The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • You know Heffer is Spongebob right? If not, that's pretty coincidental.

    I always liked the one where Heff became part of his adopted family. I bought them on DVD last year. Great purchase.

    Is your favorite Rocko's Modern Life the musical one with the garbage dump?

  • You damned people that are younger than me and your youth!

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm 24! I was just restricted to programs supported by viewers like you.

  • What do you mean Heffer is Spongebob?

    Johro posted: »

    You know Heffer is Spongebob right? If not, that's pretty coincidental. I always liked the one where Heff became part of his adopted family. I bought them on DVD last year. Great purchase.

  • Same voice actor. Tom Kenny.

    What do you mean Heffer is Spongebob?

  • Oooh okay. My mind just went places.

    Johro posted: »

    Same voice actor. Tom Kenny.

  • edited June 2016

    Does anyone know how to fix this lighting problem with my laptop?

    I was going to play Tales but then I remembered it looks way too bright, which is weird because it wasn't like that before on my old computer and I have the same settings as before. Like idk the brightness is bugging me out a lot.

  • Guys, I need some advice.

    In TWAU, should I be rewinding over and over to get Books of Fables, or just play the game?

  • I don't see any point in getting all the entries, all it gives is an achievement. Everybody knows achievements are useless.

    Rewinding breaks immersion, it negates the point of having choices in the first place. If you really want the achievement so badly complete the game without rewinding first.

    Guys, I need some advice. In TWAU, should I be rewinding over and over to get Books of Fables, or just play the game?

  • Thanks Dom.

    I don't see any point in getting all the entries, all it gives is an achievement. Everybody knows achievements are useless. Rewinding bre

  • Vampyr's E3 2016 trailer:

    enter link description here

  • It probably depends on your laptop. Go to a search engine and type your laptop name and model number followed by "display brightness" to see if anything comes up.

    If that fails, get a pair of those things your avatar is wearing.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Does anyone know how to fix this lighting problem with my laptop? I was going to play Tales but then I remembered it looks way too bright

  • Thanks warp, I'll try and do that!

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It probably depends on your laptop. Go to a search engine and type your laptop name and model number followed by "display brightness" to see if anything comes up. If that fails, get a pair of those things your avatar is wearing.

  • papai46 posted: »

    You know what else is deep? Me into your mum.

  • another day ends another stress happens

  • Hey guys, which YouTuber do you like better? DanQ8000 or ChristopherOdd?

  • Today is The Day of Russia! Congratulations to all the Russians on this forum!

  • edited June 2016

    Russia cool but dayum was yesterday the day of Russian riots

    They were tracking English fans to attack and even entered their side stadium at final whistle to attack them directly

    Why do Russia and England hate each other so much?

    You think Europeans would be on look out for isis not eachother insane

    I hope this stops

    Today is The Day of Russia! Congratulations to all the Russians on this forum!

  • So after hearing about it from YouTube Reviewer Jordan Underneath, I decided to check out Marble Hornets. If you don't know what it is, it's basically a little web series that started in 2009 by a small group of aspiring film makers based off of the legend of the Slenderman. Except it actually makes Slenderman scary and interesting. It ran for 3 Seasons, had 87 episodes and ran for a runtime of 9 hours. Not counting the side videos posted by the story's rival channel, "totheark". And I thought I'd write a little review since this is the "Whatever's on your Mind" thread and this is on my mind. So yeah, uh. Okay.

    1: The Premise.

    Marble Hornets has a very simple premise. In 2006, young high school student Alex Kralie took on a large project for his school, which was to film a student movie named "Marble Hornets". He would go on to shoot the film with his two closest friends, Seth and Brian. And along the way he met Tim, Jay and Jessica. Since Alex was behind the camera so often while shooting the film, he began to develop an interest in the camera and recorded everything. However, about a week into shooting, Alex began acting paranoid, meanwhile Jay and Tim began acting weird as well. Events spiraled out of his control, and eventually he scrapped the film and hid the tapes he had recorded from the public eye, until Jay showed up and Alex pawned the tapes off to him. In 2009, Jay had finally decided to look through the tapes, but what he found on them was disturbing. Leading him to look for Alex to get some answers, but also getting wrapped up in whatever Alex was dealing with.

    Now, although the premise doesn't seem like much, the story is actually very well set up, and it only gets better from there. There's a lot of mystery, a lot of action and definitely a lot of horror, and for the premise to a student project, it's pretty well explained and actually well done. I'd give it an 8/10.

    2: The Story.

