The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • @officialsheriffmaybe that one time you scared away Troy Baker from noticing my tweet

    enter image description here

  • Not really tho.

    That burn almost started a forest fire.

  • A Very Salty Lesbian

    lottii-lu posted: »

    @officialsheriffmaybe that one time you scared away Troy Baker from noticing my tweet

  • Like I said, that will never happen.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Dude, you're asking @MetallicaRules to ditch Rhysha and join Rhyiona? Lmao good luck with that one buddy.

  • Just watched the latest adventure time, whoa it was...whoa. anyone know where I can get some of that purple stufff

  • offers me things that she definitely should know I do not like and gets pissed when I turn them down.

    My mom in a nutshell.

    I do not like caramel Heresy! I order you to abstain from this belief or thou shall get the death sentence! I don't like most kin

  • He's focusing on being a politician in the Philippines.

    I like the way Bradley fell though.

    Looks like Manny Pacquiao's boxing career is officially over. Another star dies out... I feel like a movie about him is going to be made in the not so near future lol.

  • I like Saltayyy stuff....

    lottii-lu posted: »

    @officialsheriffmaybe that one time you scared away Troy Baker from noticing my tweet

  • It was worth a shot... call me when you wake up :P

    Yeah, uh no, I don't think I will. Rhys X Sasha, nothing will ever get me to change that.

  • I am very much awake, it is you that have fallen asleep. Repent you Rhyiona shipper and perhaps your sins will be forgiven.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    It was worth a shot... call me when you wake up :P

  • Repent you Rhyiona shipper and perhaps your sins will be forgiven.

    Same goes to you Rhysha Shipper :P

    I am very much awake, it is you that have fallen asleep. Repent you Rhyiona shipper and perhaps your sins will be forgiven.

  • Why must I repent, you are the one that has committed idolatry you Rhyiona infidel.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Repent you Rhyiona shipper and perhaps your sins will be forgiven. Same goes to you Rhysha Shipper :P

  • And he can acessorise

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Dogmeat is pretty useful actually. He mostly stays out if the way of your bullets and latches on to enemies so they can't move/take cover.

  • Lucky! It's April, and it's freezing out. Had snow not long ago. I love snow but only in the right time of the year. .-.

    joshua007 posted: »

    It's a beautiful day where I live now

  • Not gonna lie: I geeked out something fierce when I found that out.

    And he can acessorise

  • God, I am fucking tired of school!

  • It's a little odd that we strive for perfection in the real world, but create/replicate imperfection in video games.

  • Perfect is boring.

    It's a little odd that we strive for perfection in the real world, but create/replicate imperfection in video games.

  • Having myself an 80's horror movie night. Time for some awful acting, directing and effects. Go.

  • Get the attack dog perk, and you'll be set for any battle.

    So , I watched Jacksepticeye play the beginning of Fall Out 4. It looks cool , but I don't know about that dog. It seems like it would be inconvenient in a battle situation.

  • Especially Salty lesbians ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I like Saltayyy stuff....

  • You know it's bad when you forget how to do subtraction...

  • Cronenberg

    Johro posted: »

    Having myself an 80's horror movie night. Time for some awful acting, directing and effects. Go.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Did someone take you out of the equation?

    You know it's bad when you forget how to do subtraction...

  • My downvote gif for that pun (even tho I upvoted)

    enter image description here

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Did someone take you out of the equation?

  • Have you treated yourself to Evil Dead 2?

    Johro posted: »

    Having myself an 80's horror movie night. Time for some awful acting, directing and effects. Go.

  • Not tonight. You bet I've seen it though. I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel tonight. Currently watching Chopping Mall.

    Have you treated yourself to Evil Dead 2?

  • edited April 2016

    enter image description here

  • The force is strong with this one...

  • edited April 2016

    Playing through Pokemon Platinum, my team currently consists of a level 25 Grotle and a level 26 Staravia, and i'm planning on getting a Riolu and a Snorunt (To evolve it into Froslass).Any suggestions for the other two members of my team?

  • How I spent last Wednesday and Thursday:

    enter link description here

  • edited April 2016

    I was there but two years yore. It felt very eerie being there, with the bloody history concerning the colonial times, the massacre and the ghost tour in particular (even though I saw no ghosts).

    How I spent last Wednesday and Thursday: enter link description here

  • It was definitely eerie for me when I visited the memorial. Even though they've stripped the old cafe to a shell, it's weird walking onto a spot where twenty people died.

    I was there but two years yore. It felt very eerie being there, with the bloody history concerning the colonial times, the massacre and the ghost tour in particular (even though I saw no ghosts).

  • Not to mention it also having the ruins of one of colonial Australia's most brutal convict settlements.

    It was definitely eerie for me when I visited the memorial. Even though they've stripped the old cafe to a shell, it's weird walking onto a spot where twenty people died.

  • edited April 2016

    Would you only want gen 4 pokemon on your final team?

    A water type would definitely be a good idea, or at least a pokemon that can learn surf. Maybe Floatzel? Or Gastrodon, but you already have a ground type..

    Playing through Pokemon Platinum, my team currently consists of a level 25 Grotle and a level 26 Staravia, and i'm planning on getting a Riolu and a Snorunt (To evolve it into Froslass).Any suggestions for the other two members of my team?

  • I like the feel from these trailers. Good music use

    New Suicide Squad trailer enter link description here

  • edited April 2016

    enter image description here

    Hmm 10/10 the hype

    enter image description here

    New Suicide Squad trailer enter link description here

  • edited April 2016

    Nah,pokemons from any gen will do, as long as it's in the game and i don't need to trade to evolve it.I was planning on getting Rotom Wash as my water type, but i didn't know you need an special key from an event to get him, and i don't have an action replay, so i might get Floatzel

    Flog61 posted: »

    Would you only want gen 4 pokemon on your final team? A water type would definitely be a good idea, or at least a pokemon that can learn surf. Maybe Floatzel? Or Gastrodon, but you already have a ground type..

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