So, I was just looking for some videos to watch on Youtube...
And I just saw that LeafyIsHere got hacked. Literally, every title of every… more video of his has been renamed to "hacked by".
Probably no one cares about this, but... oh well.
Gosh, I really need to stop staying awake till 3 AM. I literally feel like shite. And I can't sleep now since every room in the house is occ… moreupied.
Note to myself; Step 1) Stop procrastinating. Step 2) Stop watching Game of Thrones in the night. Step 3) Slap yourself so you can feel more weak so you can go to sleep immediately.
While Leafy is a fuckwad 90% of the time, even in the darkest hours of YouTube, he becomes the good guy. But I agree in the aspect that Keemstar deserved it more. If he didn't have a daughter, I'd even say that he deserves to lose everything. He's a real scumbag.
The thing to me isn't about Leafy being hacked, it's about why these hackers are hacking youtubers in general. What is their motive? It seems like another problem for youtube this year.
So, I was just looking for some videos to watch on Youtube...
And I just saw that LeafyIsHere got hacked. Literally, every title of every… more video of his has been renamed to "hacked by".
Probably no one cares about this, but... oh well.
17 minutes left in the Steam Summer Sale, I'm going to get Left 4 Dead 2 and Subnaticua.
EDIT: Changed my mind for the Bioshock Trilogy, also got Civilization V.
I love all of my friends and I'm extremely grateful they put up with my bullshit, that means the world to me honestly. I just don't get why, and why it's happening now in my life more than ever. I just have no idea.
What makes you so worthless then?
My past and who I used to be. I was a fucking major asshole growing up and that only recently changed. I'm an untalented piece of shit who used to hurt anybody in my way just because I could, I hate myself for very valid reasons interestingly enough.
Be grateful for people who you have in your life, man. Don't overthink it(!). I am pretty sure most of the time you don't like/love someone … moreif you do not think they are worth it.
What makes you so worthless then? In reality you are a low life scum? Whose reality is it? Yours. If you don't like seeing someone hate themselves (and as a bonus for invalid reasons) then why are you doing the same thing to yourself? You are a human too. Go right now and thank those people, because tomorrow is an illusion, or a fantasy.
I binged on a whole series last night for the first time I can remember (not counting cartoons) it was awesome.
I totally recommend the living and the dead to fans of ghosties and gothic
The thing to me isn't about Leafy being hacked, it's about why these hackers are hacking youtubers in general. What is their motive? It seems like another problem for youtube this year.
Well, I travelled about 70 miles to see Flight of the Conchords in concert, only for the show to be cancelled 4 hours before! So I have no stories to tell
The keyword being "was". The keyword being "recently changed". Of course you aren't a brand new person, but you hve obviously changed and seen the mistakes (sins) you have ever done.
You did bad stuff (according to you, and I believe you) but are you doing it now? Past is part of your change and your mind, sometimes that slowly kills us inside. The most important thing should be to apologize to everyone you have wronfed/offended/used. Yeah, do it. And let people see that you are SORRY and BETTER now. Even if it is just a tiny little bit. You'll regret the bad deeds, which is expected, but don't let them stop you from doing some good deeds.
I love all of my friends and I'm extremely grateful they put up with my bullshit, that means the world to me honestly. I just don't get why,… more and why it's happening now in my life more than ever. I just have no idea.
What makes you so worthless then?
My past and who I used to be. I was a fucking major asshole growing up and that only recently changed. I'm an untalented piece of shit who used to hurt anybody in my way just because I could, I hate myself for very valid reasons interestingly enough.
Well, I travelled about 70 miles to see Flight of the Conchords in concert, only for the show to be cancelled 4 hours before! So I have no stories to tell
Happy Independence Day (A.K.A. The day you celebrate the signing of the declaration of Independance even though it was not to be signed until the eigth. And that the fourth of July was actually when the document was adopted, not signed; because to hell with historical accuracy)
The keyword being "was". The keyword being "recently changed". Of course you aren't a brand new person, but you hve obviously changed and se… moreen the mistakes (sins) you have ever done.
You did bad stuff (according to you, and I believe you) but are you doing it now? Past is part of your change and your mind, sometimes that slowly kills us inside. The most important thing should be to apologize to everyone you have wronfed/offended/used. Yeah, do it. And let people see that you are SORRY and BETTER now. Even if it is just a tiny little bit. You'll regret the bad deeds, which is expected, but don't let them stop you from doing some good deeds.
It's the Fourth of July, and the Spambots could not even be bothered to tailor their casino advertisements to be about American casinos. Spambots need to step up their patriotism on such a glorious day.