    Now, the full story itself is definitely very well written. Jay finishes the tapes, he goes to find more evidence, he gets sucked up further in and eventually he comes across The Operator. The one seemingly pulling the strings. Each plot twist is unexpected and interesting, each new character gets you invested in their story, each new fight for survival the character goes through keeps you on the edge of your seat, and that's all because the story-telling in this series is absolutely fantastic. Personally, I give it a 10/10.

    3: The Writing and Acting

    The dialogue for the characters during the first two seasons are, admittedly, atrocious. These are not things normal people would say at all, and there's definitely some really out of place lines in there that hardly belong in the situation, but none of that compares to the acting. The acting is absolutely terrible throughout all 3 seasons, there's rarely a moment where you feel like what they're saying is genuine, but I will give the actors props because whenever something terrifying or life threatening happens to them, they sell it more than any actor in the industry. Perhaps it's because they use practical effects for both the Operator and the other antagonists instead of CG, but it just feels like whatever is happening to them really is happening to them in those scenes, so I'd give it a 5/10

    4: The Antagonists

    Speaking of the antagonists, I suppose I should bring them up considering they're what the series revolve around. First off, be prepared for major spoilers from here on out. I repeat, if you have not seen Marble Hornets and are looking to, I recommend you do not read any further.

    • The Operator:

    enter image description here

    The Operator, or as the internet knows him, Slenderman, is seemingly the antagonist of the story. Spending most of it's life haunting Tim before the events of Marble Hornets, the Operator shows up constantly in the story for his main purpose, to haunt the ones he needs to. He's usually seen protecting Alex or stopping the protagonists when they get too close to uncovering the truth, one way you can know the Operator, or somebody who works under his control, is around, is if the person around them starts going into a coughing fit, or the camera beings glitching. The Operator has some kind of disturbing ability to make a character have a seizure from merely looking at them, which gets the characters into a lot of trouble. Nobody knows whether or not The Operator is the real villain, but we know he sure as fuck ain't good.

    • Hoody

    enter image description here

    I think it'd be unfair of me to call Hoody an antagonist considering he does help Jay a lot throughout the story, but his position really isn't known and his line between good and evil is incredibly blurred. First seen stalking Jay and Alex in Season 2, Hoody is a masked man in a hoodie who constantly follows Jay around and gives him clues to find his destination. Hoody seems to have a definite hatred of Alex, and constantly tries to kill him and help Jay and Tim achieve that goal as well. It is revealed in Season 3's Penultimate Episode that Hoody was Brian, Alex's friend who helped him with Marble Hornets, and the man who Alex happened to try and kill after attempting to kill Tim, who was also Brian's best friend. Brian/Hoody dies in Entry 85 after Tim shoves him off a ledge.

    • Masky

    enter image description here

    My favorite antagonist in Marble Hornets, Masky is... well, a guy in a mask. He's later revealed to be Tim in the beginning of Season 2, but before that, he attacked Jay and showed up constantly to haunt both him and Alex. Masky is an alternate personality of Tim, controlled by the Operator. He only shows up when Tim goes a lengthy amount of time without taking his medicine, which allows the Operator to get to him. Tim seemingly gives up his persona in the series finale by throwing his mask away, but his actions in the final few shots have left up to debate what really happened.

    • Alex Kralie

    enter image description here

    As I said, major spoilers. If you read to this point it's your own fault. Ahhh yes, the man of the hour, who is widely considered to be the mastermind behind all of this, Alex. Even though Jay started the video logs to find Alex, in the end, Jay was finishing them with the intent of killing him. Revealed to be the villain in Season 2's final few episodes, Alex was the first after Tim to be inflicted with The Operator's insane mind games. After Tim came onto the scene, The Operator was strong enough to leave him and head for Alex, who began to go insane. After he finally felt safe, The Operator killed Amy, his girlfriend. And Alex knew that The Operator wouldn't stop unless everyone with the infliction was dead or under his control, meaning he had to kill Jay, Jessica, Brian and Tim, and the Operator would now help him do it by protecting him. First he attacked Tim, which put him almost under the Operator's control, and then he attacked Brian who became thirsty for revenge, and his next goal was to go after Jay and Jessica. Cutting past all of the other stuff, Alex met his end at the switchblade of Tim after he murdered Jay in cold blood. Alex bleed out and died with one more sentence, saying that Tim couldn't stop it unless he killed the hosts and then himself.

    The antagonists were all really well written and developed and definitely scary, so I'm gonna give them a 10/10.

    5: The Protagonists.

