Telltale killing off poplar characters

Why those telltale games always kill off the most popular characters in there games do telltale like killing there best characters oh by the way this is not a bring back Rubén are some examples 1 Carly and Doug the walking dead season1 2 Rubén Minecraft storey mode. 3 Luke walking dead season 2 4 Lee walking dead season 1 5 Magnus the rouge or ellegard the red stone engineer


  • edited April 2016

    To get an emotion out of you, and it seemed to have worked.

    Also, please don't post spoilers to other games not involving story Mode. People might want to play those in the future.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    Telltale's games always tug at your heartstrings (or at least they have since the release of Tales of Monkey Island onward). That's part of the draw of Telltale's games, that they're good for making you laugh at times, but they're also good at making you cry (and possibly, making you mad as well). You get a wide range of emotions when playing their games.

    Also, I changed your spoiler tag to mention the other games as well. For future reference, you can do this yourself by going to the bottom of the spoiler drop down list and choosing "Other". Then you are given a field where you can type whatever you want.

  • edited April 2016


    Also dont spoil other Telltale games, as @freelancepolicefan11 said.

  • Because Telltale lives from our misery.

  • I guess, but in my opinion the whole killing a character that a lot of people like just to get a reaction out of you got old after walking dead season one. Now it seems like it's Telltale's go to when they don't know how to end a story line in some sort of impactful way. Case in point being reuben. That's not me trying to talk bad, it's an honest opinion.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Telltale's games always tug at your heartstrings (or at least they have since the release of Tales of Monkey Island onward). That's part of

  • For shock value, most of the time the deaths are executed horribly, though.

  • Telltale never killed of any poplar characters.

    I dont think Carley, Doug and Ruebueaen (hahaha) are popular characters, since C and D are only in a single episode, then one of them dies.
    Reueben is just annoying and not many like him, most that like him have annoying personalities as well. (No offence)

  • Isn't that the idea though?

    By killing off a POPULAR character, that means a emotional attachment has been properly established between us and the character.

    Make you care about something, then take it away for dramatic effect, common story telling tactic.

  • edited April 2016

    and not many like him

    You wanna tell that to all the people making "Bring back Reuben" threads/comments. Just because you didn't like him doesn't mean "not many like him".

    Telltale never killed of any poplar characters. I dont think Carley, Doug and Ruebueaen (hahaha) are popular characters, since C and D ar

  • Well only killing off hated characters would be silly, wouldn't it?

    This would make things too predictable. More importantly, a good storyteller know that what the reader/gamer wants, and what would make the best story, are not always the same thing.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2016

    It would be hard to kill off a character that isn't popular though. There's always a lot of fans who gravitate towards any given character. The only time you don't see that is for people who are straight up unambigous villains (not like Ivor, who is a hero, turned villain, turned anti-hero, but like Carver or The Crooked Man). However, you don't get the same kind of suspense in action moments if it becomes so that the only characters you can expect to die in Telltale's games are villains.

    I guess, but in my opinion the whole killing a character that a lot of people like just to get a reaction out of you got old after walking d

  • Because Telltale feed off the tears of the innocent.

  • I think you can see how many Reuben haters there are.

    and not many like him You wanna tell that to all the people making "Bring back Reuben" threads/comments. Just because you didn't like him doesn't mean "not many like him".

  • It'd be very boring if only characters we dislike died, wouldn't it?

  • There's not that much Reuben haters. There's a lot of people who think that Reuben shouldn't come back to life but still don't hate him. Reuben is super popular.

    I think you can see how many Reuben haters there are.

  • Killing characters that we loved is the best way to make a game memorable. If they don't kill any of these, at the end of the day it'll be just a game that you liked and enjoyed for that period of time, killing characters we loved is certainly the best way to remember a game for a long time.

  • I wouldn't call Magnus and Ellegaard popular characters

  • What kind of story would it be if games that depend on keeping yourself alive had no deaths? It wouldn't feel realistic (or as realistic as these types of games can be).

  • Me too

    I wouldn't call Magnus and Ellegaard popular characters

  • edited April 2016

    ***Reuben is always watching***

    Reuben is always watching

    There's not that much Reuben haters. There's a lot of people who think that Reuben shouldn't come back to life but still don't hate him. Reuben is super popular.

  • To be honest, I'm more bothered by the fact that, a lot of times, Telltale Games kills some characters ONLY for shock value. Like Reuben for example. What was the point of killing him? Except making him a hero? He was already a hero when he was saving Jesse by bringing him back his sword, there was no need to kill him. And if TTG wanted to get rid of him, they could've just let him stay in the town in the future episodes, making him sick or something. I don't know, I just really disliked the way they killed him. It just wasn't necessary, you know?
    I could go ahead about all the deaths of Walking Dead season 2 but my comment is already long enough lol.
    Other than that, I did "enjoy" (by crying really hard) some character's deaths, like Lee's death. But I really hate it when it's a quick death that has no meaning when it's a beloved/popular character. (coughLuke&Nickcough)

  • Lol Reuben's cute though.

    Cuwwa posted: »

    Reuben is always watching

  • Thank you, this is what I'm saying. And how forced it was is enough reason to have him brought back.

    To be honest, I'm more bothered by the fact that, a lot of times, Telltale Games kills some characters ONLY for shock value. Like Reuben for

  • As i said before, it's to make the game more memorable. Because at the end of the day, with no deaths, it's just a regular game which you play and forget about.

    To be honest, I'm more bothered by the fact that, a lot of times, Telltale Games kills some characters ONLY for shock value. Like Reuben for

  • It was already memorable for being a fun and funny adventure

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    As i said before, it's to make the game more memorable. Because at the end of the day, with no deaths, it's just a regular game which you play and forget about.

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