The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Another insightful post by ChuckTheLizard ladies and gentlemen. In all seriousness, I agree. He's made some pretty great music, but he is just.... just the biggest piece of shit ever. Kanye and Kim were just made for each other.

    Ya know, Kanye West has produced some pretty awesome music. Sure he's one of the biggest shit bags of all time, no denying that at all. But man, listening to some of his earlier tracks, that dude was good!

  • I'd love to see a compilation of all the times really great human beings have been stressed and angry, and then said "I'm tired of this shit" on the subject of school. Fuck School dude.

    And just like that, school has screwed me over. I was hoping to go on a trip to Melbourne with my mom and uncle and grandmother, but I have

  • I got a call today saying I've got the Job in a shop which I applied for

  • Fuck yeah.

    I'd love to see a compilation of all the times really great human beings have been stressed and angry, and then said "I'm tired of this shit" on the subject of school. Fuck School dude.

  • edited April 2016

    Wages thing got debunked so many times

    It being debunked has also been debunked many times. It's a debated thing, but it's not the case that it's 100% truth that the wage cap is non existant.

    This is a good article to show how many of the 'debunking' arguments fall flat.

    Calling bullshit on 'myth' debunking

    Also there's been a study where identical job applications have been sent out with merely the genders of those applying swapped, and women were about half as likely to be offered an interview as men. So it manifests in different ways.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Wages thing got debunked so many times mention that people will immediately dismiss you. Like the idea of educating about other countries

  • Calling Bullshit On the Men Who Think the Pay Gap Is a Myth

    What about the women who think the 'pay gap' is a myth? Or is that okay, in that instance? Or does the writer believe all women buy into the Feminist movement? Which isn't true. Hmm, that's a lot to ponder on, and all before the article even starts...

    Flog61 posted: »

    Wages thing got debunked so many times It being debunked has also been debunked many times. It's a debated thing, but it's not the c

  • In my country Ireland it is by law illegal to pay male and females differently for same jobs so does not exist

    Plus my government has quotas

    I'm not from America so honestly I don't know in terms of laws and wage gaps there

    So if any Americans can shed light on this and add to the debate please

    Flog61 posted: »

    Wages thing got debunked so many times It being debunked has also been debunked many times. It's a debated thing, but it's not the c

  • ..But I guarantee there is no law that prevents certain people from getting raises and promotion over others. Upper management in most jobs, doesn't have set pay and it is definitely not regulated by anyone. Is it illegal for McDonald's to hire men at a higher scale than women? Of course, but these hiring practices can only be regulated so far.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    In my country Ireland it is by law illegal to pay male and females differently for same jobs so does not exist Plus my government has quo


    There are 15 pages of quotes but like 85-90% of them are not in English but in my native language. If you want authors of them I guess you have to copy and paste it in google search to find it. These ones are in English :

    "The more you try to avoid suffering, the more you suffer, because smaller and more insignificant things begin to torture you, in proportion to your fear of being hurt. The one who does most to avoid suffering is, in the end, the one who suffers most."

    “I find many adults are put off when young children pose scientific questions. Why is the Moon round? the children ask. Why is grass green? What is a dream? How deep can you dig a hole? When is the world’s birthday? Why do we have toes? Too many teachers and parents answer with irritation or ridicule, or quickly move on to something else: ‘What did you expect the Moon to be, square?’ Children soon recognize that somehow this kind of question annoys the grown-ups. A few more experiences like it, and another child has been lost to science. Why adults should pretend to omniscience before 6-year-olds, I can’t for the life of me understand. What’s wrong with admitting that we don’t know something? Is our self-esteem so fragile?”

    "If the world hates you, know that it hated me before it hated you." - John 15:18

    A flower raised in a greenhouse is still beautiful, even though it knows no adversity. But a flower growing in the field that has braved wind, rain, cold, and heat possesses something more than just beauty. I'm talking about nothing more than that brand of preciousness.

    -But if you had to choose between growing in a greenhouse or in a field...

