The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Much appreciated.

    Maybe the soothing and angelic voice of Samuel L Jackson will help you go to sleep: "Go The Fuck To Sleep" narrated by Samuel L. Jackson

  • Um excuse me, you forgot the best Rhys ship of all - Rhoaderbot

    Eryka posted: »

    How could you say that :"( Rhack and Rhyscest were worth it

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I also forgot Rhys × Gortys

    Um excuse me, you forgot the best Rhys ship of all - Rhoaderbot

  • That's the cancer that is facebook for ya. I get randoms from both genders all the time, it's probably my irresistability. I don't give them the satisfaction of being declined.

    I keep getting friend requests on Facebook from people I don't know. Many of them are men. I'm 15... God, why would you send me a friend request if you don't even know me?

  • I never played the early Call of Duty games (although I'd like to), but I remember World at War doing what you describe to an extent. During the loading screens, there's quite a lot of historical footage being used, as well as a message at the end dedicating the game to the lives lost in WW2. Even with Black Ops 1 focusing on the Cold War, it was more focused on action rather than sending a message about the conflict.

    I'd very much like for Battlefield 1 to do what the older COD's did. This would also be a good opportunity to explore some historical events that other war games have never shown (Galliopli, for instance).

    It's ironic because the earlier Call of Duty games (Call of Duty 1-3) were more... well, I'm not going to say "minimalistic", but they didn'

  • It can't come soon enough!

    So freaking hyped for overwatch!

  • So.....I may be late to the party.....but I just found out DSPGaming got caught masturbating on livestream....

  • I...

    I've got nothing.

    As of 15min from now, I'll have been up 24hrs. That includes 10hrs at work and 4hrs volunteering at the food bank moving heavy shit.

    I don't know what's going on.

    I'm too old to function awake this long without help.

  • I'm pumped for it as well. People hate just to hate now.

    papai46 posted: »

    Am i the only one hyped for Infinite Warfare?

  • Its ok just get in the chair grandad

    Johro posted: »

    I... I've got nothing. As of 15min from now, I'll have been up 24hrs. That includes 10hrs at work and 4hrs volunteering at the food b

  • My dad had a heated massage recliner in the 80's. That thing was so awesome. Wish I had one. They're just too damned expensive.

    Its ok just get in the chair grandad

  • Ahh, you dad was an executive with his very own mastercard. What a way to live B)

    Johro posted: »

    My dad had a heated massage recliner in the 80's. That thing was so awesome. Wish I had one. They're just too damned expensive.

  • enter image description here

    Now I just need some breakfast

  • It wouldn't really be emotional considering we haven't really spent any time with the character to get emotionally attached and fans would get really mad because it'd be a waste of a perfectly good character. Plus of what we've seen of her she's only been antagonistic.

    I don't know... While I really like the idea of Steven healing Jasper and having all 3 homeworld gems join the Crystal Gems and get revamped

  • How is it poor writing? Explain then?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Win? I just felt ending was poor writing and rushed so many elements felt unnecessary on the plot This just my opinion I don't think bad game. Also I just never connected with it or felt satisfied like other telltale games which I prefer

  • edited May 2016

    Even in WAW, as you were shooting, burning and running down Nazis - the unquestionably bad guys - you had Chernov along with you, there to remind you that neither side is really the "good guy"

    "This is not war; this is MURDER!"

    "This is madness! Our rockets are tearing the city apart!"

    "His merciless brutality defines him only as a savage, just like the rest of the Red Army. He is no hero."

    I'd very much like for Battlefield 1 to do what the older COD's did. This would also be a good opportunity to explore some historical events that other war games have never shown (Galliopli, for instance).

    I would not hold out too much hope for something set in the Dardenells/Gallipoli campaign. Judging by what I and my other history buff friends have gathered, the game seems to take place in 1917-18 - when the battlefield was becomming progressively more and more mobile and much less of the earlier stalemates.

    Looks like we will see some of the Mesopotamian and Palestinian campaigns, though.

    I never played the early Call of Duty games (although I'd like to), but I remember World at War doing what you describe to an extent. During

  • We don't need to know that

    So.....I may be late to the party.....but I just found out DSPGaming got caught masturbating on livestream....

  • Quite the opposite in fact. This is vital info that can change the world as we know it.

    We don't need to know that

  • It must've been a blowing experience for the viewers.

    Ba dum tss.

    So.....I may be late to the party.....but I just found out DSPGaming got caught masturbating on livestream....

  • Well at least someone came to his stream.

