Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Fuck you Kelebebrr

    papai46 posted: »


  • So was i!

    Eryka posted: »

    Green was there since the beginning

  • Step three is killing yourself :)

    Eryka posted: »

    I like step 3

  • ErykaEryka Banned


    papai46 posted: »

    Step three is killing yourself

  • I think you should rename this thread to "Suicide by Cringe".

    Eryka posted: »

    I just realized why we say Rhyiona instead of Rhyona. It's a fetish that involves abuse towards the other person. So basically sexual

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    You fuck

    papai46 posted: »

    So was i!

  • You can't say shit, you didn't even play the game.

    Eryka posted: »

    Fuck you Kelebebrr

  • While listening to this

    enter link description here

    papai46 posted: »

    Step three is killing yourself

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    We'll take notes

    papai46 posted: »

    I think you should rename this thread to "Suicide by Cringe".

  • Lmao.

    Eryka posted: »

    You fuck

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    lol I played the game you bitch <3

    papai46 posted: »

    You can't say shit, you didn't even play the game.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Guys, about the kind of book I'm doing, instead of taking screenshots of the thread of stuff that happened exactly 1 year ago, I'll do 5 pages a day or more, or less. It'll depends.

    That's all, bye bye.


  • No, I'm not back. Not technically. But at the same time, I never really left.

    Happy Belated Rhyiona Day, everyone, and thank you so much to those of you who left a kind word (or paragraph) about me. If I could spend more time here, I would, but...y'know, life. It happens.

    Before I fade back into obscurity for an undetermined amount of time, I do want to share one last piece of Rhyiona writing with you. It's short and I don't think it's one of my best, but it's been sitting in my ideas folder for a while and I wanted to give the thread something on the one-year anniversary. So here it is. Enjoy, everyone.

    The Daring Truth

    “No, no, you can’t back out. You already picked one.” Rhys nudged Sasha’s hand away from the slips of paper in the center of the table. “You’re stuck with what you got.”

    “I’m regretting it already…”

    Across the table, Vaughn shrugged. “How bad can it be? Can’t be worse than that night we all played strip poker...right?”

    “Says the guy who actually had abs to show off,” Rhys muttered.

    Vaughn grinned. “If I remember correctly, everyone was too interested in your ink to pay attention to me.”

    “Yeah, that was the problem.”

    “Strip poker was nothing.” Sasha fiddled with one of her earrings. “You all might think I’m the mean one, but you don’t know half the things Fiona dared me to do when we were kids.”

    “Heh, ask her about the skag sometime,” Fiona chuckled, leaning back with a smirk.

    Sasha glared at her. “You promised you’d never bring that up again.”

    “Technically…” The elder sister took a long swig of her beer. “...I didn’t.”

    “Not gonna lie, I’m actually kinda curious right now.” August put his drink down and glanced at Sasha. “Feel like sharin’, babe?”

    “No, forget I ever said anything.”

    He snorted. “Like hell. Y’know...I can think of a lot of dares involving skags and...uh, they’re all disgusting.”

    “Yeah, well, you’re not wrong.”

    Fiona kicked her feet up on the table. “Ask her how many times she washed her clothes after she did it. Or how long she was in the shower.” She leaned over to Rhys without waiting for anyone else’s input and answered the question herself...in a very exaggerated whisper. “Hours. She was in the shower for hours…”

    Sasha slumped forward with a groan. “Okay. Fine. I’ll do your stupid dare. But,” she lifted her head and leveled a hard stare at both Rhys and her sister. “You two have to do something first.”

    Rhys glanced at Fiona out of the corner of his eye. Up until now, she’d been relatively nonplussed by everything that had happened—the fourth beer had really been the point of no return—but Sasha’s comment had effectively stopped her with her drink halfway to her lips.

    “And you’re gonna do it together.”

    Rhys watched as Fiona slowly lowered the bottle to the table. The past few months had been...precarious, to say the least. He would have assumed that once he and Fiona started dating, things would be easier—no more veiled innuendos or less-than-subtle attempts to leave them alone together—but if anything, it was even more difficult. It turned out being in a relationship added more fuel to the fire than not being in one, so the teasing got worse. And...significantly more sexual.

    The disturbing combination of determination and mischief on Sasha’s face only reinforced Rhys’ longing for normal friends. Friends who would have congratulated him on “getting the girl” and left it at that. Then again, the fact that the friend in mention was the sister of his lover made things decidedly more complicated. “What’d you have in mind?” he asked warily.

    “Each of you has to say two things about the other that no one else here would know.” She sat back and crossed her arms, expression morphing into smug satisfaction. “Good luck.”

    “Um…” He looked at Fiona. Sasha was her sister, they’d known each other since birth; how could he come up with something that not even she would know? Unless...no. No, he couldn’t do that. Especially not for the sake of this stupid game.

    Fiona sighed, picking at the label on her beer bottle. “I’ll go first, since you obviously need time to think of something.”

    “Yeah, sure, fine. Just...don’t…uh...” She turned to look at him, a small smile on her lips, scarred eyebrow cocked just so slightly. To anyone else, she may have looked genuinely—maybe even innocently—confused. But Rhys knew better.

    “Don’t what?”

    He narrowed his eyes, but didn’t say anything. She knew exactly what, and the implication should have been more than apparent. Unfortunately for him, she ignored it. And if that wasn’t enough, she gave him a cheeky grin right before finishing off whatever was left in the bottle of alcohol. His stomach sank.

    “He is…extremely flexible. And yeah,” she tossed the empty bottle to the side. “I mean it in the way you all think I do.”

