So it was a comment in some random YouTube videos comment section? Unless these are people you know I wouldn't take it very seriously and if they are people you know then make sure you get screenshots.
I corrected grammar and punctuation like the asshole I am, then the started threatening me like they want to rape my parents and shit.
Do I feel afraid? No. Should I be? Maybe. . . ?
So it was a comment in some random YouTube videos comment section? Unless these are people you know I wouldn't take it very seriously and if they are people you know then make sure you get screenshots.
The dream was that I was Josh from Until Dawn and basically, 1 month after the prank, this happened. Both chapters of it. It was the best dream of my life
My dream this morning was so realistic, like you can feel the wind touching your skin.
Basically a zombie virus outbreak started, and I was literally running through traffic just to get home. After the radio reported that an odd virus just started infecting people and some other stuff.
Thank God I woke up. . . I couldn't live in a world where zombies are real.
Yes, lapis appeared in a leaked clip of a episode called barn mates, I think barn mates is no.3 in the upcoming stevenbomb.
There is going to be a 100% musical episode too, im so excited!
That actors left arm is at least 50% larger than his right, poor guy.
The more I look at it the weirder it gets im guessing this is fake, there isn't one part that looks normal.
Once I had a realy realy realistic dream I could feel the floor beneath my feet when I got up, I went to the bathroom to pee and my but got warmer and warmer, I couldn't understand why then my ex angrily shook me awake- I had peed the bed. x-(
My dream this morning was so realistic, like you can feel the wind touching your skin.
Basically a zombie virus outbreak started, and I w… moreas literally running through traffic just to get home. After the radio reported that an odd virus just started infecting people and some other stuff.
Thank God I woke up. . . I couldn't live in a world where zombies are real.
That actors left arm is at least 50% larger than his right, poor guy.
The more I look at it the weirder it gets im guessing this is fake, there isn't one part that looks normal.
Thats what I thought at first but when you look closely at different parts you can see nothing fits together, its like a collage like a arm from here, a hand from there. He has no nose and his eyes are wonky, his left eye looks 2d like a sticker stuck to his glasses lens.
Thats what I thought at first but when you look closely at different parts you can see nothing fits together, its like a collage like a arm … morefrom here, a hand from there. He has no nose and his eyes are wonky, his left eye looks 2d like a sticker stuck to his glasses lens.
My dream this morning was so realistic, like you can feel the wind touching your skin.
Basically a zombie virus outbreak started, and I w… moreas literally running through traffic just to get home. After the radio reported that an odd virus just started infecting people and some other stuff.
Thank God I woke up. . . I couldn't live in a world where zombies are real.
Gonna see if I can get a job as a book shelfer at the library. I could pay for my meds and TWD season three all by myself. I always wanted a job at the library.
Gonna see if I can get a job as a book shelfer at the library. I could pay for my meds and TWD season three all by myself. I always wanted a job at the library.
So it was a comment in some random YouTube videos comment section? Unless these are people you know I wouldn't take it very seriously and if they are people you know then make sure you get screenshots.
I'm not even the slightest bit offended. My comment was just sarcastic.
I had the best dream ever last night.
The dream was that I was Josh from Until Dawn and basically, 1 month after the prank, this happened. Both chapters of it. It was the best dream of my life
Sadly, I had to wake up and go to school ;-;
So, this might be Watch Dogs 2's protagonist... W-well.. at least it's not Aiden Pearce, I guess.
How can you tell, that get up looks like a joke shop disguise.
Only 9 days till new Steven universe!

thank you i was wondering why it was doing that i guess playing black ops 3 while downloading wasnt the best idea
people who say comments like this on youtube are just no-lifes trying to get a reaction just ignore them or report their comment
i wouldnt want to be josh from that game after what happened to him
My dream this morning was so realistic, like you can feel the wind touching your skin.
Basically a zombie virus outbreak started, and I was literally running through traffic just to get home. After the radio reported that an odd virus just started infecting people and some other stuff.
Thank God I woke up. . . I couldn't live in a world where zombies are real.
oh shit I totally forgot about steven
there any new Lapis episodes since that 4 month break?
YouTube comment sections are pretty cancerous like that, sometimes.
Yes, lapis appeared in a leaked clip of a episode called barn mates, I think barn mates is no.3 in the upcoming stevenbomb.
There is going to be a 100% musical episode too, im so excited!
His body build and what we can see of his face does not match Aiden at all. He also looks like he's asian-american.
amazing!!! she's my favourite thanks for the info
Where did that picture come from the proportions are allover the place
Wow, I didn't know Papa Franku was a hacker!
And before you tell me that that's racist, no, he actually looks like him.
Apparently the mocap actor leaked it:
That actors left arm is at least 50% larger than his right, poor guy.
The more I look at it the weirder it gets im guessing this is fake, there isn't one part that looks normal.
If this is legit, hopefully they'll fix this character model.
Once I had a realy realy realistic dream I could feel the floor beneath my feet when I got up, I went to the bathroom to pee and my but got warmer and warmer, I couldn't understand why then my ex angrily shook me awake- I had peed the bed. x-(
I think it's just the angle!
Thats what I thought at first but when you look closely at different parts you can see nothing fits together, its like a collage like a arm from here, a hand from there. He has no nose and his eyes are wonky, his left eye looks 2d like a sticker stuck to his glasses lens.
This animation is amazing
enter link description here
I still think it's the angle, but we've gotta wait and see.
I joined a chat for 1 minute and my 4 year old sister is a fucking meme already.
Ugh.. This last year, it's like I dreamt of zombies every time I dreamt. Getting bitten, killed, running away, tired me IRL oddly.
Hopefully now I have "normal" dreams, but it was weird, all my dreams at this period were about them.
Hey it's the 3rd of May, so here's the picture, "El tres de mayo de 1808 en Madrid".
The glasses ruin it man. He looks like a damn hipster.
Well, yeah. Cause she's funny af :^)
Pls convince her to join our server.
Go sexy yourself
¡A las barricadas, hermanos! ¡Por el triunfo de España!
Gonna see if I can get a job as a book shelfer at the library. I could pay for my meds and TWD season three all by myself.
I always wanted a job at the library.
Must be peaceful working in a library.
Hey, your "favorite" guy, Ted Cruz, is out.
Good night, lyin Ted! We'd better build an ark, because America is gonna be flooded with "religious-right" tears!
It's going to be an interesting general election.
Last year I made a promise to myself not to get caught up in the issue of abortion, and now I've broken that promise for the sake of English class.
Alright, I'm about to go to bed. I'm gonna think about nothing but the fanfiction in hopes of getting the dream again. Wish me luck!
Am I the only one that sees a trendy Jeff Goldblum?