The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Friends of friends, maybe? I've got a lot of people on my friends list who I don't know that well but my dad knows.

    I keep getting friend requests on Facebook from people I don't know. Many of them are men. I'm 15... God, why would you send me a friend request if you don't even know me?

  • Are you planning to defect or something?

    Eryka posted: »

    Do you guys know if there's any ferries between Alaska and Russia? I doubt that anyone would know the answer but...

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    No, I just tought that the closest way to get to asia (without going on a plane) was to go to alaska, go on a boat, and go to russia.

    It doesn't mean that it has to be russia but it's just the closest.

    Are you planning to defect or something?

  • You're not running away from home again, are you?

    I thought we talked about this...

    Eryka posted: »

    No, I just tought that the closest way to get to asia (without going on a plane) was to go to alaska, go on a boat, and go to russia. It doesn't mean that it has to be russia but it's just the closest.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Sorry dad, I want to travel to an underground cave in europe

    JonDee013 posted: »

    You're not running away from home again, are you? I thought we talked about this...

  • But honey, you know what they're like :/

    Eryka posted: »

    Sorry dad, I want to travel to an underground cave in europe

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    no I don't

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I hate when the comments are lagging and it's not replying to the good post...

    Eryka posted: »

    no I don't

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    no I don't.

    JonDee013 posted: »

    But honey, you know what they're like

  • Well i'm a fan on COD saga (i only play the campaign)
    They only hate it 'cause of the online 10 years old kids.
    I have one question?
    did they know the solo online mode :v? (They put bots)

  • Oh it finally happened, oh yes it did.

    I was thoroughly enjoying my way through a Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens when a classmate came up to me and we talked for a little bit. Then of course, in normal "I'm not finished with the story yet don't say another goddam word" nature, I implored that we switch the subject as I was only two or three chapters from the end. It was to this request that my classmate started to tell me how to book ends as I ran away and put my hands on my ears in vain, talking never endingly, and always speaking with a horrible sadistic gleam in his eye.

    And now that majestic story will forever be ruined for me. :D

  • edited May 2016

    A friend of mine told someone bruce willis was a ghost while they were on their way to the cinema to watch 6th sense, some guys enjoy being cunts I guess.

    Edit: I know this because they told me, they could hardly hold back the laughter, they were still proud of it years later wtf

    Oh it finally happened, oh yes it did. I was thoroughly enjoying my way through a Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens when a classmate

  • It's bound to happen to all of us sooner or later, and it's never fun.

    Now it's added to the list along with the Force Awakens and The Walking Dead Issue 100!

    A friend of mine told someone bruce willis was a ghost while they were on their way to the cinema to watch 6th sense, some guys enjoy being

  • Been watching Fame or Shame for like 15 minutes in gta 5 lol

  • Not me. I'm sick of the same futuristic crap dressed up to look new. Unless Infinite Warfare actually has space battles (and not just for a cut-scene), then what does this game have?

    Chilled posted: »

    I'm pumped for it as well. People hate just to hate now.

  • Fair enough. But I think you forget that 3 years ago everyone was 'sick of the same modern crap'. The entire CoD community is hypocritical. Literally, all I remember from the Modern Warfare games and Black Ops game is that people kept saying "it's the same thing every year" and that there was no innovation. They change it up, and people still complain. The developers will never win.
    You watch, the companies will change to a more modern setting now...and in a few years time the cycle will repeat.
    I for one, am glad Infinity Ward is embracing the sci-fi, interplanetary war and such, it's completely new to the franchise (not just a few fancy suits and futuristic guns), it looks like Infinity Ward is really giving it a shot. We'll see.
    Also, Infinity Ward is the only company of the 3 that hasn't let me down yet, all of their games were great (yes, including Ghosts), unlike Treyarch and Sledgehammer. So I have faith.
    But, to each their own. I get you.

    Not me. I'm sick of the same futuristic crap dressed up to look new. Unless Infinite Warfare actually has space battles (and not just for a cut-scene), then what does this game have?

  • Personally, I prefer stuff that is set in historical time periods (which is why I loved Assassin's Creed so much). When you say 'sick of the modern crap', I assume you mean Modern Warfare. I've only just started playing the MW games, but I find the futuristic stuff to be a bit more overdone. I enjoyed it in BO2 because it was something new, but then there was Ghosts (which was just plain generic), Advanced Warfare (with exo jumps that made multiplayer a chaotic mess), and Black Ops 3. Personally, I think Call of Duty has just gotten so big that it tries to outdo itself with more and more flashing lights each year.

    That being said, the space stuff does interest me, but I don't want it to be just a few cut-scenes with a ton of explosions and scripted levels. I'd like some actual spaceship battles with at least some limited free roam (similar to that one mission from Halo Reach). I won't write it off, but I'm far more interested in Battlefield 1 because it's exploring a time period that no other FPS (to my knowledge) has really touched.

