”Oh sweet girl.” Queen Sofina said with a piercing look on her dark blue eyes, her lips forming a small smile. “When I said you cou… moreld come to me if you need help, I certainly didn’t expect you’d come the same day.” Missy clenched her teeth in irritation, and Sofina chuckled dryly. They were in a large and gloriously furnished room where the Queen had been spending her afternoon with several ladies of the court. When Missy arrived, the Queen had dismissed them all.
“So, are you not going to help me?” Missy asked with monotone words. The Queen let out a small sigh. “Well, you have to explain this a bit more clearly before I can give you an answer to that.” She said calmly. “You say a handmaiden is being held at the torture cells – whose handmaiden?”
“Sanya Purell’s.” Missy answered, staring the Queen to the eyes. “Handmaiden of the heir’s bride.” Sofina stated with emotionless words. “You said you don’t know her name, but what di… [view original content]
”Oh sweet girl.” Queen Sofina said with a piercing look on her dark blue eyes, her lips forming a small smile. “When I said you cou… moreld come to me if you need help, I certainly didn’t expect you’d come the same day.” Missy clenched her teeth in irritation, and Sofina chuckled dryly. They were in a large and gloriously furnished room where the Queen had been spending her afternoon with several ladies of the court. When Missy arrived, the Queen had dismissed them all.
“So, are you not going to help me?” Missy asked with monotone words. The Queen let out a small sigh. “Well, you have to explain this a bit more clearly before I can give you an answer to that.” She said calmly. “You say a handmaiden is being held at the torture cells – whose handmaiden?”
“Sanya Purell’s.” Missy answered, staring the Queen to the eyes. “Handmaiden of the heir’s bride.” Sofina stated with emotionless words. “You said you don’t know her name, but what di… [view original content]
Well I have to say this is another great part and that Missy's story no doubt has had the hardest choices so far. This choice in particular … morehas had me debating on which choice would be best and honestly I still am not sure on if the choice I am making is the right one. As much as i would like to those torturers get what they deserve, I have decided though to go with [Sofina's plan - no killing]. A big part of why I have chosen this option is your drawing of her character and seeing what she has become especially with you saying that she has not always been like how she is now. I think a big part of her story is either her ascending even further toward madness or returning to a more sane state of mind. So I am thinking that choosing not to kill will be a step in the right direction in the path of gaining some of her sanity back. I could be way off the mark but it does seem to make sense at this point.
His name is kinda cool and he seems to have quite an interesting sense of fashion XD
Indeed, a very GRRM-esque look (in other words, his looks would be toned down in a tv adaptation - kinda like Daario ). And no worries, we'll see more of him
And you might be on to something with the dream. A small correction/fun fact though: Toland's sigil in this time is actually a ghost - and this is canon The dragon biting its tail was changed as their banner during the War of Conquest when Lord Toland managed to fool Aegon and escape from him
[Sofina's plan - no killing]
This was not an easy choice, though ultimately, aside from the fact that CM3434 is right in my opinion and M… moreissy's mental health might be at stake with many of her choices in this particular storyline, I also think that Sofina's plan has less risks in general. There's no doubt that Albin's freaks deserve to die and I hope they will eventually get what's coming to them. However, killing them may very well draw Albin's attention. He may not care for them in particular, but he might be interested in finding out who killed his men regardless, to find out if he is in danger as well. Aside from that, while Albin perhaps won't care at all, the surviving freaks will surely care and they could draw the connection to Missy, which could end horribly for her. So, let's keep it save. No one must die for now.
By the way, this was a great part! I must say, in terms of looks I'm enjoying this Purple Ocelot guy immensely, ho… [view original content]
I know we are up to cooperate with Sofina and all, but I'd love to see how participation in murder will change that mentally unstable person as Missy. Prolly worse choice here, but I have my reasons - tho I doubt that this choice will win, it's already 4-1 so there is no chance at all.
”Oh sweet girl.” Queen Sofina said with a piercing look on her dark blue eyes, her lips forming a small smile. “When I said you cou… moreld come to me if you need help, I certainly didn’t expect you’d come the same day.” Missy clenched her teeth in irritation, and Sofina chuckled dryly. They were in a large and gloriously furnished room where the Queen had been spending her afternoon with several ladies of the court. When Missy arrived, the Queen had dismissed them all.
“So, are you not going to help me?” Missy asked with monotone words. The Queen let out a small sigh. “Well, you have to explain this a bit more clearly before I can give you an answer to that.” She said calmly. “You say a handmaiden is being held at the torture cells – whose handmaiden?”
“Sanya Purell’s.” Missy answered, staring the Queen to the eyes. “Handmaiden of the heir’s bride.” Sofina stated with emotionless words. “You said you don’t know her name, but what di… [view original content]
”Oh sweet girl.” Queen Sofina said with a piercing look on her dark blue eyes, her lips forming a small smile. “When I said you cou… moreld come to me if you need help, I certainly didn’t expect you’d come the same day.” Missy clenched her teeth in irritation, and Sofina chuckled dryly. They were in a large and gloriously furnished room where the Queen had been spending her afternoon with several ladies of the court. When Missy arrived, the Queen had dismissed them all.
“So, are you not going to help me?” Missy asked with monotone words. The Queen let out a small sigh. “Well, you have to explain this a bit more clearly before I can give you an answer to that.” She said calmly. “You say a handmaiden is being held at the torture cells – whose handmaiden?”
“Sanya Purell’s.” Missy answered, staring the Queen to the eyes. “Handmaiden of the heir’s bride.” Sofina stated with emotionless words. “You said you don’t know her name, but what di… [view original content]
As much as I'd like to think that not killing them would benefit her somehow, that's not what I see in this story. The "freaks" would do more harm alive then dead. especially to Missy's mental state
I think I'll tie the voting. [Alaric's plan - killing]
I'm curious about this ocelot character and what he can do. Plus, if he manages to take out the freaks they will not be a threat to missy.
Haven't had time to read anything as of late, so my apologies. Umm, just because I'm a bad person I think I'll go with [Alaric's plan - killing]. Once I read this part, I'll see if that is what I would have originally gone with XD Though I'm going to be a bit inactive for the next week, I'm actually heading out for my first exam in 10 minutes! Best of luck with the story, I'll catch up soon!
Haven't had time to read anything as of late, so my apologies. Umm, just because I'm a bad person I think I'll go with [Alaric's plan - kill… moreing]. Once I read this part, I'll see if that is what I would have originally gone with XD Though I'm going to be a bit inactive for the next week, I'm actually heading out for my first exam in 10 minutes! Best of luck with the story, I'll catch up soon!
And Missy will go with Alaric's plan, which includes killing anyone who might be guarding Shana Sand. When it comes to Missy, this choice isn't as important as it seems, certainly not as important as the last one. It has some effects of course, but it will change the next part only marginally. And speaking of Missy's next part, I'm really looking forward to that - even if it might be a challenging one to write. In general Missy is probably the hardest PoV for me to write, I hope it doesn't show too much in the quality
And speaking of hard PoVs to write, the next part will be Nymeria's third part. The outline for it is done, but I'll be doing some polishing for it tomorrow before I post it. Anyway, here's a small recap: Last time we saw Nymeria, she and Prince Mors were meeting visitors in their throne room. First they met Adian Dalt, nephew of Lord Daris Dalt. He had been sent to Sandship to pledge the loyalty of House Dalt to House Martell, but also to ask for aid, because the Dalts were having problems with bandits on their lands. Mors and Nymeria agreed to help Lord Daris with the problem, as he was now their vassal. After Adian Dalt, they met a man named Forovos Norvoshi - keyholder from the Iron Bank of Braavos. Nymeria didn't like the man, but they came to an agreement that they would make a contract later. Lastly the Maester of Sandship, Olivar, came to them with news - House Toland had sent a declaration of war. Nymeria considered of reminding the Dalts that Adian was at their hands so they would have to help, but ultimately she didn't take that route.
Nymeria stood at the crowded courtyard of Sandship, looking at the three valiant warriors in front of her. On the left was Dianna, one of the best captains. On the middle stood Sanyra, a young warrior that Nymeria had recently promoted as a captain. Lastly, on the right stood Javor, one of the more experienced soldiers from Mors’ guard.
“You will be the ones responsible of this mission.” Nymeria stated with serious tone. “Each of you have chosen ten soldiers to take with you – that should be enough. And remember, when you arrive to Lemonwood, act with dignity and keep your soldiers in line – you represent House Martell, you represent your Princess and your Prince.” Nymeria eyed the warriors who stood there with good posture and calm faces, ready to serve. “Yes, Your Grace.” They all said with dutiful tone and bowed to her. Nymeria gave them a smile. “I trust you.” She said gently, before turning away. She walked to Adian Dalt who had just mounted his horse and was surrounded by the guards of House Dalt.
