Bored so type out a bit about a game I played just random things. Few spoilers. If you have not played you will have no idea what I'm talking about
I do a full review but tired so just do random ramblings about it.
I have one regret on this forum
I played Dishonored, played few levels came here and called it overrated/terrible then traded it in
Recently decided to replay a game I hated I never did this before, Dishonored definitive edition
Once got past the part I quit on......IT WAS AMAZING
Gameplay and story loved it
What liked about it to was the game basically explains from start you can only get good ending if you don't kill anyone just knock them out
Of course I killed everyone even went back in levels in case I missed anyone to kill
Hard to explain the fact that the game doesn't want me to kill made each kill so much more fun and satisfying
Plus Guards attacked first :P
My fav level was basically you complete it by sneaking into a party, walking into a mansion talk to someone and kidnap a person in secret. You never alert anyone as you are in disguise mission takes about 10 minutes if done right with no kills or conflict required
I just saw a guard at front gate and attacked killed everyone outside the mansion.I walked into this mansion in small space with about over forty guards chasing me up and down the stairs trying to kill me. Took me 45 minutes to kill them all. Smashed up whole mansion as well objects, windows etc
Then person I have to kidnap has few impostors and I killed person who going to tell me which one it was. So just standing in front of 3 of the same characters wearing 3 different clothes no idea who it was to kidnap so just killed all 3. Then completed the mission
Took me hour to complete 5 minute mission because I couldn't go level without killing and loved it
One of funniest levels I ever played so much fun
I got bad ending but was happy I felt the world was so dark and evil at that time I needed to destroy the rotten core if the future Empress had any chance to create better future. The evil that killed her mother must be eliminated and fear the shadows that corvo is killer you should fear not welcome.
Wanted city to know that any danger to Emily will get punished/killed not OH NO he will just knock us out who cares we can do anything to her.
I even killed Daud who had all same powers as me. I felt with force so powerful and he already killed the mother as long as he lives Emily will always be in danger.
I knew deep down my decisions would taint Corvo forever and he would die for his actions and be deserved but worth it for all the threats to Emily to be eliminated and he saved her. He fulfilled his duty. He cleaned the canvass now Emily can create a better world
Then I went to youtube after completing Dishonored to see different endings and saw people get really upset in comments for getting bad ending saying how bad they felt about themselves. That they immediately had to replay whole game.
Personally for me only 20 second cut scene I had so much fun the way I played through it. I would not change a thing loved every second of it no regrets,
Give it 9 or 9 half out of 10
So many different weapons/ abilities and creative ways to kill each level is a playground
One of those games which just remind you why you're a gamer to explore/experience these amazing places and stories
I'm glad you played it. I remember playing that game over and over again till I got every achievement, let me tell you I got platinum on that god damn game.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally trying to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally tryin… moreg to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
I hope to be active more.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally tryin… moreg to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
I hope to be active more.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally tryin… moreg to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
I hope to be active more.
I just heard the best freaking rumor I have ever heard. Rumor has it Bethesda will be announcing an Elder Scrolls Skyrim remaster complete w… moreith all content and overhauled visuals at E3. If this is true I would ask that you send flowers to my funeral because I will have died and gone to heaven if this is true. Especially if it has mod support on consoles like fallout 4.
I'm glad you played it. I remember playing that game over and over again till I got every achievement, let me tell you I got platinum on that god damn game.
And it was worth it.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally tryin… moreg to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
I hope to be active more.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally tryin… moreg to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
I hope to be active more.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally tryin… moreg to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
I hope to be active more.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally tryin… moreg to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
I hope to be active more.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally tryin… moreg to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
I hope to be active more.
So.... TWD Season 3 teaser pic is released, and I learn my favourite flash animation series (Super Mario Bros. Z) has been rebooted?!
My heart can only contain so much excitement!
Uh oh...
faints by fangasm XwX
Oh, you enjoy the salt when other people are having it.
Okay I get it now, good boy. Keep it up.
It gives me life too. Some people really can't hold their anger in, though I don't blame them.
Yep, I do... way too much... hell, I even enjoy my own "saltiness", too, and I'm salty too often.
Okay, I will c;
When you still have a headache and you can't find medicine anywhere.
I just got an achievement in L4D2 for going through some area in The Parish without setting off any alarms.
Yeah I know I considered getting gud, I googled some newbe questions and it was all pompous asshattery, I cant be bothered.
Bored so type out a bit about a game I played just random things. Few spoilers. If you have not played you will have no idea what I'm talking about
I do a full review but tired so just do random ramblings about it.
