I've noticed some engine improvements for each set of games (Wolf/Dead 2 and Thrones/Tales) after Walking Dead: Season 1, but even so, they seemed to make a big point out of emphasizing the engine will be heavily improved for Batman and all future TTG games going forward whereas they did not do so nearly as much for previous sets of games. I'm curious to see what all they did...
It just hit me that a lot of big changes are coming at once - new engine improvements, a return to monthly episode releases, and three-four series coming in a year (not with every last series entirely started and concluded in the same year, but you get the idea).
Holy friggin' crap, what a great time it is to be a Telltale fan. I've followed Telltale for years prior to Walking Dead, and it's almost surreal to see them become this big and successful.
It just hit me that a lot of big changes are coming at once - new engine improvements, a return to monthly episode releases, and three-four … moreseries coming in a year (not with every last series entirely started and concluded in the same year, but you get the idea).
Holy friggin' crap, what a great time it is to be a Telltale fan. I've followed Telltale for years prior to Walking Dead, and it's almost surreal to see them become this big and successful.
i'm kinda sad and ansious at the same time.. dont know what they mean with directly choose bruce or batman in the same scene, but i kinda expected this game to have more than 5 episodes... a batman game from TTG is like magic , and i dont want it to end with 1 season of 5 episodes only.... glad they will release it sooner than i expected though cant wait to see images and a trailer
Very few Telltale series exceed five episodes. Not even Walking Dead has (not counting 400 Days as DLC for Season 1), and that's Telltale's current best-performing series.
i'm kinda sad and ansious at the same time.. dont know what they mean with directly choose bruce or batman in the same scene, but i kinda e… morexpected this game to have more than 5 episodes... a batman game from TTG is like magic , and i dont want it to end with 1 season of 5 episodes only.... glad they will release it sooner than i expected though cant wait to see images and a trailer
If the grapphics get higher, my pc wont run the game well anymore. Goooosh. I loved TWAU geaphics. This is becoming the next gta iv who lost a lot of fans due to the incredibly shitty and memory breaking graphics.
Even gaming PC have problems reaching 59-60 fps on gta iv. Hope this wont be the case for batman.
Their engine still has to run on mobile devices (and probably still 360/PS3), so I'm not counting on that huge of an upgrade. I took that as optimization and improved production qualities.
If the grapphics get higher, my pc wont run the game well anymore. Goooosh. I loved TWAU geaphics. This is becoming the next gta iv who lost… more a lot of fans due to the incredibly shitty and memory breaking graphics.
Even gaming PC have problems reaching 59-60 fps on gta iv. Hope this wont be the case for batman.
The fact that the game isn't tied down to any existing universe makes me even more hyped for this game. Telltale can pretty much do whatever they want!
Also am excited for the new updated engine. They wouldn't talk about it unless they really did make a huge improvement.
Summer is from June 20th to September 21st going by Summer Solstice/Autumn Equinox. If I had to wager a guess, I would predict somewhere around mid to late Summer, with August or early September being my prediction. Perhaps the game could potentially premiere sometime around the Suicide Squad movie?
It just hit me that a lot of big changes are coming at once - new engine improvements, a return to monthly episode releases, and three-four … moreseries coming in a year (not with every last series entirely started and concluded in the same year, but you get the idea).
Holy friggin' crap, what a great time it is to be a Telltale fan. I've followed Telltale for years prior to Walking Dead, and it's almost surreal to see them become this big and successful.
A New Engine would make no Sense in their current work structure. They had to start from the scratch. Only a few developers switch to a New engine. But the majority uses an updated engine like UE4.
Really happy to see new info. I love how you'd be able to choose who to play as in different scenes (Batman/Bruce) It could make for some different experiences while playing this. As well as this Violence/Mercy thing they're talking about, I don't know what it means but it seems cool (be a brutal, complete bone-breaking Batman, or a more terrifying one who strikes fear into his enemies by only using his gaze!!). I like the fact that they are updating their engine too. It should help with the common stutters you get every now and then. And summer? So, can we expect July? Early August? ... Oooh, this game can't come any faster! (At least we still have two more Telltale series to finish off until then. That should tide me over.) (sorry for the long ramble, I'm just really excited to see more)
It's an updated version of the Telltale Tool, the engine they've used for all of their games since their foundation in 2004. They periodically update their engine to support new technology, which causes the system requirements to go up, but results in a better looking game (the former is the reason why they don't do major updates too often, as they try to get their games on as many systems as possible, including low end Windows and Mac PCs, as well as low end iOS and Android devices).
Here's a visual representation of the evolution of the Telltale Tool and of Telltale's style over the years:
I've noticed some engine improvements for each set of games (Wolf/Dead 2 and Thrones/Tales) after Walking Dead: Season 1, but even so, they seemed to make a big point out of emphasizing the engine will be heavily improved for Batman and all future TTG games going forward whereas they did not do so nearly as much for previous sets of games. I'm curious to see what all they did...