“I hope your travel will be safe – my warriors will of course do their best to make sure it will be.” Nymeria spoke gently, and the boy nodded with a nervous look in his eyes. “A-are you sure thirty men are enough?” He managed to ask with stuttering. Nymeria narrowed her eyes. “You have an escort of twenty of your own men, and now thirty of mine.” Nymeria remarked. “That makes fifty armed men and women, what kind of bandits could harm you?” The boy flashed a nervous grin. “Oh, yes, of course.” He muttered. Why is he so nervous?
“After my soldiers have helped your uncle to clean up his lands, we would need him to send troops – as much as he feels safe to send.” Nymeria explained to Adian calmly. “Tolands are raising an army and will march south soon. We can only hope the Santagars stay out of the conflict.” Adian nodded to Nymeria’s words, and she assumed the boy had understood her.
“Good bye, then. And give my best regards to Lord Daris.” Nymeria said with kind words. “I will, Your Grace.” The boy answered stiffly, turning his head towards the gate, and so the Princess watched as the nervous boy and his escort of fifty soldiers rode out of Sandship. Time to hold court, the Princess thought, slightly annoyed at the prospect.
Before Nymeria could make her way to the throne room, she was stopped by her husband and Forovos Norvoshi. They had been waiting for her by the door of the hall. “What is it?” Nymeria asked with bored tone. Mors had a calm look on his face, but Forovos flashed her a forced grin.
“My dear, Forovos will leave the court today with few of our men.” Mors explained with his stoic tone. “We managed to make a deal, and should be now able to hire a sellsword company from across the Narrow Sea – a small one.” Nymeria nodded, but didn’t give a smile to this keyholder – she still had a bad feeling about him. “And why exactly will he leave the court?” Nymeria asked coldly, and a small grin appeared on the man’s edged and pale face. “I will be the one to hire the sellswords, my Princess.” Forovos explained with his polite tone – but there was something dark behind it. “And I also have other business to do. But do not worry, the sellswords should be here in few months.” Nymeria sighed, and she glanced at Mors, who gave her a reassuring nod.
“Fine then, you can escort him out – someone needs to hold the court.” With these words Nymeria left the two behind and walked inside the throne room. She walked through the small hall, which was quite crowded – landed knights from Martell lands had arrived as Mors had called for them. It seemed there were also a notable amount of smallfolk in the hall. As Nymeria sat on her throne she could feel all the stares at her. Are they angry? Admiring? Something else?
First one to step forward was a knight on his mid-thirties, a physically fit man with a less than charming face. His nose was large and round, his thick and dark eyebrows had converged, his hairline was receiving and his mouth looked to be stuck in a sour expression.
“You stand in the presence of Nymeria Martell – the Princess of Dorne, and Lady of Sandship.” The herald announced, and the knight fell on his knee. “Stand up, Ser.” Nymeria said firmly, and the man followed the order.
“Your Grace.” The knight started with his raspy voice. “I am Ser Yandry of Olivegrove. I arrived here not only because my liege called for me, but also because I have news.” Nymeria nodded, starting to feel a bit concerned. Olivegrove was a tower in the northern part of their lands, it wasn’t hard to guess what kind of news were to be expected from there.
“It was four days ago; I saw the smoke rising from the village.” Ser Yandry started to explain grimly. “I gathered my men and we rode there, but there was nothing we could do. There were twenty of us, but those men who were burning the village – there were at least a hundred of them.” Nymeria let out a frustrated sigh. People are driven from their homes because of my war. “Did you see their banners?” She asked, and the man nodded. “The black banners of the Tolands, along with few of their vassals.”
“That’s what I’d expect.” Nymeria said tonelessly, cursing the wretched house in her mind. “And after that? Did you see where the men continued from there?” Ser Yandry let out a frustrated growl. “Aye, they caught eye of us and followed us to the tower. We locked ourselves inside, and they made their camp a hundred feet away.” The man spoke with heavy words, each one more filled with anger than the last. “And I could hear those bastards argue whether to storm the tower or not, and so could my family. My children cried as those savages screamed in the night. In the morning they rode away, probably to continue their raving.” When Ser Yandry finished speaking, Nymeria nodded with rage in her eyes.
“What they did will be avenged.” She said quietly, but anger still oozing from every word. Ser Yandry nodded. “Your Grace, I know we are gathering an army, but it will take time. And when the army is ready to march it will move slowly.” The knight spoke calmly, but Nymeria could also spot a touch of nervousness. Perhaps he fears for his family. “So what do you suggest?” The Princess asked, looking at the knight straight into his brown eyes. “Give me hundred men, mounted, and I will ride north and make sure these monsters will be served the justice they deserve.” Ser Yandry kneeled to her once again, but Nymeria was not sure how to respond. Hundred fighting men might be too much, especially since they would need to be knights and mounted soldiers. At the same time, she didn’t want her people to suffer while she was taking her time gathering the army. She gulped, now more than ever she questioned if she was following the path that the mighty Prince Garin had taken when he marched against the dragons. Am I leading my people to doom? How much will my war bring horror and death to this land? The Princess composed her thoughts, looking at Ser Yandry with decisive eyes.
[Give Yandry 100 men][Give Yandry 50 men][Don't give Yandry any men]
[Give Yandry 100 men] I think this is an excellent first step in establishing House Martell as a just and helpful liege. This noble action on Nymeria's part may just give her vassals more of a motivation to fight for her in the war to come if she shows that she is willing to help them even when House Martell is not at its most powerful.
Nymeria stood at the crowded courtyard of Sandship, looking at the three valiant warriors in front of her. On the left was Dianna… more, one of the best captains. On the middle stood Sanyra, a young warrior that Nymeria had recently promoted as a captain. Lastly, on the right stood Javor, one of the more experienced soldiers from Mors’ guard.
“You will be the ones responsible of this mission.” Nymeria stated with serious tone. “Each of you have chosen ten soldiers to take with you – that should be enough. And remember, when you arrive to Lemonwood, act with dignity and keep your soldiers in line – you represent House Martell, you represent your Princess and your Prince.” Nymeria eyed the warriors who stood there with good posture and calm faces, ready to serve. “Yes, Your Grace.” They all said with dutiful tone and bowed to her. Nymeria gave them a smile. “I trust you.” She said gently, before turning away. She walked to Adian Dalt wh… [view original content]
This is probably the best choice. It proves that Nymeria and Mors are loyal to and help their friends. This decision may lead to the Martell's gaining even more allies. Although, Nymeria should probably discuss the situation with Mors Martell before making such a large decision without his knowledge.
Nymeria stood at the crowded courtyard of Sandship, looking at the three valiant warriors in front of her. On the left was Dianna… more, one of the best captains. On the middle stood Sanyra, a young warrior that Nymeria had recently promoted as a captain. Lastly, on the right stood Javor, one of the more experienced soldiers from Mors’ guard.
“You will be the ones responsible of this mission.” Nymeria stated with serious tone. “Each of you have chosen ten soldiers to take with you – that should be enough. And remember, when you arrive to Lemonwood, act with dignity and keep your soldiers in line – you represent House Martell, you represent your Princess and your Prince.” Nymeria eyed the warriors who stood there with good posture and calm faces, ready to serve. “Yes, Your Grace.” They all said with dutiful tone and bowed to her. Nymeria gave them a smile. “I trust you.” She said gently, before turning away. She walked to Adian Dalt wh… [view original content]
Although, Nymeria should probably discuss the situation with Mors Martell before making such a large decision
Yeah, I did think about this, but ultimately I came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be out of character for her to make this decision without Mors. There's also a pretty strong trust between Nym and Mors - even if I haven't perhaps empathised it enough. One example of this would be that Nym trusts that the contract Mors made with Forovos is a good one even if she wasn't there to make that contract AND she doesn't necessarily even trust Forovos.
[Give Yandry 100 men]
This is probably the best choice. It proves that Nymeria and Mors are loyal to and help their friends. This decisio… moren may lead to the Martell's gaining even more allies. Although, Nymeria should probably discuss the situation with Mors Martell before making such a large decision without his knowledge.
The way I see it, it's either this, or giving him no men at all. The opposing force is at least a hundred strong, so fifty men, together with Yandry's twenty, have little chance at succeeding and it would likely result in overwhelming casualties, or an outright defeat. A hundred meanwhile (plus the twenty from Olivegrove) have far better chances to win. Therefore, I see giving him only fifty as the worst option here. Now it comes down to wether or not we want Nymeria to care for her subjects and in my book that's a clear yes. I don't want Nymeria to be a tyrant who would allow an enemy force to ravage the northern part of her lands without facing resistance. Now is a time to show strength, while simultaneously showing that she cares for her subjects. Besides, taking down this enemy force now could come in handy later, because every Toland they kill in this battle will be one Toland less they have to face later.
