The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oh jeez. That girl...

    Eryka posted: »

    Tfw Whitney Wisconsin retweeted one of your most beautiful tweet. Edit : I have 15 hearts and 5 retweets now

  • Bash my head in with a rock

    Eryka posted: »

    Tfw Whitney Wisconsin retweeted one of your most beautiful tweet. Edit : I have 15 hearts and 5 retweets now

  • edited April 2016

    I saw Iron Maiden again tonight. I also ate pizza, sitting on top of their stage rig cases. Nobody cared, so that's something I can die saying that I've done.

    I guess it was their 100th concert in Canada too. Woo. It was a great show.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    If that's what you want...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Bash my head in with a rock

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    Hahaha! Our governor got confronted by one of his constituents and ran like a scared pup.

    "I created a million jobs!"

    You sure did, Mr. Governor! And do you know what kind of jobs those primarily are? Food service, retail. Jobs that pay $8/hr and hire at-will, so you can be fired at any time if you commit the heinous crime of being human and making too many mistakes. In a state that curbs the right to strike and doesn't even legally entitle workers to breaks. Those aren't jobs, more like debt peonage.

    Fuck him and the people who voted for him.

  • Been getting a lot of good finds at the pawn shops lately.

    LA Noire, KND (Kid's Next Door) Operation: Videogame, Soul Calibur 3, Disney's Cars, Justice League Heroes, Star Wars Battlefront 2, and Resident Evil Outbreak (funny enough, my brother got his copy in one of the same pawn shops years ago).

    Looks like I might dust off the good ol' PS2 soon. :3

  • Nope. Valky.

    papai46 posted: »

    HA, Azlyn reference... i think.

  • It's a good idea though.

    Going to work with a hangover is awful and ultimately bad for everyone. This...this isn't something I expected from John Kasich.

  • edited April 2016

    I'm happy to talk to someone about my secrets. My thoughts and things... There is this one thing I want to tell to this person but I'm not sure because it's something I'm ashamed of myself and most people will be like f*ck of. I trust this person but if somebody else finds out I don't think I can life with myself any advice?

    EDIT: It's a addiction kinda I will not respond to ''what is it'' or a joke BTW

  • Don't tell info people do not need to know no point chancing it.

    If a girl u asking out go for it

    joshua007 posted: »

    I'm happy to talk to someone about my secrets. My thoughts and things... There is this one thing I want to tell to this person but I'm not s

  • edited April 2016

    It's something I can't do alone that addiction

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Don't tell info people do not need to know no point chancing it. If a girl u asking out go for it

  • Go for it then

    joshua007 posted: »

    It's something I can't do alone that addiction

  • Oké... Well this person won't tell it I'm sure I can't sleep for three days but ugh probably worth it because it bothers me for years

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Go for it then

  • Bothers you for years bite the bullet go for it you can do it

    joshua007 posted: »

    Oké... Well this person won't tell it I'm sure I can't sleep for three days but ugh probably worth it because it bothers me for years

  • I'm shaking right now. The worst part is I will see this person over two weeks. Ugh I can't even wait a week! used to be a month damned

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Bothers you for years bite the bullet go for it you can do it

  • BTW how are you doing M8?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Bothers you for years bite the bullet go for it you can do it

  • Nostalgia, nostalgia so strong T.T

    enter link description here

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Wtf am I doing with my life enter image description here

  • Lolllll

    Eryka posted: »

    Wtf am I doing with my life

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I hope you watch Leafy (If you don't you can't understand)

    _BEARZZ_ posted: »


  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited April 2016

    I guess the site's security certificate expired, because I'm getting a bunch of warnings about it not being secure.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Same :/

    I guess the site's security certificate expired, because I'm getting a bunch of warnings about it not being secure.

  • Do you have any idea when it's going to be fixed? :-/

    I guess the site's security certificate expired, because I'm getting a bunch of warnings about it not being secure.

  • Great how are u

    joshua007 posted: »

    BTW how are you doing M8?

  • edited April 2016

    I just completed tales of borderlands, I've played many of these types of games so give my honest opinion.

    Typed this on my phone so hard to add pictures or anything


    Funniest game I ever played and one of best stories script was amazing

    Different version of same scenes was genius and hilarious from each character perspective

    Lots of violence and disturbing scenes

    So many games and movie references

    Great pacing

    Wide range of characters with unique personalities and strengths

    I did not like the borderlands fps game and know practically nothing yet adored this

    The hype is real here

    I paid 8 euro great deal

    Felt like telltale recaptured magic touch after the disaster of twd s2 I lost hope this made me remember why joined this forum

    Music was perfection

    Always excited to play next episode

    Amazing voice cast performance

    The meh

    I was worried after seeing a lot of telltale writers appear on an anita video. That this game would be a sjw wet dream

    I like the diversity and girls wearing proper clothes

    But making lead male rhys useless and side female leads Mary sues

    Making Vaughan shirtless nearly whole game

    Evil male villain hugo idiot character get killed by proper girl villain

    Fiona calls rhys an asshole and scumbag then gets offended when he calls them ladies wtf

    Seems to be this idea in sjw writing that females characters can't be empowered or badass unless we contrast them with useless male.

    When said hi to hyperion soldiers and they did big rant on misogyny . I had pause the game I never cringed so much playing a game.

    Like they said let's do a reverse damsel in distress with male characters, sjw is trending $

    This not true look ellie, Laura Croft and Jolie holmes there not Mary sues or need weak male leads or shirtless male contrast to appear badass or more clothed. Ok to have faults being a true hero is overcoming ur faults and fear that's character depth

    Then with yvette when could actually stun thing her then I saw was fair game.

