The feeling when I already have the next part ready but can't close this one yet because it's way too early :P I guess I could move on to write the next one
Well, 8 people already voted and as much as I hate to say it, but with 6-2 the outcome seems clear. If you want to, I think you can close the voting already, that shouldn't make much of a difference. Also, since I can't get enough of this story, I'd greatly enjoy having a new part to read
The feeling when I already have the next part ready but can't close this one yet because it's way too early :P I guess I could move on to write the next one
So, the earlier voting is still open, but here's a small recap for Nealia: Last time we saw Nealia Sand she had promised to go to Hellgate Hall with Tryden Flowers. Illor woke her up in the morning, and so she rode with them to meet King Lucifer Dryland. Before the King they met Lewyn Tiddle, the heir to Tidmarsh, and older brother of Ulwyck Tiddle. He seemed far more laid back personality than his younger brother, as he led them to the King. King Lucifer proved to be on a not-so-good mood, even threatening Tryden's life and calling him scum. The King's knight, Ser Blackheart, had already his hand on the sword's hilt. The topic changed to Nealia, and the King was a bit surprised that the bastard girl of King Vorian was with a man like Tryden Flowers. He ended up asking her if Tryden is trustworthy, and you voted her to answer that Tryden is trustworthy when paid enough.
Nealia gazed at the floor, waging her options. If she wanted to keep her place at the Rose Company she’d have to keep Tryden happy, but she should also speak as honestly as she could to be taken seriously by King Lucifer. She raised her eyes, looking again at the tired and grumpy king.
“I haven’t known Tryden for long.” She started calmly, glancing quickly at her boss, who so far looked to be calm and pleased. “But from my short time with him I can tell he is a man who keeps his word – if you just pay him enough.” A cynical and joyless smile appeared on King Lucifer’s face after these words.
“That’s what you’d expect from a sellsword.” He said grimly. “Yet somehow they manage to disappoint you, no matter what you pay them.” The King had a scornful tone in his muttering, but clearly he wasn’t as skeptical as he had been before. “I have no reason to betray you, Your Grace.” Tryden said, keeping his voice calm and deep. “You are a rich and powerful king, as far as I know. And the Martells? Bunch of beggars trying to reach for glory.” Lucifer Dryland nodded slowly for Tryden’s words. The King wasn’t smiling, but Nealia could tell he had now been convinced that he could trust them.
“Alright, then.” He said quietly, and Nealia saw how Ser Blackheart removed his hand from the sword’s hilt. “We can certainly bargain for the payment soon, but I suppose you want to hear first what kind of mission I have for the Rose Company.” Tryden nodded. “That would be appreciated.” He said, and the King let out a dry chuckle.
“As I said before, you and your company are scum… So the best job for you is to work with another scum.” The King spoke, a small grin on his face. Tryden raised his eyebrows. “And who is this other scum that we are talking about?” Tryden asked, and Nealia could spot a touch of frustration from the Reachman’s words.
“Have you heard of a man called Efran Sand, the Bandit Lord?” The King asked, and Nealia at least had never heard of such man. “I’ve heard a little bit.” Tryden answered with a casual tone. “I’ve heard he somehow has a claim to Lemonwood, and he has a bunch of killers and bandits that support him.” The King nodded to Tryden’s words.
“Like I said, a scum.” Lucifer spoke with disdain in his words. “They also call him the Bastard’s Bastard – behind his back of course. See, his claim to Lemonwood comes from his father, who was the bastard brother of the current Lord Dalt. It all begun with a rumor that old Lord Jarvas Dalt would have legitimized his bastard on his deathbed. And so Jaxar Sand was suddenly Jaxar Dalt, and heir to Lemonwood. Of course, this split the court and the vassals to two – Lord Daris wasn’t just going to give up his title to his bastard brother. Poor Jaxar never got enough support, it was a lost cause from the beginning. But before his last assault against Daris, he sent his wife and two-years-old son away, to Stepstones. Jaxar lost, he was outnumbered, but his son Efran lived on among the pirates and other scum of Stepstones. Efran is now nineteen, and has returned to Dorne. He has all kinds of lowlifes around him already, I even heard someone say that he is already stronger than his father ever was – though instead of knights and noblemen his support comes from bandits, pirates and sellswords. He has been terrorizing the lands of the Dalts recently, which is a good thing for me.” The King ended the story with a cold smile on his face.
“So, you want me to support Efran the Bandit Lord?” Tryden asked calmly, and Lucifer nodded. “You are going to give him a message from me. If he helps me to win this war against the Martells, he can have both Lemonwood and Sandship.” The King explained. Tryden looked slightly surprised. “That’s quite the gift for a scum.” He remarked, but the King just gave him a shrug. “It’s nothing away from me.” He replied dryly.
Nealia felt unsure about this. She was a sellsword, and ready to work almost for anyone if the payment was right, but she had a feeling this Bandit Lord wasn’t the most decent kind of person. As if working for Tryden wasn’t bad enough already.
“So, Your Grace, about the payment…” Tryden started, but the King cut him off. “You can make the contract with my treasurer – Ser Lewyn will take you to him.” Lucifer spoke with little interest in his voice. “And remember, Flowers – if you betray me, I will mount your head on a spike.” Tryden bowed to the King with a cold smile on his face, and they left the room.
While Tryden was bargaining his contract with the treasurer, Nealia was looking around at Hellgate Hall with Illor. It was a big and old castle, Nealia admitted that much, but it wasn’t nearly as beautiful as Starfall. As they made their way to the battlements Nealia remembered the beautiful view from the high towers of Starfall, where she could see the Torrentine stream towards and around the white castle, continuing its way to the Summer Sea. Here you could see the Brimstone worming its way through the desert, but it wasn’t nearly as astonishing sight.
“You haven’t told much about your past, Lady Nealia.” Illor said with his warm voice. “And you haven’t told anything.” She replied coldly. A smile appeared on Illor’s face. “Would you like to hear?” He asked, and Nealia shrugged. “I guess.” She answered, and Illor nodded.
