Easy there, my friend, no one ever thought that! No one I know anyway.
And yes, people opinion is important, but not deciding in this matter. Like, imagine, there is a parent and a neighbor tells him, "your kid is too noisy and rude", this parent will pay attention and try to see if that is true and maybe ask his child to be calmer, but he won't stop loving his child when someone else told something unpleasant.
That's how you treat yourself. You don't stop loving you, when someone says bad things about you, just take it into account and if it is somewhat true, you make yourself better
Easy there, my friend, no one ever thought that! No one I know anyway.
And yes, people opinion is important, but not deciding in this mat… moreter. Like, imagine, there is a parent and a neighbor tells him, "your kid is too noisy and rude", this parent will pay attention and try to see if that is true and maybe ask his child to be calmer, but he won't stop loving his child when someone else told something unpleasant.
That's how you treat yourself. You don't stop loving you, when someone says bad things about you, just take it into account and if it is somewhat true, you make yourself better
Easy there, my friend, no one ever thought that! No one I know anyway.
And yes, people opinion is important, but not deciding in this mat… moreter. Like, imagine, there is a parent and a neighbor tells him, "your kid is too noisy and rude", this parent will pay attention and try to see if that is true and maybe ask his child to be calmer, but he won't stop loving his child when someone else told something unpleasant.
That's how you treat yourself. You don't stop loving you, when someone says bad things about you, just take it into account and if it is somewhat true, you make yourself better
Your wish is my command.
Thanks. Tbh, that's not just friendliness, that's love
Easy there, my friend, no one ever thought that! No one I know anyway.
And yes, people opinion is important, but not deciding in this matter. Like, imagine, there is a parent and a neighbor tells him, "your kid is too noisy and rude", this parent will pay attention and try to see if that is true and maybe ask his child to be calmer, but he won't stop loving his child when someone else told something unpleasant.
That's how you treat yourself. You don't stop loving you, when someone says bad things about you, just take it into account and if it is somewhat true, you make yourself better
The ultimate key to happiness.
All right then. Thanks, Mawula.
There is a great psychology blog where I read that, it helped me a lot, so I try to share it
Well, it works, so good job
Word o' wise
Holy crap....This place still lives?!
Btw Dope Selfies! @Mawula @Kennybadger @2614118
Thank God my fugly lookin' pic is buried deep in here.
Pro-tip; To mention someone with hyphens, dots or any other symbol in their name, write the number in the url of their profile instead of the name
Appreciated, Thanks!
I hope this place will live at least for one year
This won't tag them
I wonder what will be here in a year, so let's just wait
New people
oh my goodness
Does your monkey have a name?
... thank you? :P
I will probably post a selfie when I hit a one year anniversary here.
Please post it now I love you
No, in December

Do you know how to put a gif mama?
It's not simple on the ipad
I always use my phone, so that's not an excuse. Your screen is even bigger than mine.
How is it, that I just saw this comment?
Anyways thanks Goofy
(?) TTG community will remember that
anytime, boo
Oh my gosh, you're so pretty!!
Thank you so much
You're welcome
It was probably cause I had an issue tagging your name, sorry.
I will post my selfile once I am on my computer
@Eryka post another dope selfie from the furry convention
I wish I could, but I'm too lazy
I woke up with a weird red eye dot or whatever