Nymeria stood at the crowded courtyard of Sandship, looking at the three valiant warriors in front of her. On the left was Dianna… more, one of the best captains. On the middle stood Sanyra, a young warrior that Nymeria had recently promoted as a captain. Lastly, on the right stood Javor, one of the more experienced soldiers from Mors’ guard.
“You will be the ones responsible of this mission.” Nymeria stated with serious tone. “Each of you have chosen ten soldiers to take with you – that should be enough. And remember, when you arrive to Lemonwood, act with dignity and keep your soldiers in line – you represent House Martell, you represent your Princess and your Prince.” Nymeria eyed the warriors who stood there with good posture and calm faces, ready to serve. “Yes, Your Grace.” They all said with dutiful tone and bowed to her. Nymeria gave them a smile. “I trust you.” She said gently, before turning away. She walked to Adian Dalt wh… [view original content]
Nymeria stood at the crowded courtyard of Sandship, looking at the three valiant warriors in front of her. On the left was Dianna… more, one of the best captains. On the middle stood Sanyra, a young warrior that Nymeria had recently promoted as a captain. Lastly, on the right stood Javor, one of the more experienced soldiers from Mors’ guard.
“You will be the ones responsible of this mission.” Nymeria stated with serious tone. “Each of you have chosen ten soldiers to take with you – that should be enough. And remember, when you arrive to Lemonwood, act with dignity and keep your soldiers in line – you represent House Martell, you represent your Princess and your Prince.” Nymeria eyed the warriors who stood there with good posture and calm faces, ready to serve. “Yes, Your Grace.” They all said with dutiful tone and bowed to her. Nymeria gave them a smile. “I trust you.” She said gently, before turning away. She walked to Adian Dalt wh… [view original content]
As stated by Liquid, 70 men can quickly lose against a whole 100. And also, we can make Nymeria a good and kind leader, which isn't too common in Dorne in those days, I suspect :P
Nymeria stood at the crowded courtyard of Sandship, looking at the three valiant warriors in front of her. On the left was Dianna… more, one of the best captains. On the middle stood Sanyra, a young warrior that Nymeria had recently promoted as a captain. Lastly, on the right stood Javor, one of the more experienced soldiers from Mors’ guard.
“You will be the ones responsible of this mission.” Nymeria stated with serious tone. “Each of you have chosen ten soldiers to take with you – that should be enough. And remember, when you arrive to Lemonwood, act with dignity and keep your soldiers in line – you represent House Martell, you represent your Princess and your Prince.” Nymeria eyed the warriors who stood there with good posture and calm faces, ready to serve. “Yes, Your Grace.” They all said with dutiful tone and bowed to her. Nymeria gave them a smile. “I trust you.” She said gently, before turning away. She walked to Adian Dalt wh… [view original content]
Cmon guys this is war. We must stay tactical. Not emotional
Do not give Yandry any men
I understand she has plot armor but this wouldnt be a good move. They just sent out thirty men to help with other bandits. And forovos is leaving to hire more soldiers?
Alright, let's move on with this. Nymeria will give Ser Yandry a hundred men to bring down the Toland raiders in the north. After this we will be taking bit of a break from Nymeria and Sandship. Instead, the eastern coast will be taken over by three new PoVs. As you probably noticed, two missions were started in this part - one going to south and the Dalt lands, and Yandry to north. These two missions will be heavily featured with the new PoVs.
And next we will have two parts. Firstly a Gwendis part, which I have already finished, and then a new PoV. However, I'm not going to spoil who this new PoV is But here is a small recap for Gwendis: After a threatening message with the sigil of Manwoody arrived to Blackmont, King Benedict made the decision that they would go to war. Princess Gwendis wanted to suggest another kind of approach, but she thought it would be futile. Instead, she suggested they would ask help from the Daynes, as they are related by blood. Benedict reminded they share no blood with him, and said he doesn't trust them. Ser Kegan was sent to raise infantry from the villages and farms, and Maester Mortin was given the job to call the vassals to arms. Later Gwendis approached Maester Mortin, as she thought he was one of the few people in Blackmont she could trust. She had an idea of sending a raven to Starfall without her father's permission, but ultimately came to the conclusion it would be too risky. We continue her story after a few days skip.
Damn, another voting missing ;_; I think you should make me something like friendly reminder or so next time Well, here also won vote supported by me, but I think 20 good men would be just enough, and if not maybe 62? I wish these was the choices in this voting xD
Voting is closed!
Alright, let's move on with this. Nymeria will give Ser Yandry a hundred men to bring down the Toland raiders in the no… morerth. After this we will be taking bit of a break from Nymeria and Sandship. Instead, the eastern coast will be taken over by three new PoVs. As you probably noticed, two missions were started in this part - one going to south and the Dalt lands, and Yandry to north. These two missions will be heavily featured with the new PoVs.
And next we will have two parts. Firstly a Gwendis part, which I have already finished, and then a new PoV. However, I'm not going to spoil who this new PoV is But here is a small recap for Gwendis: After a threatening message with the sigil of Manwoody arrived to Blackmont, King Benedict made the decision that they would go to war. Princess Gwendis wanted to suggest another kind of approach, but she thought it would be futile. Instead, she suggested they would ask help from th… [view original content]
Damn, another voting missing ;_; I think you should make me something like friendly reminder or so next time Well, here also won vote suppo… morerted by me, but I think 20 good men would be just enough, and if not maybe 62? I wish these was the choices in this voting xD
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council meeting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave me alone Naemon.
As Mortin explained that the Oakswoods and Blackadders wouldn’t be able to bring as much supplies with them as they had hoped, Gwendis once again felt the sting of regret in her heart. She hadn’t sent a raven to Starfall because she had been afraid – for Mortin and for herself. She didn’t want to think that her own father could be a danger to her, but she couldn’t deny it either. He is still a good man, but he is surrounded by darkness. Naemon had stopped trusting Benedict years ago, he had once even said that he wouldn’t be surprised if it was Benedict who killed their mother all those years ago. Gwendis didn’t want to believe that – Benedict may have been a cold man, but he was not heartless.
“Mayhaps we could send a raven to Vulture’s Roost.” Braddock suggested, though anyone could hear the doubting in his words. “Twenty years ago the Drinkwaters fought with us against the Carons and Selmys.” Gwendis shook her head subtly. “Twenty years ago I was in a crib, and from what I’ve heard the current Lord Drinkwater prefers to stay neutral.” As Gwendis spoke she noticed Lyla tapping her fingers against the table. “If you are bored, Lady Lyla, you can leave.” She said to her with a cold tone, but the bastard girl just let out a little chuckle.
“Oh, I’m fine, my Princess, go on.” She spoke with her practiced sweet voice, and all Gwendis could do was give her a nod and a cold glare.
Before Maester Mortin managed to start speaking again, the door of the room was knocked, and immediately opened. The man who walked in was one of Ser Kegan’s knights.
“Ser Ruban.” Braddock said with surprised tone. “You have already gathered the men?” Ruban shook his head for Braddock’s question. “Ser Kegan sent me to give a message.” He said, a nervousness in his words. “A message?” Gwendis asked, narrowing her eyes. “What is it?” The knight gulped.
“We have had some problems with raising the forces.” He said, a vexed expression on his face. Gwendis let out a sigh. She had had a feeling this war wouldn’t go well, but even she was surprised the problems had started already. “Well, what is it then?” She asked monotonously, gazing at the table. “What has happened?”
“There have been a lot of deserters, refusing to join the army, and rather running away to the mountains.” He explained. “Ser Kegan has sent men after them, but precious time is being wasted, and the order and spirit in the forces we’ve gathered is not the best possible.” For a moment Gwendis felt like flipping the table and leaving, but she closed her eyes and calmed down. “Have they gave you reasons why they are running away?”
“Well, most run away in the night and certainly don’t leave a note to tell why, but the most common complaint is that the situation in the villages is bad already, and taking the young men to the army will only make it worse.” Ser Ruban spoke, a calm tone on his voice. Gwendis looked at Maester Mortin and Braddock. But before either of those two could say anything, Lyla Sand broke the silence by clearing her throat.
“We must of course hear the King in this situation,” She started, giving a sly look at Gwendis, “but I would say that you gather whatever men you can and bring them here for the army. As you said, you are wasting precious time running after those men. However, when you have brought the men here and the army will start its march to the Wide Way – that is when we should send a force strong enough to take care of these deserters.” As Lyla finished speaking Gwendis gave her a glare that made it more than clear that she disagreed. “Take care of them?” Gwendis spoke with a touch of disbelief in her words. “Excuse me, but we are not talking about an enemy here, we are talking about our own people – people we are already making suffer with this stupidity.”