    Then I saw that weren't going overboard with whole sjw and still were writing an awesome story so it was fine


    Bad engine need improvements

    I encountered so many bugs and a few gamebreaker bugs during gameplay and with game having so few gameplay sections this shocked me considering game is out months as well. Completely took me out of game and story

    The facial animations were robotic I found hard to connect with characters as all facial responses were strange and robotic

    Lip sync and words align were not great

    Rendering random objects most scenes flashing into place

    Gameplay needs improvements Qte I failed few yet game continued taking all tension out of doing it. Simple puzzles almost mocking. Nothing of challenge

    Fiona was a Mary sue she be better suited for telltale avengers tbh

    Rhys was useless I wish to play as loaderbot, zero or Athena tbh

    Many feels scenes missed the mark with me as cliché maybe if characters had better face animations idk even the disturbing scenes just looked like child's cartoon so didn't get a reaction from

    My fav characters

    Loaderbot best character stole every scene he was hilarious

    Sasha perfect mix of badass and feminine while having faults she was wonderful written loved her my wiafu

    Athena just badass with badass shield

    Scooter the legend always there to help

    Mini robot was adorable

    Handsome jack was funny

    Zero was badass

    Fav scene

    Loaderbot saying futurama quote and final battle was like power rangers battle epic

    Episode 5 best

    Who I chose for final scene

    Athena. Zero and August

    All sacrificed their lives for my characters so earned my trust and this chance to.shine



    For the price this game is a must buy and up with twd s1 as best telltale game a masterpiece not to be missed

    Not goty due engine, gameplay, game breaking bugs, Mary sue fiona and to simple at times with overuse of cutscenes

    But best story game

  • Ah, that's what that certificate error I got was.

    I guess the site's security certificate expired, because I'm getting a bunch of warnings about it not being secure.

  • No idea, but I informed some of the web team about it, so uh yeah.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Do you have any idea when it's going to be fixed? :-/

  • edited April 2016

    I disagree with Fiona being a Mary Sue, I don't really know why you would think that as you fail to explain why you think she is. If its because of her becoming a Vault Hunter, then that's not really enough. You see her, especially in Episode 3, not only doubt that she can be a successful Vault Hunter like Athena or Zer0, but even says how she feels her only talent is conning and "talking to people until they get confused," that conning is all she knows and the only thing she's good at. In Episode 5, if you pick Felix for your team, you get an option to say how conning is the only life she knows and that she isn't really sure about her chances of being a Vault Hunter. Through her training, she does get better, but she's still not a perfect or ready Vault Hunter, as shown through her inability to even hold a rocket launcher, something that ALL Vault Hunters are able to do. Does she improve, yes, but she's still no where close to being on the same level as someone like Athena or Zer0, so to call her a Mary Sue seems really unfair.

    Making Vaughan shirtless nearly whole game

    How can that be a meh, did you not see those abs? That should be a pro bro.

    But making lead male rhys useless

    I'm not really sure about this either, how is Rhys useless? He's clearly not as capable of surviving on Pandora as Fiona or Sasha, but that doesn't make him useless. His whole story arc was him distancing himself from Hyperion, whether it was through spending time on Pandora and meeting people like Fiona and Sasha, giving him an entirely different perspective of the planet, or by having the mass murdering, megalomaniacal, psychopathic former CEO living in his head. Eventually, it culminates in him taking over Atlas and him resolving to try and truly help Pandora with his new position and not become another Handsome Jack. Not to mention that it was because of him they were able to get the final Gortys piece and take down Helios, and him ripping out his own cybernetics is pretty fucking badass if you ask me.

    When said hi to hyperion soldiers and they did big rant on misogyny . I had pause the game I never cringed so much playing a game.

    It wasn't a rant, but I can see why you and others didn't like that line, along with what followed about the captain's brother marrying his boyfriend. That was actually written by Anthony Burch, who is basically a SJW and was the head writer of Borderlands 2 and a co-writer for The Pre Sequel, along with Episodes 3, 4, and 5.

    Loaderbot best character stole every scene he was hilarious

    I cannot disagree with this one, this is entirely true.

    Sasha perfect mix of badass and feminine while having faults she was wonderful written loved her my wiafu

    Again, cannot disagree, I really loved her character (that and I ship her and Rhys). Join us:

  • Thank you :)

    No idea, but I informed some of the web team about it, so uh yeah.

  • enter image description here

    '40666 likes received'.

    I'm officially Satan.

  • edited April 2016

    666 The Number of the Beast

    enter link description here

    Also, I just realized you joined on my birthday, and that you've commented more in 8 months than I have in one and a half years, and have way more likes as well.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    '40666 likes received'. I'm officially Satan.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I didn't know Satan was a pussy

    Just kidding

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    '40666 likes received'. I'm officially Satan.

  • "Sweet."

    I loved that at the end. You know, it's videos like these that make me not only excited but fearful to pursue a career in politics. I know that everything I do will have an effect on people and everything I do will be looked at under a microscope, it's a fearful thing. I think I have good judgment though, especially as I keep growing older since I'm only still in high school. I hope that if I do have a position like mayor, senator, representative, or anything of that nature then I'll have people thanking me for what I do rather than yell shame at me.

    BigBlindMax posted: » Hahaha! Our governor got confronted by one of his constituents and ran like a scared pup. "I

  • Pretty sure he just got a lot more votes, not like it matters. This...this isn't something I expected from John Kasich.

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited April 2016

    Wow, Whitney Wisconsin is so cool to her fans, giving free pizza and consoles to them on twitter

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    Wow, Whitney Wisconsin is so cool to her fans, giving free pizza and consoles to them on twitter

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    But I'm hungry

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