The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited June 2016

    it's supposed to be a joke tbh. she's making fun of those youtube fangirls who ship dan and phill - even though both men have said they are uncomfortable with the shipping and it's hard to hang out with each other knowing that because it's awkward knowing they are shipped - fetishize gay men and use the excuse that they have gay ships that they are not homophobic meanwhile they are grossed out by lesbians.

    and at an young age i'm surprised she's knowing how real life shipping is bad, along with those fangirls. but i'm glad she is smart enough to understand that.

    im straight and i LOVE gay people doesn't that contradict itself


    I'll be her big daddy. Okay I'm really sorry for that one.

  • I flagged it, hopefully it will be taken down soon. Nothing good can come from that thread.

    I was off the forums for a couple of days and I see quite a few controversial threads. The recent one I just read seems like it is getting people fired up. Is making threads like these a fad now?



    lottii-lu posted: »


  • She could learn some JUTSU ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Nah, she's gonna be your big daddy. :P

  • Hot ;)

    joshua007 posted: »

    She could learn some JUTSU ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • Ugh, writing a long and detailed post on a thread, then it gets closed...Words can't describe how frustrating that is.

  • edited June 2016

    Like my ''Keyblade'' it will ''expand'' ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • It's really just one user constantly making bait threads. It is fairly easy to recognize them from the title and ignore them.

    I was off the forums for a couple of days and I see quite a few controversial threads. The recent one I just read seems like it is getting people fired up. Is making threads like these a fad now?

  • I know, I was just being cheeky.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Maybe she just means she feels more comfortable around them, not necessarily into them.

  • Are any other mobile users having issues today? I cant see profile pics, I tried to like a comment and got something like "you are not authorised", I made a reply and luckily previewed it some how my text wasn't in the comment but the entire thread had been copy pasted instead :\ clicking stuff is taking me to random places ie profiles and blogs.

    Anyone else having problems (chrome)

  • Eh, it mostly takes for me for the threads, profiles etc. to load slower than they use to be.

    Also, I had a problem with the image button before, which it didn't let me use a GIF link, but it's fixed for me now.

    Are any other mobile users having issues today? I cant see profile pics, I tried to like a comment and got something like "you are not autho

  • edited June 2016

    Saint's Row IV is pretty divided. The parody gets heavier in that one. The big criticism I agree with is that you receive powers a bit too early in the game. Cars are obsolete within an hour and guns, within 5. I loved the opening and I loved the alternate weapon skins borrowed from other properties. Who doesn't want an M41A Pulse Rifle, Deckard or Robocop's gun? SR3 made it pretty clear that the franchise was being taken in a different direction, so I was not among those disappointed with the story.

    For a game that was so divided, it still has a user score of 74 on Metacritic. That's better than those games(divided) usually fair on that site.

    so i redownloaded saints row 4 (i know the game is pretty bad) but i got it for a few quid in a sale and have made a character that looks just like Vasquez this is the second character lookalike i have made in saints row i made agent 47 in sr3

  • Yeah profile pics are taking a while to load and some don't load at all, the page is loading slower in general.

    Are any other mobile users having issues today? I cant see profile pics, I tried to like a comment and got something like "you are not autho

  • Come now, some of them were ok.

    It's really just one user constantly making bait threads. It is fairly easy to recognize them from the title and ignore them.

  • I've been trying to download The Sims 2 mods and I swear summoning a demon is easier than this.

  • Oooohoh I had so many mods man. I miss those days.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I've been trying to download The Sims 2 mods and I swear summoning a demon is easier than this.

  • i dont really kowjust seems like some warmongers trying to mess the forums up for everyone

    I was off the forums for a couple of days and I see quite a few controversial threads. The recent one I just read seems like it is getting people fired up. Is making threads like these a fad now?