“I was born in Braavos.” He started and let out a small sigh. “It’s a beautiful city, even if a bit rainy. My father was a guard in service of the Sealord, and my mother weaved and sold baskets whenever she had time. I was the only child, and I was supposed to follow my father’s footsteps. He wasn’t a tremendous fighter, but he taught me the best he could from a young age.” Illor stopped talking and turned his gaze down for a moment. “When I was eleven, the old Sealord died, and the new one changed the whole guard. My father now had no job, and soon we had to move from our home near the Purple harbor and the temples. We found ourselves living in the poorest part of the town, right next to Ragman’s harbor. My father had three things left in his life – his family, his sword, and rum. He started taking jobs from thugs and crimelords. And a year later, on one foggy morning, he was found floating in the canal, his throat slit open.” The look on Illor’s eyes was dark, and Nealia wasn’t sure if the man was even talking to her anymore, but she kept listening. “I had been taught to fight, so of course I wanted revenge, the foolish boy I was. My mother cried and tried to tell me to stay with her, to learn a way to make a living without violence. But there was no other way for me, I was my father’s son. So I started to work for the same crimelords that had hired my father, only I proved to be better than my father. And over the years I earned more and more with violence. I helped my mother with that money, but she was still sad to see what I had become. And I never found out who killed my father, for all I know he could’ve done it himself. So when I reached my twentieth nameday, I was the best fighter in the service of this old and greedy man named Vargilos, and I was paid well, much better than anyone at the Sealord’s guard. I had learned how to kill, and I had learned to enjoy it, and Vargilos practically ruled the streets around Ragman’s harbor. During those days I was truly feared and respected. But Vargilos’ time came soon – he was taken down by another crimelord, and I had to leave Braavos. And I never returned.” Illor gulped subtly as he finished speaking, looking at the Brimstone and the dry plains behind it with an empty gaze in his eyes. “And after that?” Nealia asked shyly, and the man chuckled softly. “After that I gallivanted around Essos for seven years, fighting for magisters, sellswords and even slavers. I had no home but the road, and I had no friend but my sword. And five years ago I finally arrived to Dorne, after a failed mission at the Stepstones. First I served the Santagars, but two years later I found Tryden, who promised me a good payment for my work.” Nealia nodded quietly, it felt weird. Just a couple minutes ago she had seen this man as just another killer in the service of Tryden Flowers, but now she knew the story of his life. And I feel… pity.
“So, now you know.” Illor said with a weak smile on his face. “Perhaps you can now tell me your story?” He asked, and Nealia felt embarrassed. She hadn’t really considered of telling about her childhood to this man, but he had just told her his story, and Nealia knew that whatever sadness or drama there had been in her life was nothing compared to Illor’s past.
Nealia gazed at the floor, waging her options. If she wanted to keep her place at the Rose Company she’d have to keep Tryden happy… more, but she should also speak as honestly as she could to be taken seriously by King Lucifer. She raised her eyes, looking again at the tired and grumpy king.
“I haven’t known Tryden for long.” She started calmly, glancing quickly at her boss, who so far looked to be calm and pleased. “But from my short time with him I can tell he is a man who keeps his word – if you just pay him enough.” A cynical and joyless smile appeared on King Lucifer’s face after these words.
“That’s what you’d expect from a sellsword.” He said grimly. “Yet somehow they manage to disappoint you, no matter what you pay them.” The King had a scornful tone in his muttering, but clearly he wasn’t as skeptical as he had been before. “I have no reason to betray you, Your Grace.” Tryden said, keeping his voice calm and deep. “You are … [view original content]
Nealia gazed at the floor, waging her options. If she wanted to keep her place at the Rose Company she’d have to keep Tryden happy… more, but she should also speak as honestly as she could to be taken seriously by King Lucifer. She raised her eyes, looking again at the tired and grumpy king.
“I haven’t known Tryden for long.” She started calmly, glancing quickly at her boss, who so far looked to be calm and pleased. “But from my short time with him I can tell he is a man who keeps his word – if you just pay him enough.” A cynical and joyless smile appeared on King Lucifer’s face after these words.
“That’s what you’d expect from a sellsword.” He said grimly. “Yet somehow they manage to disappoint you, no matter what you pay them.” The King had a scornful tone in his muttering, but clearly he wasn’t as skeptical as he had been before. “I have no reason to betray you, Your Grace.” Tryden said, keeping his voice calm and deep. “You are … [view original content]
I suppose it can't hurt to build some trust between Nealia and Illor. They are on the same side after all, they will fight side by side sooner or later and by then, a bit of trust between them can't hurt. He was quite open to her, so it would be unfair not to be equally open to him. Aside from that, I'm not quite sure how much we've learned about Nealia's backstory so far, but I'm certainly interested to learn more.
Anyways, great part as always! It's amazing how fast you managed to write something so good
Nealia gazed at the floor, waging her options. If she wanted to keep her place at the Rose Company she’d have to keep Tryden happy… more, but she should also speak as honestly as she could to be taken seriously by King Lucifer. She raised her eyes, looking again at the tired and grumpy king.
“I haven’t known Tryden for long.” She started calmly, glancing quickly at her boss, who so far looked to be calm and pleased. “But from my short time with him I can tell he is a man who keeps his word – if you just pay him enough.” A cynical and joyless smile appeared on King Lucifer’s face after these words.
“That’s what you’d expect from a sellsword.” He said grimly. “Yet somehow they manage to disappoint you, no matter what you pay them.” The King had a scornful tone in his muttering, but clearly he wasn’t as skeptical as he had been before. “I have no reason to betray you, Your Grace.” Tryden said, keeping his voice calm and deep. “You are … [view original content]
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council mee… moreting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave … [view original content]
[Tell him your story] I have to agree with the others on this one, it is only fair that Nealia tell more about herself after everything that lllor told her. Plus I am most intrigued to learn more about Nealia's past to find out her relationship with her half brothers and if they have even met one another! Along with that I would say her backstory would be quite exciting, Nealia going from a daughter of King Vorian Dayne who it sounds like probably lived in a phenomenal castle and keep like Starfall to a sellsword who it seems has distanced herself completely from her past has to no doubt be an intriguing story. Plus with how this part has tied in to what is going on in Nymeria's parts, I am no doubt excited to see what comes of this. This is another phenomenal part and this one was a surprise as well so that is always nice to see. Great job!
Nealia gazed at the floor, waging her options. If she wanted to keep her place at the Rose Company she’d have to keep Tryden happy… more, but she should also speak as honestly as she could to be taken seriously by King Lucifer. She raised her eyes, looking again at the tired and grumpy king.
“I haven’t known Tryden for long.” She started calmly, glancing quickly at her boss, who so far looked to be calm and pleased. “But from my short time with him I can tell he is a man who keeps his word – if you just pay him enough.” A cynical and joyless smile appeared on King Lucifer’s face after these words.
“That’s what you’d expect from a sellsword.” He said grimly. “Yet somehow they manage to disappoint you, no matter what you pay them.” The King had a scornful tone in his muttering, but clearly he wasn’t as skeptical as he had been before. “I have no reason to betray you, Your Grace.” Tryden said, keeping his voice calm and deep. “You are … [view original content]
Nealia gazed at the floor, waging her options. If she wanted to keep her place at the Rose Company she’d have to keep Tryden happy… more, but she should also speak as honestly as she could to be taken seriously by King Lucifer. She raised her eyes, looking again at the tired and grumpy king.
“I haven’t known Tryden for long.” She started calmly, glancing quickly at her boss, who so far looked to be calm and pleased. “But from my short time with him I can tell he is a man who keeps his word – if you just pay him enough.” A cynical and joyless smile appeared on King Lucifer’s face after these words.