Just out of pure curiosity, I do not expect you to know this, but is that really Barack Obama kickin' that door? And under what circumstances? And who's dead?
ok now it's taken over the borderlands sub
Yeah, I just saw.
Well... I guess the mods'll handle it sooner or later...
It's gone now
Look away from the forums for 20 minutes and you miss a lot. I assume it either had something to do with porn, corpses or a combination of the two.
Well, it was just a guy that was making threads with the same title and context... and I think it was in Korean? I don't know.
So... you didn't miss a lot, actually.
Well, my friends, you know what today is...
enter link description here
It was spamming links to some sort of Korean online casino.
Fuck no.
enter link description here
Is all of this true I know about the trailer and AVGN but seriously? 0_0
So, I was just looking for some videos to watch on Youtube...
And I just saw that LeafyIsHere got hacked. Literally, every title of every video of his has been renamed to "hacked by".
Probably no one cares about this, but... oh well.
Happened with Watchmojo to
Yeah, I remember that.
Still, I think that Leafy shouldn't be hacked... well, kinda. Drama Alert deserves it more, to be honest.
I totally feel that. My biological clock is fucked beyond repair. I've practically become nocturnal.
While Leafy is a fuckwad 90% of the time, even in the darkest hours of YouTube, he becomes the good guy. But I agree in the aspect that Keemstar deserved it more. If he didn't have a daughter, I'd even say that he deserves to lose everything. He's a real scumbag.
The thing to me isn't about Leafy being hacked, it's about why these hackers are hacking youtubers in general. What is their motive? It seems like another problem for youtube this year.
Sorry we're not part of the great Britainstan Caliph anymore, you butthurt blimey.
I'm just gonna pretend I understood a word of that.
17 minutes left in the Steam Summer Sale, I'm going to get Left 4 Dead 2 and Subnaticua.
EDIT: Changed my mind for the Bioshock Trilogy, also got Civilization V.
... That moment you forgot the sale -_-
enter link description here
pfffffffft OMG
Not even the least bit surprised. Don't know what Telltale was thinking when they decided to publish a game that's not even finished on PC.
Reviews so far (for the console ports):
Yep, Telltale made a truly wise decision by publishing this game. Money well spent, as this is true GOTY material.
Well when you have an extensive past in being a piece of shit that deserves no love like I do, you tend to feel a bit negative towards yourself.
I love all of my friends and I'm extremely grateful they put up with my bullshit, that means the world to me honestly. I just don't get why, and why it's happening now in my life more than ever. I just have no idea.
My past and who I used to be. I was a fucking major asshole growing up and that only recently changed. I'm an untalented piece of shit who used to hurt anybody in my way just because I could, I hate myself for very valid reasons interestingly enough.
enter link description here
Did this last night watched nearly 10 episodes of death note
They do it to show they can
pretty sure it is true
Well, I travelled about 70 miles to see Flight of the Conchords in concert, only for the show to be cancelled 4 hours before!
So I have no stories to tell 
Neither are we. She may still be our Queen, but the Empire is technically dead.
The keyword being "was". The keyword being "recently changed". Of course you aren't a brand new person, but you hve obviously changed and seen the mistakes (sins) you have ever done.
You did bad stuff (according to you, and I believe you) but are you doing it now? Past is part of your change and your mind, sometimes that slowly kills us inside. The most important thing should be to apologize to everyone you have wronfed/offended/used. Yeah, do it. And let people see that you are SORRY and BETTER now. Even if it is just a tiny little bit. You'll regret the bad deeds, which is expected, but don't let them stop you from doing some good deeds.
Cool story bro.
Glad your happy.
Happy Independence Day (A.K.A. The day you celebrate the signing of the declaration of Independance even though it was not to be signed until the eigth. And that the fourth of July was actually when the document was adopted, not signed; because to hell with historical accuracy)
"The more you know"
I've come to the conclusion that Stardew Valley is the perfect video game.
I suppose so. Idk. I've been thinking a lot today and putting what you say into consideration, but I really don't know at this point.
It is.
Bugles have been gone where you are? I've purchased like 30 bags in the past 3 months, they never really went away here.
I actually researched this and looked 4 videos up on it for you to summarize it and anyone else who cares:
It's the Fourth of July, and the Spambots could not even be bothered to tailor their casino advertisements to be about American casinos. Spambots need to step up their patriotism on such a glorious day.
Just out of pure curiosity, I do not expect you to know this, but is that really Barack Obama kickin' that door? And under what circumstances? And who's dead?
Thank you.