Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 8 "No One" Discussion
Here I made this so let us discuss. Based off the title I think It will be an Arya heavy episode which would be awesome and could we see the debut of Lady Stoneheart? Will the mountain kick some ass? Will CleganeBowl happen? This should be good.
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I'm so excited for this episode!
She's alive!!
"You're shit at dying you know that?" - LMFAO
Ohhhh! King's Landing! Shit's about to go down!!
..... aaand shit went down!
Damnit I actually didn't forget this time! I was about to make it.
Oh well.
Westereros Confirmed!
Oh F**k! HideThe Chickens! The Hound is on the hunt.
Oh screw you Tommen you CleganeBowl Co**blocker
Hahaha, Cleganebowl unconfirmed.
I knew it! Arya is Daredevil and got powers from being blind. I find it weird that the faceless men would just let her walk away, but I guess Jaquan was just impressed. Kind of disappointed they cut away from all the fights lol
Another episode that will definitely need a rewatch before giving any deeper thoughts. Though I can already say that I loved the Riverrun scenes, they were once again great, especially the scene between Jaime and Edmure. And the attack of the masters in Meereen really surprised me, and that shot of the ships using their catapults to fire the pyramids was beautiful. Otherwise, the scenes in Meereen were "just" okay - at least that's the feeling after the first viewing. Dany's entrance makes perfect sense - of course she'd fly in with Drogon - but the way it was shot felt, idk, a bit cheesy I guess? And I would've loved to see the dragons in action - maybe we can still get that in ep. 10? The Hound and BwB scenes were nice. Looks like they'll be heading North now? Or at least to me it sounded like Beric was talking about the army of the dead. That combined to Tommen fucking banning trial by combats seems to unconfirm the Cleganebowl - at least for now. And this still wasn't the ultimate "shit goes down" episode for KL, even if we got a wild ZombieMountain ripping off a Sparrow's head
The scenes we got in KL were good though (soo, what was this rumor that Qyburn talked about??), and I guess they have something massive saved for ep. 10. And what comes to Arya's scenes - some nice action, but overall nothing amazing. I am glad she is finally going back to Westeros though.
Hyped for the Battle of the Bastards next week
Oh yeah, that's true
It's funny, because there were lots of deaths in the episode, but it feels like we hardly saw any of them. Well, I suppose next week will more than make up for this weeks lacking in the action scenes.
Edmure always was weak. Im not super surprised about that but I was so hoping that he wouldnt just yield and Blackfish is just gone? Im so disgusted. I cant stand that the Freys are having any kind of victory.
I guess Jaime as subscribing to the Ramsay Bolton school of threatening babies. Yeah, that speech was straight out of the book reminding me of why I never warmed up to Jaime, But they added in the infuriating "Im doing it all for Cercie" element.
Idk what they wanted to portray the House of Black and White as but any deeper meaning behind why they do what they do was kinda ruined by the Waif and Jaquens end, in my opinion.
Didn't expect it to be so easy for Jaime to take Riverrun... And it's sad that Edmure just let him. Kinda hoped the blackfish would go with Brienne... But he's right. He can't run forever.
But I really liked the BwB and Hound scenes. I always liked Beric, Thoros and Sandor as an odd trio and it worked well in this episode especially. Didn't expect them to kill of lemoncoat so fast... But liked the way it happened. Glad to see the Hound may role with BwB for a bit until he finds out about CleganeBowl.
But that Tommen announcement was completely shit. Though I think it was to deter us from the hype. I mean it is smart on the sparrows end... But I was definitely hoping to find out that Loras would be facing the mountain instead of their being another actual trial.
What will happen next episode? There's not a lot of time left.
Oh, and Mereen was the low point for me. I don't really understand why Varys is going to Westeros unless he has the hots for Sansa and Jon. I didn't really think that the masters were attacking, and in fact the ships looked like they resembled the drowned God when they first showed the close ups. I understand that Tyrion is supposed to be the comic relief, but it didn't help with my understanding of what happened.
That Dany entrance was BS. She doesn't even get to mention that they are being attacked. But the brotherhood saved this episode for me
Rate: 7/10
Those first guys the Hound killed werent the ones who slaughtered the village right?
Nope just some random brothers.. Or actually it's not even confirmed that they were even part of the BwB. Maybe they said a line about the lord of light or something that I missed, but besides the finger in the booty "prank", he just walked up and killed all of em.