  • not having many problems apart from the touchscreen glitching out but it does that im using ps vita

    Are any other mobile users having issues today? I cant see profile pics, I tried to like a comment and got something like "you are not autho

  • edited June 2016

    Just one more year school left guys

  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but seriously I love the Sims 2 Star Wars mod XD

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I've been trying to download The Sims 2 mods and I swear summoning a demon is easier than this.

  • today was officially the most boring day i have had at least the manager i hate wasnt in on my shift so i had that which was nice

  • Alrighty, let me see if I can do something like that. It might take longer with such a long speech.

    You're the first to offer so if you're willing I'd thank you a lot. Also, the full idea for the dialogue would be the entire speech like:

  • Well that's a response.

    papai46 posted: »

    What the fuck?

  • Yeah, I always loved Bendis and Bagley's Spidey series the best. Ultimate Spider-Man just had too much good in it, up until they rebooted it and then rebooted it again with a new Spider-Man. The first 21 Volumes were awesome, and Volume 22 was okay.

    Pretty good. Ultimate Spiderman was my favourite adaption of the Spiderman comics, so many good stories in it and such good art.

  • Awesome!

    joshua007 posted: »

    enter link description here @Markd4547 I made this for you and every Kingdom Hearts fan on the forum:) but that tumbnail though



  • That's quite a steam bio there.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    So my friend just bought me Borderlands 2 on steam so we can play it together! It's gonna take me a while to get used to the controls since

  • Well duh, the summoning of Cthulhu only takes a few items, the Sims 2 with mods requires moving a bunch of files and shit.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I've been trying to download The Sims 2 mods and I swear summoning a demon is easier than this.

  • It's such fun to find out just how many people in your country are intolerant stereotyping bigots. Come on Canada, we're better than this.

    (Regarding comments on videos of Trudeau[our leader] making a positive statement on Ramadan)

  • I have final exams next week on the final week of school, after taking the SOLS. I swear the school system sucks.

  • Dayum, thanks bro. Whatever you make I'll be very grateful.

    Alrighty, let me see if I can do something like that. It might take longer with such a long speech.

  • edited June 2016

    So with the time constraints I have due to what I have to do today, and the fact that I didn't find many variants of Hillary Clinton's face to put on Mr. Smiths, I shortened the speech a bit and this is how it came out in the end. It's not the best considering my mouse was screwing me over, but here it is, kinda. (I'm sorry it sucks so badly)

    enter image description here

    Dayum, thanks bro. Whatever you make I'll be very grateful.


    lottii-lu posted: »

    So my friend just bought me Borderlands 2 on steam so we can play it together! It's gonna take me a while to get used to the controls since

  • Ah, you just like to argue. :)

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Come now, some of them were ok.

  • At least annoying bosses make the day less boring.

    today was officially the most boring day i have had at least the manager i hate wasnt in on my shift so i had that which was nice

  • Ahh, friends. I realized one of my friends has been lying to me about all kinds of stuff and ignored my phone calls with replying that she hadn't gotten the call. That hit me hard, I even dreamt about it. I don't know what it is with me but I've been feeling kinda empty recently, never knew it felt or rather didn't feel this sucky. My rant is over now.

    My friends pushed me into a suicidal depression and then laughed and made jokes about it, a few of them directly to me! Personally...I think I'm winning that one.

    Smart move. You've acknowledged it and decided to fight it, that's more than a good progress.

    Funny enough, I used to consider it apart of me, like physically apart of me. I suppose it is, but it doesn't have to be, that's what I learned.

    The worst you can do is go in circles, and that means going back to old habits, not so useful methods, and mindset.

    Not going to lie, that's pretty bad.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Ahh, friends. I realized one of my friends has been lying to me about all kinds of stuff and ignored my phone calls with replying that she h

  • That was the start of it for me too.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Disinterest, I guess. I check around here and there but never find a conversation I'd like to join.

  • I bet it is, I never tried it. Hope you have good luck on it.

    Good! I released a new chapter to my current side story recently! Also I'm trying to learn 3d modelling to make some of the characters. It's a bitch! lol

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