The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I've had 15 straight days of rain, and eventually it gets old.

    For the last few afternoons, it's been nothing but stormy weather. It's starting to get old at this point, and we're barely even into summer yet. :P

  • (Also to @dojo32161, @InGen_Nate_Kenny)

    Wow. I've had a whole week of sunny weather so far...

    For the last few afternoons, it's been nothing but stormy weather. It's starting to get old at this point, and we're barely even into summer yet. :P

  • edited May 2016

    Completely random I know but what are your thoughts on Affirmative Action? I as part of a minority see it as adding gasoline to a fire. It's goal is to give minorities that have been discriminated in the past a better chance at certain things, while discriminating against the majority. It's part of what ruins equal rights for me and is the most hypocritical standard ever. I am for equality as no one should be discriminated due to skin color. I am completely against it

  • Sorry about that. :( It doesn't seem like a very nice environment to live in!

    joshua007 posted: »

    Now they are trowing stuff away, yeah I'm gonna sleep good night- ooh now that bitch of a sister is busy you know what screw it good night.

  • It seems intensely unfair. Why can't people just be hired by their merits?

    Clemenem posted: »

    Completely random I know but what are your thoughts on Affirmative Action? I as part of a minority see it as adding gasoline to a fire. It's

  • enter link description here This song just makes a tear come out of my eye, your thoughts?

  • It's rained about that much here too, but it doesn't bother me even when I'm working in it.

    I've had 15 straight days of rain, and eventually it gets old.

  • My mother is making steak fucking tacos for dinner.

    enter image description here

    When your mother starts making her amazing steak tacos that you haven't had in 4 months, you know it's gonna be a good fucking night. My 17 year old heart is giddy with excitement.

  • I've met a few people like that, but Onision is the king of narcissistic fuckwads.

    Exactly, the dude is such a arrogant prick and he treats his opinions as if they were facts.

  • if anyone on psn wants to add me pm :)

  • OMFG! I cant believe babymetal released a new album and I didnt know. This band is fucking shit hot , the guitar the the drums, fuck me the fucking drums.

  • Well, I got scared the creep out of me by my cat when it fell out of the 2nd floor

  • Any xbox users here? I know I will find some eventually lol. If you have xbox add me my gt is HU4L J3T

  • Nobody expects the spanish inquisition!

    I'm quite hyped; I mean, there's Fassbender in it (and I think he had some powers in the script), so it can be cool.

    joshua007 posted: »

    @Markd4547 @Euron enter link description here

  • Same over here. I've been doing work experience in Customer Service at my local council and listening in on some calls. Monday afternoon, they got a bunch of calls about streets being flooded and trees falling over from the storm.

    For the last few afternoons, it's been nothing but stormy weather. It's starting to get old at this point, and we're barely even into summer yet. :P

  • My tag is Big Blind Max, but I'm usually just playing Fallout 4 solo.

    Any xbox users here? I know I will find some eventually lol. If you have xbox add me my gt is HU4L J3T

  • I know right:)

    Euron posted: »

    Nobody expects the spanish inquisition! I'm quite hyped; I mean, there's Fassbender in it (and I think he had some powers in the script), so it can be cool.

  • My parents stopped fighting:) now they had to get there stuff back LOL

  • i am really stresses right now my bss at my new job made me do the worst and impossiblejobs by myself and appearntly i shortchanged customers even though i wasnt even on the till for more than 5 minutes every few hours i hope i get this apprenticeship in HR at a college because it more pay and less stressful

  • edited May 2016

    I believe it has actually been incredibly successful at reducing levels of racist discrimination in countries such as South Africa.

    Yeah in a perfect world everyone would be hired for merit. But that isn't the world without affirmative action - studies have repeatedly shown that passive bias is a thing. I remember an experiment where identical CVs were sent out, with only the gender of the applicant changing, and women were much less likely to be offered jobs.

    I think this is a helpful cartoon to summarise why AA can be a good thing.

    enter image description here

    Ultimately the final image is the ideal - a world where passive and subconscious discrimination isn't a thing - but til we get there the middle option is the fairest.