“You have a soft heart, princess, I understand.” Lyla spoke with a false smile on her face. “But these people are a decease to this kingdom – they are abandoning their duty towards their King and their gods.” Gwendis couldn’t help but let out a sarcastic laugh. “I would’ve never guessed you are a godly woman, Lyla.” She quipped, and the assassin answered with an annoying smirk, but Gwendis continued. “I certainly don’t know the gods, they don’t speak to me, but if this really is their will then they can all go to hell.” As she spoke, Gwendis noticed the maester rising his eyebrows in either surprise or shock, or both. A tense silence took over the room for a couple uncomfortably long moments, until Ser Ruban broke it.
“Excuse me, but… What message exactly am I giving to Ser Kegan?” He asked, and Gwendis turned to him again. “Tell him to bring the men he has managed to gather here, and what comes to the runaways… That will be decided later.” She let out a frustrated sigh with the last words, because she knew it would be Benedict who would make that decision. The knight bowed to her, and found his way out of the room. After that the council went through couple more minor matters, but Gwendis couldn’t stop thinking about the news from Ser Kegan.
Gwendis stood on the balcony of her chambers, looking at the sun setting towards the Red Mountains in the west. From up here the valley looked so beautiful. It was hard for Gwendis to imagine that someone down there was in hunger and pain. But that’s the sad reality. And then she turned her eyes to south. Somewhere there was King Vorian, cousins Malcolm and Jamison. Gwendis knew they would help them, if only they would have asked. If only my father wasn’t so cold and mistrusting. Gwendis let out a sigh and stepped back inside. And for some reason she remembered her mother. In the silence of her room, she could remember the warmth on the smile of Queen Valaena, and she had to fight to keep her tears away. Her mother was gone, had been for years, but she still had a family. Naemon was the best brother she could imagine, and her father… He was still a good man, he had to be.
A faint knock on the door woke Gwendis from her thoughts. “Princess Gwendis!” She heard the voice of her handmaiden, Tanya, calling. Gwendis walked to the door and opened it. Tanya had a bright smile on her face. “Your brother just returned, my Princess.” She said with delightful tone, and Gwendis couldn’t hold back her smile. She nodded, and composed her thoughts. And in that moment, she got an idea.
“Fetch my brother here.” Gwendis said calmly. I may have found the solution.
No decision
As Naemon and his hunting entourage rode towards the castle, he noticed a small camp had been erected outside the walls. There weren’t enough tents to really call it an army, but something clearly had happened while he was gone. As they rode past the camp, Naemon saw the soldiers, servants and whores eyeing at them. He wondered how many of them knew they were looking at the heir of Blackmont.
The next thing that caught Naemon’s eye was when they entered the courtyard of the castle – it was crowded. Knights with their squires were walking around, laughing and chatting. The vassals have been called to arms. Naemon left the rest of his entourage to take care of their horses and the boars they had brought down, and walked inside.
His father would be in his dark chambers, he knew that, so perhaps he should go to Braddock or Ser Kegan. Before he could decide he saw the kingsguard Ser Thomos the Thunder walking towards him. Ser Thomos was not too skilled with lance, but he was excellent with the sword. Naemon respected Ser Thomos – this man had raised to his position purely with his skill.
“Welcome back, Prince Naemon.” Ser Thomos said with a friendly tone as he saw him. “Thank you, Ser Thomos.” Naemon answered, glancing around him. “Perhaps you could tell me what’s going on here?” He asked, and Thomos nodded with a subtle smile.
“The same day you left we received a message from Kingsgrave.” He started, his smile dying now. “King Albin is claiming lands next to the Wide Way for himself. It was practically a declaration of war – your father sent for the vassals immediately.” Gwendis is not happy about this, was the first thing that came to Naemon’s mind. “So we are marching to Kingsgrave?” Naemon asked, and Thomos answered with a shrug.
“The plans are not clear yet.” He stated. “But there is something I needed to tell you. Well, your father, he said he has some kind of mission for you to take care of.” Naemon sighed. “I wonder why he isn't here to tell it himself.” The Prince said with a touch of frustration, but as he looked at Ser Thomos he saw that the knight clearly felt a bit embarrassed. “I am sorry Ser.” Naemon corrected himself quickly. “That is not your fault, of course.” He explained, and Ser Thomos nodded to him. “No need to apologize, my Prince.”
“However, did my father tell what kind of mission is this?” Naemon asked, and Ser Thomos shook his head. “No, he only said you’d need to stay in Blackmont for a week or so, and then you’ll leave for this mission.” The knight explained calmly. “Alright then, I hope someone tells me what I should do before I attempt to…”
“Prince Naemon.” Naemon was cut off by one of his sister’s handmaidens. She was a beautiful handmaiden, in a common sort of way. Her smile was bright, her brown hair was long and braided, and the look on her green eyes was shy and innocent. Naemon flashed a smile to the girl, and could see how she blushed.
“What is it, my lady?” He asked with a gentle tone. “Your sister.” The handmaiden said. “She wants to meet you.”
Naemon followed the handmaiden to the western tower where his sister’s chambers were. Naemon himself had always preferred to reside closer to the courtyard, but there were positive sides to his sister’s chambers as well. First of all, there was the magnificent view from her balcony. As Naemon walked in from the door, he saw his sister sitting at the balcony, watching the sunset. As he walked to her, he could see the bright smile appearing to his sister’s face. Gwendis always smiled, but Naemon was one of those who knew when her smile was real – and now it was.
“Good to see you again.” He said as he took a seat next to her. Gwendis sighed. “You said you’d be gone for couple days – you were gone for a week.” Naemon chuckled. He loved his sister, but sometimes he wondered if Gwendis was his sister or his mother.
“Apparently a lot happened while I was gone.” He finally said, and Gwendis raised her eyebrows and nodded. “Yeah, you could say that.” She said with a tired tone. “I knew you’d be displeased with this.” Naemon said, looking at how the Red Mountains casted their shadow over more and more of the valley, as the sun fell deeper behind them.
“And you aren’t?” Gwendis asked. Naemon shrugged. “I’m not thrilled with the idea, but if Albin declares a war…”
“The situation could have been resolved with diplomacy.” Gwendis interrupted with frustrated tone. Again, Naemon shrugged. “If you say so, you are the politician here.” He said with carefree tone, and Gwendis nodded. “I am, but it’s way overdue for you to become one as well.”
“If you are saying I should take part in the council…”
“No.” Gwendis interrupted him again. “But I have a mission for you.” Naemon sighed and let out a small laugh. “Oh, you as well. I’m going to be a busy knight.” He said, and Gwendis narrowed her eyes. “Someone else has also given you a mission?”
“Well, Ser Thomos said that father wants me to do something soon, but he didn’t know what it was.” He explained, getting a bit bored at the topic. He could see his sister was annoyed by this news.
“Forget about that.” She finally said with powerful tone. “My mission is more important.”
“And what is it?” Naemon asked with lazy tone.
“Ride to Starfall, and plead for the Daynes to help us in this war.” The Princess spoke with deadly serious look in her purple eyes.
I feel that if desertion and low morale wasn't really a problem i would have voted for to stay in Blackmont but with the fact that those two things are having a very serious effect on the army and with fact that there really isnt an army anymore means that it might be better to at least to try to gain Dayne support.
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council mee… moreting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave … [view original content]
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council mee… moreting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave … [view original content]
[Ride to Starfall] Excellent part! I have to say to I applaud you for the high quality writing that you are putting out in such a short amount of time it is impressive for sure! I like the idea of a Naemon PoV, he seems like a pretty awesome character who has some differences from Gwendis so getting to see some things from his perspective will be fun to see. I will say I am curious to what King Benedict wants Naemon to do but I think it is probably best that he go to Starfall largely because it sounds like the Blackmont's are actually in more dire straits than I thought they would be in for the coming war. Also with the potential Fowler alliance probably not happening for awhile thats if Benedict even decides to accept it at all, it is probably best to ask for some help from the Daynes and I am sure Vorian will be more than happy to help in some way. Plus with my bias I think it would be cool to have a PoV in Starfall again even it Naemon will most likely not be there long, since Jamison probably will not be back there for awhile and it will give more of an opportunity to see Vorian, Malcolm and even meet the Queen of House Dayne who I am really excited to meet!
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council mee… moreting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave … [view original content]
I guess I will be over-voted anyway, but I think it's not a good idea to ignore his father and King in same, order - especially that he would be angry on both of his children, plotting behind his back and doing what they want.