    Rhys could feel his face getting red the minute the word ‘flexible’ left her lips. He should have known she’d do the exact thing that he’d sworn to himself he wouldn’t do.

    “And,” she continued, “when he was a kid, he didn’t actually want to wear tacky suits and rule the world. He wanted to be a singer.” She smirked at Sasha across the table. “There. Done.”

    “Wait, what?” Vaughn frowned. “You never told me that.”

    Rhys rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah...it didn’t last very long. And it was before I met you. I was, like, five, and I liked to sing…” He shrugged helplessly. “I mean, I still do, but… I don’t know, it’s kinda embarrassing.”

    “More embarrassing than the other thing we just found out?”

    “Well, um…she wasn’t supposed to—”

    Fiona snickered and nudged his shoulder. “Your turn.”

    Rhys took a deep breath. If she wanted to play like this, sure, he’d play. “She always fights to be on top, but secretly loves it when I hold her down to keep her from getting there. And yeah,” he turned to Fiona. “I mean it in the way you all think I do.” The silence that settled around the table was one of the most sudden and absolute silences Rhys had ever witnessed. Everyone was just...staring. Not at him, either. Fiona looked like she wanted to be swallowed by her hat, and for once, the color in her cheeks was very noticeable. “She also likes the way I write my signature.” He sat back and crossed his legs with a grin.

    A long minute passed before anyone moved. Sasha finally tore her eyes away from her sister, combing her fingers through her bangs. August picked up his beer, stared into it, and put it back down. Vaughn’s forehead connected with the table.

    “Alright,” Sasha finally conceded. “I walked into that...and you win. So here goes the dare.” She shrugged off her jacket, but stopped halfway through pulling her shirt off over her head and glared at Rhys. “Don’t even think about recording this.”

    It's been a fun ride, you guys, and I'll see you when I see you. Keep on shipping!

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    We'll keep sinking while having fun, unless S2 happen.

    No, I'm not back. Not technically. But at the same time, I never really left. Happy Belated Rhyiona Day, everyone, and thank you so much

  • lets make more rhyiona babies, baby ;) <3

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Shut the fuck up and give me attention. I love you all, my senpai's Although many of us may have left, we still can keep this thread

  • cheers eryka u saucy bugga xoxo

    Eryka posted: »

    One year ; is it short or long? I've been here for 11 months, and I can't really remember what I was doing before that (probably because

  • im a crazy gal, what can i say? ;) ily <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hi. So, happy 1 year anniversary. It's been a long time that I've been here and I'm glad that I came here. And I can't... Oh dear, I'm not g

  • You gave Mario a boner, gratz.

    RockMySocks posted: »

    im a crazy gal, what can i say? ily

  • Ayy love ya too ^~^

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hi. So, happy 1 year anniversary. It's been a long time that I've been here and I'm glad that I came here. And I can't... Oh dear, I'm not g

  • <3

    Ayy love ya too ^~^

  • Why?


  • Haha, of course you are ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    RockMySocks posted: »

    im a crazy gal, what can i say? ily

  • You wouldn't get the joke

    papai46 posted: »


  • I'm part of the kool kids, i should be allowed to know the dank memes.

    You wouldn't get the joke

  • Totally forgot, happy thread anniversary.

  • No... please no

    Eryka posted: »

    I just realized why we say Rhyiona instead of Rhyona. It's a fetish that involves abuse towards the other person. So basically sexual

  • Thx InGen <3

    Totally forgot, happy thread anniversary.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Yes please yes :)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    No... please no

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    How could you forget that!? What a shame...

    Totally forgot, happy thread anniversary.

  • Is it the anniversary today?!


    Oh man, now is the perfect time to make a comeback :D

    So yeah I've started my new job, just gotta get settled in some more and I'll be back to normal again :P

  • @ABigBadWolf

    Where are you, Brother?! This place ain't complete without you :'(

  • He's just going through some issues right now, he'll be back.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    @ABigBadWolf Where are you, Brother?! This place ain't complete without you

  • Thanks for the update, hope I can speak to that bro again someday...

    Hey in case anyone was wondering where wolf has been, he told me to tell you all that he's ok just having some issues K peace out

  • Hey Charlotte.

    Yeah I just saw Celtic's comment about it, poor guy...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    He's just going through some issues right now, he'll be back.

  • Well I suppose I should announce my return by saying that fanfics WILL be finished after months of procrastination and bullshit :P

    It has given me time to think over the fanfic though. You all remember the one I started right? If not I'll just repost Chapter 1 again...

    It's still a Fables/TFTB Crossover, but it involves one of my OC's and some references, that's about it from the Fables perspective :)

    It's got action, romance and comedy, and some suspence. My OC Nick is a bit of a 4th wall breaker too, but don't worry it'll only be for a handful of moments. He isn't Deadpool or Joker levels of self-awareness!

    I'm not sure how long it will be seeing as the plot is fairly basic, but I like to throw in curveballs that prolong the adventure so we'll see.

    I have 3 big scenes planned out in my head:

    • A bar fight (started by Vaughn of all people)

    • A LOTR-esque scene where Nick defends the group from Wraith-like creatures.

    • A huge scene set on a reconstructed Helios involving Nick... Can't say much else without ruining the surprise.

  • started by Vaughn of all people

    Woah, Vaughn must have no chill.

    Good luck with the next chapter of your fanfic, can't wait to read it.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Well I suppose I should announce my return by saying that fanfics WILL be finished after months of procrastination and bullshit :P It has

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