A Borderlands Fan Survey for all of you here.
I already shared this on the shipping forums; which is where a majority of you are. Anyways, I took the time to make this, but forgot to post it since I got terribly sick recently. Just hope everyone enjoys it.
EDIT: I will be posting the results of the survey after around 48 hours.
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Done and done.
You're asking too much with who my fav Tales character is.
Here's your solution
I just went with Loaderbot because he was like, the guy who also liked everyone. ;-;
Eh, play his luck just like the loot. Yeah, that'd work.
Don't know, haven't been able to do a single one.
Finished it, Papi Chulo.
In the 'What do you hope for BL3' question someone commented for better animations. I'm guessing this means actual cinematic cutscenes and more fluent movements. Right now, Borderlands just has the character models move while everything around you still happens. This includes combat and enemies.
Example- This made me laugh
I gotta agree, the seen goes from seeming intense; to down right hysterical at times. As you can see above in the link.
I'm expecting 100% for the best intro( episode 4)
100% done. Try to guess who I am.
I just picked the sentinel because its the only one I've managed to kill by myself
All done
Maya, Maya, Another Siren. Maliwan (That was a hard choice the weapon manufacturer) Elemental Phaselock Build all the way!
You should have asked about Fav Legendary, Pearl, Serpah gun! And what level you are - I'm OP8.
I'll take it into consideration for a possible second survey. This one was made aroudn when I got sick so I couldn't focus well. Yeah, I'll think of some more unique questions, these one's had alot token choices.
Look forward to another potential survey
Only around 22 hours and I'm already seeing so many submissions! Thank you all for taking this one and for the kind feedback! I have taken alot of this feedback along with results and will do better if I plan on doing a second survey. I will be submited the results soon. (First I have to get used to Imgur a bit more)
There are some that made comebacks since last I check. Also some surprises.
When I post the results, I wanna know if I should pst another Imgur link for the 'essay' questions. Or just choose some of my favorites.
Right now, my favorite from the 'What do you want in BL3' is this answer- "Some mighty fine ass pancakes."
Thanks Jordan. And seriously, you find some fine fanart for your profile pics.
That's good to hear! But yeah, I need to see more awesome fanart. Borderlands ahs alot of good artists in it's community.
On my tumblr falloutlands.tumblr.com I have alot of Borderlands stuff!
OMG you're tumblr made me realize you can customize Codsworth. I will now do anything possible to make Codsworth the most polite super weapon ever. (Next to Gortys)
I'm still at work currently. WAITING TO GET HOME AND PLAY. Have not loaded up yet but those image were on my dashboard and omg I cracked up
k done.
Yeah that's why I picked Hyperius.
That T.K. Baha one was me. He's great and I haven't even played BL1 yet (getting to it soon)!
Honesty, disappointed that Dr. Ned made the list for favorite NPC over Dr. Ted.
Done. Even if I never played the Pre-Sequel or Borderlands 1.
Sweet survey. Loved the little snarky comments ("Jack. Again. For like, the third time?")
Finished! Fun survey. Looking forward to seeing the results!
T.K. obviously.
I got stuck for a long time at "Who is your favorite out of the Tales crew?"
It is supremely difficult when you love them all. And three of them are my absolute favorite.
But finished!
I finished a while back, but can't wait to see the results!
Okay, the 48 hour results are in! Here they are.
The Results!
I am not surprised no one picked Bandit/Scav
Lilith getting fav bl1 character And Maya high on bl2
The raid boss really surprised me! The Sentinal???!!! I picked Pyro Pete. So fun dropping him with Storm Front
To be fair, The Sentinel isn't as unforgiving as BL2's Raid Bosses. In fact, the endgame of BL2 is very unforgiving compared to TPS's. You need very specific gear in BL2 to get anywhere with it.
Being a Fan since original release it was easy for me to pick, but if you're unfamilar it will tend to be Tales choices. Such as 'Who you want to bring back' It'll either be Jack or Scooter. And 'Favourite Raid Boss'.
I know most people here want Tales Season 2 but it's an easy choice for me to pick Borderlands 3. As i've waited alot longer to a follow on from Borderlands 2. (I'm not counting TPS as it's a prequel. I did love it tho. I'm looking for a 2K/Gearbox moving forward canon game (I know tales is canon but I mean playable fps))
Yeah I found the sentinal way to easy from what i'm use to (Add the survey results to the main post as it'll make it easier for people to find)
Yeah, if I make a second survey; I'll have it alot more in depth of the FPS's. Tales may possibly be my favorite, but the shooters as freaking fun, and I got into them around Episode 2-3. I can't remember at this point. But long enough to get a Lvl 70 ClapTrap with 4 playthroughs done, and OP1 Gaige with 3 done.