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council mee… moreting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave … [view original content]
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council mee… moreting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave … [view original content]
For rather obvious reasons, I enjoyed this part tremendously. Gwendis was a delight as always, I love her and her parts and this setting gets more and more intriguing. And of course it was amazing to see things from Naemon's PoV as well
[Stay in Blackmont]
Now that choice... I think I said it before, Gwendis' choices are always hard to make for me. This time, it's Nameon's choice, but that does not mean it is any easier. I have actually read the part yesterday in the evening and decided to sleep over it, because I found it so hard. Yesterday, I was leaning more in favour of riding to Starfall, but today I lean towards staying in Blackmont. I even considered not voting at all, because I am torn over this. On the one hand, riding to Starfall sounds like a chance to undo Gwendis' earlier choice, which I greatly regret. The Blackmont situation sounds like they need troops and I also would love to see more of the Daynes and how they interact with their Blackmont family. And finally, on a different level, it seems you kinda want the Dayne's to get involved in this war, considering that we get a second chance to do it and I really don't want to screw over your plans. On the other hand, Benedict wants something from Naemon in the next week and I don't think we should just ignore it. Maybe he wants him to travel to Skyreach, to meet his future bride. I am happy this betrothal worked in his favour and don't want it to be cancelled. Also, if Naemon leaves, there is the chance that Benedict learns it was Gwendis' influence that led him to do this. He will probably be pissed at her and she won't have anyone to defend her. In the worst case, he will be pissed enough to decide that she's more useful to him dead than alive. Obviously, keeping Gwendis as safe as possible is my key goal in the Blackmont parts and staying in Blackmont sounds safer for her. Then again, I am only slightly leaning in favour of staying in Blackmont at the moment and a part of me even hopes that I get outvoted here. Perhaps I've been putting too much thought into it and made things more complicated than they truly are. Perhaps neither choice holds any danger for Gwendis, but for Naemon instead, who can certainly defend himself. Nonetheless, I am worried.
I also noticed something a few parts ago and forgot to comment on it until now, regarding this twist you hinted at. It was repeatedly stated that Albin Manwoody plans to attack the Fowlers first. Tom the Animal said so, as you even repeated when you gave us a recap for Missy's storyline. Of course, Tom the Animal is probably not Albin's most trusted advisor, but still, he is not the only one who has this opinion. Garrison Fowler said so, and I am inclined to believe that he is a smart man who has good reason to have such an opinion. This opens up the question, who the hell is attacking the Blackmonts at the moment? There's also the thing with the Blackmont spy, who apparently was working for the Fowlers as well. It really appears to me that someone tries to lure these three houses into a war that will weaken them all. Now comes the tinfoil, I even have a suspect already, namely House Yronwood. They are located in the same region, so they have the most benefits out of a war that will weaken the three strongest houses aside from them. Their king is the most powerful man in Dorne and it would make sense for him to yearn for even more power. And then there is Gwendis' handmaiden, Tanya, introduced in this part. Usually, I wouldn't have even the slightest reason to believe that she is anything more than a sweet, innocent handmaiden. That is, until I take a look at the characters that are still waiting to be introduced and I see a certain Tanya Yronwood. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, well, most likely it is just a coincidence. However, if the Yronwoods have plans to weaken their three closest rivals, then it would make sense to infiltrate Blackmont's court and in such a case, I think a potential spy would rather try to get closer to the princess, who never misses a council meeting.
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council mee… moreting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave … [view original content]
First of all I'm very glad you enjoyed this part (or parts), as I guessed you might And you have some very interesting speculation there. I wouldn't say you would've read too much into it because what you have noticed are certainly hinting towards something. Now, I'm not gonna confirm or debunk anything, expect one thing: Tanya in these parts is not the character waiting to be introduced, it was a coincidence
Oh, and either of these choices are perfectly fine for me, since both of them give a neat storyline for Naemon. So don't worry, it's not so much me wanting the Daynes in the war (I wouldn't mind it of course), it's Gwendis
For rather obvious reasons, I enjoyed this part tremendously. Gwendis was a delight as always, I love her and her parts and this setting get… mores more and more intriguing. And of course it was amazing to see things from Naemon's PoV as well
[Stay in Blackmont]
Now that choice... I think I said it before, Gwendis' choices are always hard to make for me. This time, it's Nameon's choice, but that does not mean it is any easier. I have actually read the part yesterday in the evening and decided to sleep over it, because I found it so hard. Yesterday, I was leaning more in favour of riding to Starfall, but today I lean towards staying in Blackmont. I even considered not voting at all, because I am torn over this. On the one hand, riding to Starfall sounds like a chance to undo Gwendis' earlier choice, which I greatly regret. The Blackmont situation sounds like they need troops and I also would love to see more of the Daynes and how they interac… [view original content]
[Ride to Starfall]
I'm curious to find out what Benedict wants him to do, but I'm sure we will found out what he wants soon anyway. Plus, they really need more troops and allies. Also, I don't think Benedict would kill his only heir to his kingdom, or his daughter who is practically running it.
Voting is closed!
Alright, let's move on with this. Nymeria will give Ser Yandry a hundred men to bring down the Toland raiders in the no… morerth. After this we will be taking bit of a break from Nymeria and Sandship. Instead, the eastern coast will be taken over by three new PoVs. As you probably noticed, two missions were started in this part - one going to south and the Dalt lands, and Yandry to north. These two missions will be heavily featured with the new PoVs.
And next we will have two parts. Firstly a Gwendis part, which I have already finished, and then a new PoV. However, I'm not going to spoil who this new PoV is But here is a small recap for Gwendis: After a threatening message with the sigil of Manwoody arrived to Blackmont, King Benedict made the decision that they would go to war. Princess Gwendis wanted to suggest another kind of approach, but she thought it would be futile. Instead, she suggested they would ask help from th… [view original content]
The feeling when I already have the next part ready but can't close this one yet because it's way too early :P I guess I could move on to write the next one
[Sofina's plan - no killing]
[Sofina's plan - no killing]
Yes, I can confirm that Missy's mental state is a big factor in her arc. She has a long way to go to reach sanity though
Indeed, a very GRRM-esque look
(in other words, his looks would be toned down in a tv adaptation - kinda like Daario
). And no worries, we'll see more of him 
And you might be on to something with the dream. A small correction/fun fact though: Toland's sigil in this time is actually a ghost - and this is canon
The dragon biting its tail was changed as their banner during the War of Conquest when Lord Toland managed to fool Aegon and escape from him 
[Alaric's plan - killing]
I know we are up to cooperate with Sofina and all, but I'd love to see how participation in murder will change that mentally unstable person as Missy. Prolly worse choice here, but I have my reasons - tho I doubt that this choice will win, it's already 4-1 so there is no chance at all.
This chapter made me very excited. I love how you made Alaric and I'm excited for more of Ocelot ^^
[Alaric's plan - killing] and that's just because I think it's a better plan. It'll be better if the creeps will be just killed off.
Alarics plan - killing
As much as I'd like to think that not killing them would benefit her somehow, that's not what I see in this story. The "freaks" would do more harm alive then dead. especially to Missy's mental state
I think I'll tie the voting. [Alaric's plan - killing]
I'm curious about this ocelot character and what he can do. Plus, if he manages to take out the freaks they will not be a threat to missy.
@stigz_52, I'd have need for a tiebreaker
Looks like we have a tie.
Well, the new part is not ready yet anyway so I'll still wait a while if we could get that decisive vote.
Haven't had time to read anything as of late, so my apologies. Umm, just because I'm a bad person I think I'll go with [Alaric's plan - killing]. Once I read this part, I'll see if that is what I would have originally gone with XD Though I'm going to be a bit inactive for the next week, I'm actually heading out for my first exam in 10 minutes! Best of luck with the story, I'll catch up soon!
Haha, yeah no problem
I'm just glad we're not stuck in the tie anymore. And now quickly to close the voting...
Looks like Stigz_52 has broken the tie!
Voting is closed!
And Missy will go with Alaric's plan, which includes killing anyone who might be guarding Shana Sand. When it comes to Missy, this choice isn't as important as it seems, certainly not as important as the last one. It has some effects of course, but it will change the next part only marginally. And speaking of Missy's next part, I'm really looking forward to that - even if it might be a challenging one to write. In general Missy is probably the hardest PoV for me to write, I hope it doesn't show too much in the quality
And speaking of hard PoVs to write, the next part will be Nymeria's third part. The outline for it is done, but I'll be doing some polishing for it tomorrow before I post it. Anyway, here's a small recap: Last time we saw Nymeria, she and Prince Mors were meeting visitors in their throne room. First they met Adian Dalt, nephew of Lord Daris Dalt. He had been sent to Sandship to pledge the loyalty of House Dalt to House Martell, but also to ask for aid, because the Dalts were having problems with bandits on their lands. Mors and Nymeria agreed to help Lord Daris with the problem, as he was now their vassal. After Adian Dalt, they met a man named Forovos Norvoshi - keyholder from the Iron Bank of Braavos. Nymeria didn't like the man, but they came to an agreement that they would make a contract later. Lastly the Maester of Sandship, Olivar, came to them with news - House Toland had sent a declaration of war. Nymeria considered of reminding the Dalts that Adian was at their hands so they would have to help, but ultimately she didn't take that route.