He got extremely lucky that he walked into Beric and co. Hopefully Brienne passes by them on her way since they are going north.
Thats what I thought. So he probably just killed some innocent guys because his blood was up. I mean, I never was a fan of the Hound and this episode hasnt changed my mind.
I have to admit, not my favorite episode. I mostly enjoy the Hound's scene. It was badass to watch him in action again and it felt good to see that the Brotherhood remains good and that they are heading to the North. Also Arya's part too. I don't find the rest of the stories as engaging.
But at least the Battle of the Bastards is next.
I have watched the previews and for some reasons, the scenes they showed us felt so different, higher quality and gritter than I have seen yet. Maybe because they put most of the budget on that episode?
I can't help but be a bit disappointed in this episode. I guess I was expecting more violence from Cersei choosing.. well violence. I do wonder if what she plans now involves the wild-fire running through all of King's Landing rumors. Perhaps she plans to burn the High Sparrow out of King's Landing.
While I am ultimately disappointed there won't be a rematch between Sandor and Z-Mountain, I am glad that he will be joining the larger battle against the other undead. His character really adds grit and much needed dark humor.
Nice that they left Jamie's threats the same as they were in the book, but the standoff was anti-climatic. The Blackfish deserved more than an off-screen death.
Thank goodness Arya Stark has returned. Here's hoping she doesn't die of infection on her way to Westeros.
Mereen remains as a low point, but perhaps this will set it up to finally have the momentum it needs. If the Iron-born arrive in time to assist with the slaver's ships attacking, that would be a great platform for an alliance. If not, we could always get to see some ships roasted by dragonfire. I just don't see a bunch of wooden floaties standing against three dragons for very long.
I'm really looking forward to the Battle of the Bastards. Am I a bad person for hoping Sansa takes a bit of a back seat? I'm really hoping for this conflict to revive the fire in Jon Snow.
Nope, the last time Jon really shined was in ep. 3 so I'd expect this episode to be very muched focused on him. Then again, it looks to be a 60 min episode with only one storyline, so certainly there is time for every character.
I am really excited for the Battle of the Bastards.
I'd give this a 7/10 for game of thrones standards and an 8.5/10 compared to other shows.
It kinda seemed like Arya's whole thing this ep might have been some kind of plan on her part? Like, the original target (Lady Crane) got eliminated, plus the Waif got killed instead of her, which "satisfied" their god. And that's why a) Arya appeared unhurt at the end of the ep and b) Jaqen seemed pleased with her and said he was "truly no-one," because it was all an elaborate trick of Arya's in order to prove herself to the Faceless Men and that's why she was just walking around casually in episode 7, it was all a ploy so that the Waif would be lulled into a false sense of security...
...or am I just overthinking this? :-\
I wanted Gregor to smash more f**king Sparrows.
Just rewatched. Rewatching in general always feels better than the first viewing, but overall I'd say the reason I felt disappointed after the first viewing (and a bit still) is because while this is a decent episode, it isn't enough for episode 8. I was kinda hoping the last three episodes all to be at least 9/10 material, but sadly this one isn't that good.
Riverrun though was basically 10/10. Hound and BwB scenes were great too, but they weren't the scenes that should've carried this episode - Arya's scenes were supposed to do that. And while I didn't buy into any of the theories after last episode, I'm still a bit underwhelmed of what we got with Arya. I liked her conversation with Lady Crane, and I liked her luring Waif into the dark room, but that's it.
King's Landing scenes were good, I especially enjoyed them on the second viewing, but during the first viewing I was a bit thrown off by expecting this to be a bigger episode for KL (with the "I choose violence" being hyped in the previews). It's clear though that something big is going down there in episode 10 - I think Qyburn's rumor has something to do with Wildfire.
Meereen was meh. It had potential for more, and it still has potential for the last episode. Scene with Tyrion and Varys was good, but I'm not sure if we needed more awkward drinking games with Tyrion, Missandei and Torgo Nudho. I'm glad we got Battle of Meereen, I just hope they had enough budget to use it for some awesome dragon action and naval warfare in the finale.
8/10 for me. Not bad, but I expected more.
Honestly I kinda liked it just because it showed that Clegane brutishness. Like that was almost identical to the season 4 scene where the mountain decimated all those "opponents" before he talked to cersei about the fight.