    Unfortunately many think we are already in the final image - many think that someone cannot be racist in any way shape or form unless they explicitly state things like 'I hate black people' which is very simplistic and ignorant of the entire concept of bias, and an argument that few reputable psychologists agree with.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Completely random I know but what are your thoughts on Affirmative Action? I as part of a minority see it as adding gasoline to a fire. It's

  • edited May 2016

    But because of unconscious bias, the merits of particular groups are more likely to be valued than the exact same merits as other groups - such as identical CVs resulting in women being offered fewer jobs as per my post below.

    If we lived in a world without passive discrimination then yeah,. affirmative action would be bad. But people already subconsciously favour specific groups, particularly, statistically, favouring men and white people.

    This is just a short term fix to try to alleviate some of this while we work on removing bias through education.

    It seems intensely unfair. Why can't people just be hired by their merits?

  • That is some of the dumbest reasoning I've ever heard.
    Favoring members of one race over another is a way of fighting racism? Riiiight. totally logical.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I believe it has actually been incredibly successful at reducing levels of racist discrimination in countries such as South Africa. Yeah

  • edited May 2016

    That's completely refusing to engage with the point. You're way oversimplifying and I think you know that.

    People can have subconscious bias. This is a short term, temporary bandaid to alleviate some of the symptoms as we address the bigger problem through education.

    Like I say, studies have been shown that women, even women jsut as skileld as men, are still less likely to be offered a job.

    There are a hell of a lot of articles about it and I recommend you google them and read them before going off childishly crying 'racism' (though it's very popular to do that these days).

    Here's one (of thousands) from the new yorker. enter link description here

    I've read articles from both sides. I'm offering an actual argument based on the evidence gleaned from this.

    You're relying on 'das racist'. Research first, speak knowledgeably second.

    That is some of the dumbest reasoning I've ever heard. Favoring members of one race over another is a way of fighting racism? Riiiight. totally logical.

  • I'm having pancakes for dinner. I have pancakes every Thursday night. They're my favorite food. I'm excited, dammit.

  • Every time I look at the most popular videos page on youtube I lose a little faith in the human race.

  • There's a flag button you know :p

  • edited May 2016

    He didn't, hes over exaggerating. How to remove nerrisas ribbon or something in TWOU (where the comment is)

    Green613 posted: »

    There's a flag button you know

  • I used it, and it doesn't seem to be working for some reason :/

    Green613 posted: »

    There's a flag button you know

  • Well, "tf u live for" gives a "go kill yourself" vibe.

    He didn't, hes over exaggerating. How to remove nerrisas ribbon or something in TWOU (where the comment is)

  • Hey guys! If the Flag button does not work for whatever reason, feel free to PM us as an alternative. It'll work better than leaving a public post. Thanks. :)

  • Flagged as offensive.

    Hey guys! If the Flag button does not work for whatever reason, feel free to PM us as an alternative. It'll work better than leaving a public post. Thanks.

  • BigBlindMax posted: »

    Flagged as offensive.

  • In other words, don't be offensive² to something offensive¹.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Flagged as offensive.

  • Dude they fucked Jasper up. Now our big buff cheeto puff is at the earth's core more than likely shattered. Rest in Pieces you big orange, rock-nosed brute.

  • That adorable village with the baby delivery service ♡

    Haven't you seen the second one yet get on that shit

  • Oh I saw it, Episode 2 was kickass. Still though, Jasper is beyond fucked at this point.

    That adorable village with the baby delivery service ♡ Haven't you seen the second one yet get on that shit

  • edited May 2016

    I have discovered the point in the Star Wars prequels where not even liquor helps to overlook the problems. The droid factory in Attack of the Clones. So many problems bombarding you at once. You have the point when R2D2 flies(non-existent in the originals), slapstick comedy(C-3PO), Vader being useless, an enabling Amidala, and the "love" speech.

    I remember watching Episode III in theatres and making fun of it the whole time(people threw popcorn at me). So I knew I officially gave up somewhere in Episode II and I found it.
    I just paused it and I can't believe people bashed The Force Awakens(kudos for sticking to the original format and not episode labelling it) after witnessing this.

    Does this make me a Star Wars nerd? The only non-canon I know are the KOTOR and Force Unleashed games. I wouldn't consider myself one, but my rage at the prequels denotes otherwise.

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