    Oh, now I understand! You've been making a mistake from the start, [Rika-chan]. There's no point in comparing an impossible world to this one in the first place. You're trying to think about it from the viewpoint of someone above the flower - someone greater than a human. (...) It'd be wrong if the one in the field says that it'd rather have been grown in the greenhouse. We're all flowers. We do our best to grow regardless of where we take root and we all try to produce the best flower we can. - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Rei, Episode 4, a conversation between Rika and Rena.

    "A lesson without pain is meaningless. For you cannot gain something without sacrificing something else in return. But once you have recovered it and made it your own... You will gain an irreplaceable Fullmetal heart."

    "Fear is not evil. It tells you what weakness is. And once you know your weakness, you can become stronger as well as kinder."

    "The country? The skies? You can have them. I’m busy just protecting what’s right in front of me. I don’t know what’ll happen to me in the future, but if something has fallen at my feet, then the least I can do is pick it up."

    "When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when they are forgotten."

    "If you simply obey orders without question to protect your master, that isn't your greatest wish, but your greatest tragedy."

    "Whatever you lose, you'll find it again. But what you throw away you'll never get back."

    "The world is not beautiful, and that is why it is beautiful."

    "We weep for the blood of a bird, but not for the blood of a fish. Blessed are those with a voice. If the dolls could speak, no doubt they'd scream, "I didn't want to become human."

    "There is no such thing as a coincidence in this world. There is only the inevitable."

    "As time passes, the day will come when everything will fade to memories. But those miraculous days, when you and I, along with everyone else, searched together for just that one thing, will continue revolving forever somewhere deep in my heart, as my bittersweet memory."

    ''The opposite fo love isn't hate, it's apathy''.

    ''Man always thinks about the past before he dies, as if he were frantically searching for proof that he truly lived.''
    - Jet Black (Cowboy Bebop)

    ''In a world like that, there’d be no need for love anymore either. If everyone were perfect, there would be no need to look out for others. Sympathy or love is needed because people are imperfect. A perfect human cannot love anyone.''
    - Keima Katsuragi (The World God Only Knows)

    ''At times, I feel as though the whole world is gray, as though time is standing still. But time never stops. It moves forward endlessly, as surely as bodies buried in the ground will one day become white bones. Listen, it's always you who stops time. If you stop in fear of the future - you gain nothing, and nothing begins. You spend your life as though already dead. Whether you wish it to or not - time never stops. That's why there is nothing more interesting than this world. Don't be too negative. You haven't become ashes just yet. You have your flesh and blood, and your bones are supporting you.''

    ''To take responsibility is to take pain onto yourself. It means to bear more pain than what others felt because of your mistakes! If you ruined someone's silver tableware, you must repay with gold tableware. The president of a polluting manufacturing plant must live beside the plant's chimney. That's what taking responsibility means. However the people in so-called high positions never see the consequences. When mistakes are made, they will casually bow their heads and apologize. They think that's enough. Are you one of them too?''

    ''Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art. It has no survival value. Rather it is one of those things that give value to survival.''

    ''[Matsu], you said that people and fireworks bloom like beautiful flowers for an instant and then fade away. That may be true, but Matsu, even if it's only for a moment, I want you to bloom by my side and when you fade away... do so at my side. In return, I will... make beautiful flowers bloom by your side again and again.''

    ''The skull is one of the most eloquent bones in existence. If you just ask, it will tell you many things.''

    ''Was I able to live inside someone’s heart? Was I able to live inside your heart? Do you think you’ll remember me at least a little? You’d better not hit "reset!" Don’t forget me, okay? That’s a promise, okay? I'm glad it’s you, after all. Will I reach you? I hope I can reach you.''

    ''It's odd, isn't it? People die everyday and the world goes on like nothing happened.''

    ''If you want to be strong, smile! He who can smile, even when he's so sad that he wants to die, when it's so painful that he wants to give it all up and run away, is the one who becomes strong.''

    ''We do not stop playing games because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.''

    ''We will never laugh at ourselves. Just as earthworms do not fear darkness and penguins are not ashamed of their inability to fly. That's the meaning of life, is it not?''

