The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Congrats, my dude!!

    I got the job!

  • Indeed, it's pretty rad.

    Saltlick123 posted: »


  • Thanks, the support from you guys really helped!

    Awesome, congrats.

  • Thanks!


  • It might be young teens that are interested in young teen clementine...

    Are you really surprised that there are people already shipping them, especially after the Cluke nonsense? What I find more disturbing are a

  • Hella.

    Fuck yeah!

  • Good job!

    I got the job!

  • Thanks!

    WarpSpeed posted: »


  • Thanks, pretty confident in my people skills.

    NoHopeLeft posted: »

    Good luck!

  • Thanks Lottii!

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Congrats, my dude!!

  • enter image description here


  • Thanks, I was nervous, but I got confident quickly.

    Good job!

  • New South Park: The Fractured, But Whole trailer

    enter link description here

  • Still gross.

    It might be young teens that are interested in young teen clementine...

  • edited June 2016


    I got the job!

  • I shall meet with her outside work to say how much I like her we've just got to find a time when were both off

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If you're already planning to meet up outside of work, that's a good time. First just chat and do some things and figure out how compatible

  • From now on, whenever somebody I know does/says something incredibly stupid or has a plan that's really fucking impossible, I will quote the one-liner Blade says right before he kills the main bad guy at the end of 1998's Blade.

  • Woohoo! Good job man!

    I got the job!

  • Congratulations!! Now just make the best of it. :)

    I got the job!

  • A big thank-you to Bethesda for uninstalling half my Fallout 4 mods over the weekend for no reason whatsoever.

  • edited June 2016

    Gravity Falls has ended and new My Little Pony episodes will only come out in autumn. So, can anyone suggest me some good cartoon series? I'm planning on watching Over the Garden Wall but it's very short and I'd like to watch another one.

    I've heard about Clarence, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Rick and Morty, Regular Show... Are they good? Or maybe you know the series that have just started and aren't very popular yet?

  • "It's been so long, hasn't it? I mean what was the last thing I did in Los Santos? Now that I see it once again, there's all these two-bit gangsters, mobsters and soldier wannabes trashing around in my city. All this fun... without ME? Well, big mamma is back to fuck with all of you, and it's going to be a delight!" - Killer Kate; Upon arrival to a new Los Santos.

    I'm back in Los Santos bitches! Woo hoo! I managed to get PS Plus so what I did straight away was get on GTA Online. The character editor is much better than last gen, my character looks much closer to how I envisioned her in my drawing (forgot to post that lol). And as soon as I got on, I was bombarded with notifications, so much to read that I got completely lost on what I could do in the game. First thing's first I went to all the stores getting whatever I wanted and I was impressed by the collection of clothing and guns available. Soon after that, I pondered on what to do. But then I saw events popping out like popcorn and participated. In one event with highest MPH I managed to get second with my BF Injection. With that piece of junk?! More reasons I love my clown car! haha

    Anyway, let's get to the more interesting parts. Down on a street by Simeon's I noticed what appeared to be a free for all gunfight, so on a bridge I stood with my sniper rifle. One of the guys died in my sights by another guy, and I continued to aim for a sneak kill. However as I was continuing to aim, I was suddenly blown up in a drive by with two bikers. Wanting a revenge kill, I chased after them. However they got into their safehouse so I thought I ran out of luck. Fortunately, one of them left session and one went outside so I ambushed them in return. I drove away, aimlessly around the same battlefield from earlier I saw two (on opposing sides of car barricades) fighting on the road. Feeling a bit troll-ish. I stepped on it and POW! One got ran over and I passed by the other guy. We never shot each other so I just drove away.

    After that I did some random shit like gang attacks to practice FP gameplay until I was invited to be a VIP bodyguard. I thought why not, I'm basically a gun for hire since the beginning with my unending greed. I looked for my boss and found him at the cemetery with the ponds (Nice meeting spot). I just stook with him not sure what to do. However we were soon attacked by a player in a Humvee and cops as well. We ditched the area after I did some pop shots at the cops. He then took me to his apartment and that's where things got a little weird. Being in a girl's avatar, you can imagine how my boss was acting like.... Heh. I revealed to him I was a boy though, but he still as persistent with my character. Basically he wanted to do the "it" with her. So, I put on my Killer Kate outfit as a nope. I left the VIP group soon after and did some missions.