“That’s what you’d expect from a sellsword.” He said grimly. “Yet somehow they manage to disappoint you, no matter what you pay them.” The King had a scornful tone in his muttering, but clearly he wasn’t as skeptical as he had been before. “I have no reason to betray you, Your Grace.” Tryden said, keeping his voice calm and deep. “You are … [view original content]
I'm very interested to hear about Nealia's past. Plus developing bonds and friendships with the people she works with can only be a good thing. Especially, if she were in a situation in which she needed their help.
Hmm, well you've got a point. Though that would've required coming up with a fake backstory for her which might've been a bit confusing in the long run, maybe.
Overall, this choice is mostly just about bonding or not bonding with Illor. So far Nealia doesn't really have friends in the Rose Company, and this is her first chance to make one.
Tell him your story
Though I can see this being an elaborate lie all on his part just for Trydens sake, I think we might as well humor him.
@WildingKing would've loved to see a lie to him option.
Hmm, well you've got a point. Though that would've required coming up with a fake backstory for her which might've been a bit confusing in t… morehe long run, maybe.
Overall, this choice is mostly just about bonding or not bonding with Illor. So far Nealia doesn't really have friends in the Rose Company, and this is her first chance to make one.
Yes, I realized that seeing that you don't go into much conversation with our comments and if you do, you do it carefully.
Who's part is going to be next? Just asking out of curiosity.
The almost painful heat distracted Gwendis from focusing as she sat on her seat at the council. It was another normal council mee… moreting – no sorcerers, no Benedict. This time there was no Ser Kegan either, just Gwendis, Maester Mortin, Braddock… and Lyla Sand. Gwendis watched as the assassin sat silently on her chair, a pretty smile on her face. Without that girl there would’ve been no one from Benedict’s inner circle in this council meeting. But of course father knows that too, that’s the reason why that killer sits there.
“Houses Blackadder and Oakswood have answered to our call to arms; we are still waiting for the answer from Gravesend.” Mortin explained with his calm voice, and Gwendis nodded to him, trying to maintain her polite smile. Here she was, managing the war her father had started. And where is my brother? Naemon had been on his hunting trip for almost a week now, and every day made Gwendis more nervous. Don’t leave … [view original content]
Now it would be a right thing to do, after his (let's hope honest) story he told us. Also I'm curious how it will affect a relation between Illor and Nealia, lookin' pretty promising by far ^^
Nealia gazed at the floor, waging her options. If she wanted to keep her place at the Rose Company she’d have to keep Tryden happy… more, but she should also speak as honestly as she could to be taken seriously by King Lucifer. She raised her eyes, looking again at the tired and grumpy king.
“I haven’t known Tryden for long.” She started calmly, glancing quickly at her boss, who so far looked to be calm and pleased. “But from my short time with him I can tell he is a man who keeps his word – if you just pay him enough.” A cynical and joyless smile appeared on King Lucifer’s face after these words.
“That’s what you’d expect from a sellsword.” He said grimly. “Yet somehow they manage to disappoint you, no matter what you pay them.” The King had a scornful tone in his muttering, but clearly he wasn’t as skeptical as he had been before. “I have no reason to betray you, Your Grace.” Tryden said, keeping his voice calm and deep. “You are … [view original content]
So firstly, Naemon will ride to Starfall. Looks like we're finally taking some risks at Blackmont ;D This is a good choice in many ways, it brings Starfall back to story (eventually), and it's the more positive choice when it comes to the relationship between Gwendis and Naemon. Gwendis obviously would've been a bit disappointed if Naemon hadn't taken her mission. This might also prove to be good for Blackmonts overall, and to the smallfolk of their kingdom - we'll see. It's not really a spoiler now so I'll tell what would've Benedict's mission for Naemon been: to take care of the deserters and calm down the situation among the smallfolk on their lands. The reason he would've given this mission to Naemon is simply because he is the most loved of the royal family among the peasants. That's not a high praise really, but he is known as a valiant knight, whereas there are some dark rumors of Benedict, and of Gwendis the smallfolk knows only that she is not really acting like a normal princess by taking part in the politics.
And secondly, Nealia will tell Illor her story. It's obviously fair to share a bit of her past to Illor, since he was quite open to her about his. And this can indeed lead to Nealia and Illor befriending each other. At the same time though, Illor is the right-hand man of Tryden, so don't be surprised if some of that backstory Nealia gives leaks into Tryden's ears, maybe. As much as we know of Illor's past now, his personality is still bit of a mystery.
Anyway, next we will have another Missy part. I'd say you can expect it tomorrow, sadly I didn't make much progress today because I spent the day with a friend. But here's the recap: So, after the night she spent with the King, Missy found Shana Sand - handmaiden of Sanya Purell and bastard daughter of Lord Littlemill (vassal of Albin) - held in the torture cells by three of the King's freaks: Matt the Mute (the guard of the cells), Larry the Kind, and Ronny. Missy informed the Queen about this, who came to the conclusion they should get the girl out of there and hide her to avoid any problems with the King's vassals. Later they planned this with the King's brother Alaric Manwoody, and his personal assassin - the Purple Ocelot. The Queen thought it would be best to do it without killing anyone, but Alaric disagreed, claiming nobody would care if some freak dies in the cells. You voted Missy to agree with Alaric.
Missy woke up. Cold sweat was all over her forehead - the nightmares had tormented her again. Missy tried to shook these thoughts out of her mind. As she stood up, she remembered what happened yesterday. ‘Kill them’, she had said, and a cold grin had appeared on the face of the King’s brother. It was clear the Queen had been less pleased, but she had agreed to go with the plan.
As Missy opened her door, she was surprised and frightened by someone waiting for her right behind the door. After the initial shock she realized it was the Purple Ocelot, who looked at her with a soft smile. “How long have you been there?” Missy hissed, but the man just kept smiling.
“I didn’t want to wake you up, mylady.” The assassin said calmly. “It’s done; the girl is saved.” He continued, and Missy raised her eyebrows. “And?” She asked doubtingly, glancing around to make sure no one else was on the corridor.
“I killed the old man guarding her, not a hard job really.” He spoke with the soft smile still on his face. Missy knew he had to be talking about Matt the Mute. “And no one saw you?” She asked, and the Purple Ocelot shook his head with unruffled calm. “And the body?”
“I didn’t have time to hide it, so I made it look like the girl would’ve killed him and escaped.” He explained, and Missy sighed nervously. “Come on then, mylady. The Queen wants to meet you.” The assassin said, and Missy nodded to him quietly. Silently the Purple Ocelot walked her through the quieter parts of the castle, couple times even going to secret passages that Missy had previously had no knowledge of, and finally led her to a small room that had clearly once been a storage for something, but was now empty and filled with nothing but dust and spiderwebs.