    “A long time ago, Nunally, Suzaku, and I talked about something. We wondered what happiness would look like if we could give it a physical form. If I'm not mistaken, I think it was Suzaku that said that the shape of happiness might resemble glass. His reasoning made sense. He said that even though you don't usually notice it, it's still definitely there. You merely have to change your point of view slightly, and then that glass will sparkle when it reflects the light. I doubt that anything else could argue its own existence more eloquently.”
    ― Lelouch Vi Britannia

    Markd4547 posted: »

    LETS SEE all da quotes respond to this comment with Dem all please

  • edited April 2016

    I didn't write the article. Of course women do it too.

    Here's an article that doesn't use the word 'men' when talking about those calling the idea of gender gap existing 'a myth', hopefully you find it less triggering and find yourself actually able to engage with the point.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Calling Bullshit On the Men Who Think the Pay Gap Is a Myth What about the women who think the 'pay gap' is a myth? Or is that okay,

  • edited April 2016

    That doesn't really interact with the article. See Johro's post.

    Also you were advising someone about their club in America, and yet you stated that it's a myth, which implies you think it's a myth in America as well as Ireland.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    In my country Ireland it is by law illegal to pay male and females differently for same jobs so does not exist Plus my government has quo

  • edited April 2016

    I know you didn't write the article - but you put it forth as a credible piece of evidence and essentially endorsed it. But as I noted, even from the get-go, it has a lack of clarity and an evident bias.

    Also you fail to actually engage with the point that the wage gap is still debated.

    I'm aware that it is still debated, I never said or implied otherwise, but there was only one point I intended to make here, and I made it.

    Edit, I already made my comment before you edited yours, so now I must edit mine to reply to your edit...

    hopefully you find it less triggering and find yourself actually able to engage with the point.

    Now there's the Flog I know. Passive aggressive, filled with cheap jabs, and not much else. It is funny, though, to hear that from you. Isn't 'triggering' the horrible, brutal state that Feminism is so hell-bent on ensuring never occurs to anyone? But I digress...

    Flog61 posted: »

    I didn't write the article. Of course women do it too. Here's an article that doesn't use the word 'men' when talking about those calling

  • edited April 2016

    When, as a man, most people I see criticising the idea that men have privilege related to wage are men, I don't think it's totally unfair to use one word, once, in the title of an article, which implies this majority.

    I think you'd have a point if the article relied upon the idea that it was only men in their argument. But they don't. At all. It's one word in the title of the article.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    I know you didn't write the article - but you put it forth as a credible piece of evidence and essentially endorsed it. But as I noted, even

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    In America, there's almost no transparency when it comes to salary (it's taboo to discuss it) and workers often don't know when they are being ripped off.

    Also, the pay gap isn't a universal thing at all. It varies enormously by industry, company, position and individual. Deciding whether or not there's a pay gap by looking at huge values that span the workforce, is extremely silly and constitutes "lying with statistics".

    Markd4547 posted: »

    In my country Ireland it is by law illegal to pay male and females differently for same jobs so does not exist Plus my government has quo

  • When, as a man, most people I see criticising the idea that men have privilege related to wage are men, I don't think it's totally unfair to use one word, once, in the title of an article, which implies this majority. If you can show that the people speaking against it are mainly women I'm all ears.

    That's completely irrelevant to the point I made, which is, by saying men who don't believe in the wage gap are wrong, therefore implies women who don't believe in it are also wrong. Something that doesn't really add up.

    It's one word in the title of the article.

    Feminists have rioted over less.

    Flog61 posted: »

    When, as a man, most people I see criticising the idea that men have privilege related to wage are men, I don't think it's totally unfair to

  • edited April 2016

    Absolutely. It's a far more nuanced debate than people on both sides pretend, and stating that it has been 'debunked' is just totally inaccurate.

