Your choices for episode 6

What did you choose?

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  • Exact same choices as mine.

    enter image description here

    1. Showed Sparklez
    2. Refused to accuse anyone
    3. Fought the White Pumkin
    4. Convinced the others about Cassie
    5. Left Cassie Alone

    Also quick quesh, can different people die? For me Sparklez and Lizzie died.

  • Don't forget about TorqueDawg.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    * Showed Sparklez * Refused to accuse anyone * Fought the White Pumkin * Convinced the others about Cassie * Left Cassie Alone Also quick quesh, can different people die? For me Sparklez and Lizzie died.

  • Well I figured he died for everyone.

    RIP Adam Harrington.

    Don't forget about TorqueDawg.

  • Well yeah, but you should still include him, it was Bigby after all.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well I figured he died for everyone. RIP Adam Harrington.

  • enter image description here

    IDK why the first choice isn't showing up, but I refused to show the flint and steel. Well, to be correct, I stayed silent and Ivor told Sparklez he didn't know anything about it.

  • I suppose it depends on who you accuse. For me died Dan instead of Lizzie.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    * Showed Sparklez * Refused to accuse anyone * Fought the White Pumkin * Convinced the others about Cassie * Left Cassie Alone Also quick quesh, can different people die? For me Sparklez and Lizzie died.

    1. Didn't show the flint and steel.
    2. Didn't accuse anyone.
    3. Helped fight off the spiders.
    4. Convinced the others about Cassie Rose.
    5. I left her with Willow (I felt bad for the cat though.)
  • I guess he died, just like Wolf Among Us ;-;

    Well yeah, but you should still include him, it was Bigby after all.

  • Hey am sorry i know this is for the choices, but i have been trying to download the game but it won't appear, do somebody know if it is released in all countries today

  • Does Stampy dies if you accuse him?

    Pipas posted: »

    IDK why the first choice isn't showing up, but I refused to show the flint and steel. Well, to be correct, I stayed silent and Ivor told Sparklez he didn't know anything about it.

  • I felt sad when I saw Lizzie die like that, it was horrible. I didn't know if showing the Flint and Steel to Sparklez was a good Idea.

    1. The moral dilemma I faced with that first choice (and the later choices) was intense, and I loved it! If I show the flint and steel, will everyone turn on me? Will they pin me as the thief? I didn't show it, and I'm surprised that so many people chose to honestly, but I guess since he dies right after it wouldn't make a difference.
    2. I didn't feel 100% on who did it, so I didn't accuse anyone.
    3. I'm heartless, I went after the white pumpkin thinking that they could handle a couple of spiders...
    4. There's a reason I don't play Phoenix Wright.
    5. This ending scene left me heartbroken, do I give the killer mercy and the only friend she had, or let the cat live a free life? I threw the cat down and bawled my eyes out.
  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    My choices

    enter image description here

  • No, Dan does. He sneaks into the library to apologize to Stampy, because he was the one who accidentally killed Sparklez. Later he gets killed.

    Abeille posted: »

    Does Stampy dies if you accuse him?

    1. Showed Flint & Steel
    2. Accused No one
    3. Went after the White Pumpkin
    4. Convinced the others it was Cassie Rose
    5. Left her with the cat

    And this is just speculation, (I could be wrong) but I wonder if Dan dies if you choose to fight off the spiders and Lizzie dies if you go for the White Pumpkin.
    I don't know what happens if you go for the spiders so I don't know if anyone dies if you choose that option, but possibly? It could also be based on whoever you accuse, as people have said.

  • My choices:

    1. Showed Flint and Steel
    2. Refused to acuse anyone
    3. Went after The White Pumpkin
    4. Convinced the others it was Cassie Rose
    5. Left her with Winslow
  • No, whoever was supposed to die from spiders gets killed moments later by the White Pumpkin if you go for the spiders (at least from what I know)

    I think it's like that:

    If you refuse to accuse anyone, Lizzie dies.

    If you accuse Stampy, Dan dies.

    Now for the speculation. If you accuse Dan, I guess Lizzie dies, since I believe similar scenario plays in the library if you don't accuse anyone.

    And if you accuse Lizzie, then I suppose Dan dies to even it out. :-D

    But yeah, someone would need to check. The last 2 accusation are just my guesses. :-P

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    * Showed Flint & Steel * Accused No one * Went after the White Pumpkin * Convinced the others it was Cassie Rose * Left her with the

    1. Showed my flint and steel
    2. Refused to accuse anyone
    3. Tried to save Lizzie
    4. Convinced the others Cassie was behind this
    5. Left Cassie with Winslow
  • My God, I knew I regonized that voice somewhere. I guess Bigby sucks being a Minecraft character.

