The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I do agree that it's probably the weakest Telltale game (at least to me) but it does have some good qualities (Asher and Beskha are pretty awesome). I do prefer MC:SM to it as well, though I'm one of those people who likes it (it gets a hell of a lot better in its fifth episode when it moves away from its first story arc and thins out the main cast to four people and I hope the sixth one is just as good).

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just completed Game of thrones not great sad thing was they built up a lot of awesome things going into last episode. But the last episode

  • Just right, it's better than squeaky remixes :)

    Crips posted: »

    I love classical music which probably makes me a rather dull and weird 15yo boy, but I recently listened to Danse Macabre and got addicted a

  • Rhys shipping was a mistake.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    How could you say that :"(

    Rhack and Rhyscest were worth it

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Rhys shipping was a mistake.

  • Rhyscest is friggin evil.

    Eryka posted: »

    How could you say that :"( Rhack and Rhyscest were worth it

  • Rhack and Rhyscest were worth it


    Eryka posted: »

    How could you say that :"( Rhack and Rhyscest were worth it

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Ok, I'll do it.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Rhack and Rhyscest were worth it END. MY. SUFFERING.

  • Thanks.

    Eryka posted: »

    Ok, I'll do it.

  • So freaking hyped for overwatch!

  • A girl on Tumblr committed suicide. I didn't know her well , but one of my friends on there did ,and she's devastated. I don't know what to do. I talked to this girl a few days ago , after she confessed she'd been having a hard time. I reminded her how everyone in the Markiplier fandom was there for her , if she needed it , and she said thank you. I wish I could have done more for her.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2016

    If you did not know her that well, I would not be so hard on yourself. Preventing something like that usually necessitates you having a more personal and direct relationship so you can recognize the subtle signs/changes in a person earlier on, and additionally allows you to have a relationship where they can view you as a voice of reason and hopefully a reason to consider changing their mind. Of course, that's not to say that you should not intervene at all, but your options will be more limited if that preexisting relationship isn't there beforehand.

    In the future, I would imagine directing people in that situation towards the people they have a closer relationship would help. Parents, friends, etc, or maybe just direct them towards resources such as hotlines if all else fails.

    A girl on Tumblr committed suicide. I didn't know her well , but one of my friends on there did ,and she's devastated. I don't know what to

  • Don't put yourself down, atleast you were there for her.

    A girl on Tumblr committed suicide. I didn't know her well , but one of my friends on there did ,and she's devastated. I don't know what to

  • Thank you both.

    If you did not know her that well, I would not be so hard on yourself. Preventing something like that usually necessitates you having a more

  • edited May 2016

    Heavens above! What the fuck is wrong with people that causes them to do something like that?! The "shower treatment" sounded especially harrowing. What the actual fuck?! I hear of instances where gaurds in correctional facilities here abuse inmates, but only as isolated incidents; never do I hear of anything on the scale of THAT!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Florida: where human decency goes to die, apparently. This shit makes me so unbelievably angry. Florida prisons starves and torture mentally ill inmates.

  • I keep getting friend requests on Facebook from people I don't know. Many of them are men. I'm 15... God, why would you send me a friend request if you don't even know me?

  • How else are you gonna find out a new exciting way to make money from home?

    I keep getting friend requests on Facebook from people I don't know. Many of them are men. I'm 15... God, why would you send me a friend request if you don't even know me?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Just block them

    I keep getting friend requests on Facebook from people I don't know. Many of them are men. I'm 15... God, why would you send me a friend request if you don't even know me?

  • Well, you do have a point there. XD

    How else are you gonna find out a new exciting way to make money from home?

  • Your picture fits perfectly with what you just told me. And I have been blocking them.

    Eryka posted: »

    Just block them

  • Facebook = Cancer

    I keep getting friend requests on Facebook from people I don't know. Many of them are men. I'm 15... God, why would you send me a friend request if you don't even know me?

  • ErykaEryka Banned


    Your picture fits perfectly with what you just told me. And I have been blocking them.

  • edited May 2016

    Just compare both trailers and you'll know why.

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

  • Ignore them, or do the the most simple thing you can - not use Facebook. Or, at least go on it sparingly like I do.

    I keep getting friend requests on Facebook from people I don't know. Many of them are men. I'm 15... God, why would you send me a friend request if you don't even know me?

  • I think it's a combination of its formulaic gameplay and some of its fanbase being stereotypical gaming dudebros and/or 12 year olds. I don't personally dislike the game series (although I stopped playing a long while back), but those two seem to be the most frequent complaints I hear.