    Going back to the beginning of this debate ( @happylovelyperson2016 @Markd4547) - if someone wants to talk about the wage gap in a women's club at their school, I don't think there's any harm. Some people will laugh at them and call them ignorant but who cares. They should not be afraid to stand for what they believe in.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    In America, there's almost no transparency when it comes to salary (it's taboo to discuss it) and workers often don't know when they are bei

  • edited April 2016

    That's completely irrelevant to the point I made, which is, by saying men who don't believe in the wage gap are wrong, therefore implies women who don't believe in it are also wrong. Something that doesn't really add up.

    Huh? I thought you were irritated by the generalisation?

    I think the article just used one generalised word once. Again, as I say, the rest of the article doesn't ever imply that if women think differently then they have a good point, and it's only men that can be wrong. The debunk several 'debunks', it's not an ad hominem on men.

    It used one word, which was a generalisation, but you're making a fuss about one word. The rest of the article doesn't talk about any gender distinction of treatment among those who disagree.

    Feminists have rioted over less.

    As have meninists and anti feminists.

    In addition, if you think feminists getting annoyed by one word is silly, then why are you doing exactly that?

    JonDee013 posted: »

    When, as a man, most people I see criticising the idea that men have privilege related to wage are men, I don't think it's totally unfair to

  • This is an extremely important video.

    enter link description here

  • Huh? I thought you were irritated by the generalisation?

    Well, I am, but I don't care enough to act upon it. What I do care about is the fact, if men are wrong to believe in the wage gap, are women also wrong to believe in the wage gap? The article made it a grey-area, and thus, limited the writers credibility, as far as I'm concerned.

    As have meninists.

    Except, nobody listens in their case. Even still, that is a parody term, not a legitimate movement and even if it was one, I would not be a part of it, so whatever.

    Flog61 posted: »

    That's completely irrelevant to the point I made, which is, by saying men who don't believe in the wage gap are wrong, therefore implies wom

  • edited April 2016

    Even still, that is a parody term, not a legitimate movement

    Google it, there are lots of people who call themselves meninists (or men's rights activists), and lots of people listen to them :P

    And again, didn't you get annoyed about the use of one word? ;)

    What I do care about is the fact, if men are wrong to believe in the wage gap, are women also wrong to believe in the wage gap? The article made it a grey-area, and thus, limited the writers credibility, as far as I'm concerned.

    But the rest of the article gives no credence of evidence for that theory. You're basing a hell of a lot off of one use of one word.

    It never says that 'its bad for men to disagree with the gender gap but women who do it are perfect and wonderful or anything of the sort. ]It just talks about the arguments in absolution.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Huh? I thought you were irritated by the generalisation? Well, I am, but I don't care enough to act upon it. What I do care about is

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2016

    I agree. The pay gap (and really, pay in general) it's a much more complicated than most people give it credit for. The right-wing axiom that "the free-market decides your salary" is naive at best.

    It's very easy to be suckered into taking a lower salary, especially at a time when the labor maker is so.....well, shitty. It happened to my sister and she's a corporate lawyer who generally sharp as a tack.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Absolutely. It's a far more nuanced debate than people on both sides pretend, and stating that it has been 'debunked' is just totally inaccu

  • edited April 2016

    Google it, there are lots of people who call themselves meninists, and lot's of people listen to them :P

    It's still a parody term. And when I said no-one listens to them, I meant people in authority, people of power, news outlets, etc, etc... the only time they would get mentioned in the media, is when they are being mocked. Which is fine. They deserved to be mocked... but so do third-wave-Feminists.

    And again, didn't you get annoyed about the use of one word? ;)

    Not annoyed, but I know a biased article when I see one. And I called it out. You're the one whose extrapolated an entire argument over it.

    It never says that 'its bad for men to disagree with the gender gap but women who do it are perfect and wonderful or anything of the sort.

    My point exactly. It doesn't clarify on anything of the sort, for good or ill. Still, I've said my piece, and you've had the honor of my 300th post. Until we meet again.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Even still, that is a parody term, not a legitimate movement Google it, there are lots of people who call themselves meninists (or m

  • Congrats! Work hard and don't let em' exploit you.

    I got a call today saying I've got the Job in a shop which I applied for

  • edited April 2016

    It's still a parody term.

    Originally, yes, but lots of people use it themselves.