Tis my character, so whom better to break it?
Nymeria stood at the crowded courtyard of Sandship, looking at the three valiant warriors in front of her. On the left was Dianna, one of the best captains. On the middle stood Sanyra, a young warrior that Nymeria had recently promoted as a captain. Lastly, on the right stood Javor, one of the more experienced soldiers from Mors’ guard.
“You will be the ones responsible of this mission.” Nymeria stated with serious tone. “Each of you have chosen ten soldiers to take with you – that should be enough. And remember, when you arrive to Lemonwood, act with dignity and keep your soldiers in line – you represent House Martell, you represent your Princess and your Prince.” Nymeria eyed the warriors who stood there with good posture and calm faces, ready to serve. “Yes, Your Grace.” They all said with dutiful tone and bowed to her. Nymeria gave them a smile. “I trust you.” She said gently, before turning away. She walked to Adian Dalt who had just mounted his horse and was surrounded by the guards of House Dalt.
“I hope your travel will be safe – my warriors will of course do their best to make sure it will be.” Nymeria spoke gently, and the boy nodded with a nervous look in his eyes. “A-are you sure thirty men are enough?” He managed to ask with stuttering. Nymeria narrowed her eyes. “You have an escort of twenty of your own men, and now thirty of mine.” Nymeria remarked. “That makes fifty armed men and women, what kind of bandits could harm you?” The boy flashed a nervous grin. “Oh, yes, of course.” He muttered. Why is he so nervous?
“After my soldiers have helped your uncle to clean up his lands, we would need him to send troops – as much as he feels safe to send.” Nymeria explained to Adian calmly. “Tolands are raising an army and will march south soon. We can only hope the Santagars stay out of the conflict.” Adian nodded to Nymeria’s words, and she assumed the boy had understood her.
“Good bye, then. And give my best regards to Lord Daris.” Nymeria said with kind words. “I will, Your Grace.” The boy answered stiffly, turning his head towards the gate, and so the Princess watched as the nervous boy and his escort of fifty soldiers rode out of Sandship. Time to hold court, the Princess thought, slightly annoyed at the prospect.
Before Nymeria could make her way to the throne room, she was stopped by her husband and Forovos Norvoshi. They had been waiting for her by the door of the hall. “What is it?” Nymeria asked with bored tone. Mors had a calm look on his face, but Forovos flashed her a forced grin.
“My dear, Forovos will leave the court today with few of our men.” Mors explained with his stoic tone. “We managed to make a deal, and should be now able to hire a sellsword company from across the Narrow Sea – a small one.” Nymeria nodded, but didn’t give a smile to this keyholder – she still had a bad feeling about him. “And why exactly will he leave the court?” Nymeria asked coldly, and a small grin appeared on the man’s edged and pale face. “I will be the one to hire the sellswords, my Princess.” Forovos explained with his polite tone – but there was something dark behind it. “And I also have other business to do. But do not worry, the sellswords should be here in few months.” Nymeria sighed, and she glanced at Mors, who gave her a reassuring nod.
“Fine then, you can escort him out – someone needs to hold the court.” With these words Nymeria left the two behind and walked inside the throne room. She walked through the small hall, which was quite crowded – landed knights from Martell lands had arrived as Mors had called for them. It seemed there were also a notable amount of smallfolk in the hall. As Nymeria sat on her throne she could feel all the stares at her. Are they angry? Admiring? Something else?
First one to step forward was a knight on his mid-thirties, a physically fit man with a less than charming face. His nose was large and round, his thick and dark eyebrows had converged, his hairline was receiving and his mouth looked to be stuck in a sour expression.
“You stand in the presence of Nymeria Martell – the Princess of Dorne, and Lady of Sandship.” The herald announced, and the knight fell on his knee. “Stand up, Ser.” Nymeria said firmly, and the man followed the order.
“Your Grace.” The knight started with his raspy voice. “I am Ser Yandry of Olivegrove. I arrived here not only because my liege called for me, but also because I have news.” Nymeria nodded, starting to feel a bit concerned. Olivegrove was a tower in the northern part of their lands, it wasn’t hard to guess what kind of news were to be expected from there.
“It was four days ago; I saw the smoke rising from the village.” Ser Yandry started to explain grimly. “I gathered my men and we rode there, but there was nothing we could do. There were twenty of us, but those men who were burning the village – there were at least a hundred of them.” Nymeria let out a frustrated sigh. People are driven from their homes because of my war. “Did you see their banners?” She asked, and the man nodded. “The black banners of the Tolands, along with few of their vassals.”
“That’s what I’d expect.” Nymeria said tonelessly, cursing the wretched house in her mind. “And after that? Did you see where the men continued from there?” Ser Yandry let out a frustrated growl. “Aye, they caught eye of us and followed us to the tower. We locked ourselves inside, and they made their camp a hundred feet away.” The man spoke with heavy words, each one more filled with anger than the last. “And I could hear those bastards argue whether to storm the tower or not, and so could my family. My children cried as those savages screamed in the night. In the morning they rode away, probably to continue their raving.” When Ser Yandry finished speaking, Nymeria nodded with rage in her eyes.
“What they did will be avenged.” She said quietly, but anger still oozing from every word. Ser Yandry nodded. “Your Grace, I know we are gathering an army, but it will take time. And when the army is ready to march it will move slowly.” The knight spoke calmly, but Nymeria could also spot a touch of nervousness. Perhaps he fears for his family. “So what do you suggest?” The Princess asked, looking at the knight straight into his brown eyes. “Give me hundred men, mounted, and I will ride north and make sure these monsters will be served the justice they deserve.” Ser Yandry kneeled to her once again, but Nymeria was not sure how to respond. Hundred fighting men might be too much, especially since they would need to be knights and mounted soldiers. At the same time, she didn’t want her people to suffer while she was taking her time gathering the army. She gulped, now more than ever she questioned if she was following the path that the mighty Prince Garin had taken when he marched against the dragons. Am I leading my people to doom? How much will my war bring horror and death to this land? The Princess composed her thoughts, looking at Ser Yandry with decisive eyes.
[Give Yandry 100 men] [Give Yandry 50 men] [Don't give Yandry any men]
[Give Yandry 100 men] I think this is an excellent first step in establishing House Martell as a just and helpful liege. This noble action on Nymeria's part may just give her vassals more of a motivation to fight for her in the war to come if she shows that she is willing to help them even when House Martell is not at its most powerful.
[Give Yandry 100 men]
This is probably the best choice. It proves that Nymeria and Mors are loyal to and help their friends. This decision may lead to the Martell's gaining even more allies. Although, Nymeria should probably discuss the situation with Mors Martell before making such a large decision without his knowledge.
Yeah, I did think about this, but ultimately I came to the conclusion that it wouldn't be out of character for her to make this decision without Mors. There's also a pretty strong trust between Nym and Mors - even if I haven't perhaps empathised it enough. One example of this would be that Nym trusts that the contract Mors made with Forovos is a good one even if she wasn't there to make that contract AND she doesn't necessarily even trust Forovos.
[Give Yandry 100 men]
The way I see it, it's either this, or giving him no men at all. The opposing force is at least a hundred strong, so fifty men, together with Yandry's twenty, have little chance at succeeding and it would likely result in overwhelming casualties, or an outright defeat. A hundred meanwhile (plus the twenty from Olivegrove) have far better chances to win. Therefore, I see giving him only fifty as the worst option here. Now it comes down to wether or not we want Nymeria to care for her subjects and in my book that's a clear yes. I don't want Nymeria to be a tyrant who would allow an enemy force to ravage the northern part of her lands without facing resistance. Now is a time to show strength, while simultaneously showing that she cares for her subjects. Besides, taking down this enemy force now could come in handy later, because every Toland they kill in this battle will be one Toland less they have to face later.
[Give Yandry 100 men]
[Give Yandry 100 men]
As stated by Liquid, 70 men can quickly lose against a whole 100. And also, we can make Nymeria a good and kind leader, which isn't too common in Dorne in those days, I suspect :P
Cmon guys this is war. We must stay tactical. Not emotional
Do not give Yandry any men
I understand she has plot armor but this wouldnt be a good move. They just sent out thirty men to help with other bandits. And forovos is leaving to hire more soldiers?
We need everyone we got
Voting is closed!
Alright, let's move on with this. Nymeria will give Ser Yandry a hundred men to bring down the Toland raiders in the north. After this we will be taking bit of a break from Nymeria and Sandship. Instead, the eastern coast will be taken over by three new PoVs. As you probably noticed, two missions were started in this part - one going to south and the Dalt lands, and Yandry to north. These two missions will be heavily featured with the new PoVs.
