The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread




  • I have never had sleep paralysis as far as I know but I hear it can be quite horrible

    EUGH SLEEP PARALYSIS RETURNED LAST NIGHT! And it wasn't even scary (The dream part)! The fact that I couldn't move or talk was still scary nonetheless


    Johro posted: »


  • I just had a very painful and very long charley horse this morning. It was a bitch.

  • So painful it crossed threads. I used to get agonising cramps all the time, it turned out I wasn't eating enough salt, if your american though I doubt thats the case I dont think its possible to avoid it there.

    I just had a very painful and very long charley horse this morning. It was a bitch.

  • Two girls almost started fighting because of a boy. Ahh, I love high school.

  • It doesn't change as you get older I'm afraid. People keep saying they won't fight for someone who won't fight for them, but yet, they keep doing it. Reow!

    Two girls almost started fighting because of a boy. Ahh, I love high school.

  • The boy was like

    enter image description here

    Two girls almost started fighting because of a boy. Ahh, I love high school.

  • Someone is going to draw a comic book about Markiplier!

  • I tried to surf on CSGO today.

    ... I'm never touching that shit again.

  • Just the fact that you're semi-conscious but can't move at all makes it all a bad experience. Paired with bad dreams it's the stuff of nightmares.

    I have never had sleep paralysis as far as I know but I hear it can be quite horrible

  • Grrr..... I need a new video game to play or something. I think I over did it playing my current games because I can't get into playing any of them.

  • You're on Xbox right?

    You have played Rise of the Tomb Raider?

    Grrr..... I need a new video game to play or something. I think I over did it playing my current games because I can't get into playing any of them.

  • Words that have never been said by any indie bundle supporter.

    Grrr..... I need a new video game to play or something. I think I over did it playing my current games because I can't get into playing any of them.

  • Anyone ever notice how many "Captain Jack"'s they are? I've never considered it, but thinking about it.

  • Anyone ever notice how many "Captain Jack"'s they are? I've never considered it, but thinking about it.

  • No, but I just counted 8 Captain Morgan's.
    I should probably cut down on that.

    Anyone ever notice how many "Captain Jack"'s they are? I've never considered it, but thinking about it.

  • Listening to this song was one of the reasons I started thinking of it.

    Plus, I can't help but call Jack from FTWD "Captain Jack" just because he's on a boat.

    enter link description here

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited May 2016

    Oh yeah, that's a ton too.

    Johro posted: »

    No, but I just counted 8 Captain Morgan's. I should probably cut down on that.

  • On a boat you say.

    enter link description here

    Listening to this song was one of the reasons I started thinking of it. Plus, I can't help but call Jack from FTWD "Captain Jack" just because he's on a boat.

  • I think James is one of those big fans of Tomb Raider, so I'm pretty sure he did.

    You're on Xbox right? You have played Rise of the Tomb Raider?

  • edited May 2016

    I fucking hate Onision (aka Greg Jackson) am I the only the one? Like I really hate this asshole so much and his fanbase is cancer.

  • ah i hope not to experience that

    Just the fact that you're semi-conscious but can't move at all makes it all a bad experience. Paired with bad dreams it's the stuff of nightmares.

  • I finally got around to seeing Deadpool tonight. Fantastic movie, absolutely an instant classic. Granted, it is not the best super hero film I've ever seen, nor is it the best romance movie I've ever seen, but holy shit it's amazing, and definitely the best comedy movie I've seen. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.

  • I feel the same way. There are VERY few instances where I think something awful about somebody, but fuck I really want Onision to kill himself.

    I fucking hate Onision (aka Greg Jackson) am I the only the one? Like I really hate this asshole so much and his fanbase is cancer.

  • edited May 2016

    Ssundee got Hacked! Someone hacked his YouTube account and his Twitter. He also posted a video, but Ssundee already removed it.

  • Yeah, I was always the "smart kid" in high school, but I struggled a ton in University before I realized work ethic trumps intelligence.

    Johro posted: »

    My results were 147 then 149 and my careers include Fast Food and Grocery Stores. I'm just throwing that out there. We're not all changing the world.

  • Was he hacked by people called "OurMine"?

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Ssundee got Hacked! Someone hacked his YouTube account and his Twitter. He also posted a video, but Ssundee already removed it.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Oh not Ourmine again...

    Was he hacked by people called "OurMine"?

  • edited May 2016

    No, he was hacked by a guy called @parody. He is some random guy from Twitter.
    Edit: He is also still hacked into his Twitter, so he is still posting crap.

    Eryka posted: »

    Oh not Ourmine again...

  • edited May 2016

    I remember trying to surf back in the CS 1.6 version of the game. Never again.

    Friends just screaming at me how much balls I suck at this, how the hell do they do it?

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I tried to surf on CSGO today. ... I'm never touching that shit again.

  • Its probably a publicity stunt

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Ssundee got Hacked! Someone hacked his YouTube account and his Twitter. He also posted a video, but Ssundee already removed it.

  • It's not.

    Its probably a publicity stunt

  • so that job i was saying havent called me called me a few days ago and i started today im even working more hours than previously was told oh and i just started and already impressed management :)

  • For the last few afternoons, it's been nothing but stormy weather. It's starting to get old at this point, and we're barely even into summer yet. :P

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Lucky you, it's still snowing where I am.

    For the last few afternoons, it's been nothing but stormy weather. It's starting to get old at this point, and we're barely even into summer yet. :P

  • Exactly, the dude is such a arrogant prick and he treats his opinions as if they were facts.

    I feel the same way. There are VERY few instances where I think something awful about somebody, but fuck I really want Onision to kill himself.

  • Ugh my parents are fighting again

  • edited May 2016

    Now they are trowing stuff away, yeah I'm gonna sleep good night- ooh now that bitch of a sister is busy you know what screw it good night.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Ugh my parents are fighting again

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