The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oh my mistake wasn't sure on her age but no matter her age I always see that little girl so any romance with her I see as really weird

    That is disgusting I can't see how could call yourself a fan of these games and create this pedo fantasy of her is sick wtf

    But on bright side ignoring all that the game looks graphically better.

    Tales and GOT had solid stories

    They have said they have upgraded the engine

    This has the potential and resources to be best walking dead yet

    Remember TWD S1 only had budget of 220 thousand and that was best twd so far imo

    I just hope no cheesy romance between the two Highly doubt that. At most, Clem will be around 13 or 14 in season 3 due to the canon

  • Yeah you can buy ps plus subscription codes from game retailers (acts like dlc codes instead of buying the money cards) that's what I do its quicker as well

    So I don't need credit card if I get wallet cards? That's good. That was our first choice. I'll be sure to turn that off though. I agr

  • Had no bans yet so that's good

    From what I've seen naturally helpful and nice people get offers to become mods. Having bans on your name probably lowers your chances as well.

  • Watched Warcraft the beginning yesterday good film but not as good as the game itself

  • Yeah some people don't like the way Clem looks but to me it's not even that bad. She looks more realistic as opposed to the cartoony look from the previous two. The game looks way better and more detailed and seems to run smoother too. Can't wait to play it.

    Yeah hopefully the story stays consistent and doesn't fall hard like S2 did. I'm hoping they learned from their mistakes and S3 turns out to be as good as S1 if not better.

    Also heard that Clem's appearance and her losing her finger is determinant. So that's an interesting idea they added. Hoping to see a real trailer soon to get more hyped.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Oh my mistake wasn't sure on her age but no matter her age I always see that little girl so any romance with her I see as really weird Th

  • I wasn't playing a game, just watching youtube on it, so it should be good.

    it should be okay ususally after a power outage I rebuild the database just to make sure all fragmented data is gone

  • Do you need to play the game to understand the movie?

    Watched Warcraft the beginning yesterday good film but not as good as the game itself

  • I got a job interview tomorrow!

  • Nice, good luck!

    I got a job interview tomorrow!

  • Looks sick.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Bethesda perfect I'm so hyped looks like they improved every aspect of Dishonored and took no shortcuts GOTY material

  • Thanks, I just hope the timing is all prepared!

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Nice, good luck!

  • If I may ask, what kind of job is it? Like a manual labor thing or a desk job?

    Thanks, I just hope the timing is all prepared!

  • Part time manual labor. You know, a high school job.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    If I may ask, what kind of job is it? Like a manual labor thing or a desk job?

  • Cool, good luck with it!

    Part time manual labor. You know, a high school job.

  • I can't stand my fucking teachers. So this is the final week of school and today we had a assembly where people get called for awards like (Most improved, things like that) Well for some reason I didn't win a award for history, even though I have the highest grade in my class and I knew things other people didn't know.

  • I thought you taught history?

    I can't stand my fucking teachers. So this is the final week of school and today we had a assembly where people get called for awards like (

  • Thanks! Much appreciated, my anxiety is gonna be a bitch till after tomorrow.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Cool, good luck with it!

  • Wow, Italy played very well in the late match, it was artistically.

    Rooting for them evenmore.

  • I wouldn't say so, but there are some subtle nods that only game players will understand.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Do you need to play the game to understand the movie?

  • You got this bro. Keep breathing and remember you're great.

    I got a job interview tomorrow!

  • Thanks Flog, I appreciate the support. I'm pretty confident about it all, but you know anxiety, it tries to make you uncertain!

    Flog61 posted: »

    You got this bro. Keep breathing and remember you're great.

  • Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great.

    I got a job interview tomorrow!

  • Thanks Metallica, loving the support.

    Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great.

  • edited June 2016

    Has anyone ever played Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2?

  • edited June 2016

    Looking at Hilary Clinton twitter just for laughs

    So many posts blaming weapons alone for Orlando attacks and my brother today saying it was because so easy to get a weapon in America

    I live in Ireland a gun free zone yet I feel differently

    This guy had connections to ISIS he would always get a weapon no matter the laws in America people who want to murder will always find ways and weapons no matter the law

    By taking away weapons from citizens that makes mass shootings easier to kill more, as people have no defense and last longer if citizens cannot protect themselves or eliminate the threat. It will make serial killers more confident and less scared if no threat to them.