    Chilled posted: »

    Fair enough. But I think you forget that 3 years ago everyone was 'sick of the same modern crap'. The entire CoD community is hypocritical.

  • Possibly. I have a few that my mom knows, and I've met once or twice. Maybe.

    Friends of friends, maybe? I've got a lot of people on my friends list who I don't know that well but my dad knows.

  • Egypt today is officially the hottest country on Earth! Here's the temperature of my city

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Most people here would probably melt in that kind of temperature, but it's fine, I'm still one piece.

  • Damn, mate.

    How many °C do you have in the summer? 47? 50? Or even more?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Egypt today is officially the hottest country on Earth! Here's the temperature of my city Most people here would probably melt in that kind of temperature, but it's fine, I'm still one piece.

  • I've been enjoying sniping on Battlfield 4. SO PUMPED FOR BATTLEFIELD 1!

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

  • Jesus, do you guys live in refrigerators?

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Egypt today is officially the hottest country on Earth! Here's the temperature of my city Most people here would probably melt in that kind of temperature, but it's fine, I'm still one piece.

  • We reached more than 50 last year, more than a hundred died from that :/

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Damn, mate. How many °C do you have in the summer? 47? 50? Or even more?

  • I wish! We recently pulled out our air conditioner as we are moving to a new house, and to our (un)luck that heat wave hit.

    Jesus, do you guys live in refrigerators?

  • Holy shit. I'd probably die if I was staying in Egypt during that time.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    We reached more than 50 last year, more than a hundred died from that

  • Yeah, don't ever think of it.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Holy shit. I'd probably die if I was staying in Egypt during that time.

  • It does not get that hot here so often as that. But when it does, god help my routine. The hottest day that I have felt was 49 celcius in Wakool during the Angry Summer, during which I was rendered exhausted from the sheer heat.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Egypt today is officially the hottest country on Earth! Here's the temperature of my city Most people here would probably melt in that kind of temperature, but it's fine, I'm still one piece.

  • edited May 2016

    It actually reached 49 degrees 2 hours ago, unfortunately, I had a test at that time and there's no air conditioner in our classes, you could imagine how that must've felt.

    It does not get that hot here so often as that. But when it does, god help my routine. The hottest day that I have felt was 49 celcius in Wakool during the Angry Summer, during which I was rendered exhausted from the sheer heat.

  • i heard drinking a pint of water before going to bed was good aswell

    I heard bananas are great for hangovers, just in case.

  • Took this video not even an hour ago (recorded at 9:45 PM, uploaded at 10:33 PM). Not a drop of rain all day, and then it pisses down during the night. Welcome to Melbourne, everyone.

    enter link description here

  • those little tv shows are hilarious

    Been watching Fame or Shame for like 15 minutes in gta 5 lol

  • Yeah I have to admit i'm really excited for BattleField 1 also, looks great.
    I'll get both and see what I end up preferring...who knows, they both could be terrible haha.

    Personally, I prefer stuff that is set in historical time periods (which is why I loved Assassin's Creed so much). When you say 'sick of the

  • i had this when i did my finals at school 4 years ago it felt lke hell

    ZapThroat posted: »

    It actually reached 49 degrees 2 hours ago, unfortunately, I had a test at that time and there's no air conditioner in our classes, you could imagine how that must've felt.

  • Man alive! I can hardly think or function in that sort of heat, and you had a test, in room without air-conditioning? People can and do die from heatstrokes in that heat!

    I commend you for your ability to actually do something in that weather, let alone sit a test of all things. I still can't get over it; a test near fifty plus weather!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    It actually reached 49 degrees 2 hours ago, unfortunately, I had a test at that time and there's no air conditioner in our classes, you could imagine how that must've felt.

  • care to share ?


  • edited May 2016

    Melbourne: where the coffee and multiculturalism is superb, but the weather reports are lies.

    I actually like the rain, though. So when I did live in Melbourne, it was alright to me.

    Took this video not even an hour ago (recorded at 9:45 PM, uploaded at 10:33 PM). Not a drop of rain all day, and then it pisses down during the night. Welcome to Melbourne, everyone. enter link description here

  • Heatstroke drops the elderly like flies, unfortunately.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    We reached more than 50 last year, more than a hundred died from that

  • we Floridians have a similar problem. In summer, you live assuming that a random downpour/severe storm could kick off at any moment. There's times when it will be downpouring on our block and completely dry on the next street down.

    Took this video not even an hour ago (recorded at 9:45 PM, uploaded at 10:33 PM). Not a drop of rain all day, and then it pisses down during the night. Welcome to Melbourne, everyone. enter link description here

  • edited May 2016


    @Euron In full HD. 20 Minutes long end of Fase 1

    enter link description here

  • I love the radio show Chakra Attack with Dr. Ray deAngelo Harris.

    Been watching Fame or Shame for like 15 minutes in gta 5 lol

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