I don't agree with it, but I see the callback.
The Jaime and Brienne scenes killed me a bit. Right in the OTP feels. ;-; A bit disappointed that the Blackfish died off-screen, but overall I was too sad about it to really care too much. Hopefully by the end of the season Jaime will realize that he doesn't need Cersei and that she's not worth it.
Felt like Arya's story was maybe a bit rushed this season, but I do like how she eventually got to kill the Waif. Jaqen looked so proud of her when she told him she's leaving. I'll miss him. :<
Meereen was kinda random, like one minute drunk Tyrion is having a laugh with Grey Worm and Missandei and in the next scene the masters are fucking bombing the city. Not sure how I feel about Daenerys' return, her character is quite dull to me at this point. I'm looking forward to seeing how the battle plays out, though.
I'm still hoping that we'll get Lady Stoneheart, but that would require a miracle at this point. I'm losing faith in Cleganebowl as well, since fucking Tommen the human potato ruined the hype.
Overall I enjoyed the episode more than a lot of people seemed to do, at least judging by comments on YouTube. Battle of the Bastards looks promising, but at the same time I'm a little depressed because I'm 99% sure Ramsay will be a dead man by the end of the battle, and since Jaqen most likely won't appear again, I won't have any of my favourite characters left. I'm hoping it won't be as predictable as it seems, though.
Oh, I already knew he was a brute. I spent enough time arguing with people who think he's just a gentle soul who belonged with Sansa. Im not saying its not out of character.
Im just so upset about the Blackfish and Edmure giving in, But at least some good news came put of this episode. Cercei wont be able to use her monster to get her out of trouble this time.
Am I the only one that woulda been upset if he left w/ Brienne? I think it woulda been cool to see that fight scene... But it made perfect sense for him to die fighting for his house.
But I've completely numbed myself from the idea that CleganeBowl won't happen... if there is no CleganeBowl then the only things I care about (and ppl) are Jorah, LF, Jon and Sansa, and Jaime. I understand that it would be more fan service than plot at this point, but with the Great War coming I hope for things to resolve between the brothers. If not, then hopefully Sandor is Azor Azhai. I've wanted him to be the surprise savior since day one and after his fight with Beric, I want it to be confirmed. Him, Gendry, Jorah or LF.
It'll be fun to see Theon have a reunion with Tyrion. Last they were both all about the whores.. And now in their own ways they both have lost interest for the time being. Hopefully Gendry comes back to the show also...
Well, I'm terrible at guessing I think, I was wrong on many points and Lancel is still alive. Now let's see what's up in this episode:
-In Meeren:
Varys is on secret mission, book readers know what he's up to. He left just after the fleet appeared though.. Greyjoy will certainly handle the fleet. Daenerys ex-machina, she arrives just when the siege began. Those funny wit scenes with Tyrion are a bit boring imo.
-Blackfish forgot how to fight with a sword but also how to swim. :^)
-Do you think Arya's arc in Braavos was needed? I mean sure, it helped her character to know who she is. But did it need two seasons to be developped? I have the feeling it was simply to get Maisie Williams on screen for her fan-base to see her.
-Don't loose hype, Cersei only has to call a trial by Seven. Maybe that's the rumor she's talking about. KL's scene was cool, but Tommen boy, you should stop talking about pillars at some points.
-BwB didn't go full R'hllor extremist as I first expected. I didn't expected Beric Dondarrion either. But I wonder how Thoros of Myr is aware of the threat in the North. This river near them and Sandor pissing in it was maybe a metaphor about how Lady Stoneheart is considered in the show, but I'm not sure. :P
Yes I know, some rants in this post can be explained because of screentime (Blackfish death for example), don't take it too personally.
I expect he saw it in the flames.
And I agree with Arya's arc. In hindsight, it would've been kinda cool if Arya would've just disappeared at the end of s4 and made a surprise return at the end of this season, being changed to a badass assassin. Though that way we would've lost a couple of great scenes (like Arya killing Meryn).
The Arya story is a big part of the book (five I believe?) so I don't think they could have left it out. Imagine the outcry from book purists if that happened.
It makes sense that that stubborn old crab would go out fighting but I still wanted him to live and fight with his family. All this time waiting for him to come back and now he's just gone. I guess Edmure got his revenge for the humiliations he suffered at the Blackfish's hands.