The Queen stood there with her usual cold expression, and the handmaiden Shana Sand sat on a simple wooden chair, dressed in a brown servant’s gown, a terrified expression stuck on her face. When Missy and the Purple Ocelot walked into the room Shana raised her gaze from the floor. She looked at Missy, and Missy could see that the girl had been crying a lot. Fresh cuts ran through her face, and both of her eyes were surrounded by dark bruises.
“You can thank Missy for being safe again.” The Queen said with emotionless words, and Shana gulped. “Th- thank you.” She stuttered. Missy gave the girl a small nod, it was the only respond she could come up with. The Queen put her hand on the shoulder of the girl. “You will be taken to live in silence somewhere far enough from here.” She explained calmly to the girl. “And Missy… I didn’t summon you here just to have Shana thank you for what you did.” Missy looked at Sofina with puzzled eyes. “So why did you summon me here?” She asked and a very small smile appeared on the Queen’s face. “To give you an opportunity.” She said and walked closer to Missy. “If you wish so, we can take you away too. We can take you to somewhere where you can live in peace, without thinking about Albin, his freaks, or me.” Missy shook her head immediately.
“I belong here, with my King.” She spoke with hollow tone on her words, and Sofina let out a disappointed sigh. “If you say so.” She said, and looked at her to the eyes. “But be careful.”
Missy looked down from the battlements as Lord Mors Littlemill rode in from the gates with his knights, while his troops started to make their camp outside the walls. The first vassal house had arrived. As Missy watched Lord Mors dismount his horse, she wondered if the man even remembered his bastard daughter Shana, if the girl mattered to him at all. However it was, he would never see that girl again – Lord Alaric would make sure of that.
King Albin walked to Lord Mors to welcome him, and Missy tried to look for Larry and Ronny, but he didn’t see any of the freaks on the courtyard. It could be that Alaric had made sure the vassal lord wouldn’t see those creatures. They might not give the best image of the Great King.
Then Missy saw Alaric himself on the courtyard, standing there with the usual grim look on his face. Next to Alaric stood Prince Arvin, and his bride, Sanya. Missy wondered if the Princess had noticed that one of her handmaidens was missing. Surely she must have, Missy thought. And again she wondered if Shana mattered to Sanya at all. Was she just another servant to her? Had they perhaps been friends? From Sanya’s face it was impossible to tell what she was feeling, except nervousness.
The royal family and Lord Littlemill made their way inside, and Missy watched from the battlements how their entourages followed them, and slowly there were only a couple dozen people left on the courtyard. Missy walked down, her every step careful, and she glanced around herself, as if someone might attack her at any moment. But nothing happened. She walked through the courtyard, only giving a small look towards the torture cells, and safely made her way inside.
Missy visited the kitchens, where she was given nothing but a piece of old and hard bread. She ate it and continued towards the cellars where her room was. As she walked down the stairs, shivers ran through her with every step. There is no reason to be afraid, she assured herself, and kept walking. She arrived to the corridor where her room was, and it was empty. No freaks, no Purple Ocelot, no one. Missy took a deep breath of relief, walking towards her door, feeling slightly more calm now. And then she opened her door.
First thing she saw was Ronny sitting on her bed. She froze. If she would run away, Ronny and his friends would be guaranteed to come after her. Missy gulped and stepped into the room, under the sharp stare of Ronny. “Why are you here?” She asked, keeping her voice emotionless. Ronny bridled, anger in his eyes. “Why, you ask.” He muttered and stood up. Missy pulled her right hand inside her sleeve, making sure her knife was still there. “Did you know that Matt was killed last night?” He asked, with disturbingly calm tone.
“No.” Missy answered shortly, and she saw Ronny clenching his teeth together in anger. “Are you sure about that? Are you fucking sure?” He hissed, every word oozing of wrath. Missy shrugged, and without warning Ronny smacked her to the face. Missy felt the knuckles smashing against her face, and a pain flashing through her body. She had to take a couple steps back, but she managed to stay on her feet.
“The bitch escaped, Missy.” Ronny said, shaking his head, a mad gloss in his eyes. “She fucking escaped!”
“I didn’t do it.” Missy said, feeling her body shake, but trying to stay calm. “And I’d like you to leave, now.” Ronny just let out an obnoxious laugh, once again shaking his head like a madman. “I don’t think so.” He said and stepped closer. “I think I want to see you cry, Missy.”
“I do not cry.” Missy replied, all the power in her words. Again Ronny just shook his head. “Oh, but that’s a lie, little girl. And you know it.” Ronny took another step closer. “I remember how you cried. I remember those tears, running down your face, when your foreign fucker screamed in pain.” Missy started shaking, she couldn’t control herself, she didn’t want to be reminded. NO! NO! NO!
As she saw the smug grin on Ronny’s face, she couldn’t control herself anymore – she attacked. With one swift move she plunged the knife to Ronny’s throat. When she saw the shock and pain take over Ronny’s expression, she felt her excitement and satisfaction grow. She pulled the knife out, and as Ronny tried to stop the blood from pumping out, she attacked again. This time she plunged the knife to Ronny’s fat belly, cutting him open like a fish. Blood spilled everywhere, and Missy was shaking of excitement.
Ronny fell to the floor, his blood flowing all over it. Missy dropped her knife, and looked at her hands. They were shaking, and covered in blood.
Missy woke up. Cold sweat was all over her forehead - the nightmares had tormented her again. Missy tried to shook these thoughts o… moreut of her mind. As she stood up, she remembered what happened yesterday. ‘Kill them’, she had said, and a cold grin had appeared on the face of the King’s brother. It was clear the Queen had been less pleased, but she had agreed to go with the plan.
As Missy opened her door, she was surprised and frightened by someone waiting for her right behind the door. After the initial shock she realized it was the Purple Ocelot, who looked at her with a soft smile. “How long have you been there?” Missy hissed, but the man just kept smiling.
“I didn’t want to wake you up, mylady.” The assassin said calmly. “It’s done; the girl is saved.” He continued, and Missy raised her eyebrows. “And?” She asked doubtingly, glancing around to make sure no one else was on the corridor.
“I killed the old man guarding her, n… [view original content]
Oh wow, that part was exciting! I think I caught something interesting though and I am pretty curious if I am right. However, it is no doubt a massive spoiler so I will not say it completely but I will ask, did Missy always go by that name? Or is that a name she has taken since she has been in Kingsgrave? If that is too big of a spoiler you don't have to answer that either!
Missy woke up. Cold sweat was all over her forehead - the nightmares had tormented her again. Missy tried to shook these thoughts o… moreut of her mind. As she stood up, she remembered what happened yesterday. ‘Kill them’, she had said, and a cold grin had appeared on the face of the King’s brother. It was clear the Queen had been less pleased, but she had agreed to go with the plan.
As Missy opened her door, she was surprised and frightened by someone waiting for her right behind the door. After the initial shock she realized it was the Purple Ocelot, who looked at her with a soft smile. “How long have you been there?” Missy hissed, but the man just kept smiling.