    Well yeah, but you should still include him, it was Bigby after all.

  • Showed flint and steel.

    Accused Lizzy

    Attacked White Pumpkin

    Convinced people Cassie was a killer.

    And I left her with her cat.

  • I think lizzie might survive.

    I'm seing lp's where the library scene completely changes based on who you pick to accuse.

    I felt sad when I saw Lizzie die like that, it was horrible. I didn't know if showing the Flint and Steel to Sparklez was a good Idea.

  • I can now confim that if either dan dies or you pick Stampy as the Killer Lizzie will live.
    She will only die if.....

    You accuse Dan and Save him.

    You accuse her and Save Dan.

    You accuse No one and Save Dan.

    So yeah. Lizzie can live :).

    I felt sad when I saw Lizzie die like that, it was horrible. I didn't know if showing the Flint and Steel to Sparklez was a good Idea.

  • Your theory seems pretty solid to me. I suppose it could work the other way around where Lizzie dies if you accuse her and Dan dies if you accuse him. I'd like to see a playthrough where the player accuses Dan or Lizzie, just to understand the choice pattern.

    Pipas posted: »

    No, whoever was supposed to die from spiders gets killed moments later by the White Pumpkin if you go for the spiders (at least from what I


  • Aww no extra choices for episode 6?

  • Who died for you in the library since you accused Lizzie?

    JimMate789 posted: »

    Showed flint and steel. Accused Lizzy Attacked White Pumpkin Convinced people Cassie was a killer. And I left her with her cat.

  • Accusing Stampy works, but Dan dies instead of her.

    Forcer99 posted: »


  • There's no actual way to kill Stampy?
    Or to save dan and Lizzie without them dying?

  • Nope, Stampy is too important to die due to him having flint and steel. And either Lizzie or Dan always dies as far as I know.

    Forcer99 posted: »

    There's no actual way to kill Stampy? Or to save dan and Lizzie without them dying?

  • Made the same choices ^^

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    * Showed Flint & Steel * Accused No one * Went after the White Pumpkin * Convinced the others it was Cassie Rose * Left her with the

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Well it took like a week or two for episode 5's extra choices to appear.

    Aww no extra choices for episode 6?

  • edited June 2016

    Yeah, it's certainly possible. Still I think that whoever arrives to the library second dies. But yeah, I'd need someone to test it. :)

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    Your theory seems pretty solid to me. I suppose it could work the other way around where Lizzie dies if you accuse her and Dan dies if you a

    1. Didn't show the flint and steel. I didn't know these people and I didn't know who was in on it so I didn't want to make my group a target.
    2. Accused Dan. I thought his changing hair had something to do with wearing TWP mask. He was also acting the sketchiest.
    3. Fought the spiders. I just didn't want anyone to die at that moment. Could always get the White Pumpkin when the immediate threat was gone.
    4. Stayed silent and Stampy solved the case lol. Honestly I just didn't know who was who, stupid...
    5. Left her alone. She had just killed a bunch of people and then begs for her cat to stay and die with her? Uh sorry crazy cat lady but that's a no-go
  • Just curious, does Lizzie die if you accuse Dan?

    * Didn't show the flint and steel. I didn't know these people and I didn't know who was in on it so I didn't want to make my group a target.

  • Yes she sneaks past Lukas to see Dan and gets killed by a trap in front of the fireplace

    Pipas posted: »

    Just curious, does Lizzie die if you accuse Dan?

    1. Showed the flint and steel.
    2. Didnt accuse anyone.
    3. Followed the White Pumpkin.
    4. Convinced everyone Cassie was the murderer.
    1. I showed the flint and steel. I thought being honest and open was better than being secretive.
    2. I didn't accuse anyone. I paused the game and debate with myself for a moment. Then I decided not to accuse anyone, since nothing was solid.
    3. I didn't follow the White Pumpkin. I stayed and helped, because that is the person my Jesse is.
    4. I convinced everyone Cassie was the murderer.
    5. I left her by herself, which again is the darker nature of my Jesse's personality. He is ruthless and merciless toward his enemy. Although, part of me feel extremely bad for her. Kudos to the excellent voice acting by Ashly Burch. When I heard that Cassie was voiced by her, I will leave her cat with her on my next playthough.
  • Dan only dies if you accuse Stampy, Lizzie dies every other choice

    Pipas posted: »

    Yeah, it's certainly possible. Still I think that whoever arrives to the library second dies. But yeah, I'd need someone to test it.

  • Showed the flint and steel
    Açcused Stampy
    Fought the spiders
    Convinced them it was Cassie
    Left her alone without Winslow

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