    And now we have the protagonists. (Excluding side characters)

    • Jay Merrick

    enter image description here

    The protagonist of this story, Jay was living a normal and calm life until he got involved in the tapes that Alex gave him, which lead him everywhere. He traveled across the state looking to solve this mystery, and his determination was definitely high. Jay began getting more paranoid as the series went on, and even went as far as trying to kill Tim from a simple misunderstanding (but to be fair, that wasn't his fault). Jay met his end, as mentioned above, at the hands of a tag team between The Operator and Alex. Alex shot Jay in the chest, and while he was trying to escape, The Operator took him.

    • Tim Wright

    enter image description here

    The side protagonist (and a fucking sexy one at the that), Tim was introduced as a real character at the beginning of Season 3, not much was known about him before then other than he was Masky. Tim is the reason the Operator spread his rule to others, but for reasons not clear to the audience. Some say Tim created him from his own sick mind, others say it was just a mental affliction and the Operator was always real, either way, Tim started the entire fight for survival, and he ended it as well. Tim was also the last remaining survivor from Alex's onslaught, and fought bravely at the end when The Operator took him to the ark. The Ark has been theorized as many things, but above all, most people have drawn the conclusion that it's the realm of the Operator. Nothing makes sense and everything was mixed up. In his battle with Alex in Entry 86, Tim went all over the Ark, trying to kill Alex or convince him to join him. In the end, Tim got the two of them back to the real world and stabbed Alex in the throat. Nobody knows what Tim's fate was as the finale left on a strange note. He could have committed suicide, he could have killed Jessica or he could be alright, but I definitely know I won't look at the words "Everything is fine" the same way ever again.

    • Other Characters with minor roles:


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    Overall, the characters are pretty unique and cool, and I won't lie, Tim made me tear up with his fucked up past a few times. Poor guy went through hell. 8/10

    6: Totheark

    Totheark was the YouTube channel created by... somebody, and the videos created were responses to videos that Jay posted. Most of the videos on there were disturbing, mentally scaring and creepy, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have trouble sleeping after a few of them. Which is a good thing, that's HOW you do horror, and I'm glad they did. Not much to say about it other than that really, but the Totheark channel is definitely a 10/10 for me.

    7: Atmosphere

    This series is so god damn atmospheric that it makes Silent Hill 2 jealous. The atmosphere and creepy ambiance is insane in this series, truly masterful. The slow silent moments, the noises of the street while two characters are talking, the coldness of Rosswood Park, and those fucking camera glitches. The atmosphere is rich and amazing, and it's definitely one of my favorite parts of the series. 9/10

    8: Best Overall Moments

    Tim Vs The Operator: Season 3

    enter image description here

    Near the end of the series, it got really fucking intense. But no moment was more intense than the trip to Alex's house. After exploring for a bit, they went down to the basement, but even though they went down in the middle of the day, it was pitch black outside when they got down there. The Operator suddenly started chasing them, and while they were running, Jay began to have a seizure and broke down, but luckily, Tim came right back and protected Jay by standing off against long, tall and scraggly himself in what could be one of the best shot scenes I've ever seen in a low budget project.

    Jay finds Masky: Season 1

    enter image description here

    Near the end of Season 1 while things were still being set up, Jay came back to Alex's apartment to investigate, only to find a masked man on the couch. The masked man shortly after attacks Jay and almost kills him, giving him a narrow escape. It was a terrifying and absolutely heart pounding moment.

    Your fault: Season 3

    enter image description here

    After discovering the death of Jay, Tim finally goes on a trip to the Ark. Tim blames Brian for his death, so chases after him, only to be lead through hell and back in a dimension that combines all of the areas Tim has gone through with Jay, until finally reaching his own house, papers on the floor saying it's his fault, and looking up to see the body of his friend. He then goes back to chasing Brian and kills him, this sequence was one of the most exhilarating, fast paced and terrifying parts of the series, and one I will soon not forget.


    I rate Marble Hornets as a whole in the series, 9/10. The whole damn thing was amazing the whole way through, and while I did have my select problems with it, it was still a ride through hell and back that was scarier than 90% of big budget, triple a horror movies these days. I strongly recommend anyone who hasn't watched it to watch it, you will not regret it. But yeah, just thought I'd share that. Uhhh, whatever. Cool.

  • Why do Russia and England hate each other so much?

    History, I guess.

    It's not only about England and Russia. Football fans often fight and, sadly, we can't avoid violence. I think everyone knows that football fans are hotheaded and sensitive.

    I'm personally against all these fights. Why would you spend time on such useless thing like hate? Especially when it comes to a simple ball game.