“I didn’t want to wake you up, mylady.” The assassin said calmly. “It’s done; the girl is saved.” He continued, and Missy raised her eyebrows. “And?” She asked doubtingly, glancing around to make sure no one else was on the corridor.
“I killed the old man guarding her, n… [view original content]
Oh wow, that part was exciting! I think I caught something interesting though and I am pretty curious if I am right. However, it is no doub… moret a massive spoiler so I will not say it completely but I will ask, did Missy always go by that name? Or is that a name she has taken since she has been in Kingsgrave? If that is too big of a spoiler you don't have to answer that either!
MASTERPIECE. This is exactly how I imagined the scenario with giving Missy opportunity to kill someone. If you won't publish next part tommorrow, we RIOT Really though, do it, hype is real :P
Missy woke up. Cold sweat was all over her forehead - the nightmares had tormented her again. Missy tried to shook these thoughts o… moreut of her mind. As she stood up, she remembered what happened yesterday. ‘Kill them’, she had said, and a cold grin had appeared on the face of the King’s brother. It was clear the Queen had been less pleased, but she had agreed to go with the plan.
As Missy opened her door, she was surprised and frightened by someone waiting for her right behind the door. After the initial shock she realized it was the Purple Ocelot, who looked at her with a soft smile. “How long have you been there?” Missy hissed, but the man just kept smiling.
“I didn’t want to wake you up, mylady.” The assassin said calmly. “It’s done; the girl is saved.” He continued, and Missy raised her eyebrows. “And?” She asked doubtingly, glancing around to make sure no one else was on the corridor.
“I killed the old man guarding her, n… [view original content]
This was an amazing part! Definitely one of my favourites in the entire story so far. It went a little bit better than expected, but nonetheless, Missy is in even more danger than before. While she did not kill Matt the Mute, there is no doubt that the freaks, or at worst even King Albin himself, will learn about her killing Ronny. Though I think that was inevitable, given that Ronny did not attack her because of Matt's death, but because the handmaiden escaped, which probably would have happened in both routes. Anyways, I am excited for Missy's storyline, which grows more and more dire.
By the way, I think I caught something similar to CM3434. It's a suspicion I had for a while now and after this part, I basically see it as confirmed. Since I am so sure that this particular theory (which would be quite the spoiler) is correct, I don't want to say it here in the open, but perhaps I could send you a message about it?
Missy woke up. Cold sweat was all over her forehead - the nightmares had tormented her again. Missy tried to shook these thoughts o… moreut of her mind. As she stood up, she remembered what happened yesterday. ‘Kill them’, she had said, and a cold grin had appeared on the face of the King’s brother. It was clear the Queen had been less pleased, but she had agreed to go with the plan.
As Missy opened her door, she was surprised and frightened by someone waiting for her right behind the door. After the initial shock she realized it was the Purple Ocelot, who looked at her with a soft smile. “How long have you been there?” Missy hissed, but the man just kept smiling.
“I didn’t want to wake you up, mylady.” The assassin said calmly. “It’s done; the girl is saved.” He continued, and Missy raised her eyebrows. “And?” She asked doubtingly, glancing around to make sure no one else was on the corridor.
“I killed the old man guarding her, n… [view original content]
This was an amazing part! Definitely one of my favourites in the entire story so far. It went a little bit better than expected, but nonethe… moreless, Missy is in even more danger than before. While she did not kill Matt the Mute, there is no doubt that the freaks, or at worst even King Albin himself, will learn about her killing Ronny. Though I think that was inevitable, given that Ronny did not attack her because of Matt's death, but because the handmaiden escaped, which probably would have happened in both routes. Anyways, I am excited for Missy's storyline, which grows more and more dire.
By the way, I think I caught something similar to CM3434. It's a suspicion I had for a while now and after this part, I basically see it as confirmed. Since I am so sure that this particular theory (which would be quite the spoiler) is correct, I don't want to say it here in the open, but perhaps I could send you a message about it?
Missy woke up. Cold sweat was all over her forehead - the nightmares had tormented her again. Missy tried to shook these thoughts o… moreut of her mind. As she stood up, she remembered what happened yesterday. ‘Kill them’, she had said, and a cold grin had appeared on the face of the King’s brother. It was clear the Queen had been less pleased, but she had agreed to go with the plan.
As Missy opened her door, she was surprised and frightened by someone waiting for her right behind the door. After the initial shock she realized it was the Purple Ocelot, who looked at her with a soft smile. “How long have you been there?” Missy hissed, but the man just kept smiling.
“I didn’t want to wake you up, mylady.” The assassin said calmly. “It’s done; the girl is saved.” He continued, and Missy raised her eyebrows. “And?” She asked doubtingly, glancing around to make sure no one else was on the corridor.
“I killed the old man guarding her, n… [view original content]
This was a very interesting part. I wonder what ramifications will occur. If any considering she is the mad king's mistress. There was not much that could tie her to Matt the Mute's death, but it will probably be hard for her to cover up Ronny's murder.
Post it!
I guess I could
I'll just do a short recap post first.
Well, 8 people already voted and as much as I hate to say it, but with 6-2 the outcome seems clear. If you want to, I think you can close the voting already, that shouldn't make much of a difference. Also, since I can't get enough of this story, I'd greatly enjoy having a new part to read
So, the earlier voting is still open, but here's a small recap for Nealia: Last time we saw Nealia Sand she had promised to go to Hellgate Hall with Tryden Flowers. Illor woke her up in the morning, and so she rode with them to meet King Lucifer Dryland. Before the King they met Lewyn Tiddle, the heir to Tidmarsh, and older brother of Ulwyck Tiddle. He seemed far more laid back personality than his younger brother, as he led them to the King. King Lucifer proved to be on a not-so-good mood, even threatening Tryden's life and calling him scum. The King's knight, Ser Blackheart, had already his hand on the sword's hilt. The topic changed to Nealia, and the King was a bit surprised that the bastard girl of King Vorian was with a man like Tryden Flowers. He ended up asking her if Tryden is trustworthy, and you voted her to answer that Tryden is trustworthy when paid enough.
I'll post the part now!
Nealia gazed at the floor, waging her options. If she wanted to keep her place at the Rose Company she’d have to keep Tryden happy, but she should also speak as honestly as she could to be taken seriously by King Lucifer. She raised her eyes, looking again at the tired and grumpy king.
“I haven’t known Tryden for long.” She started calmly, glancing quickly at her boss, who so far looked to be calm and pleased. “But from my short time with him I can tell he is a man who keeps his word – if you just pay him enough.” A cynical and joyless smile appeared on King Lucifer’s face after these words.