I'm still holding out hope that we see Gendry again some day. We got Benjen Stark back for petes sake/
Something I just noticed watching the trailer for next episode, both before the fight in Winterfell:
Jon: talks, then: I fought beyond the Wall worst than Ramsay Bolton.
Sansa: You don't know him.
Theon: Lord Ramsay is the one Your Grace should fear.
Stannis: I defeated your uncle Victarion and his Iron Fleet off Fair Isle, the first time your father crowned himself. I held Storm's End against the power of the Reach for a year, and took Dragonstone from the Targaryens. I smashed Mance Rayder at the Wall, though he had twenty times my numbers. Tell me, turncloak, what battles has the Bastard of Bolton ever won that I should fear him?
Theon:You do not know him.
Stannis: No more than he knows me.
Funny how Theon turned as Sansa. I guess it's more than confirmed they switched Stannis's storyline to Jon at this point.
It didn't strike me as a huge part. If it was for being faithful to the books they would have kept her meeting Sam and killing a deserter of the NW. Also nothing huge happened during this arc, so I don't think there would have been a outcry, even if some people will always complain, no matter what's done.
this is how i feel too, except the lady crane part, i just felt it was set up by Arya. but then again maybe its just me wanting it to be more than that. man they really let this story drop..
THIS, this so much. i still havent re watched it but i agree 100.
did they specified why those assholes killed those guys the hound was with? i dont remember..
idk but to me it kinda was, or at least looked/felt like to me that Arya kinda planned that shit. i mean when she got her to her spot she seemed more confident and not that injured, soooo maybe thats what happened??.. idk i think my brain is making that up since i wanted to be good. also i think it like that since Jaquen was like ' oh you now ready to become no one" like as if it was a test. but who knows..
this. although that Mountain Fatality was fucking awesome, i LOL'd at that. actually kinda glad they didnt show the whole thing, shit would've been gruesome. kinda wanted all those sparrows to die
.... and yeah i hope something crazy happens in KL. the whole time it has been heating and nothing has been blown up ( figuratively speaking of course, or maybe not Kappa) i mean the whole season has been like that chase scene in 21 jump street, just waiting for something to blow up but it just doesnt. ( sorry ofr spoilers if you havent seen it..)
i thought it was ok. i wonder about varys.. is he gonna do what he did in the books? who knows it was interesting to see. also didnt the harpies just burned down all the ships?? or just Daenarys army ships?.. anyways that attack on Meeren looked kinda cool i was just hoping for the dragons to be released and fucked them all up, but i guess; hopefully, that happens in EP 10. Dany arriving was ok. but the reason why i hated, thats kinda a strong word, the drinking party with the comedy crew is that they spends too much time one that. like why? if they hadnt said that that they've are reaching their final 13 episodes, why waste time on irrelevant characters? how does it help the plot of what is to come? there is no time to waste imo, so scene like this one and the the bronn./spod ones arent necessary and just waste time. why cant this shit happen off screen? instead of another character's, a MORE IMPORTANT one, death (maybe??.. tin foil time Kappa) off screen or having someone else have more time. idk that just bothers me.
8/10 cuz it was a good tv episode, but since its GoT and there should be more important things to happen and all that other shit i use to "review episodes it like a 6/10
Whoa, whoa, whoa, so both the Blackfish and the Waif died off-screen? What a disappointing episode (I just finished it this second)... especially considering 'Hardhome' and 'The Mountain and the Viper' which proceeded this one, in terms of Episode 8's.
There's just so much more they have to fit in, and I don't know how they're going to do it, especially since Episode 9 is only at Winterfell? Presumably? (I don't watch the previews). I mean, Sam's not even at the Citadel yet. I thought he'd be there by Episode 2!
Honestly, these next episodes need to be complete home-runs, otherwise Season 6--in my opinion--will be even weaker than 5.
So far, it's just been endless build-ups that have led to let-downs:
Jaime Vs the Faith = nothing happened
Jaime Vs the Blackfish = he dies off screen
Jaime Vs Brienne = went nowhere
Arya Vs the Waif = she dies off screen, after a long, and rather stupid sequence of events
Even the one 'big' thing so far this season--the Bran, Night King sequence--fell flat, for me personally. It's just the fact this episode didn't end off with a dramatic, and epic last stand from the Blackfish, with Arya fighting the Waif... I can picture it now, with the music and everything, but nope. Once again, they set everything up perfectly, and fucked it into nothing.