    We need perceptive

    I have friend who is gay and if he was in Orlando in that club would I have chosen unarmed or have weapon that could save his life and many others?

    I picked Armed everytime

    Especially after these attacks they need more ways to protect themselves then ever

    Some people blame weapon control, I blame Omar Mateen

    I love hear different opinions on this

    Is this weapons control in America fault for Orlando?

    Do you think the gun system in America needs change?

  • Good luck you will get it don't worry no more I promise :)

    I got a job interview tomorrow!

  • edited June 2016

    I must say, I find your comment confusing, as I can't tell whether you're using the fact that 50 queer people have been gunned down as evidence that gun restrictions in America are already perfect, or that they should be more lax, OR that people should actively be encouraged to take guns to nightclubs where they'll be drinking. Could you clarify?

    I have friend who is gay and if he was in Orlando in that club would I have chosen unarmed or have weapon that could save his life and many others?

    If a question like this were relevant, surely America wouldn't have higher gun crime rates than countries with more gun restrictions?

    That is to say, yes, if someone had brought a fun with them to a nightclub where they'd plan on drinking alcohol, they might have been able to shop the attacker. But that seems a stretch when you could limit access to semi automatic guns like the perpetrator had in the first place, like other countries do, which reduces rate of gun crime at the source.

    Do you think it'd be particularly safe to bring a handgun into a club where you'd be drinking every single time you go out?

    Should all Americans make it a habit to bring guns with them whenever they leave the house, in case of terrorism?

    Do you see any logic behind people asking for semi-automatic guns to be banned (which can kill more people in a much shorter period of time) but allow other guns still, or is that completely absurd for you?

    In addition to this, very few mass shootings in America are prevented by people carrying weapons with them wherever they go. So would you want to gun system to be changed to be more lax? Or make people mandated to carry guns in case of attacks?

    Because despite you using the fact that 50 gay people were shot down in a nightclub as evidence why gun restrictions are fine the way they are, unless people were reccomended to take guns with them on nights out, or gun controls made more lax, doing nothing won't help anyone, will it?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Looking at Hilary Clinton twitter just for laughs So many posts blaming weapons alone for Orlando attacks and my brother today saying it

  • edited June 2016

    Lost my shit on a close friend today regarding the Orlando shootings and ideas for new gun policies. He's been a real asshole for the past year but I never actually attacked him, but I finally lost my shit on him and hopefully put him in his place. Although knowing the stubborn fucking cunt he is, it probably didn't make a damn difference.

  • Congrats man! You'll ace it!

    I got a job interview tomorrow!

  • Do you think the gun system in America needs change?

    God no. Chicago's gun system is strict as fucking hell and people still get their hands on guns and kill people, and in Japan they didn't permit one guy to buy a gun and yet he took a knife and nearly downed an entire subway train full of people. People are going to kill people no matter how strict our gun laws are. They'll find a way to be the disgusting lowlife pieces of shit they are and not a single gun law is going to stop it. Don't blame the gun, blame the asshole behind it.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Looking at Hilary Clinton twitter just for laughs So many posts blaming weapons alone for Orlando attacks and my brother today saying it

  • Thanks Mark, I'm confident it'll go well.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Good luck you will get it don't worry no more I promise

  • Thanks Clemy, Don't know how it'll go but watch for an update tomorrow.

    Congrats man! You'll ace it!

  • Lot of people I know are being pricks about it, nothing worth getting into an argument about.

    What are yours complaining about?

    Lost my shit on a close friend today regarding the Orlando shootings and ideas for new gun policies. He's been a real asshole for the past y

  • Tbh I'm just excited about my drawing so I'll probably post it a lot.

    enter image description here

    enter link description here

  • This cheered me up a bit. Nice work, DLB.

    Tbh I'm just excited about my drawing so I'll probably post it a lot. enter link description here

  • Out of sheer curiosity, where those M & M's on the side when the video first started?

    Excellent work I may add too.

    Tbh I'm just excited about my drawing so I'll probably post it a lot. enter link description here

  • That's awesome! You might want to post things to this thread. You certainly meet the 50 posts requirement. ;)

    Tbh I'm just excited about my drawing so I'll probably post it a lot. enter link description here

  • Nice work!

    Tbh I'm just excited about my drawing so I'll probably post it a lot. enter link description here

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