“That’s what you’d expect from a sellsword.” He said grimly. “Yet somehow they manage to disappoint you, no matter what you pay them.” The King had a scornful tone in his muttering, but clearly he wasn’t as skeptical as he had been before. “I have no reason to betray you, Your Grace.” Tryden said, keeping his voice calm and deep. “You are a rich and powerful king, as far as I know. And the Martells? Bunch of beggars trying to reach for glory.” Lucifer Dryland nodded slowly for Tryden’s words. The King wasn’t smiling, but Nealia could tell he had now been convinced that he could trust them.
“Alright, then.” He said quietly, and Nealia saw how Ser Blackheart removed his hand from the sword’s hilt. “We can certainly bargain for the payment soon, but I suppose you want to hear first what kind of mission I have for the Rose Company.” Tryden nodded. “That would be appreciated.” He said, and the King let out a dry chuckle.
“As I said before, you and your company are scum… So the best job for you is to work with another scum.” The King spoke, a small grin on his face. Tryden raised his eyebrows. “And who is this other scum that we are talking about?” Tryden asked, and Nealia could spot a touch of frustration from the Reachman’s words.
“Have you heard of a man called Efran Sand, the Bandit Lord?” The King asked, and Nealia at least had never heard of such man. “I’ve heard a little bit.” Tryden answered with a casual tone. “I’ve heard he somehow has a claim to Lemonwood, and he has a bunch of killers and bandits that support him.” The King nodded to Tryden’s words.
“Like I said, a scum.” Lucifer spoke with disdain in his words. “They also call him the Bastard’s Bastard – behind his back of course. See, his claim to Lemonwood comes from his father, who was the bastard brother of the current Lord Dalt. It all begun with a rumor that old Lord Jarvas Dalt would have legitimized his bastard on his deathbed. And so Jaxar Sand was suddenly Jaxar Dalt, and heir to Lemonwood. Of course, this split the court and the vassals to two – Lord Daris wasn’t just going to give up his title to his bastard brother. Poor Jaxar never got enough support, it was a lost cause from the beginning. But before his last assault against Daris, he sent his wife and two-years-old son away, to Stepstones. Jaxar lost, he was outnumbered, but his son Efran lived on among the pirates and other scum of Stepstones. Efran is now nineteen, and has returned to Dorne. He has all kinds of lowlifes around him already, I even heard someone say that he is already stronger than his father ever was – though instead of knights and noblemen his support comes from bandits, pirates and sellswords. He has been terrorizing the lands of the Dalts recently, which is a good thing for me.” The King ended the story with a cold smile on his face.
“So, you want me to support Efran the Bandit Lord?” Tryden asked calmly, and Lucifer nodded. “You are going to give him a message from me. If he helps me to win this war against the Martells, he can have both Lemonwood and Sandship.” The King explained. Tryden looked slightly surprised. “That’s quite the gift for a scum.” He remarked, but the King just gave him a shrug. “It’s nothing away from me.” He replied dryly.
Nealia felt unsure about this. She was a sellsword, and ready to work almost for anyone if the payment was right, but she had a feeling this Bandit Lord wasn’t the most decent kind of person. As if working for Tryden wasn’t bad enough already.
“So, Your Grace, about the payment…” Tryden started, but the King cut him off. “You can make the contract with my treasurer – Ser Lewyn will take you to him.” Lucifer spoke with little interest in his voice. “And remember, Flowers – if you betray me, I will mount your head on a spike.” Tryden bowed to the King with a cold smile on his face, and they left the room.
While Tryden was bargaining his contract with the treasurer, Nealia was looking around at Hellgate Hall with Illor. It was a big and old castle, Nealia admitted that much, but it wasn’t nearly as beautiful as Starfall. As they made their way to the battlements Nealia remembered the beautiful view from the high towers of Starfall, where she could see the Torrentine stream towards and around the white castle, continuing its way to the Summer Sea. Here you could see the Brimstone worming its way through the desert, but it wasn’t nearly as astonishing sight.
“You haven’t told much about your past, Lady Nealia.” Illor said with his warm voice. “And you haven’t told anything.” She replied coldly. A smile appeared on Illor’s face. “Would you like to hear?” He asked, and Nealia shrugged. “I guess.” She answered, and Illor nodded.
“I was born in Braavos.” He started and let out a small sigh. “It’s a beautiful city, even if a bit rainy. My father was a guard in service of the Sealord, and my mother weaved and sold baskets whenever she had time. I was the only child, and I was supposed to follow my father’s footsteps. He wasn’t a tremendous fighter, but he taught me the best he could from a young age.” Illor stopped talking and turned his gaze down for a moment. “When I was eleven, the old Sealord died, and the new one changed the whole guard. My father now had no job, and soon we had to move from our home near the Purple harbor and the temples. We found ourselves living in the poorest part of the town, right next to Ragman’s harbor. My father had three things left in his life – his family, his sword, and rum. He started taking jobs from thugs and crimelords. And a year later, on one foggy morning, he was found floating in the canal, his throat slit open.” The look on Illor’s eyes was dark, and Nealia wasn’t sure if the man was even talking to her anymore, but she kept listening. “I had been taught to fight, so of course I wanted revenge, the foolish boy I was. My mother cried and tried to tell me to stay with her, to learn a way to make a living without violence. But there was no other way for me, I was my father’s son. So I started to work for the same crimelords that had hired my father, only I proved to be better than my father. And over the years I earned more and more with violence. I helped my mother with that money, but she was still sad to see what I had become. And I never found out who killed my father, for all I know he could’ve done it himself. So when I reached my twentieth nameday, I was the best fighter in the service of this old and greedy man named Vargilos, and I was paid well, much better than anyone at the Sealord’s guard. I had learned how to kill, and I had learned to enjoy it, and Vargilos practically ruled the streets around Ragman’s harbor. During those days I was truly feared and respected. But Vargilos’ time came soon – he was taken down by another crimelord, and I had to leave Braavos. And I never returned.” Illor gulped subtly as he finished speaking, looking at the Brimstone and the dry plains behind it with an empty gaze in his eyes. “And after that?” Nealia asked shyly, and the man chuckled softly. “After that I gallivanted around Essos for seven years, fighting for magisters, sellswords and even slavers. I had no home but the road, and I had no friend but my sword. And five years ago I finally arrived to Dorne, after a failed mission at the Stepstones. First I served the Santagars, but two years later I found Tryden, who promised me a good payment for my work.” Nealia nodded quietly, it felt weird. Just a couple minutes ago she had seen this man as just another killer in the service of Tryden Flowers, but now she knew the story of his life. And I feel… pity.
“So, now you know.” Illor said with a weak smile on his face. “Perhaps you can now tell me your story?” He asked, and Nealia felt embarrassed. She hadn’t really considered of telling about her childhood to this man, but he had just told her his story, and Nealia knew that whatever sadness or drama there had been in her life was nothing compared to Illor’s past.
[Tell him your story] [Don't tell him your story]
[Tell him your story]
Simply because i am curious myself and i guess he deserves to hear it after his own story.