    Returning from a co-op mission, I was driving around casually when I was soon followed by a man named Canadianbacon. At first it was fine but I soon kicked up speed and did turns to see if he was hostile, he sped up as well. And so the battle of two Canadians commenced! He chased me down to down a couple streets until I made a turn to my favourite highway, which leads to my (puts pinky finger to my lip) underground lair. Unfortunately I took a wrong turn. lol I went to the wrong end of the highway so I made a turn and passed the kuruma that was near me. As I got closer to my lair he began to shoot. As I entered my lair I threw a mine but it went to the bottom surface instead of the cliff so I had to dodge it. Bacon man also avoided it and so he followed me to the tunnels. I placed another mine and went deeper underground, but soon I heard a big boom with some bank deduction. I got him! And with that I gave my last words to him: "Mmm tasty, crispy bacon!"

    And so begins Day Two (this was yesterday's now). I was participating in an event where I must drive backwards for the longest distance possible. I was at Sandy Shores airfield when I participated, it was great. I was in second place. However.... the worst had happened. Some stupid level 30 chopper kid swooped by and blew me up! I lost event! Stuck in a barren airfield! I swore vengeance, calling my Mallard plane and quickly flying to his direction (I know I don't stand a chance with a Mallard, I planned to mini-gun him on foot). On the way I saw he was killed by another player. As I got closer I was dived out of my plane to soon find myself caught in a battle between two corporations. My main target was the chopper guy, Crisp (if I recall correctly). I was shot down several times by Crisp's enemies so whenever I got close to them I shot at them. I maneuvered around the hippy site of the highway, sniping them as much as I could. I was successful a few times. But then I started to get killed by the two corps a few times and the cops. The battle was then moving to the shoreline and with Crisp's team pinned to the waters with the other team on the highway. A train came by and I hopped on, attacking the ones on the highway, damaging them badly. I soon hopped off and ran to the shores and mountains, attacking whoever got close to me while annoying my prey. I was determined to make him regret interfering my participation in the event. Surprisingly for a level 30 he's pretty good, managed to get me quickly several times as the battle got closer to the water. However, something strange happened. All the blips disappeared as I was revived on the highway after making a run for it and getting killed by cops. It was too quiet, nothing in sight. Suddenly I saw bullets pass me and I ran taking cover behind a road block. When suddenly I was killed by an invisible blip at close range. That was when I knew I should be more careful, and so I avoiding damage as much as possible. Returning to the mountain, Crisp's blip appeared and I resumed my hunt. We battled further in an even score, but soon I gained the advantage by the convenient cover of rocks, attacking him on his area. I killed him one more time before Crisp finally decided to leave session. Sweet revenge, a success! I soon scrammed, taking my favourite vehicle the 18 wheeler and drove back to the desert.

    I later decided to join a deathmatch (Run N Gun) and it was a one on one battle. We were fairly even however he had an advantage with his bulletproof helmet shit. Instead of recklessly running around like I'm some idiot, I searched for a spot to cover at and popped out to attack. Eventually I started to gain the lead, that's when my opponent brought out the RPG. I taunted him, asking if he's now desperate. I then changed pace, running around the arena to flank his RPG spammy ass and kill him either at range, a few RPG attacks or by clocking him in the face with blunt end of my Combat MG. Eventually he stopped using the RPG and so it was back to bullets. It was a close battle but I soon found his weakness and aimed for his nut sack, killing him multiple times a row throughout the match between deaths. And eventually I won! :D

    I was then in a new session where I roamed around the city. There was soon a 3 man organization with jets attacking players. I would avoid them most of the time, hiding under buildings and between alleys taunting them. Eventually I got ontop a roof and use my mini gun to attack them. I was not as good at Jet Hunting as I used to be but I managed to hide behind a small cabin on the roof to protect myself from them machine gun cannons (seriously that's a bullshit weapon). They never got to kill me on the roof and soon enough they all crashed! lol So I went to them to snipe them in a distance to pester them in return but they left. Oh well! Less annoyance. :3