And next we will have two parts. Firstly a Gwendis part, which I have already finished, and then a new PoV. However, I'm not going to spoil who this new PoV is
But here is a small recap for Gwendis: After a threatening message with the sigil of Manwoody arrived to Blackmont, King Benedict made the decision that they would go to war. Princess Gwendis wanted to suggest another kind of approach, but she thought it would be futile. Instead, she suggested they would ask help from the Daynes, as they are related by blood. Benedict reminded they share no blood with him, and said he doesn't trust them. Ser Kegan was sent to raise infantry from the villages and farms, and Maester Mortin was given the job to call the vassals to arms. Later Gwendis approached Maester Mortin, as she thought he was one of the few people in Blackmont she could trust. She had an idea of sending a raven to Starfall without her father's permission, but ultimately came to the conclusion it would be too risky. We continue her story after a few days skip.
Damn, another voting missing ;_; I think you should make me something like friendly reminder or so next time
Well, here also won vote supported by me, but I think 20 good men would be just enough, and if not maybe 62? I wish these was the choices in this voting xD
I have to find a way to bring the holy number 62 into the story 
And yeah, I'll probably do some reminder posts in future, especially if it's a really important choice or the situation with the votes is very tight.
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council meeting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave me alone Naemon.
As Mortin explained that the Oakswoods and Blackadders wouldn’t be able to bring as much supplies with them as they had hoped, Gwendis once again felt the sting of regret in her heart. She hadn’t sent a raven to Starfall because she had been afraid – for Mortin and for herself. She didn’t want to think that her own father could be a danger to her, but she couldn’t deny it either. He is still a good man, but he is surrounded by darkness. Naemon had stopped trusting Benedict years ago, he had once even said that he wouldn’t be surprised if it was Benedict who killed their mother all those years ago. Gwendis didn’t want to believe that – Benedict may have been a cold man, but he was not heartless.
“Mayhaps we could send a raven to Vulture’s Roost.” Braddock suggested, though anyone could hear the doubting in his words. “Twenty years ago the Drinkwaters fought with us against the Carons and Selmys.” Gwendis shook her head subtly. “Twenty years ago I was in a crib, and from what I’ve heard the current Lord Drinkwater prefers to stay neutral.” As Gwendis spoke she noticed Lyla tapping her fingers against the table. “If you are bored, Lady Lyla, you can leave.” She said to her with a cold tone, but the bastard girl just let out a little chuckle.
“Oh, I’m fine, my Princess, go on.” She spoke with her practiced sweet voice, and all Gwendis could do was give her a nod and a cold glare.
Before Maester Mortin managed to start speaking again, the door of the room was knocked, and immediately opened. The man who walked in was one of Ser Kegan’s knights.
“Ser Ruban.” Braddock said with surprised tone. “You have already gathered the men?” Ruban shook his head for Braddock’s question. “Ser Kegan sent me to give a message.” He said, a nervousness in his words. “A message?” Gwendis asked, narrowing her eyes. “What is it?” The knight gulped.
“We have had some problems with raising the forces.” He said, a vexed expression on his face. Gwendis let out a sigh. She had had a feeling this war wouldn’t go well, but even she was surprised the problems had started already. “Well, what is it then?” She asked monotonously, gazing at the table. “What has happened?”
“There have been a lot of deserters, refusing to join the army, and rather running away to the mountains.” He explained. “Ser Kegan has sent men after them, but precious time is being wasted, and the order and spirit in the forces we’ve gathered is not the best possible.” For a moment Gwendis felt like flipping the table and leaving, but she closed her eyes and calmed down. “Have they gave you reasons why they are running away?”
“Well, most run away in the night and certainly don’t leave a note to tell why, but the most common complaint is that the situation in the villages is bad already, and taking the young men to the army will only make it worse.” Ser Ruban spoke, a calm tone on his voice. Gwendis looked at Maester Mortin and Braddock. But before either of those two could say anything, Lyla Sand broke the silence by clearing her throat.
“We must of course hear the King in this situation,” She started, giving a sly look at Gwendis, “but I would say that you gather whatever men you can and bring them here for the army. As you said, you are wasting precious time running after those men. However, when you have brought the men here and the army will start its march to the Wide Way – that is when we should send a force strong enough to take care of these deserters.” As Lyla finished speaking Gwendis gave her a glare that made it more than clear that she disagreed. “Take care of them?” Gwendis spoke with a touch of disbelief in her words. “Excuse me, but we are not talking about an enemy here, we are talking about our own people – people we are already making suffer with this stupidity.”
“You have a soft heart, princess, I understand.” Lyla spoke with a false smile on her face. “But these people are a decease to this kingdom – they are abandoning their duty towards their King and their gods.” Gwendis couldn’t help but let out a sarcastic laugh. “I would’ve never guessed you are a godly woman, Lyla.” She quipped, and the assassin answered with an annoying smirk, but Gwendis continued. “I certainly don’t know the gods, they don’t speak to me, but if this really is their will then they can all go to hell.” As she spoke, Gwendis noticed the maester rising his eyebrows in either surprise or shock, or both. A tense silence took over the room for a couple uncomfortably long moments, until Ser Ruban broke it.
“Excuse me, but… What message exactly am I giving to Ser Kegan?” He asked, and Gwendis turned to him again. “Tell him to bring the men he has managed to gather here, and what comes to the runaways… That will be decided later.” She let out a frustrated sigh with the last words, because she knew it would be Benedict who would make that decision. The knight bowed to her, and found his way out of the room. After that the council went through couple more minor matters, but Gwendis couldn’t stop thinking about the news from Ser Kegan.
Gwendis stood on the balcony of her chambers, looking at the sun setting towards the Red Mountains in the west. From up here the valley looked so beautiful. It was hard for Gwendis to imagine that someone down there was in hunger and pain. But that’s the sad reality. And then she turned her eyes to south. Somewhere there was King Vorian, cousins Malcolm and Jamison. Gwendis knew they would help them, if only they would have asked. If only my father wasn’t so cold and mistrusting. Gwendis let out a sigh and stepped back inside. And for some reason she remembered her mother. In the silence of her room, she could remember the warmth on the smile of Queen Valaena, and she had to fight to keep her tears away. Her mother was gone, had been for years, but she still had a family. Naemon was the best brother she could imagine, and her father… He was still a good man, he had to be.
A faint knock on the door woke Gwendis from her thoughts. “Princess Gwendis!” She heard the voice of her handmaiden, Tanya, calling. Gwendis walked to the door and opened it. Tanya had a bright smile on her face. “Your brother just returned, my Princess.” She said with delightful tone, and Gwendis couldn’t hold back her smile. She nodded, and composed her thoughts. And in that moment, she got an idea.
“Fetch my brother here.” Gwendis said calmly. I may have found the solution.
No decision
As Naemon and his hunting entourage rode towards the castle, he noticed a small camp had been erected outside the walls. There weren’t enough tents to really call it an army, but something clearly had happened while he was gone. As they rode past the camp, Naemon saw the soldiers, servants and whores eyeing at them. He wondered how many of them knew they were looking at the heir of Blackmont.
The next thing that caught Naemon’s eye was when they entered the courtyard of the castle – it was crowded. Knights with their squires were walking around, laughing and chatting. The vassals have been called to arms. Naemon left the rest of his entourage to take care of their horses and the boars they had brought down, and walked inside.
His father would be in his dark chambers, he knew that, so perhaps he should go to Braddock or Ser Kegan. Before he could decide he saw the kingsguard Ser Thomos the Thunder walking towards him. Ser Thomos was not too skilled with lance, but he was excellent with the sword. Naemon respected Ser Thomos – this man had raised to his position purely with his skill.
“Welcome back, Prince Naemon.” Ser Thomos said with a friendly tone as he saw him. “Thank you, Ser Thomos.” Naemon answered, glancing around him. “Perhaps you could tell me what’s going on here?” He asked, and Thomos nodded with a subtle smile.
“The same day you left we received a message from Kingsgrave.” He started, his smile dying now. “King Albin is claiming lands next to the Wide Way for himself. It was practically a declaration of war – your father sent for the vassals immediately.” Gwendis is not happy about this, was the first thing that came to Naemon’s mind. “So we are marching to Kingsgrave?” Naemon asked, and Thomos answered with a shrug.
“The plans are not clear yet.” He stated. “But there is something I needed to tell you. Well, your father, he said he has some kind of mission for you to take care of.” Naemon sighed. “I wonder why he isn't here to tell it himself.” The Prince said with a touch of frustration, but as he looked at Ser Thomos he saw that the knight clearly felt a bit embarrassed. “I am sorry Ser.” Naemon corrected himself quickly. “That is not your fault, of course.” He explained, and Ser Thomos nodded to him. “No need to apologize, my Prince.”