Loved the part and speed it appeared with - need more or such nice surprises!
[Tell him your story]
We're a Dayne bastard. It's best if he'll learn it from us.
[Tell him your story]
I suppose it can't hurt to build some trust between Nealia and Illor. They are on the same side after all, they will fight side by side sooner or later and by then, a bit of trust between them can't hurt. He was quite open to her, so it would be unfair not to be equally open to him. Aside from that, I'm not quite sure how much we've learned about Nealia's backstory so far, but I'm certainly interested to learn more.
Anyways, great part as always! It's amazing how fast you managed to write something so good
Well he knows that she is a Dayne bastard, but that's about all he knows of Nealia
He doesn't know the details and it's best if he'll learn them for us.
That's better
[Ride to Starfall]
[Tell him your story] I have to agree with the others on this one, it is only fair that Nealia tell more about herself after everything that lllor told her. Plus I am most intrigued to learn more about Nealia's past to find out her relationship with her half brothers and if they have even met one another! Along with that I would say her backstory would be quite exciting, Nealia going from a daughter of King Vorian Dayne who it sounds like probably lived in a phenomenal castle and keep like Starfall to a sellsword who it seems has distanced herself completely from her past has to no doubt be an intriguing story. Plus with how this part has tied in to what is going on in Nymeria's parts, I am no doubt excited to see what comes of this. This is another phenomenal part and this one was a surprise as well so that is always nice to see. Great job!
[Tell him your story]
[Tell him your story]
I'm very interested to hear about Nealia's past. Plus developing bonds and friendships with the people she works with can only be a good thing. Especially, if she were in a situation in which she needed their help.
Tell him your story
Though I can see this being an elaborate lie all on his part just for Trydens sake, I think we might as well humor him.
@WildingKing would've loved to see a lie to him option.
Hmm, well you've got a point. Though that would've required coming up with a fake backstory for her which might've been a bit confusing in the long run, maybe.
Overall, this choice is mostly just about bonding or not bonding with Illor. So far Nealia doesn't really have friends in the Rose Company, and this is her first chance to make one.
Yeah I understand. Since we didn't stay with the company before, might as well get to know the right hand man.
Really hoping Tryden turns out to be as conniving as I assume him to be
With each part you make the wait for another one harder and harder. Good job!
Writing this has been so much fun, so I'm really thankful that there are people who actually want to read it
And look how many people read and vote - I guess this as well gives you motivation and inspiration for doing it.
Yes, definitely. And it's also nice to see people speculate, I just try not to get too much into those conversations so I wont spoil anything.
Yes, I realized that seeing that you don't go into much conversation with our comments and if you do, you do it carefully.
Who's part is going to be next? Just asking out of curiosity.
Missy, and it should be a good one
Cool, then I can't wait! :-)
[Ride to Starfall] the previous vote still open? :P
[Tell him your story]
Now it would be a right thing to do, after his (let's hope honest) story he told us. Also I'm curious how it will affect a relation between Illor and Nealia, lookin' pretty promising by far ^^
It's open, I'll probably close these two same time, tomorrow most likely.
Votings are closed!
So firstly, Naemon will ride to Starfall. Looks like we're finally taking some risks at Blackmont ;D This is a good choice in many ways, it brings Starfall back to story (eventually), and it's the more positive choice when it comes to the relationship between Gwendis and Naemon. Gwendis obviously would've been a bit disappointed if Naemon hadn't taken her mission. This might also prove to be good for Blackmonts overall, and to the smallfolk of their kingdom - we'll see. It's not really a spoiler now so I'll tell what would've Benedict's mission for Naemon been: to take care of the deserters and calm down the situation among the smallfolk on their lands. The reason he would've given this mission to Naemon is simply because he is the most loved of the royal family among the peasants. That's not a high praise really, but he is known as a valiant knight, whereas there are some dark rumors of Benedict, and of Gwendis the smallfolk knows only that she is not really acting like a normal princess by taking part in the politics.
And secondly, Nealia will tell Illor her story. It's obviously fair to share a bit of her past to Illor, since he was quite open to her about his. And this can indeed lead to Nealia and Illor befriending each other. At the same time though, Illor is the right-hand man of Tryden, so don't be surprised if some of that backstory Nealia gives leaks into Tryden's ears, maybe. As much as we know of Illor's past now, his personality is still bit of a mystery.
Anyway, next we will have another Missy part. I'd say you can expect it tomorrow, sadly I didn't make much progress today because I spent the day with a friend. But here's the recap: So, after the night she spent with the King, Missy found Shana Sand - handmaiden of Sanya Purell and bastard daughter of Lord Littlemill (vassal of Albin) - held in the torture cells by three of the King's freaks: Matt the Mute (the guard of the cells), Larry the Kind, and Ronny. Missy informed the Queen about this, who came to the conclusion they should get the girl out of there and hide her to avoid any problems with the King's vassals. Later they planned this with the King's brother Alaric Manwoody, and his personal assassin - the Purple Ocelot. The Queen thought it would be best to do it without killing anyone, but Alaric disagreed, claiming nobody would care if some freak dies in the cells. You voted Missy to agree with Alaric.
Missy woke up. Cold sweat was all over her forehead - the nightmares had tormented her again. Missy tried to shook these thoughts out of her mind. As she stood up, she remembered what happened yesterday. ‘Kill them’, she had said, and a cold grin had appeared on the face of the King’s brother. It was clear the Queen had been less pleased, but she had agreed to go with the plan.
As Missy opened her door, she was surprised and frightened by someone waiting for her right behind the door. After the initial shock she realized it was the Purple Ocelot, who looked at her with a soft smile. “How long have you been there?” Missy hissed, but the man just kept smiling.
“I didn’t want to wake you up, mylady.” The assassin said calmly. “It’s done; the girl is saved.” He continued, and Missy raised her eyebrows. “And?” She asked doubtingly, glancing around to make sure no one else was on the corridor.
“I killed the old man guarding her, not a hard job really.” He spoke with the soft smile still on his face. Missy knew he had to be talking about Matt the Mute. “And no one saw you?” She asked, and the Purple Ocelot shook his head with unruffled calm. “And the body?”
“I didn’t have time to hide it, so I made it look like the girl would’ve killed him and escaped.” He explained, and Missy sighed nervously. “Come on then, mylady. The Queen wants to meet you.” The assassin said, and Missy nodded to him quietly. Silently the Purple Ocelot walked her through the quieter parts of the castle, couple times even going to secret passages that Missy had previously had no knowledge of, and finally led her to a small room that had clearly once been a storage for something, but was now empty and filled with nothing but dust and spiderwebs.
The Queen stood there with her usual cold expression, and the handmaiden Shana Sand sat on a simple wooden chair, dressed in a brown servant’s gown, a terrified expression stuck on her face. When Missy and the Purple Ocelot walked into the room Shana raised her gaze from the floor. She looked at Missy, and Missy could see that the girl had been crying a lot. Fresh cuts ran through her face, and both of her eyes were surrounded by dark bruises.