    In a later session, I was invited by a guy named Mudslinger to be a bodyguard. For once, this one ended up okay. It was me and another guy as body gaurds for him and for the first time I got to enter an office I heard so much about. It was neat! And we did roleplay where we sat at the desk while preparing for freeroam missions. We collected a bunch of crates from all over, driving in our van together and delivering cargo. After one delivery, at a warehouse, things soon got intense when another group in a van attacked. I rolled to the side and they crashed their vehicle. With opportunity I killed them all with swiftness. I could hear on the mic that they were freaking out at how quickly I killed them lol. At the trainyard on the opposite end we fought. I died several times when explosions began. My group in the van parked in the alley where I tried to get on but got blown up. But with the second attempt we managed to escape with the ability of "Ghost Organization". Something I never heard of but soon understood. Another delivery began by a pier which soon had interruptions. A jet attacked us and other gangs attacked us. I defended my team as they got away with the crates while I fought several players and hid from the other organizations. Thankfully, the cargo was delivered and it was a success. Later on, we were in an office with another gang that was friendly, all of us in a meeting (A Silent One At That).. My boss soon left and I transferred to the gang we met. It much more of a loose group however. Me and the Joker did some deliveries, even a tugboat mission and I got to sail it! But then the boss left so I was jobless again. haha

    However, I found a King of The Hill event had occurred and with my Turismo I sped to the desert and participated against two other players. I managed to get second place thanks to the cover of the barricades and a derelict kuruma. After the event ended I went to the nearby airfield and flew back to the city. As I flew to LS airport, I noticed a yacht being taken over so I dived on down. I missed my landing however and dropped into the water, avoiding two players until I surfaced and attacked them both and attempted to claim the yacht for my own. However, as I used my grenade launcher a little to avoid damage, I had one hit the wall and blow me up. XD So I was spawned back to the beach and around me other players fought for the yacht. I rolled and fired whoever shot at me before reaching a copter which was soon blown up. All that was left was boats so I attacked the others as I ran for it with the clock ticking, however as I reached my boat the event ended. v.v

    And with that I went on passive mode, took a newly spawned chopper and flew to my apartment to rest for the day. ^^ And that's the end of my post! Sorry if there's a lot to read, just a lot happened these two days. haha

  • edited June 2016

    For tomorrow, I plan on sharing a creepypasta I came up with after listening RE7's trailer song (well partly, it was in the back of my head but the recent song helped make it a reality). I made a sketch of 'it' as well. Looking forward to share!

    (Besides, I need to keep myself occupied lol)

  • Rick and Morty

    Gravity Falls has ended and new My Little Pony episodes will only come out in autumn. So, can anyone suggest me some good cartoon series? I'

  • I'll PM.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    What's your PSN?

  • That moment when your classmates talk about sex and you feel awkward

  • I feel you, fam.

    My classmates always use sexual innuendos, even in serious conversations. I know how it feels like.

    joshua007 posted: »

    That moment when your classmates talk about sex and you feel awkward

  • The showed each other condooms and were just talking and asking questions ugh keep me out of your life please:(

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I feel you, fam. My classmates always use sexual innuendos, even in serious conversations. I know how it feels like.

  • I started with the Resident Evil franchise a few weeks ago but I can't stand the gameplay so a friend of my plays the game.

    For tomorrow, I plan on sharing a creepypasta I came up with after listening RE7's trailer song (well partly, it was in the back of my head

  • What grade are you in?

    joshua007 posted: »

    That moment when your classmates talk about sex and you feel awkward

  • Eleventh grade

    What grade are you in?

  • edited June 2016

    eleventh grade? damn. I'm in Eleventh in high school and a freshmen in collage and sex jokes/conversations have been a norm for me for a couple years now. Maybe it's just where I live or the age is different for your grades. How old are you?

    joshua007 posted: »

    Eleventh grade

  • 17 years old

    eleventh grade? damn. I'm in Eleventh in high school and a freshmen in collage and sex jokes/conversations have been a norm for me for a couple years now. Maybe it's just where I live or the age is different for your grades. How old are you?

  • Yeah it must be due to the area I live in.

    joshua007 posted: »

    17 years old

  • i finally asked the girl i had a crush on and she said as a friend so i asked if she would like to be more but she said no thanks so i am quite stressed it was nt as i had envisioned i really loked her and was hoping she felt the same why does everyone have a girlfriend but me how come being nice always means nothing im fed up with being alone all i want issomeone to be with and to say "i love you" to but of course this never happens i walk the lonely road possibly forever damnit

  • I've seen a few episodes of Rick and Morty, and it is hilarious.

    Gravity Falls has ended and new My Little Pony episodes will only come out in autumn. So, can anyone suggest me some good cartoon series? I'

  • Does it make you feel better that I said to a girl I liked liked her but she said no... You are not alone my brother

    i finally asked the girl i had a crush on and she said as a friend so i asked if she would like to be more but she said no thanks so i am qu

  • Chill out. She's not the only girl in the world and your'e still young.

    i finally asked the girl i had a crush on and she said as a friend so i asked if she would like to be more but she said no thanks so i am qu

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