“However, did my father tell what kind of mission is this?” Naemon asked, and Ser Thomos shook his head. “No, he only said you’d need to stay in Blackmont for a week or so, and then you’ll leave for this mission.” The knight explained calmly. “Alright then, I hope someone tells me what I should do before I attempt to…”
“Prince Naemon.” Naemon was cut off by one of his sister’s handmaidens. She was a beautiful handmaiden, in a common sort of way. Her smile was bright, her brown hair was long and braided, and the look on her green eyes was shy and innocent. Naemon flashed a smile to the girl, and could see how she blushed.
“What is it, my lady?” He asked with a gentle tone. “Your sister.” The handmaiden said. “She wants to meet you.”
Naemon followed the handmaiden to the western tower where his sister’s chambers were. Naemon himself had always preferred to reside closer to the courtyard, but there were positive sides to his sister’s chambers as well. First of all, there was the magnificent view from her balcony. As Naemon walked in from the door, he saw his sister sitting at the balcony, watching the sunset. As he walked to her, he could see the bright smile appearing to his sister’s face. Gwendis always smiled, but Naemon was one of those who knew when her smile was real – and now it was.
“Good to see you again.” He said as he took a seat next to her. Gwendis sighed. “You said you’d be gone for couple days – you were gone for a week.” Naemon chuckled. He loved his sister, but sometimes he wondered if Gwendis was his sister or his mother.
“Apparently a lot happened while I was gone.” He finally said, and Gwendis raised her eyebrows and nodded. “Yeah, you could say that.” She said with a tired tone. “I knew you’d be displeased with this.” Naemon said, looking at how the Red Mountains casted their shadow over more and more of the valley, as the sun fell deeper behind them.
“And you aren’t?” Gwendis asked. Naemon shrugged. “I’m not thrilled with the idea, but if Albin declares a war…”
“The situation could have been resolved with diplomacy.” Gwendis interrupted with frustrated tone. Again, Naemon shrugged. “If you say so, you are the politician here.” He said with carefree tone, and Gwendis nodded. “I am, but it’s way overdue for you to become one as well.”
“If you are saying I should take part in the council…”
“No.” Gwendis interrupted him again. “But I have a mission for you.” Naemon sighed and let out a small laugh. “Oh, you as well. I’m going to be a busy knight.” He said, and Gwendis narrowed her eyes. “Someone else has also given you a mission?”
“Well, Ser Thomos said that father wants me to do something soon, but he didn’t know what it was.” He explained, getting a bit bored at the topic. He could see his sister was annoyed by this news.
“Forget about that.” She finally said with powerful tone. “My mission is more important.”
“And what is it?” Naemon asked with lazy tone.
“Ride to Starfall, and plead for the Daynes to help us in this war.” The Princess spoke with deadly serious look in her purple eyes.
[Ride to Starfall] [Stay in Blackmont]
[Ride to Starfall]
I feel that if desertion and low morale wasn't really a problem i would have voted for to stay in Blackmont but with the fact that those two things are having a very serious effect on the army and with fact that there really isnt an army anymore means that it might be better to at least to try to gain Dayne support.
[Ride to Starfall]
great part! I'm finally back!
Welcome back!
[Ride to Starfall] Excellent part! I have to say to I applaud you for the high quality writing that you are putting out in such a short amount of time it is impressive for sure! I like the idea of a Naemon PoV, he seems like a pretty awesome character who has some differences from Gwendis so getting to see some things from his perspective will be fun to see. I will say I am curious to what King Benedict wants Naemon to do but I think it is probably best that he go to Starfall largely because it sounds like the Blackmont's are actually in more dire straits than I thought they would be in for the coming war. Also with the potential Fowler alliance probably not happening for awhile thats if Benedict even decides to accept it at all, it is probably best to ask for some help from the Daynes and I am sure Vorian will be more than happy to help in some way. Plus with my bias I think it would be cool to have a PoV in Starfall again even it Naemon will most likely not be there long, since Jamison probably will not be back there for awhile and it will give more of an opportunity to see Vorian, Malcolm and even meet the Queen of House Dayne who I am really excited to meet!
[Stay in Blackmont]
I guess I will be over-voted anyway, but I think it's not a good idea to ignore his father and King in same, order - especially that he would be angry on both of his children, plotting behind his back and doing what they want.
Anyway, great part!
[Ride to Starfall]
I don't know what Benedict plans, but I think getting more troops ready is a better idea than anything.
For rather obvious reasons, I enjoyed this part tremendously. Gwendis was a delight as always, I love her and her parts and this setting gets more and more intriguing. And of course it was amazing to see things from Naemon's PoV as well
[Stay in Blackmont]
Now that choice... I think I said it before, Gwendis' choices are always hard to make for me. This time, it's Nameon's choice, but that does not mean it is any easier. I have actually read the part yesterday in the evening and decided to sleep over it, because I found it so hard. Yesterday, I was leaning more in favour of riding to Starfall, but today I lean towards staying in Blackmont. I even considered not voting at all, because I am torn over this. On the one hand, riding to Starfall sounds like a chance to undo Gwendis' earlier choice, which I greatly regret. The Blackmont situation sounds like they need troops and I also would love to see more of the Daynes and how they interact with their Blackmont family. And finally, on a different level, it seems you kinda want the Dayne's to get involved in this war, considering that we get a second chance to do it and I really don't want to screw over your plans. On the other hand, Benedict wants something from Naemon in the next week and I don't think we should just ignore it. Maybe he wants him to travel to Skyreach, to meet his future bride. I am happy this betrothal worked in his favour and don't want it to be cancelled. Also, if Naemon leaves, there is the chance that Benedict learns it was Gwendis' influence that led him to do this. He will probably be pissed at her and she won't have anyone to defend her. In the worst case, he will be pissed enough to decide that she's more useful to him dead than alive. Obviously, keeping Gwendis as safe as possible is my key goal in the Blackmont parts and staying in Blackmont sounds safer for her. Then again, I am only slightly leaning in favour of staying in Blackmont at the moment and a part of me even hopes that I get outvoted here. Perhaps I've been putting too much thought into it and made things more complicated than they truly are. Perhaps neither choice holds any danger for Gwendis, but for Naemon instead, who can certainly defend himself. Nonetheless, I am worried.
I also noticed something a few parts ago and forgot to comment on it until now, regarding this twist you hinted at. It was repeatedly stated that Albin Manwoody plans to attack the Fowlers first. Tom the Animal said so, as you even repeated when you gave us a recap for Missy's storyline. Of course, Tom the Animal is probably not Albin's most trusted advisor, but still, he is not the only one who has this opinion. Garrison Fowler said so, and I am inclined to believe that he is a smart man who has good reason to have such an opinion. This opens up the question, who the hell is attacking the Blackmonts at the moment? There's also the thing with the Blackmont spy, who apparently was working for the Fowlers as well. It really appears to me that someone tries to lure these three houses into a war that will weaken them all. Now comes the tinfoil, I even have a suspect already, namely House Yronwood. They are located in the same region, so they have the most benefits out of a war that will weaken the three strongest houses aside from them. Their king is the most powerful man in Dorne and it would make sense for him to yearn for even more power. And then there is Gwendis' handmaiden, Tanya, introduced in this part. Usually, I wouldn't have even the slightest reason to believe that she is anything more than a sweet, innocent handmaiden. That is, until I take a look at the characters that are still waiting to be introduced and I see a certain Tanya Yronwood. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, well, most likely it is just a coincidence. However, if the Yronwoods have plans to weaken their three closest rivals, then it would make sense to infiltrate Blackmont's court and in such a case, I think a potential spy would rather try to get closer to the princess, who never misses a council meeting.
First of all I'm very glad you enjoyed this part (or parts), as I guessed you might
And you have some very interesting speculation there. I wouldn't say you would've read too much into it because what you have noticed are certainly hinting towards something. Now, I'm not gonna confirm or debunk anything, expect one thing: Tanya in these parts is not the character waiting to be introduced, it was a coincidence 
Oh, and either of these choices are perfectly fine for me, since both of them give a neat storyline for Naemon. So don't worry, it's not so much me wanting the Daynes in the war (I wouldn't mind it of course), it's Gwendis
[Ride to Starfall]
I'm curious to find out what Benedict wants him to do, but I'm sure we will found out what he wants soon anyway. Plus, they really need more troops and allies. Also, I don't think Benedict would kill his only heir to his kingdom, or his daughter who is practically running it.
That decision I definitely see biting us in the behind soon
Ride to Starfall
We've been playing the Blackmonts way to cautiously. We need to stop obeying this father and start doing what we think is right.
Even if we end up being wrong
The feeling when I already have the next part ready but can't close this one yet because it's way too early :P I guess I could move on to write the next one