I have one regret on this forum
I played Dishonored, played few levels came here and called it overrated/terrible then traded it in
Recently decided to replay a game I hated I never did this before, Dishonored definitive edition
Once got past the part I quit on......IT WAS AMAZING
Gameplay and story loved it
What liked about it to was the game basically explains from start you can only get good ending if you don't kill anyone just knock them out
Of course I killed everyone even went back in levels in case I missed anyone to kill
Hard to explain the fact that the game doesn't want me to kill made each kill so much more fun and satisfying
Plus Guards attacked first :P
My fav level was basically you complete it by sneaking into a party, walking into a mansion talk to someone and kidnap a person in secret. You never alert anyone as you are in disguise mission takes about 10 minutes if done right with no kills or conflict required
I just saw a guard at front gate and attacked killed everyone outside the mansion.I walked into this mansion in small space with about over forty guards chasing me up and down the stairs trying to kill me. Took me 45 minutes to kill them all. Smashed up whole mansion as well objects, windows etc
Then person I have to kidnap has few impostors and I killed person who going to tell me which one it was. So just standing in front of 3 of the same characters wearing 3 different clothes no idea who it was to kidnap so just killed all 3. Then completed the mission
Took me hour to complete 5 minute mission because I couldn't go level without killing and loved it
One of funniest levels I ever played so much fun
I got bad ending but was happy I felt the world was so dark and evil at that time I needed to destroy the rotten core if the future Empress had any chance to create better future. The evil that killed her mother must be eliminated and fear the shadows that corvo is killer you should fear not welcome.
Wanted city to know that any danger to Emily will get punished/killed not OH NO he will just knock us out who cares we can do anything to her.
I even killed Daud who had all same powers as me. I felt with force so powerful and he already killed the mother as long as he lives Emily will always be in danger.
I knew deep down my decisions would taint Corvo forever and he would die for his actions and be deserved but worth it for all the threats to Emily to be eliminated and he saved her. He fulfilled his duty. He cleaned the canvass now Emily can create a better world
Then I went to youtube after completing Dishonored to see different endings and saw people get really upset in comments for getting bad ending saying how bad they felt about themselves. That they immediately had to replay whole game.
Personally for me only 20 second cut scene I had so much fun the way I played through it. I would not change a thing loved every second of it no regrets,
Give it 9 or 9 half out of 10
So many different weapons/ abilities and creative ways to kill each level is a playground
One of those games which just remind you why you're a gamer to explore/experience these amazing places and stories
I'm getting Dishonored 2 day one
Damn that was an old episode of SpongeBob. Weird how it's a meme now.
Same. I refrain from most discussion of them. Most of the time it's just arguments where people try to out-sass and out-smart the other. Sigh.
Okay now I feel better about recommending this game to you. I felt like a dick when you said you hated it.
I'm glad you played it. I remember playing that game over and over again till I got every achievement, let me tell you I got platinum on that god damn game.
And it was worth it.
Hey everybody, I think I'm finally back back, I don't know to be honest. I've been in and out of here for a long time but I am finally trying to fight my depression so I thought, "What's a good place full of people who are not only supportive but whom of which I also know", my friends wasn't an option so it was Telltale I thought of.
I hope to be active more.
Welcome baaaaaaackkkkk!

Ayyy! Welcome back dude! Hey, if you ever need to talk about anything just let me know.
Thanks my man, it's actually kind of nice to be back.
Thank you, the same goes for you.
Welcome back mate.
No problem man. We're friends (I think, the details aren't too clear with me what we are, but I consider you a friend), we look out for each other.
Thanks matey.
I consider everyone my friend until they breach that trust, no matter what they consider me as.
I'd prefer a older game to be remastered.
Skyrim was only released five years ago, whereas Morrowind was made fourteen years ago.
(And a new Elder Scrolls would be better.)
No I felt bad when seen ur comment because I knew deep down was a good game but got stuck on a level so just frustrated think that was why
Your comment was one reasons I gave it another shot so thank you for being honest with me
That's awesome achievement and great game to achieve it
Welcome back bro we are here for you
Welcome back ayy! Ahh, depression is awful, if it only never existed in the first place.. So, how's life overall?

enter link description here
Nice see you to bro here might enjoy this just got on my feed
Welcome back! It's good to have you.
enter link description here
Edit: now I regret saying that
It's great to see you again!
Eyy, welcome back!
Tomorrow's my last day of school. Yay
So.... TWD Season 3 teaser pic is released, and I learn my favourite flash animation series (Super Mario Bros. Z) has been rebooted?!
My heart can only contain so much excitement!
Uh oh...
faints by fangasm XwX
I third this.
so how's this school year been for you?
In case you missed it - Telltale are teasing that they are going to show both Batman and Walking Dead Season 3 at E3! I'm pretty hyped!
Better than middle school. Middle school was painful AF.
Super Mario Bros. Z
That was the shit when I was little:)
A little teaser for TWD S3 by TTG... Once more the old users will rise again.