Who was your favorite member of The Order of The Stone?

Who was your favorite? Soren the Architect, Gabriel the Warrior, Ellegard the Redstone Engineer, or Magnus the Rogue? Ivor counts as well. My favorite was Gabriel, since he seemed the most useful one and he seemed more loyal and noble than the others. Who was your favorite?


  • ELLIE!! She is kinda similar to me in real life plus she is just buff. :3

  • edited January 2016

    Jessie because I literally hate all the order of the fakes

  • Soren, cuz reasons. I have a forgiving heart.

  • but if I had to choose it would be ivor

  • edited January 2016

    None of them. The new Order of the Stone are smarter than the fake ones. But if I have to choose, is Gabriel. I used to like Soren the most before.

  • Gabriel, mostly because I have a weakness for that voice actor and he's quite earnest in wanting to help unlike say, Soren. They all are pretty cool though.

  • edited January 2016

    Gabriel! But only if you chose him in episode 1. I liked his introduction to Ivor if he was left behind, but them we won't get as much of his tipical good looking warrior, charming and funny, pompous character. Which is the best imo.

    I loved these dialogues with him:

    • You don't look so good. - So, I look great?

    • You look terrible. - Terribly handsome?

    • It's cool, I just slipped. - What's this smell? - I belive the scientific word for it is poop, that's what I slipped on.

    • Ah, humor.

    • I just hope we won't catch Soren as he's getting ready for bed. He always wore the most unrevealing bathrobes.

  • Gabriel and Soren

  • "Who is this woman? She is offending me!" -Gabriel

  • edited January 2016

    At first blush, I want to say none of them. Bunch of phonies and all that. However if I put aside my disgust with their lies...

    Ellegard was probably the most genuine and honest of the bunch. She seemed least concerned with public perceptions of her "heroism" and more interested in her engineering career which is something she at least comes by honestly.

    Then there's Magnus. The dude was pretty much a jerk but proved her had the heart of a hero when he died for Jesse.

    Lastly is Ivor. I hate his guts for all the pain and destruction he caused but it came from a place of disgust. Disgust with his friends for the swindle they pulled on the world and disgust with himself for going along with it. At least he had the integrity to keep himself out of the "history books." I can never forgive him though for setting the Wither Storm into motion. Without Ivor, Reuben would still be alive. Still and all I admire his honesty.

    I have nothing much to say about Gabriel. Nothing but an arrogant jerk. Then there's Soren who is a coward and a liar and as responsible as Ivor for all the horrors of the first four episodes.

  • My man Gabriel. Lee!

  • Probs Magnus, but I got him ka-deded.

  • Runs away Bahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • I dont really care for any of them really, they can all live or die, whatever. That death in episode 3 has to be the most lackluster moment ever

  • I like all of them (including the members of The New Order), all of them.... But Soren is only one characters that i hate

  • I don't really care for any of them :/

  • I personally like Gabriel.

  • Besides, I hate that Soren I don't like to be in the moment when he's away.

    _xian-cai_ posted: »

    I personally like Gabriel.

  • I consider Ivor to be the most interesting and Soren (despite potentially becoming a villain later on) the most likeable.
    Ellegaard is okay, Gabriel is great if he has memory loss, but is otherwise uninteresting, Magnus' only redeeming moment was his death scene.

  • edited January 2016

    Probably Gabriel, especially if you save him in Episode 1. He's funny, helpful, and good with a sword. He's pretty badass in the mob grinder even when horribly sick, and then there's the badass scene in Episode 2 when he parries Ivor's strikes while Ivor's under the effects of a Potion of Speed. Even if you don't save him in Episode 1, he still helps you find Ivor's failsafe, though he's kind of an idiot.
    Gabriel: "I'm Gabriel the Warrior! I'm a legendary hero!" immediately runs in the wrong direction
    Ellegaard and Magnus are childish and bratty, Ivor has no planning skills, and Soren's a fraud and an arrogant coward.

  • Same. I like magnus because he's the greatest griever in minecraft. But only one thing that i hate from him

    FLYING PIG JOKE ARE TOTALLY PLAYED, i mean, he launch reuben!


  • Hmm... He and that cow launching girl from Redstonia would be perfect for each other.

    Same. I like magnus because he's the greatest griever in minecraft. But only one thing that i hate from him FLYING PIG JOKE ARE TOTALLY PLAYED, i mean, he launch reuben!

  • I would say magnus because I love explosion and so does magnus

  • Wow, coming from the guy who has Gabriel profile pic.

    kidfuery posted: »


  • edited March 2016

    I like Magnus too, giving power of Griefing when i play Minecraft with my friends (Griefing my friend house)

    AronDracula posted: »

    Wow, coming from the guy who has Gabriel profile pic.

  • I like your profile pic with Lukas, Petra and Jesse.

    I like Magnus too, giving power of Griefing when i play Minecraft with my friends (Griefing my friend house)

  • Its the screenshot when Reuben dies... (22/12/2015)

    AronDracula posted: »

    I like your profile pic with Lukas, Petra and Jesse.

  • Umm... in the new order of the stone, I like Jesse (Of course)
    And the old fake one, Gabriel

  • My favorite has to be Jesse in the New Order of The Stone. My Jesse is such a badass.

  • Even with his death, Reuben still part of The New Order of The Stone

    My favorite has to be Jesse in the New Order of The Stone. My Jesse is such a badass.

  • Yep ;_;

    Even with his death, Reuben still part of The New Order of The Stone

  • edited August 2016

    I didn't really care about having a favorite but once I met Soren I changed my mind. He's so funny and nice.


    And Soren is pretty good too...

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