  • Am i the only one hyped for Infinite Warfare?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Just compare both trailers and you'll know why. enter link description here enter link description here

  • edited May 2016

    Been a long fucking night. After finishing gathering my monthly dump of Fan art, Shipping art and NSFW images (provided by a good friend of mine because I absolutely adore the artists they're from) and sorting my folders, I sat brain dead on the Tumblr dashboard looking right at it for 20 minutes, thinking about a certain girl, and singing "Neon" to myself over and over. And I'm doing this while I am fully aware that I have shit to do. So, to make it even better, when I snapped out of my trance, you know what I said? "I should check Tumblr"

    So I typed in Tumbr's domain while I was on the fucking dashboard. And that went on for about 3 minutes. Because each time I typed it in I was on the same page, and I said, "What the fuck? Why is the site not changing?". And for the next 3 minutes I kept reloading Tumblr until I realized I was fucking on Tumblr already. So after that disaster, I tried to edit a video that I already edited yesterday, and then I fell asleep in my chair, fell out of it, and it took me 2 minutes to realize "I'm on the fucking floor.".

    I am not mentally fit to function as a person right now, and I have not a doubt in my mind that this will continue throughout the night. I am legitimately afraid to operate any machinery. So that has been my night. Don't know why I posted it though, nobody gives a shit about my stupid mistakes.

  • enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Rhys shipping was a mistake.

  • Hey, I had a giggle out of it. You're not you when you're tired :P

    Been a long fucking night. After finishing gathering my monthly dump of Fan art, Shipping art and NSFW images (provided by a good friend of

  • I would watch it if Finn wasn't the most annoying piece of shit I've ever seen. So far he's, what, been nothing but an angsty teenager AND basically got 4 really interesting characters removed from the shows main story? I stopped watching after he fucked up with Flame Princess, and all I've seen since is Steaks, which was awesome because it was about Marcy who's really cool, and the 5 episodes about the comet, which were really cool as well.

    More people should watch adventure time, so good.

  • Does this make me a Star Wars nerd?

    Nah, it makes you a sensible human being. Everybody hates Attack of the Clones, it's one of the only two movies I've seen that are so bad it genuinely pisses me off instead of making me laugh. The other being Silent Hill: Revelation.

    Johro posted: »

    I have discovered the point in the Star Wars prequels where not even liquor helps to overlook the problems. The droid factory in Attack of

  • The thing is, I've been sleeping a lot more recently, so I shouldn't be tired. Maybe I'm just working too much.

    Crips posted: »

    Hey, I had a giggle out of it. You're not you when you're tired :P

  • The fuck's a Rhyscest?

    Eryka posted: »

    How could you say that :"( Rhack and Rhyscest were worth it

  • I don't know... While I really like the idea of Steven healing Jasper and having all 3 homeworld gems join the Crystal Gems and get revamped designs, I think it'd have more emotional significance if Jasper were dead and they found her some time in the future.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I really doubt that they killed her off. In fact if you noticed, they kept her face hidden throughout the episode. People are speculating it's because her gem is cracked and in the future Steven will have to deal with it.

  • Not just because it's futuristic, but because it's been that way for years now. I started playing COD not long before Black Ops 1 came out. With BO1 and the Modern Warfare games, you were certain to get a change of scenery every year. Now it's the same overly futuristic stuff every year with the developers acting like it's something different. I'm more excited for Battlefield 1 than Infinite Warfare because Battlefield 1 is actually trying to do something different.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Rhys × Rhys

    The fuck's a Rhyscest?

  • The fuck's a Rhyscest?

  • It's ironic because the earlier Call of Duty games (Call of Duty 1-3) were more... well, I'm not going to say "minimalistic", but they didn't glorify war like the modern games do. The loading screens had anti-war quotes about the futility of it all and the overall atmosphere of the game focused on more of a historical angle, whereas all the Call of Duty games nowadays are basically action movies. It's kind of funny to see how the series changed.

    Not just because it's futuristic, but because it's been that way for years now. I started playing COD not long before Black Ops 1 came out.

  • Blind, you are my favorite person ever.

    enter link description here

  • Eh, Blind's answer was better.

    Eryka posted: »

    Rhys × Rhys

  • Maybe the soothing and angelic voice of Samuel L Jackson will help you go to sleep:

    "Go The Fuck To Sleep" narrated by Samuel L. Jackson

    Been a long fucking night. After finishing gathering my monthly dump of Fan art, Shipping art and NSFW images (provided by a good friend of

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