Rueben's always running away, and i have to restart episode 4 because the sound was crappy but i'm still a fan of mc story mode. its just my opinion but honestly, it is a BIT dull.

  • EVen though I heavily criticism the game, I still admire the effort that is put into it. It was their first children comedy game that was actually well known.


  • Holy shit! You actually said something positive for once!

    EVen though I heavily criticism the game, I still admire the effort that is put into it. It was their first children comedy game that was actually well known. IN MY OPNION IN MY OPNION IN My OPNION

  • Holy shit! You actually make me think you are an ass kisser. Leave me alone.

    Holy shit! You actually said something positive for once!

  • edited February 2016

    I see it as a fun little story. Can't really take it too seriously because Minecraft is well... Minecraft. Everything is a block and it dosn't seem as real as other TT games. However, the story is big and epic, far from bland. We explore all sorts of locations with tons of variety and the scale of our journey is to save a world from destruction. Sure we've all heard the story of a group of people with their quirks save the world lead by a true hero, but repeating it with a TT Minecraft way is not a bad thing. I'm not expecting a story to be end all stories, I'm just having fun.

  • That's enough.

    Holy shit! You actually make me think you are an ass kisser. Leave me alone.

  • He started it!!!

    That's enough.

  • I'm ending it.

    He started it!!!

  • Oh, I am leaving, I cannot stand this

    I'm ending it.

  • Ok!

    Oh, I am leaving, I cannot stand this

  • The story is great. The only problem with it is the mouths. The hate on this game seems stretched, more hate on the actual minecraft game is brought on to here, usually by people who never played it.

  • [removed]

    Oh, I am leaving, I cannot stand this

  • [removed]

    Oh, I am leaving, I cannot stand this

  • it is how it works: i have real life experiences with it.

    people say shit like that all the time and pass it off as "just saying the truth" or "i mean it in a good way"

    No, that's... that's not how it works. Further more I made this comment a few months ago. I really, really don't think... you know, I'm not gonna bother with it.

  • [removed]

    I'm ending it.

  • Well, what I was saying to Mr. Kellogs here was not a comment like that, but it was me directly saying how I felt about him and his posts, which were in fact, inconsistent. You can interpret that any way you want to, but that is the context I was referring to in my comment.

    it is how it works: i have real life experiences with it. people say shit like that all the time and pass it off as "just saying the truth" or "i mean it in a good way"

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