    I meant people in authority, people of power, news outlets,

    Might be different here, but in the UK there's a political party called 'Justice for men and boys', and the news rather often talks about their views, esp on IMD.

    They deserved to be mocked... but so do third-wave-Feminists.

    You don't think third wave feminists are mocked?

    I see people talking about feminism being silly on news articles far more than talking about meninism being silly. I can't remember the last post I saw about gender which didn't have as the top post people talking about how feminists are nazis or whatever the latest trend is.

    Not annoyed, but I know a biased article when I see one. And I called it out. You're the one whose extrapolated an entire argument over it.

    That's just semantics. You're based all your argument off of one word. If feminists did the same thing they'd be criticised and you'd probably be one of the people critiquing this decision.

    You're the one whose extrapolated an entire argument over it.

    You made a point of argument on a public forum. I thought it was one based on very little evidence, and thus a bad argument. I responded. This is how debate works.

    My point exactly. It doesn't clarify on anything of the sort, for good or ill. Still, I've said my piece, and you've had the honor of my 300th post. Until we meet again.

    But then you're saying that the less evidence, the better your point of view is. Which seems weird.

    If they, in the title, say something which is never mentioned in the article again, it means the title is bad and misleading, not the overall argument of the article, which you implied.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    Google it, there are lots of people who call themselves meninists, and lot's of people listen to them :P It's still a parody term. A

  • Will they be matching?

    Did you get a bulk discount? :)

    Today my Dad's getting another Tattoo On Friday i'm getting another Tattoo. On Saturday my Sister is getting her first Tattoo

  • edited April 2016


    What did I...?


    Flog61 posted: »

    This is an extremely important video. enter link description here

  • Another step toward freedom! Hope you like it!

    I got a call today saying I've got the Job in a shop which I applied for

  • Nah different artists. Dads getting his other leg finished. I'm getting a section of my lower arm done. Sister is getting her back tattooed. The tattooed family :D

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Will they be matching? Did you get a bulk discount?

  • :D

    I got a call today saying I've got the Job in a shop which I applied for

  • Agree. 'Jesus Walks' is probably one of my top 5 songs of all times. 'Drive Slow' is really good too.

    Ya know, Kanye West has produced some pretty awesome music. Sure he's one of the biggest shit bags of all time, no denying that at all. But man, listening to some of his earlier tracks, that dude was good!

  • I...

    Flog61 posted: »

    This is an extremely important video. enter link description here

  • edited April 2016

    if someone wants to talk about the wage gap in a women's club at their school, I don't think there's any harm. Some people will laugh at them and call them ignorant but who cares. They should not be afraid to stand for what they believe in.

    enter image description here

    Anyway sorry best of luck. I know u such a nice and lovely person this will be a massive success no matter how you do it.


    I never ever said she should be afraid or not stand up for what she believes in I said it got debunked so many times people will dismiss it, I ended by saying no matter what she did she will be a success anyway

    Flog61 posted: »

    Absolutely. It's a far more nuanced debate than people on both sides pretend, and stating that it has been 'debunked' is just totally inaccu

  • These are amazing thank you

  • congratulations<3

    I got a call today saying I've got the Job in a shop which I applied for

  • Apologies but I thought when you said 'it has been debunked' you were saying it wasn't worth talking about. In the context it sounded like you were saying there's no debate to be had, hence discussion the wage gap shouldn't happen in said group.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    if someone wants to talk about the wage gap in a women's club at their school, I don't think there's any harm. Some people will laugh at the

  • edited April 2016

    I'm surprised that people missed it but...

    Yesterday was the Cosmonautics Day and the 55th anniversary of a first manned space flight. It was a historic moment that changed the whole world. As you must remember, the first man in space was Yuri Gagarin. Yuri was a great man and a hero who wasn't afraid to risk himself for science.

    Congratulations to anyone who is connected with space!

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter link description here

  • Thank you

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Congrats! Work hard and don't let em' exploit you.

  • edited April 2016

    Thank you it seems like a good job so I should enjoy it

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Another step toward freedom! Hope you like it!

  • Thank you

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


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