    I'm happy for our team though. Such score is almost like a miracle, considering that England is strong at football.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Russia cool but dayum was yesterday the day of Russian riots They were tracking English fans to attack and even entered their side stadiu

  • enter image description here

    That match was so funny Russia only real chance in last few minutes they scored to make it 1-1

    If put my ear to tv I could actually hear tears of English fans

    England has no world class players but have a few very good players why fat rooney and sturridge/Vardy never played is mystery

    I think Russia to are lot better team then they played like yesterday to

    I wish Russia best of luck in euro's :)

    Why do Russia and England hate each other so much? History, I guess. It's not only about England and Russia. Football fans often

  • edited June 2016

    One of us. One of us. One of us.

    Yeah Marble Hornets is great. Sadly the creators Troy, Tim and Joseph had a really bad falling out.

    If you're interested, you should check out these other series that are inspired by Marble Hornets.

    • EverymanHYBRID (Currently on hiatus)
    • TribeTwelve (Incredible effects but uploads sparingly)
    • DarkHarvest00 (Currently on hiatus)
    • MLAndersen0 (Finished)
  • edited June 2016

    These fights didn't begin with yesterday's end of the match, but since three days ago.

    I think everyone knows that football fans are hotheaded and sensitive.

    No, not like that. Russians and English are some that always do fight. The first because they're prepared to attack people, they come only to fight (they make even fucking plans for this purpose and they started the fight), the second because those who come are often drunk in pubs and get easily violent (and it's not even a cliché).

    And some frenchmen were caught between those two fights btw.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Russia cool but dayum was yesterday the day of Russian riots They were tracking English fans to attack and even entered their side stadiu

  • edited June 2016

    So I had a sleepover with one of my friends it was great but... I'm so tired

  • New blog. Figured I should do something with my four-day weekend.

  • i watched a film lastnight called Drug Wars it was set in Hong Kong with a undercover cop trying to take down a triad drug op it was pretty good as it shows the dark underworld of HK and what happens if you commit crimes over there the whole film is in chinese wth english subtitles

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2016

    Jeez, I just heard about that Orlando nightclub shooting, they're saying at least 20 are dead.

    My thoughts and prayers out to the victims and families. Thankfully, the cops took care of the shooter.

    The guy's name is Omar something, a U.S. citizen born in New York, moved to Florida.

    They're investigating Islamic terrorism as a cause.

  • Goddamn, not another one. I hate that this kind of thing is so common in the U.S. Here in Australia, even the smallest massacre would cause nationwide shock.

    Jeez, I just heard about that Orlando nightclub shooting, they're saying at least 20 are dead. My thoughts and prayers out to the victims

  • Apparently the shooter, Omar Mateen, got really angry when he saw two men kissing according to his father. Knowing that this was a gay nightclub, I think there's a motive there. It's terrible.

    I wish this stuff didn't happen. It's awful to have to learn about this stuff.

    Goddamn, not another one. I hate that this kind of thing is so common in the U.S. Here in Australia, even the smallest massacre would cause nationwide shock.

  • That is because of how uncommon they are her. I must admit that - in the grand scheme of things - for all of Australia's flaws, we are ultimately a very lucky country.

    Goddamn, not another one. I hate that this kind of thing is so common in the U.S. Here in Australia, even the smallest massacre would cause nationwide shock.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2016

    Oh Jesus 50 casualties. 53 injured...

    News from the press conference.

    Jeez, I just heard about that Orlando nightclub shooting, they're saying at least 20 are dead. My thoughts and prayers out to the victims

  • 50 people? Holy shit I don't think there's been any mass shooting in the U.S. That's killed that many people.

    Oh Jesus 50 casualties. 53 injured... News from the press conference.

  • Yeah, it's apparently the deadliest in American history. It's awful.

    For now, I encourage further discussion to go to this thread:

    So it can be more properly managed.

    No_username posted: »

    50 people? Holy shit I don't think there's been any mass shooting in the U.S. That's killed that many people.

  • Horrible, it's just fucking horrible, no other way to describe it. My thoughts and prayers to all those involved or affected by this.

    Jeez, I just heard about that Orlando nightclub shooting, they're saying at least 20 are dead. My thoughts and prayers out to the victims

  • Okay, so this is on the lighter side, but BATMAN

  • TFTB's graphics and cast? SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!!

    Okay, so this is on the lighter side, but BATMAN

  • Watching right now. I live in Orlando in Orange County and this Domestic Terror thing is pretty uncommon here. It would be crazier if it was at Disney World or Universal.

    Oh Jesus 50 casualties. 53 injured... News from the press conference.

  • Thanks for wishing us luck :) though most Russians say our team sucks dicks, lol

    Markd4547 posted: »

    That match was so funny Russia only real chance in last few minutes they scored to make it 1-1 If put my ear to tv I could actually hear


    Lmao too true, they must be salty about it as well.

  • YES

    Can't wait for it

    Okay, so this is on the lighter side, but BATMAN

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