Here's the Telltale Blog write up
Dang, you just beat me Dojo.
It just hit me that a lot of big changes are coming at once - new engine improvements, a return to monthly episode releases, and three-four series coming in a year (not with every last series entirely started and concluded in the same year, but you get the idea).
Holy friggin' crap, what a great time it is to be a Telltale fan. I've followed Telltale for years prior to Walking Dead, and it's almost surreal to see them become this big and successful.
Tons of amazing times ahead! Pretty excited to share more awesomeness with you all.
i'm kinda sad and ansious at the same time.. dont know what they mean with directly choose bruce or batman in the same scene, but i kinda expected this game to have more than 5 episodes... a batman game from TTG is like magic , and i dont want it to end with 1 season of 5 episodes only.... glad they will release it sooner than i expected though cant wait to see images and a trailer
Very few Telltale series exceed five episodes. Not even Walking Dead has (not counting 400 Days as DLC for Season 1), and that's Telltale's current best-performing series.
My batboner is rising
If the grapphics get higher, my pc wont run the game well anymore. Goooosh. I loved TWAU geaphics. This is becoming the next gta iv who lost a lot of fans due to the incredibly shitty and memory breaking graphics.
Even gaming PC have problems reaching 59-60 fps on gta iv. Hope this wont be the case for batman.
Can you tell me when is summer? Kinda forgotten. Lmao
Their engine still has to run on mobile devices (and probably still 360/PS3), so I'm not counting on that huge of an upgrade. I took that as optimization and improved production qualities.
June 21st I think
Kinda off topic but because telltales also talking about side projects and tech, you think we might get Poker Night 3 this year?
Hey, have they confirmed consoles yet?
They have not, but I would expect the same consoles as all other Telltale games - PC, Mac, Playstation 3/4, Xbox 360/One, iOS, Android, Kindle, etc.
I really hope its in the 360. Otherwise ill have another reason why old consoles 'suck' now (and big companies have given me enough)
The fact that the game isn't tied down to any existing universe makes me even more hyped for this game. Telltale can pretty much do whatever they want!
Also am excited for the new updated engine. They wouldn't talk about it unless they really did make a huge improvement.
New Engine
Hearing this makes me so excited for summer. I'm definitely going to be the douchebag batman/Bruce route
Updated not new. Which is ridiculous because I really think should make a new engine by now.
Summer is from June 20th to September 21st going by Summer Solstice/Autumn Equinox. If I had to wager a guess, I would predict somewhere around mid to late Summer, with August or early September being my prediction. Perhaps the game could potentially premiere sometime around the Suicide Squad movie?
If anyone missed the stream or wants to watch it again you can currently watch the archived version on Twitch.
what do they mean by updated engine?? like the same but it doesnt have the same shitty glitches? or kinda the same up something new??
Damn i m so much more excited now
Now I am even more excited for the game! I am very happy that Telltale is focusing on Bruce Wayne rather than just Batman.
Will this still be available on PS3 and XBox360?
I'm gonna be on a spending spree buying TTG games this year lol
Yasssss, that's good lol
Super excited for this game! And I'm very happy to hear that the engine is finally getting a much needed update.
It's crazy how much Telltale has grown since S1 of TWD. Looking forward to learning what other sorts of projects are ahead too!
A New Engine would make no Sense in their current work structure. They had to start from the scratch. Only a few developers switch to a New engine. But the majority uses an updated engine like UE4.
Really happy to see new info. I love how you'd be able to choose who to play as in different scenes (Batman/Bruce) It could make for some different experiences while playing this. As well as this Violence/Mercy thing they're talking about, I don't know what it means but it seems cool (be a brutal, complete bone-breaking Batman, or a more terrifying one who strikes fear into his enemies by only using his gaze!!). I like the fact that they are updating their engine too. It should help with the common stutters you get every now and then. And summer? So, can we expect July? Early August? ... Oooh, this game can't come any faster! (At least we still have two more Telltale series to finish off until then. That should tide me over.) (sorry for the long ramble, I'm just really excited to see more)
The Batman Team are chatting on twitch right now.
Neat, thanks for sharing! I'll check it out now!
SPOILER ALERT! The bat mobile is in the game :^)
Saweeeet! I wonder what their version looks like...
Missed it !
Any cool news about it?
Not really besides the bat mobile being confirmed to be in the series.
They didn't say anything new but you can watch it again here https://www.twitch.tv/twitch/v/55374867?t=135m37s
It's an updated version of the Telltale Tool, the engine they've used for all of their games since their foundation in 2004. They periodically update their engine to support new technology, which causes the system requirements to go up, but results in a better looking game (the former is the reason why they don't do major updates too often, as they try to get their games on as many systems as possible, including low end Windows and Mac PCs, as well as low end iOS and Android devices).
Here's a visual representation of the evolution of the Telltale Tool and of Telltale's style over the years:

It has a tank.