Now with the ******* being extinct the ********** have no back up anymore!
I mean the Boltons. House Whitehill stands all by itself now, no back-up So I guess Season 2 will be alot of Rage and Revenge from the forresters^^
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Season 2 will be in season 5 most likely, so I doubt it
And the Forrester's will be getting their revenge with what army exactly?
The terms Ramsay set decided the Whitehills had no support anyway. And the Whitehills are winning.
I'm sure the Whitehills are just shaking in their boots.

Still waiting for Season 2 to answer that question.
This is all theory at this point. Duncan mention in Episode 2 that they have no allies left. But the way he said it imply that there are still former allies of House Forrester around. Maybe one of them owns them a huge favor and Rodrik/Asher can call on that favor to shelter him, Talia and their Sentinel/Traitor/Gwen in secret from the Whitehills while they slowly start rebuilding their power and army.
And how they rebuild their army, they could start looking for those who deserted after Ethan died and maybe recruit them. At least that is a start. And maybe Malcom can lend a hand either with gold or sending soldiers or workers.
All theories. :P
That does not mean much actually, but hopefully we will win this war by Season Two.
I think that most of the whitehill forces were with lord bolton at the battle of the bastards, because in this battle there were forces of boltons and all the soldiers from their allies. Maybe, just maybe after the battle, house Whitehill are no longer in position to cintinue the fight, because even if they have still around 500 troops, they are no threat to new united north forces. I think that at this point house Whitehill has loose and will either kneel and beg for mercy or they will be slaughtered.
We haven't even had the battle for Castle Black from season 4 in the game timeline yet, so you're getting a little ahead of yourself.
I think that this battle either already happened, or will happen soon, but Gared won't participate in it. Besides, this battle isn't that much important for House Forrester.
It'll be set in S5 but regardless I doubt the Boltons care what happens to the Whitehills
I didn't say it was important. Just using it as a time marker. Gared might run into Stannis' forces north of the Wall, though. That seems to me like the only way he could make it south again without being hanged as a traitor.
probably most of the whitehill forces were in ramsay's army, the whitehills are just a minor house (vassals of house bolton) they are all probably dead, such as the umbers and the karstarks soldiers, they were all in the battle supporting ramsay's army.
Slight necromancy, but also with Dany and Malcolm coming to Westeros they've got good connections with a queen (screw you Margery, Mira did nothing wrong!)!