    So.....I may be late to the party.....but I just found out DSPGaming got caught masturbating on livestream....

  • I could say that, but my profile pic is me with Mickey Mouse ears and an adorable baby face. On second thought, maybe that's why old men keep sending me requests...

    That's the cancer that is facebook for ya. I get randoms from both genders all the time, it's probably my irresistability. I don't give them the satisfaction of being declined.

  • I love it.

    enter link description here

  • My dad got one of those for his retirement a few years back. We love it, and it was so worth it.

    Johro posted: »

    My dad had a heated massage recliner in the 80's. That thing was so awesome. Wish I had one. They're just too damned expensive.

  • I heard bananas are great for hangovers, just in case.

    Now I just need some breakfast

  • No, but I'm excited for the Modern Warfare remake. People tend to forget how revolutionary and generally phenomenal it was for its time.

    papai46 posted: »

    Am i the only one hyped for Infinite Warfare?

  • Never really hated COD. Some complains it never changes while some complains it has changed. Personally for me I was a fan of the games after playing WAW for the first time, collected WAW, MW1 and 2, and then I got Black Ops for Christmas. While it was nice to see a familiar face in the first mission, something felt off putting for me. I dunno what it was, it was like I suddenly lost interest in the series, so I've been reluctant in completing my MW collection.

    However, since I got my PS3 Quantum of Solace (007) recently and played it, I felt the mood to play FPS again, so I dusted off my MW games and played the heck out of them. Suddenly, my love for the games (yet surreal and sometimes horrific, looks at airport level), even if it's only a number of them, returned. So I'm gonna try to complete my MW series playthrough once I get MW3 and then I probably buy another. The futuristic aspect never appealed to me once I saw the final version of the gameplay, the fact players jumps all over the place with jet packs makes being tactical and cunning meaningless. Doesn't mean I hate COD as whole, I just prefer some games over others.

  • Last week has been pretty darn good. Went uptown around the first days to check my account balance due to my city shopping day and I ended up bumping into some of my friends and best friend. Hanged out a bit. Later on the week visited my best friend's apartment for the first time and caught up while playing some Wii U and PS2. He made some Mario levels which are very difficult, kinda random chance levels mixed with some cunning. I've never played side-scrolling Mario games in ages so I beaten none of the levels. lol Especially this one level he made where you have to spin jump on thwomps through the entire map while avoiding lava and spike balls. I dunno how, usually I'm short tempered and would rage a lot, but with this one I had so much fun and patience that I died 58 times while only once getting half way. I think I've beaten Markiplier when it comes to patience. xD

    Also I did work on typing some of my story, I plan on splitting a chapter into 2 parts for pacing reasons. Plus it won't feel like I'd be writing an essay. I also designed a schedule of my usual days for when I work on the webcomic, hoping that with this way I get to become more organized. I've also been playing some games like Soul Calibur (2,4,5. 2 has the most fluent combat, 4 feels more restricting, but 5 is a step up however with the combat and customization even if some of the equipment designs feel lacking) and my recently finished playthroughs of COD MW 1 and 2 (I feel like I am a lot better at these games now then I was before, I died far less and did it on normal for the first time and I used to always play on easy).

    So yeah, big week, lotsa fun. :3

  • You sound happy, its nice to hear.

    Last week has been pretty darn good. Went uptown around the first days to check my account balance due to my city shopping day and I ended u

  • Or at least came on

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well at least someone came to his stream.

  • edited May 2016

    enter image description here

    Tobi-Is-Indeed-A-Happy-Boy. :3

    (hope that didn't come out sarcastically o.O)

    You sound happy, its nice to hear.

  • Atleast he finally has beaten something.

    So.....I may be late to the party.....but I just found out DSPGaming got caught masturbating on livestream....

  • I don't know, me and a few other fans absolutely love Jasper at the moment. We think she's awesome, so seeing her die would be pretty emotional to us. But I see where you're coming from on that one.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It wouldn't really be emotional considering we haven't really spent any time with the character to get emotionally attached and fans would g

  • Agreed.

    Medieval/fantasy > sci-fi, imo.

    Crips posted: »

    I love classical music which probably makes me a rather dull and weird 15yo boy, but I recently listened to Danse Macabre and got addicted a

  • aye you're back meg

    What's got you down?


  • What's wrong? :(


  • Got in a big fight with my mom.

    aye you're back meg What's got you down?

  • Going to JPL at NASA in Los Angeles

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Do you guys know if there's any ferries between Alaska and Russia?

    I doubt that anyone would know the answer but...

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