There's still some great stuff this episode, the humour in particular worked well, and while I want to praise all the Riverrun scenes, considering how it all ends, I just can't. Ah, I need to move on... I'm sure next week's episode will be amazing, and blow us all away though.
It wasn't really explained, but this is what I expect: They were against Faith of 7 + drunk on power. They may have also stole something after killing everyone, even if they clearly left a lot of food behind.
Idk, but to me it felt like Arya came up with the plan on the moment. She knew that darkness was her one advantage and so she lured Waif to a dark place. I actually did like that part, but overall this just didn't feel like a great ending for a storyline. (At least I assume this was the ending of Braavos storyline.)
Exactly. I'm willing to give that a pass though, as long as the finale in KL delivers.
If you mean how did Varys get out, I expect it was just some merchant ship that was visiting Meereen. And if you mean how can there be naval warfare in ep. 10 (which I mentioned in my post), the Greyjoy fleet is coming
Let's just have a moment to check back on last words of GoT.
And now... to the best one
... WTF!
No but really. I liked the episode, I felt a bit disappointed in no LSH and that we did not see the Waif die.
But a nice episode nonetheless. I expect that the next episode is gonna be sick.
Prople complain if someone's armor is the wrong color, their hair an inch shorter than described. A lot of people from what I read were looking forward to this story arc so Im sure that if it was cut completely, we would hear about it.
True. They could've done the trick they did with Bran though - skip one season. That has worked well with Bran, since his storyline used to be many people's least favorite but after the skip he has been quite hyped.
ok so my "review" that i dont think it was a bad episode, just think that the episode gave bad conclusions to some very bad story arcs. well some of those arcs started interesting but were later ruined. but maybe they will be fixed in episode 10??.. idk. so it would be an 7.5-8/10 as a TV show episode, but really a 5-6/10 as a GoT episode.
the beginning: they basically confirmed that their shitty writing in the previous episode was indeed shitty. it was stupid for Arya to be stupid enough to go around braavos the way she did and it was, well just everything plain stupid.
The Hound story: well it started strong and honestly it probably was the best part of the episode. he killed those guys and it was funny as balls ( probably not as funny as the last guy's ball though..) his " your're even shit at dying" line was gold. Beric and Thoros coming back was awesome and its kinda nice to see that the BwB arent all assholes. but why did that Lemencoat guy go crazy? effects of war?
KL: and just as one Clegane slaughtered the shit out some one the other does too... CLEGANE BOWL FOOKIN' HYPE still LIVES!.... Pls.. anyways, them Sparrows lucky Cercei wasnt feeling blood thirsty other wise that mountain would butchered them all. i laughed my ass off when he ripped that guys head off lmao... goddamn it Tommen you cockblocking shit, i hope Cercei kills you. that "rumor"? we all think its Wildfire? i think so, KL gonna BURN. and this will be what seperates Jaime and Cercei. i hope..
RiverRun: did we need to see riverrun? not even a siege we got out of this so i dont get the point.. we just got an off screen death (OR DID WE??! TIN FOIL TIME!!... .-.) and asshole Jaime again, although he redeemed himself with the Brienne scenes. those were the best parts imo for that part. while i love Pod and Bronn i dont think we really needed that scene, it was way too long and it didnt add shit to the plot. Also the Edmure scene was pretty well done, but fuck edmure fuck..
Ohh Meeren: sigh... same thing with the Bronn/ Pod thing. that seige or Attack on Meeren looked pretty cool though. oh Dany got back RIGHT on time. well bring out them dragons already and make it cool. Varys is interesting, but i heard a dreadful rumor that makes me cringe in horror... he is going to go get the Martell's, or sand snakes rather, support since they rule Dorne.. wtf did they do to Tyrion this season??
and finally the Arya stuff: .... how did they ruin this so bad? no logic at all. in my head its that Arya planned it all out but the way the scene are shot and everything makes it not understandable.. just ugh dog shit. i dont get how TWO, well maybe only David, book writters that have actually done two, again just Benioff, praised books (from what ive heard) how can they go and ruin shit like this? like how? you're suppose to be good writers? how? just how? hopefully GRRM finishes TWoW so he can come back and set them straight cuz this is ridiculous.
man this is the harshes i've gone into GoT, but shit is shit and you have to be real..