“You can thank Missy for being safe again.” The Queen said with emotionless words, and Shana gulped. “Th- thank you.” She stuttered. Missy gave the girl a small nod, it was the only respond she could come up with. The Queen put her hand on the shoulder of the girl. “You will be taken to live in silence somewhere far enough from here.” She explained calmly to the girl. “And Missy… I didn’t summon you here just to have Shana thank you for what you did.” Missy looked at Sofina with puzzled eyes. “So why did you summon me here?” She asked and a very small smile appeared on the Queen’s face. “To give you an opportunity.” She said and walked closer to Missy. “If you wish so, we can take you away too. We can take you to somewhere where you can live in peace, without thinking about Albin, his freaks, or me.” Missy shook her head immediately.
“I belong here, with my King.” She spoke with hollow tone on her words, and Sofina let out a disappointed sigh. “If you say so.” She said, and looked at her to the eyes. “But be careful.”
Missy looked down from the battlements as Lord Mors Littlemill rode in from the gates with his knights, while his troops started to make their camp outside the walls. The first vassal house had arrived. As Missy watched Lord Mors dismount his horse, she wondered if the man even remembered his bastard daughter Shana, if the girl mattered to him at all. However it was, he would never see that girl again – Lord Alaric would make sure of that.
King Albin walked to Lord Mors to welcome him, and Missy tried to look for Larry and Ronny, but he didn’t see any of the freaks on the courtyard. It could be that Alaric had made sure the vassal lord wouldn’t see those creatures. They might not give the best image of the Great King.
Then Missy saw Alaric himself on the courtyard, standing there with the usual grim look on his face. Next to Alaric stood Prince Arvin, and his bride, Sanya. Missy wondered if the Princess had noticed that one of her handmaidens was missing. Surely she must have, Missy thought. And again she wondered if Shana mattered to Sanya at all. Was she just another servant to her? Had they perhaps been friends? From Sanya’s face it was impossible to tell what she was feeling, except nervousness.
The royal family and Lord Littlemill made their way inside, and Missy watched from the battlements how their entourages followed them, and slowly there were only a couple dozen people left on the courtyard. Missy walked down, her every step careful, and she glanced around herself, as if someone might attack her at any moment. But nothing happened. She walked through the courtyard, only giving a small look towards the torture cells, and safely made her way inside.
Missy visited the kitchens, where she was given nothing but a piece of old and hard bread. She ate it and continued towards the cellars where her room was. As she walked down the stairs, shivers ran through her with every step. There is no reason to be afraid, she assured herself, and kept walking. She arrived to the corridor where her room was, and it was empty. No freaks, no Purple Ocelot, no one. Missy took a deep breath of relief, walking towards her door, feeling slightly more calm now. And then she opened her door.
First thing she saw was Ronny sitting on her bed. She froze. If she would run away, Ronny and his friends would be guaranteed to come after her. Missy gulped and stepped into the room, under the sharp stare of Ronny. “Why are you here?” She asked, keeping her voice emotionless. Ronny bridled, anger in his eyes. “Why, you ask.” He muttered and stood up. Missy pulled her right hand inside her sleeve, making sure her knife was still there. “Did you know that Matt was killed last night?” He asked, with disturbingly calm tone.
“No.” Missy answered shortly, and she saw Ronny clenching his teeth together in anger. “Are you sure about that? Are you fucking sure?” He hissed, every word oozing of wrath. Missy shrugged, and without warning Ronny smacked her to the face. Missy felt the knuckles smashing against her face, and a pain flashing through her body. She had to take a couple steps back, but she managed to stay on her feet.
“The bitch escaped, Missy.” Ronny said, shaking his head, a mad gloss in his eyes. “She fucking escaped!”
“I didn’t do it.” Missy said, feeling her body shake, but trying to stay calm. “And I’d like you to leave, now.” Ronny just let out an obnoxious laugh, once again shaking his head like a madman. “I don’t think so.” He said and stepped closer. “I think I want to see you cry, Missy.”
“I do not cry.” Missy replied, all the power in her words. Again Ronny just shook his head. “Oh, but that’s a lie, little girl. And you know it.” Ronny took another step closer. “I remember how you cried. I remember those tears, running down your face, when your foreign fucker screamed in pain.” Missy started shaking, she couldn’t control herself, she didn’t want to be reminded. NO! NO! NO!
As she saw the smug grin on Ronny’s face, she couldn’t control herself anymore – she attacked. With one swift move she plunged the knife to Ronny’s throat. When she saw the shock and pain take over Ronny’s expression, she felt her excitement and satisfaction grow. She pulled the knife out, and as Ronny tried to stop the blood from pumping out, she attacked again. This time she plunged the knife to Ronny’s fat belly, cutting him open like a fish. Blood spilled everywhere, and Missy was shaking of excitement.
Ronny fell to the floor, his blood flowing all over it. Missy dropped her knife, and looked at her hands. They were shaking, and covered in blood.
No decision
Uh-huh, what happens next?!
Have to wait a while for that
Oh wow, that part was exciting! I think I caught something interesting though and I am pretty curious if I am right. However, it is no doubt a massive spoiler so I will not say it completely but I will ask, did Missy always go by that name? Or is that a name she has taken since she has been in Kingsgrave? If that is too big of a spoiler you don't have to answer that either!
The name 'Missy' is a nickname given to her by Albin
MASTERPIECE. This is exactly how I imagined the scenario with giving Missy opportunity to kill someone. If you won't publish next part tommorrow, we RIOT
Really though, do it, hype is real :P
This was an amazing part! Definitely one of my favourites in the entire story so far. It went a little bit better than expected, but nonetheless, Missy is in even more danger than before. While she did not kill Matt the Mute, there is no doubt that the freaks, or at worst even King Albin himself, will learn about her killing Ronny. Though I think that was inevitable, given that Ronny did not attack her because of Matt's death, but because the handmaiden escaped, which probably would have happened in both routes. Anyways, I am excited for Missy's storyline, which grows more and more dire.
By the way, I think I caught something similar to CM3434. It's a suspicion I had for a while now and after this part, I basically see it as confirmed. Since I am so sure that this particular theory (which would be quite the spoiler) is correct, I don't want to say it here in the open, but perhaps I could send you a message about it?
Yeah, you can pm it. It might indeed be a bit of a spoiler to talk about it here. Though I kinda expect that many of you will notice this same thing
That was incredible. So far Kingsgrave's story is my favourite.
Oh god Missy... This is a dark path.
And I love it. What else would she have done, take the beating? Naw first step for missy to take on her way to redemption.
This was a very interesting part. I wonder what ramifications will occur. If any considering she is the mad king's mistress. There was not much that could tie her to Matt the Mute's death, but it will probably be hard for her to cover up Ronny's murder.